I don't understand what you're saying about Rock Paper Scissors type Yomi... RPS is extremely 50/50... You're never at a benefit to choose Rock more often than Scissors... I hate RPS, it's a horrible game. And if you're talking more along the lines of
Rock is 7 points, scissors is 5, and paper is 3, (Kind of how good fighting games are laid out).. then I understand that point, but your argument about smash still sounds wrong to me.
And I realize I might end up arguing some of your points wrong because you're throwing in a couple foreign dialects to me, but, I'm gonna make sense
I dunno Pancho. What you're saying just sounds false to me. Even without discovering advanced techs and whatnot... while the game was extremely simple, the game always felt about outsmarting your opponent, waiting for a whiff and then taking advantage of their blunders, even back when roll-dodging would give you a huge advantage over aerials.
And to this day the game remains like that to me, and even moreso, as you're constantly looking at your opponent to the point that you're attempting to predict and captialize on whatever predictableness they have. Yes, once you have more advanced techs under your belt it becomes easier to roll over opponents that can't perform them, but by far the game's never been Rock Paper Scissors type luck.
In the game Starcraft it takes an immense amount of 'technical' skill before you can even begin to play the game at a competitive (where fake-out tactics and everything you like reign surpreme) level. And you have to most likely practice for months before you can own "Scrubby" tactics. Doesn't make it any less of a Real-Time Strategy game because of it though, like you're insuating with smash. Yes it makes it less appealing to get into, but it's renound for its extreme balance in high level gameplay. It's a different type of game, different genre's require different demands on building knowledge to be able to compete in them effectively.
Dunno, just seems that the better you get at smash, and as long as your opponents are smart, the more thinking you have to do. Getting beat by scrubby tactics in a game that's able to be competitive like this means that your knowledge of the game isn't developed enough. And just because you're good at traditional fighters (Which of course, have a lot in common and tradition fighter mindgames) doesn't mean your developed knowledge in "Fighting games" will carry over to something as drastically different from them.
I mean, you're saying you were beat by "Scrubby" tactics even though you learned some stuff... That means you needed to learn more about the game in order to beat said scrubby tactics.
Between 2 technically perfect players, the one that's able to use their experience in reading a person's tactics always wins, minimal luck about it.
Dunno, you're just wrong and I'm right =P
I mean, I've played traditional fighters, and I've never seen anything that makes them any more special than Smash is as a fun fighting game. You're constantly spacing yourself in them as to maximize your character's chance of being able to counter your opponent, which is simply technical ability. Then you're reading and trying to predict your opponent and then determining what type of counter tactic, whether it be a high risk attack, low risk, grab, dodge and counter to perform. I mean that's every good game at their basic level, and I don't see traditional fighters having any advantage over smash in that aspect.