You're missing his point. When wearing the same outfit (the classic green outfit), it's impossible to tell the Links from Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures and Minish Cap apart, thanks to those games having the same art style.
Of course, the Outset outfit and the Engineer outfit would tell them apart. Same for Minish Cap Link with Ezlo. Otherwise, you couldn't tell them apart.
Same cannot be said for Twilight Princess Link and Skyward Sword Link, since both have different art styles.
However, I will stress, and not for the first time, that Link in Smash is a composite character. Sure, on the Zelda canon, they're separate incarnations of the hero (different people), but in Smash, Link draws inspiration from all Links. Same for Zelda and Toon Link.
I'd like to see you do better.
It's human nature to complain over trivial things.
Because Link wearing a hat will, you know, ruin the game forever.