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Micaiah for Brawl *Radiant Dawn Spoilers*


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I wouldn't call Micaiah caring. She isn't even reluctant of fighting. Unlike Eirika she doesn't hesistate to move things out of her way. She's a lot more original than Lyndis. A lot of Micaiah's good will came not only from herself, but her far sight. (
being a vessel to a goddess and all
) She is still caring and compassionate but she also holds hatred. I mean, almost every party member in Fire Emblem is caring except people like Shinon or Volke who are limited.

As for the guy with a Horseslayer, I had no problem. I review every enemy before even coming in range. I had Geoffrey and Kieran lure out the guys with Bowguns, and then had Marcia charge the guy with a Horseslayer and disposed of him with a Killer Lance. Simple as that. While super effective weapons are stronger, it's okay because everyone seems to live longer. That's why Fighters are even better now than they were before.

Radiant Dawn parts one and two are difficult, but part three is much easier because
Ike pretty much steamrolls everyone. The battles with Elincia on part two were also very easy because she's an amazing unit this time around. The rest had some challenge.

And I wouldn't put Thani as a Final Smash when it could be an interesting B move instead. Micaiah has other better exclusive magic.

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
I've lost nobody. Laura died all the time in part one though. Eventually I just stopped using her

I could never keep playing if Astrid or Jill died. Those 2 along with Nephenee and Mia (and Ilyana, but she's not very good this time around) were my favourites in the last game

just got to part 3 myself
I really didn't have any problems keeping Laura alive. Lost her twice, but brought her back both times (because I MUST have a healer on every map if possible) other than that, no problem.

Jill and Astrid are usless to me. I should have pulled Paragon before I let her die, but I didn't know I could pull skills off people until afterwards. Should have saved Maklov and Jill's too.

Agreed on Nephenee and Mia though.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Gatrie, Shinon, Titania, Oscar, Soren and Haar are 3rd tier in my game. I worry for my Dawn Brigade.

Final Smash for Michaiah could be summonimg a Tidal wave that wipes out everyone. Like the Goddess from FE10.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Anyways, how are you guys doing on your character losses? I've only lost Jill, Maklov, and Astrid... And I didn't know I could recruit Aran until I was like five-six chapters later in the game.
Thus far, I've lost no one, though I've restarted to save myself from doing so on several occasions (mostly with Edward - that guy is great, but his low hp and defense make surviving an issue when he does get hit - but a few times with other characters).

Fawriel said:
How much harder are PoR and RD compared to... err.. the one game with Lyndis?
Path of Radiance normal mode and Radiant Dawn easy mode are about the same as Blazing Sword (Lyn/Eliwood's game, normal modes). PoR hard and Radiant Dawn normal are more challenging, about the difficulty of Mystery of the Emblem (Marth's second game), and more difficult than Blazing Sword's hard mode (at least, the impression I got). Radiant Dawn hard is what was called in Japan "maniac mode," and is insanely challenging, almost as difficult as Thracia 776 (arguably the hardest FE game ever). PoR had its maniac mode cut out of the US release.

Lunadis said:
I mean, almost every party member in Fire Emblem is caring except people like Shinon or Volke who are limited.
I think "limited" is giving Shinon too much credit. Except for with Rolf and Gatrie, whom he likes, and Titania, whom he respects, hes pretty much a *******.

Lunadis said:
Radiant Dawn parts one and two are difficult, but part three is much easier because
Ike pretty much steamrolls everyone. The battles with Elincia on part two were also very easy because she's an amazing unit this time around. The rest had some challenge.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Elincia started as a third-tier unit, based on her stats, the fact that she had Stun already, and the xp she gained from killing promoted units. Between that and Amiti being like a better Brave Sword, she just tore through everything in that last level of chapter 2 - if it weren't for all the archers, she alone would've made that level a cinch.

As for part 3, its not all simple - Ike can only be in one place at a time, and while the others are good, they can still get in deep. I've come close to losing Boyd and Rolf once each already, and I've only done two of the part 3 levels.

