I really like seeing these types of discussions. It's so interesting to see the point of views of many individuals over an online discourse. Although that is what this discussion will remain, an online discourse. One where we as a community are not face to face. One where it is easy to say anything, more specifically the right thing. We all agree with milk tea. We all want women to be accepted equally as men into the community. That is the general trend I'm seeing on this thread, which is awesome! It should be this way. But what about when it actually comes down to the tournaments? To the smash fests? Will you remember this post when you are entirely focused on smash and winning? I can barely remember what was on reddit's front page today, and I'm on reddit all the time. I will probably forget entirely about this post, probably this comment in a day or so. What this means is that you may think all of this now, but when you are at tourneys, with your buddies playing smash, and there happens to be a girl there as well, the discourse is completely different, and many more factors than just you behind your screen, confortably in the vecinty of your own home come into play. What are your friends doing in this situation? Do you find her attractive? Is she good? Could she use some pointers? "Hey dude that chick over there is pretty hot. Man you shld totally hit on her," your friends say. Do you do it? Do you want to avoid your friends embarrassment? Maybe you just all go hit on her, you know, bring backup. You may have read this general post, but are you remembering this? Probably not. And this is where we see our problem. Based on this thread, it seems that this never happens in the community. Everyone seems to treat girls with respect. But it still happens does it? Why is that? Because this community is huge. This community contains people who couldn't care less about this subject. This community contains people who for whatever reason aren't aware of this, and constantly hit on any girl at tournaments. And unfortunately, we come to the same conclusion for many things. What can we do about it? There are smashers all over the world. Some aren't gonna give one care about what milk tea says. What are you gonna do about it? That is just the consequence of letting anyone into the community. The most horrible person can be destroying smashers out there, doing what milk tea is deeming keeping women out of the community, and on smashboards saying exactly what everyone else is saying. So here's what you can do: if you see something like that go down, between said horrible person and girl, stop the guy. If we're a so called community, then we gotta step up for people trying to also be apart of tiis community. Tell him this is exactly why there are no females in the community. I don't know if milk tea agrees that this is the right thing to do or not, but it's something I would do. If we all did this, weed out all of the intentions to just hit on girls or do any if the things that milktea mentions at tourneys out of the people in our community who do this a lot, I feel that we could bring some change. I feel a lot of times we see said situations go down and we really don't do much, for a variety of reasons. "What will everyone thinking I did that? I dont wanna be a cockblock and stuff, I wanna be a bro. Better just not do it." I probably have been just spitting out redundant statements one after the other and not making any sense, but consider this reader. You are probably a great person who would never do any of this. But it's almost useless now to just to comment on how we need change without bringing change in real life. We can't just ignore the women who try to come into the community but are constantly treated differently. This goes for me too. I probably have ignored the girl being sandbagged during tourneys because she's a girl, and I haven't done anything about it. Again this whole post could be a bunch of crap. But consider this. It's just an idea from a random smash board user.