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Micaiah for Brawl *Radiant Dawn Spoilers*


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Eww no I live in Australia, EST. I have to wait until December 19th to get the game which is in a month and fice days.
Haha sorry I thought you were talking about Brawl.

Micaiah’s popularity basically exploded the moment Lyn was deconfirmed as an Assist Tropy, I know because I was there to see it happen. Most of her fans, like Roy’s, have not played her game and simply judge her on aesthetics alone and the fact she is a female lord mage. Upon, her game actually being played by North American Fire Emblem fans, I can see her beginning to develop Roy-syndrome. She is described as being a very weak lord with a poor personality, and many people feel that the part of the game she was the sole lord in was the weakest part in Radiant Dawn.

Also, many of her supporters have not played her game, and insist that placing her in Brawl would help promote Radiant Dawn. If people were to play Radiant Dawn as a result of her inclusion in Brawl, she would likely leave the same sour taste in the gamer’s mouth that Roy did as Japanese gamers were enticed by his inclusion in Melee. This would then set her up for being a character at the top of the chopping block lists in SSB4, thus completing the Roy-syndrome cycle. Many of her supporters complain the fact that they do not want Fire Emblem to only be represented by sword-fighters, despite the fact the series icon ironically is a sword (Falchion to be precise).

Since she is a “now or never” character, he fans are extremely vicious and rabid and seek to undermine any support for other likely Fire Emblem contenders such as Eliwood or Sigurd. They have been successful in doing just that as most rosters written by people on the Smash Bros. messages boards include her as the third Fire Emblem character. She is precisely the embodiment of what is wrong with supporting a character for the sake of being female. She added nothing to her series, and the continent of Tellius is already represented with the much, more popular Ike, who starred in two games. I see as Jugdral and Elibe more deserving of a playable representative, than Tellius is deserving of a second one. We will see in the upcoming months as to whether Sakurai and his team feel the same way.
Eliwood, really? The lord who looks just like Roy and is just as bad?

Also, Michaiah also is different because she isn't a dude with a sword. Also, it not that she is bad, it that the enemies are good. Also, she could end-up like Ike and be extremely different.


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
Chronobound... I hope you're Snakey of Gamefaqs, because that's word for word what's been posted up there.

Now that I'm hearing about your angry anti-Micaiah sprint I'm wondering just how serious I can take you.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Will anybody try to get supports with Ike and Micaiah, since you can support with anybody? I'll be awesome to have the two "one-man armies" giving each other extra crits!!

Btw, if you erase a previous support you had (ex. Micaiah/Sothe) to replace it with another, is it possible to get it back later?

And lastly, I've tried but here's a draft for a Micaiah Moveset:
B = Shine - Send light energy in front of her (still working on details)
>B = Yune - Yune gets surrounded by light energy, acting as a projectile. Yune can also bring Micaiah any near-by items to her and can attack the Smash Ball directly.
^B = ???
vB = Thani - A ball of light energy comes crashing down to the ground (still working on details)

Final Smash - I have thought of 2 so far. Tell me which one you like best.

Garld of Release - I'm still working on the details, since I haven't got that far to the game, but it involves releasing the Dark God to attack from the background.

Sothe Support - Sothe springs into the battlefield and attacks the opponents. He is able to kill with a devastating combo.

Okay, I started it. Anyone can finish it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Will anybody try to get supports with Ike and Micaiah, since you can support with anybody? I'll be awesome to have the two "one-man armies" giving each other extra crits!!

Btw, if you erase a previous support you had (ex. Micaiah/Sothe) to replace it with another, is it possible to get it back later?

And lastly, I've tried but here's a draft for a Micaiah Moveset:
B = Shine - Send light energy in front of her (still working on details)
>B = Yune - Yune gets surrounded by light energy, acting as a projectile. Yune can also bring Micaiah any near-by items to her and can attack the Smash Ball directly.
^B = ???
vB = Thani - A ball of light energy comes crashing down to the ground (still working on details)

Final Smash - I have thought of 2 so far. Tell me which one you like best.

Garld of Release - I'm still working on the details, since I haven't got that far to the game, but it involves releasing the Dark God to attack from the background.

Sothe Support - Sothe springs into the battlefield and attacks the opponents. He is able to kill with a devastating combo.

Okay, I started it. Anyone can finish it.
Yune has been suggested and I'd say thats the best use for her. The final smashes seem lackluster. Also, it's negative goddess (long story). Her ^B could be Tornado because I think she can use wind magic later.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
I think its just Micaiah and Sothe, actually. But anyway, the challenging chapters don't even start until 2, since the choke points are more than sufficient to make the prologue and chapter 1 easy (especially chapter 1, since Nolan comes at level 11). And even then, if you're fairly skilled at tactical games it shouldn't take much to get used to the cautious playing the Dawn Brigade requires to win their chapters.

And if you're playing on easy mode, theres just no excuse for not getting past the early chapters. Seriously, even though its the Japanese normal mode, normal modes on the US FEs have never been particularly challenging until late in the game at the least.

And yeah, Gamespot's rating is such BS. Making the game harder is a good thing - great, even, since difficulty has been a complaint of many fans since the GBA games. If you're new, just play on easy to get the hang of things, then enjoy the challenge of the higher difficulties.


no Meg died and I got a game over the same chapter I got her

and my nolan was lvl 9...are we playin the same game? lol

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
no Meg died and I got a game over the same chapter I got her

and my nolan was lvl 9...are we playin the same game? lol
Side-note about Meg, did anyone else get reminded of that Strawberry shortcake doll? I was going to use her because I thought she was adorable, then I got a flashback to FE6's Wendy so I thought otherwise.