To join the discussion about units being used, I favor Edward, Nolan, and Jill from the Dawn Brigade; Kieran, Marcia, and Nephenee from the Crimean army; and Shinon, Titania, and Soren from the Greil Mercenaries thus far (still debating about Boyd, Gatrie, and Rhys, pretty sure I'm not bothering with the others). I tried training Aran and Ilyana, but Ilyana is just mediocre all around (and can't seem to hit the broad side of a barn half the time...), and Aran's speed is worse than anyone else I've come across (it never raised since I got him, and I had him at level 18 by the end of his part).



Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Rolf is turning out good for me. My biggist worry is that the Dawn Brigade won't be able to handle the Laguz.

So, can anyone think of a way to stay on topic? :ohwell:


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Well the only other ones are Celica and Eirika who were in the two worst FEs ever. Also maybe Elincia (I love Elincia, she's awsome and perfect for Ike) but still Micaiah is an actual lord not just super important.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
*shrugs* Truth be told, I've never had much. Its too difficult to predict the Fire Emblem reps in Brawl after Ike and Marth. Too many possibilities, not enough to make them stand out. We can narrow it down based on their role in the game and overall popularity, but even after doing that we're left with about half a dozen feasible choices (Micaiah, Sigurd, Leaf, Eliwood, Hector, and even Roy, though hes the lowest of them), with little separating each. Plus theres always the odd chance that someone unpredictable will be chosen instead or that FE will get just the two obvious reps of Ike and Marth.

Fire Emblem is just one of the more difficult franchises to predict characters for, plain and simple.


Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
*shrugs* Truth be told, I've never had much. Its too difficult to predict the Fire Emblem reps in Brawl after Ike and Marth. Too many possibilities, not enough to make them stand out. We can narrow it down based on their role in the game and overall popularity, but even after doing that we're left with about half a dozen feasible choices (Micaiah, Sigurd, Leaf, Eliwood, Hector, and even Roy, though hes the lowest of them), with little separating each. Plus theres always the odd chance that someone unpredictable will be chosen instead or that FE will get just the two obvious reps of Ike and Marth.

Fire Emblem is just one of the more difficult franchises to predict characters for, plain and simple.

I agree with you that the Fire Emblem franchise is very difficult to predict character for, outside of Marth and Ike.

However I would rule out Leaf, as his popularity and importance is lacking when compared to Sigurd and his son Celice. Not to mention the time period it was released in, it would be to much of a gamble in my opinion to incorporate him into Brawl.

Eliwood, and Hector chances are slim at best. Considering Sakurai must have seen all of the Lyndis support outside of Japan but still chose to make her an AT makes me think that she is the most popular lord from FE7. I am basing her analysis of her popularity off of the Nsider boards considering Sakurai himself said he would be looking at the message board for ideas (I'm pretty sure he said that).

So if we can theoretically rule out Leaf, Hector, Eliwood, Lyndis, The FE2 and FE8 lords due to the fact of how their games were received we are left with these options.

Sigurd or Celice - Their would be no point in adding both of them as they are father and son and share very many similarities, the other could become an alt costume of the one chosen for Brawl inclusion. However including them may not be such a good idea since Fire Emblem has been released world-wide; and with no indication of Sigurd's game being translated/remade this may bodies ill for the so called most popular lords in Japan.

You could make an argument against my cause by bringing up this Earthbound/MOTHER 3 things to which I don't have a counter for, however since Earthbound/MOTHER has not had a world-wide release the inclusion of Lucas in brawl could give Nintendo the incentive to bring the series out of Japan for a world-wide release.

Overall it seems the only reason for a Sigurd inclusion is his popularity, personally I could not see Sigurd being entirely unique from Ike and Marth; who's sure to return.

Moving on to Roy, based on analyzing many of the Roy fans on smashboards it would seem the many of them are unaware of his game at all (FE6), Roy has gained most of his popularity and adoration from his Melee appearance and not his appearance in his respective game. Not to mention that Roy was added into Melee for a promotion for Fire Emblem 6 which can tribute most of his sales success to Roy's inclusion. Roy has filled this role, and what is incentive to stay in Brawl other than popularity? As with Sigurd I feel a Roy addition would be entirely to similar to Ike and Marth's who's sure to return.

Now for Fire Emblem the Radiant Dawn's star, Micaiah. seeing as this is her official thread I don't feel I need to elaborate more on her, though I think I will offer a more detailed opinion once I finish Radiant Dawn.

