Here is something many Micaiah "fans" hgave overlooked, she has Roy-syndrome.
Before I go on to discuss Micaiah, let me talk to you all about what is called “Roy-syndrome.” Roy-syndrome is basically a Fire Emblem character that is popular among the Smash Bros. fanbase, but is disliked among Fire Emblem fans. Most of Roy’s fans are fans of him because of Melee. People who have played Sword of Seal’s have a negative opinion of him for his weak stats and lack of character. This can also apply to any character that was/will be placed into Brawl for promotion reasons, but will be disliked or hated when their actual game comes out or by actual fans of the series.
Could you give me a list of all Fire Emblem characters that fall under this Roy syndrome? Also could you give me proof that Micaiah is disliked among the Fire Emblem fans; stating things like this without having sources to back up your claim make me think that your just trying to have an an opinion for an entire audience, which you do not, you only have an opinion for yourself. Explain how Micaiah has weak stats when compared to Roy; she has a low speed growth I will admit that, however as she can one round mounted units, and knights, she can be very effective in battle as long as you don't throw her into the front lines. In Roy's game, The Sword of Seals, Roy had so much troubling killing things even when using his prf weapon the Rapier as well as being locked into the weakest weapon type in the game; Micaiah does not have the same problems as Roy and cannot be compared on the level your talking about. Your also stating your opinion as a fact which is is not.
Micaiah’s popularity basically exploded the moment Lyn was deconfirmed as an Assist Tropy, I know because I was there to see it happen. Most of her fans, like Roy’s, have not played her game and simply judge her on aesthetics alone and the fact she is a female lord mage. Upon, her game actually being played by North American Fire Emblem fans, I can see her beginning to develop Roy-syndrome. She is described as being a very weak lord with a poor personality, and many people feel that the part of the game she was the sole lord in was the weakest part in Radiant Dawn.
I will agree that Micaiah's popularity did skyrocket a few days after Lyndis was deconfirmed, and I will not deny that many people rooting for her did so because she was female and a unique magic spell caster, also it is common knowledge that many people have a dislike for so many sword users, that is why they gave support to Micaiah. Again you bring up this Roy syndrome which to be perfectly honest only apply to Roy. Micaiah doesn't have the same faults, also could you point out where and when someone of creditability said that Micaiah has a poor personality. It seems like you haven't researched Radiant Dawn or played very much of it to be perfectly honest so I can only take your opinion so far.
Also, many of her supporters have not played her game, and insist that placing her in Brawl would help promote Radiant Dawn. If people were to play Radiant Dawn as a result of her inclusion in Brawl, she would likely leave the same sour taste in the gamer’s mouth that Roy did as Japanese gamers were enticed by his inclusion in Melee. This would then set her up for being a character at the top of the chopping block lists in SSB4, thus completing the Roy-syndrome cycle. Many of her supporters complain the fact that they do not want Fire Emblem to only be represented by sword-fighters, despite the fact the series icon ironically is a sword (Falchion to be precise).
Again your stating your opinion as a fact which is it not. Adding Micaiah who is featured in Radiant Dawn would increase the sales of the game, this was proven to be a fact with how well Roy's game sold. She does not suffer from the same faults Roy does, in fact you seem to be giving me the impression that Micaiah and Roy are the same person in your eyes, the only thing they would share in common is being from the most recent Fire Emblem, being added into Brawl. Also why on earth did you say "despite the face the series icon ironically is a sword", it makes absolutely no sense it doesn't even pertain to anything you just said.
Since she is a “now or never” character, he fans are extremely vicious and rabid and seek to undermine any support for other likely Fire Emblem contenders such as Eliwood or Sigurd. They have been successful in doing just that as most rosters written by people on the Smash Bros. messages boards include her as the third Fire Emblem character. She is precisely the embodiment of what is wrong with supporting a character for the sake of being female. She added nothing to her series, and the continent of Tellius is already represented with the much, more popular Ike, who starred in two games. I see as Jugdral and Elibe more deserving of a playable representative, than Tellius is deserving of a second one. We will see in the upcoming months as to whether Sakurai and his team feel the same way.