So in my mind the most likely candidates other than Marth and Ike are: Sigurd and Micaiah and Roy regrettably. Though Marth and Ike could be the only Fire Emblem representatives however I feel that after the inclusion of Marth and Roy in Melee, and the expansion of the Fire Emblem series's popularity now that is has been released world-wide makes me think the the Fire Emblem series will at least get one more rep.

Oh well, I hope this isn't to tl;dr but these are my thoughts on the Fire Emblem candidates for Brawl.

Side-note: In RD,
Valtome is really freaky ._. I thought he was girl at first but lol, whatever




Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
I agree with you that the Fire Emblem franchise is very difficult to predict character for, outside of Marth and Ike.

However I would rule out Leaf, as his popularity and importance is lacking when compared to Sigurd and his son Celice. Not to mention the time period it was released in, it would be to much of a gamble in my opinion to incorporate him into Brawl.

Eliwood, and Hector chances are slim at best. Considering Sakurai must have seen all of the Lyndis support outside of Japan but still chose to make her an AT makes me think that she is the most popular lord from FE7. I am basing her analysis of her popularity off of the Nsider boards considering Sakurai himself said he would be looking at the message board for ideas (I'm pretty sure he said that).

So if we can theoretically rule out Leaf, Hector, Eliwood, Lyndis, The FE2 and FE8 lords due to the fact of how their games were received we are left with these options.

Sigurd or Celice - Their would be no point in adding both of them as they are father and son and share very many similarities, the other could become an alt costume of the one chosen for Brawl inclusion. However including them may not be such a good idea since Fire Emblem has been released world-wide; and with no indication of Sigurd's game being translated/remade this may bodies ill for the so called most popular lords in Japan.

You could make an argument against my cause by bringing up this Earthbound/MOTHER 3 things to which I don't have a counter for, however since Earthbound/MOTHER has not had a world-wide release the inclusion of Lucas in brawl could give Nintendo the incentive to bring the series out of Japan for a world-wide release.

Overall it seems the only reason for a Sigurd inclusion is his popularity, personally I could not see Sigurd being entirely unique from Ike and Marth; who's sure to return.

Moving on to Roy, based on analyzing many of the Roy fans on smashboards it would seem the many of them are unaware of his game at all (FE6), Roy has gained most of his popularity and adoration from his Melee appearance and not his appearance in his respective game. Not to mention that Roy was added into Melee for a promotion for Fire Emblem 6 which can tribute most of his sales success to Roy's inclusion. Roy has filled this role, and what is incentive to stay in Brawl other than popularity? As with Sigurd I feel a Roy addition would be entirely to similar to Ike and Marth's who's sure to return.

Now for Fire Emblem the Radiant Dawn's star, Micaiah. seeing as this is her official thread I don't feel I need to elaborate more on her, though I think I will offer a more detailed opinion once I finish Radiant Dawn.

So in my mind the most likely candidates other than Marth and Ike are: Sigurd and Micaiah and Roy regrettably. Though Marth and Ike could be the only Fire Emblem representatives however I feel that after the inclusion of Marth and Roy in Melee, and the expansion of the Fire Emblem series's popularity now that is has been released world-wide makes me think the the Fire Emblem series will at least get one more rep.

Oh well, I hope this isn't to tl;dr but these are my thoughts on the Fire Emblem candidates for Brawl.

Side-note: In RD,
Valtome is really freaky ._. I thought he was girl at first but lol, whatever


Wow, that took a lot of patience to type. That is a good analysis. I agree with it. However, I don't think fanbase alone can save Roy. Just ask Ness. The thing is though, I bet only some of the "Fire Emblem fans" within the Smash community only know about Roy.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Illyana with the best forged thunder tome she can get is doing a lot better than a higher level Soren with the best forged wind tome he can get. Illyana's weakness is her horrible accuracy, but with a huge boost in hit rate and some support, she does well. Though Soren naturally has adept, so he evens out with Illyana.

And yeah, I don't think anyone thought of Micaiah as having the highest chances. It really depends on how much of a say IS gets on which characters, stages or items appear in Brawl. I know the people who own the characters have discussions over character choices and what not, but it's ultimately up to Sakurai's liking. He really has no problem adding or taking away characters based on who or who doesn't like them. Popularity is a factor taken into account, but that's only half the roster. xP

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
I would always love Ilyana, Micaiah has my hope of Brawl. She has to be in the game, she is hot like that.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Good analysis KK.

Side-note: In RD, [/FONT]
Valtome is really freaky ._. I thought he was girl at first but lol, whatever
I must not have run into him yet, because I don't recognize the name. And Serenes Forest doesn't have him in its character profiles - well, non-spoiler ones anyway. If its not a spoiler feel free to point me to him, but if it is please don't.

But if you want to talk about colorful characters, I was shocked at Heather. Never thought Nintendo would let a character have that kind of personality so overtly (what with her opinions of and relative attraction to men being obviously inversely proportional to the same with women, if you understand me). Not that thats a bad thing mind you - I quite enjoy seeing something like that finally allowed in a game like FE in the US - but it was quite surprising to see her reaction when I had Nephnee go recruit her, and things got more obvious from there (especially once she joins Ike's group and talks to Illyana).

Lunadis said:
Illyana with the best forged thunder tome she can get is doing a lot better than a higher level Soren with the best forged wind tome he can get. Illyana's weakness is her horrible accuracy, but with a huge boost in hit rate and some support, she does well. Though Soren naturally has adept, so he evens out with Illyana.
Really? Maybe you just got lucky on her stat growth, because she doesn't seem like she could compare to me (and based on Serenes Forest, her growth rates don't measure up to his in the more important areas on a mage either). Even with a high-power tome I forged her before the final part 1 level she still had accuracy issues, while Soren is just destroying everything I send him against, and comes with good ranks in all three magic types to boot, making him quite versatile.



Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
I wouldn't call Micaiah caring. She isn't even reluctant of fighting. Unlike Eirika she doesn't hesistate to move things out of her way. She's a lot more original than Lyndis. A lot of Micaiah's good will came not only from herself, but her far sight. (
being a vessel to a goddess and all
) She is still caring and compassionate but she also holds hatred. I mean, almost every party member in Fire Emblem is caring except people like Shinon or Volke who are limited.
You just piqued my interest.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Good analysis KK.
I must not have run into him yet, because I don't recognize the name. And Serenes Forest doesn't have him in its character profiles - well, non-spoiler ones anyway. If its not a spoiler feel free to point me to him, but if it is please don't.

But if you want to talk about colorful characters, I was shocked at Heather. Never thought Nintendo would let a character have that kind of personality so overtly (what with her opinions of and relative attraction to men being obviously inversely proportional to the same with women, if you understand me). Not that thats a bad thing mind you - I quite enjoy seeing something like that finally allowed in a game like FE in the US - but it was quite surprising to see her reaction when I had Nephnee go recruit her, and things got more obvious from there (especially once she joins Ike's group and talks to Illyana).
It's somewhat of a spoiler however you'll be a little weirded out once you do meet him.

Regarding Heather, either I wasn't really paying attention at the time, but now that you mention it...I do notice it.



Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Regarding Heather, either I wasn't really paying attention at the time, but now that you mention it...I do notice it.
You didn't notice? Huh, I'd thought the obsession with "pretty girls" was a dead giveaway, particularly after her comments about Elincia and Lucia in that base conversation in part 2, and Illyana in part 3. Perhaps you recruited her with Brom, and thus didn't get the early implication of it I did with Nephnee? Or can he even do that? I'd figure since he seems to fit her stereotype with men she wouldn't speak to him, which was why I sent Nephnee.


Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
You didn't notice? Huh, I'd thought the obsession with "pretty girls" was a dead giveaway, particularly after her comments about Elincia and Lucia in that base conversation in part 2, and Illyana in part 3. Perhaps you recruited her with Brom, and thus didn't get the early implication of it I did with Nephnee? Or can he even do that? I'd figure since he seems to fit her stereotype with men she wouldn't speak to him, which was why I sent Nephnee.

I thought she was kind of being "motherly" and nice lol. I'm surprised I didn't notice it earlier. I did in fact recruit her with Brom and she seemed really disgusted by him and thought he was hitting on her. :ohwell:



Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
A bunch of spoilers that just make me wish it were a month and six days so I would have the **** game!
Um, what time clock are you on? Do you live in Japan?

You didn't notice? Huh, I'd thought the obsession with "pretty girls" was a dead giveaway, particularly after her comments about Elincia and Lucia in that base conversation in part 2, and Illyana in part 3. Perhaps you recruited her with Brom, and thus didn't get the early implication of it I did with Nephnee? Or can he even do that? I'd figure since he seems to fit her stereotype with men she wouldn't speak to him, which was why I sent Nephnee.

I sent Brom because she would have died if I didn't. She thinks that Brom thinks she was a hooker or hitting her up for sex.

Okay, so should I bother with the Dawn Brigade? I have people ready for the third tier in Ike's group. Plus many 3rd tiers.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Okay, so should I bother with the Dawn Brigade?
Edward and Nolan become gods when they reach third tier so IMO you should keep using them. Leonardo is weak as hell even in third tier so don't bother. Aran has pretty good defense but Danved has higher defense at the expense of less strength (I was doing like 5 damage with him towards the end but he couldn't be hurt). Rhys is a better healer than laura and meg is just....... :urg:.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
I sent Brom because she would have died if I didn't. She thinks that Brom thinks she was a hooker or hitting her up for sex.
Sounds like her alright. Though I wonder why she joins you if she has that impression? Does Brom explain things to her or something?

Marthgreil said:
Okay, so should I bother with the Dawn Brigade? I have people ready for the third tier in Ike's group. Plus many 3rd tiers.
Obviously, Micaiah is a must, and Sothe you may as well use since hes required most of the game and gets a free tier-3 promotion. Edward and (especially) Nolan seem very much so worth it IMO - Edward is lacking a bit in defense and hp, but keep him healed up and hes a beast; and Nolan is just godly unless you get RNG screwed somewhere. Jill is pretty darn good too in my experience, though Haar is as well and takes less work. Perhaps Ilyana is worth using, if Lunadis is right, but my experience is the reverse of hers.

The others, probably shouldn't bother. Aran's speed is just too low, and Nephnee and Danved are both better than him if you want to use a Halbardier. Leonardo is too weak and slow (hes an archer with a 35% speed growth - not a good thing). Laura is nothing special as healers go and takes too long to raise. Meg is crap, Fiona is crap, the pre-promotes from the Dawn Brigade have inferior growths and tend to come out weaker than other similar characters (Edward and Mia > Zihark, Gatrie > Taureono, Soren > Tormod), and the early Laguz are just poor all-around, under-leveled and with low stats that balance them for the early game but not the late one.



Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Sounds like her alright. Though I wonder why she joins you if she has that impression? Does Brom explain things to her or something?

Obviously, Micaiah is a must, and Sothe you may as well use since hes required most of the game and gets a free tier-3 promotion. Edward and (especially) Nolan seem very much so worth it IMO - Edward is lacking a bit in defense and hp, but keep him healed up and hes a beast; and Nolan is just godly unless you get RNG screwed somewhere. Jill is pretty darn good too in my experience, though Haar is as well and takes less work. Perhaps Ilyana is worth using, if Lunadis is right, but my experience is the reverse of hers.

The others, probably shouldn't bother. Aran's speed is just too low, and Nephnee and Danved are both better than him if you want to use a Halbardier. Leonardo is too weak and slow (hes an archer with a 35% speed growth - not a good thing). Laura is nothing special as healers go and takes too long to raise. Meg is crap, Fiona is crap, the pre-promotes from the Dawn Brigade have inferior growths and tend to come out weaker than other similar characters (Edward and Mia > Zihark, Gatrie > Taureono, Soren > Tormod), and the early Laguz are just poor all-around, under-leveled and with low stats that balance them for the early game but not the late one.

Haar is one of my third tiers. Also, Nolan isn't promted. I figure I could slap Paragon on Sothe later and then Eddie. Hell, I'll give Paragon to Mist later. Is her Item required fro promotion or is it just if you want to promote her early?

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Gamespot can go to hell, they have no right of giving this game a 6.0 because it's hard.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2007
Colorado, USA
Gamespot can go to hell, they have no right of giving this game a 6.0 because it's hard.
Hahaha! They gave it a 6 because it's hard!? XD That's priceless.

In that case, the Pac-Man should get a 3. Frogger should get a 2. And Donkey Kong should get a 4. They're hard. Waahh.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
I finnally started my RD file...

Is it me, or those everyone has really bad Speed growth? As of now, only my Ilyana can double hit.
It seems that way in the beginning, but unless you get screwed by the RNG, Edward and Nolan should be double attacking many foes shortly (heck, it should be rare that Edward doesn't get to double attack, unless you don't train him much). Also, trying having Nolan use the Hand Axe from chapter 1 often - he can double attack with that much more often than with his starting steel axe.



Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
It seems that way in the beginning, but unless you get screwed by the RNG, Edward and Nolan should be double attacking many foes shortly (heck, it should be rare that Edward doesn't get to double attack, unless you don't train him much). Also, trying having Nolan use the Hand Axe from chapter 1 often - he can double attack with that much more often than with his starting steel axe.

If you can get past Chapter one lolz what is it the 1st 4 chapters if any1 dies....Game over

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Gamespot can go to hell, they have no right of giving this game a 6.0 because it's hard.
No wonder they couldn't get a grasp on the plot, I'd complain about the plot if I couldn't get past the 1st chapter too. At times in normal the game can get tough, however if you think before you move you should be relatively fine. I mean if you want to rush in in zerg chapters thinking your army is invincible of course your going to suffer repercussions, the review overall is lol, I mean how hard is easy?



The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Gamespot can go to hell, they have no right of giving this game a 6.0 because it's hard.
They did the same thing with nearly every game I like. Can the Easy difficulty even be that bad? I even find Normal isn't enough of a challenge for me most of the time (exception being a few Dawn Brigade chapters). The staff at GameSpot just sucks. It seems games requiring brain power always get frowned upon while generic slaughterfest action games like Halo 3 get all the glory.

How can they even call it a laughable plot?

Spoilers below.
I found my heart being torn back and forth when Micaiah had to kill Pelleas, only to be made worse when I found out his death was in vain. All of the turn arounds in the war were unexpected which only went further to make the plot less predictable. How can they find this laughable?
What's worse is they give perfect 10s to a game that has plot where you play as "Generic CoolGuy McBadass destroying an Alien Colony before they destroy/take over/exploit Earth". Fools. D:
I finnally started my RD file...

Is it me, or those everyone has really bad Speed growth? As of now, only my Ilyana can double hit.
Edward and Sothe are the only notable Dawn Brigade starters I can think of who will be double attacking consistantly. Nolan is apparently capable of the same, but I've only seen him double attack a few times in any of my play throughs. It seems this time they brought up the minimum speed across all units dramatically. They put a limit on which classes can double attack on average. Of course there are characters like Nephenee who defy their class and have amazing speed anyways. xP

In my opinion, I'm glad the series went back to being this way.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
If you can get past Chapter one lolz what is it the 1st 4 chapters if any1 dies....Game over
I think its just Micaiah and Sothe, actually. But anyway, the challenging chapters don't even start until 2, since the choke points are more than sufficient to make the prologue and chapter 1 easy (especially chapter 1, since Nolan comes at level 11). And even then, if you're fairly skilled at tactical games it shouldn't take much to get used to the cautious playing the Dawn Brigade requires to win their chapters.

And if you're playing on easy mode, theres just no excuse for not getting past the early chapters. Seriously, even though its the Japanese normal mode, normal modes on the US FEs have never been particularly challenging until late in the game at the least.

And yeah, Gamespot's rating is such BS. Making the game harder is a good thing - great, even, since difficulty has been a complaint of many fans since the GBA games. If you're new, just play on easy to get the hang of things, then enjoy the challenge of the higher difficulties.


Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
I honestly can't wait till I finish the game and challenge it again on Hard mode, though their are some chapters I know I'm going to loathe like I did while playing through this play through.

I've just started Part 4, it's very interesting.



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Here is something many Micaiah "fans" hgave overlooked, she has Roy-syndrome.

Before I go on to discuss Micaiah, let me talk to you all about what is called “Roy-syndrome.” Roy-syndrome is basically a Fire Emblem character that is popular among the Smash Bros. fanbase, but is disliked among Fire Emblem fans. Most of Roy’s fans are fans of him because of Melee. People who have played Sword of Seal’s have a negative opinion of him for his weak stats and lack of character. This can also apply to any character that was/will be placed into Brawl for promotion reasons, but will be disliked or hated when their actual game comes out or by actual fans of the series.

Micaiah’s popularity basically exploded the moment Lyn was deconfirmed as an Assist Tropy, I know because I was there to see it happen. Most of her fans, like Roy’s, have not played her game and simply judge her on aesthetics alone and the fact she is a female lord mage. Upon, her game actually being played by North American Fire Emblem fans, I can see her beginning to develop Roy-syndrome. She is described as being a very weak lord with a poor personality, and many people feel that the part of the game she was the sole lord in was the weakest part in Radiant Dawn.

Also, many of her supporters have not played her game, and insist that placing her in Brawl would help promote Radiant Dawn. If people were to play Radiant Dawn as a result of her inclusion in Brawl, she would likely leave the same sour taste in the gamer’s mouth that Roy did as Japanese gamers were enticed by his inclusion in Melee. This would then set her up for being a character at the top of the chopping block lists in SSB4, thus completing the Roy-syndrome cycle. Many of her supporters complain the fact that they do not want Fire Emblem to only be represented by sword-fighters, despite the fact the series icon ironically is a sword (Falchion to be precise).

Since she is a “now or never” character, he fans are extremely vicious and rabid and seek to undermine any support for other likely Fire Emblem contenders such as Eliwood or Sigurd. They have been successful in doing just that as most rosters written by people on the Smash Bros. messages boards include her as the third Fire Emblem character. She is precisely the embodiment of what is wrong with supporting a character for the sake of being female. She added nothing to her series, and the continent of Tellius is already represented with the much, more popular Ike, who starred in two games. I see as Jugdral and Elibe more deserving of a playable representative, than Tellius is deserving of a second one. We will see in the upcoming months as to whether Sakurai and his team feel the same way.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Here is something many Micaiah "fans" hgave overlooked, she has Roy-syndrome.

Before I go on to discuss Micaiah, let me talk to you all about what is called “Roy-syndrome.” Roy-syndrome is basically a Fire Emblem character that is popular among the Smash Bros. fanbase, but is disliked among Fire Emblem fans. Most of Roy’s fans are fans of him because of Melee. People who have played Sword of Seal’s have a negative opinion of him for his weak stats and lack of character. This can also apply to any character that was/will be placed into Brawl for promotion reasons, but will be disliked or hated when their actual game comes out or by actual fans of the series.

Could you give me a list of all Fire Emblem characters that fall under this Roy syndrome? Also could you give me proof that Micaiah is disliked among the Fire Emblem fans; stating things like this without having sources to back up your claim make me think that your just trying to have an an opinion for an entire audience, which you do not, you only have an opinion for yourself. Explain how Micaiah has weak stats when compared to Roy; she has a low speed growth I will admit that, however as she can one round mounted units, and knights, she can be very effective in battle as long as you don't throw her into the front lines. In Roy's game, The Sword of Seals, Roy had so much troubling killing things even when using his prf weapon the Rapier as well as being locked into the weakest weapon type in the game; Micaiah does not have the same problems as Roy and cannot be compared on the level your talking about. Your also stating your opinion as a fact which is is not.

Micaiah’s popularity basically exploded the moment Lyn was deconfirmed as an Assist Tropy, I know because I was there to see it happen. Most of her fans, like Roy’s, have not played her game and simply judge her on aesthetics alone and the fact she is a female lord mage. Upon, her game actually being played by North American Fire Emblem fans, I can see her beginning to develop Roy-syndrome. She is described as being a very weak lord with a poor personality, and many people feel that the part of the game she was the sole lord in was the weakest part in Radiant Dawn.

I will agree that Micaiah's popularity did skyrocket a few days after Lyndis was deconfirmed, and I will not deny that many people rooting for her did so because she was female and a unique magic spell caster, also it is common knowledge that many people have a dislike for so many sword users, that is why they gave support to Micaiah. Again you bring up this Roy syndrome which to be perfectly honest only apply to Roy. Micaiah doesn't have the same faults, also could you point out where and when someone of creditability said that Micaiah has a poor personality. It seems like you haven't researched Radiant Dawn or played very much of it to be perfectly honest so I can only take your opinion so far.

Also, many of her supporters have not played her game, and insist that placing her in Brawl would help promote Radiant Dawn. If people were to play Radiant Dawn as a result of her inclusion in Brawl, she would likely leave the same sour taste in the gamer’s mouth that Roy did as Japanese gamers were enticed by his inclusion in Melee. This would then set her up for being a character at the top of the chopping block lists in SSB4, thus completing the Roy-syndrome cycle. Many of her supporters complain the fact that they do not want Fire Emblem to only be represented by sword-fighters, despite the fact the series icon ironically is a sword (Falchion to be precise).

Again your stating your opinion as a fact which is it not. Adding Micaiah who is featured in Radiant Dawn would increase the sales of the game, this was proven to be a fact with how well Roy's game sold. She does not suffer from the same faults Roy does, in fact you seem to be giving me the impression that Micaiah and Roy are the same person in your eyes, the only thing they would share in common is being from the most recent Fire Emblem, being added into Brawl. Also why on earth did you say "despite the face the series icon ironically is a sword", it makes absolutely no sense it doesn't even pertain to anything you just said.

Since she is a “now or never” character, he fans are extremely vicious and rabid and seek to undermine any support for other likely Fire Emblem contenders such as Eliwood or Sigurd. They have been successful in doing just that as most rosters written by people on the Smash Bros. messages boards include her as the third Fire Emblem character. She is precisely the embodiment of what is wrong with supporting a character for the sake of being female. She added nothing to her series, and the continent of Tellius is already represented with the much, more popular Ike, who starred in two games. I see as Jugdral and Elibe more deserving of a playable representative, than Tellius is deserving of a second one. We will see in the upcoming months as to whether Sakurai and his team feel the same way.
Now, now you have no idea of predicting the future, as in if the actually will be another SSB game, as well as predicting how Micaiah's going to be recived 2,3,4, 5 years down the road. Honestly Eliwood is not a likely candidate as in my personal opinion he would be either to similar to Roy or Sigurd.

Also tell me what ideals people should follow then supporting a character? Who are you to make up those rules which people should abide by before supporting such and such a character? Also I do not feel that this whole "continent" theory holds much water at all, I mean should the lords from FE2 and FE8 get in just because they're from a different continent?

I was expecting alot better from you after your Eliwood thread failed miserably after you could not or would not answer, what unique qualities Eliwood bring to the table that Sigrud and Roy don't already bring. Spewing your opinion like it's an absolute fact, attacking a character because you don't like her personally.

You argument was not very good at all.

*comments in quote highlighted in bold




Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006

I was expecting alot better from you after your Eliwood thread failed miserably after you could not or would not answer, what unique qualities Eliwood bring to the table that Sigrud and Roy don't already bring. Spewing your opinion like it's an absolute fact, attacking a character because you don't like her personally.

You argument was not very good at all.

*comments in quote highlighted in bold


I did give you a straight answer as to how Eliwood would be unique but you kept letting your fanboyism blind you. Also, my thread failed as a reuslt of so many Micaiah fanboys attacking it. I will also give you links to all the topics stating that Micaiah is a poor lord. However, I need get to college in a few minutes.,



Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
I honestly can't wait till I finish the game and challenge it again on Hard mode, though their are some chapters I know I'm going to loathe like I did while playing through this play through.
Likewise - if it really is the equivalent of Japan's maniac mode, it ought to be the most challenging thing I've ever experience in a Fire Emblem game, which will be quite fun. I'll probably do a new play through of PoR first though, for the transfer benefits (the file I transfered to my present one only had Ike at level 20, so hes the only character who got benefits to his stats).


Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
I did give you a straight answer as to how Eliwood would be unique but you kept letting your fanboyism blind you. Also, my thread failed as a reuslt of so many Micaiah fanboys attacking it. I will also give you links to all the topics stating that Micaiah is a poor lord. However, I need get to college in a few minutes.,

I look forward to your supposed "evidence". Though to be perfectly honest, your 100% responsible to what happen to your thread you continued to talk about this Micaiah issue even though I and I think some others wanted to get away from it.

Anyway on a more personal level, have you played Radiant Dawn, if so what did you think of it as a whole, disregarding this Micaiah thing at this moment?

Zevox, I really hope that it's as hard at Japan's manic mode. The most challenging FE I've played was FE7's Hector Hard Mode, which I got stuck on Cog of Destiny for a while due to not having enough units with a strong resistance stat -_-.

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