The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
When I saw her starting stats, I was hoping for Amelia. Then I did a quick check online and saw her horrible stat growths. Ugh. D: Not going to waste my time.

And what's with that ChronoBound fellow? Doesn't he notice that most of the Micaiah supporters are playing Radiant Dawn as we discuss her character or did he just ignore this topic as a whole? And lol @ generalizing everyone as hating Roy. He was a smart kid for his age. I love lords like that.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
lol Lunadis.

hey there's another Amelia in Fire Emblem or are you talking about Amelia from Sacred Stones?


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Amelia was one of the only saving graces of SS for me... after the first 800 times where she got killed right after recruitment... >.>;;

After I got her to SURVIVE she became my favorite General in the game (and of all times).


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
lol Lunadis.

hey there's another Amelia in Fire Emblem or are you talking about Amelia from Sacred Stones?
Sacred Stones. I guess I should have been more specific. I guess it wasn't just how awesome Amelia was, but how effective Generals were in games like that. Lots of chokepoints.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
I hated Amelia at first but then she became a pretty cool character, right now she's a cavalier ^_^ I haven't finished the game in a entire year :O well it's cause I restart if any unit dies.

who's your favorite character of that game?


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I hated Amelia at first but then she became a pretty cool character, right now she's a cavalier ^_^ I haven't finished the game in a entire year :O well it's cause I restart if any unit dies.

who's your favorite character of that game?
My favourite character, well, it has been ages since I've played Sacred Stones. It's a tough choice! I'd have to say Vanessa as a Falcon Knight or Amelia as a General. If I were to play again, I'd have a more definitive answer. xP

Also, by restart, do you mean restart the game or just that chapter? Because if someone dies, you can just restart the chapter and they'll be alive again. xD

And yeah. Ewan, Ross and Amelia all pay off well if you're willing to raise them. ^.^


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
I restart chapters, I hate seeing units die T_T and one time I erased the game and started from scratch because Moulder died and I accidentally saved the game :D


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I restart chapters, I hate seeing units die T_T and one time I erased the game and started from scratch because Moulder died and I accidentally saved the game :D
xD Yeah. I must have every unit living and every treasure box on every chapter because I am a perfectionist when it comes to gaming. xP

That and unit death messages are saddening. T T

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
._. I never thought a staff could give me such a headache.
I hate Elsleep, 1-30 range you have got to be kidding me



Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
I let my first unit die... it was Laura. I got annoyed because I didn't want to reset. So I had Eddie cut the killer down for destroying his support. Then later I slapped Paragon and some bonus exp on him and he is now 20/16/0.

So, anyone think they will use Michaiah's General costume?


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Side-note about Meg, did anyone else get reminded of that Strawberry shortcake doll? I was going to use her because I thought she was adorable, then I got a flashback to FE6's Wendy so I thought otherwise.

Not really - she kinda creeped me out a bit to be honest. Mostly because of the resemblance to Brom (ironic I thought of that as soon as I saw her). I did a quick check on Serenes, noticed her stat growths, took her sword to give to Edward, and tossed her to the sidelines. She may well be the worst character in that game, judging on those and her starting stats.

Oh, and I finally ran into that guy you were talking about earlier - the
with the difficult name. Yeah, very creepy guy.

MarthGreil said:
I let my first unit die... it was Laura. I got annoyed because I didn't want to reset. So I had Eddie cut the killer down for destroying his support. Then later I slapped Paragon and some bonus exp on him and he is now 20/16/0.
Ow - hope she wasn't carrying anything you'll miss. Though if you have a Dawn Brigadier at that high of a level, you must be further than I am, so I guess you'd know better than I would.
I just finished the first chapter with the Dawn Brigade since part 1 (3-6), and from the looks of it, they really need her to provide healing. I bought her a physic just before the battle, and it was invaluable in coming out of the battle alive. Turned out to be a profitable battle in terms of xp though - I gave Edward paragon before entering it, and hes now 20/9, Nolan is 20/5, Jill 20/5, Aran is 20/3, and Micaiah 20/4. All entered that fight at 20/1. Sothe and (I think) Zihark gained a level or two too, but I wasn't watching them as closely.


Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
I let my first unit die... it was Laura. I got annoyed because I didn't want to reset. So I had Eddie cut the killer down for destroying his support. Then later I slapped Paragon and some bonus exp on him and he is now 20/16/0.

So, anyone think they will use Michaiah's General costume?
I like both of Micaiah outfit's, most likely if she was to be included in Brawl she would be using her first outfit.

._. omg you let Laura die? I had to learn my lesson a few times before I learned, Laura cannot survive any direct combat, ever. Though she's very helpful even though she's frail.



Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Not at all. Micaiah's group is reliant on some pretty low-defense units - Nolan, Edward, Sothe, Zihark, and of course Micaiah herself - so a need for healing is pretty much to be expected from them. Aran and Jill are their only units with good defense, and the former's speed is horrid enough that double attacks may be a worry all too often. (Well, unless you use Taureono, but thats not advisable, since he sucks up xp the others need and is unavailable a lot later.)



The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Laura has gotten to like, level 14ish just off healing alone. xD

I have actually only seen her die once on any of my playthroughs. See, I thought healers were still completely invulnerable to casters. So since there was only a low level mage in the area, I thought it'd be okay to leave Laura out.

Wow was I ever wrong.
Double attacked and killed quite easily. D: Now if I ever deploy Laura, there is almost always someone to rescue her, even if that's all they have to do. They will follow her every turn to make sure she lives. Speaking of fragile units, Resyon is a lot better this time around. I remember when two Wyvern spawned next to him and started attacking. They couldn't even come close to hitting him. Not even transformed for that matter. Having Canto is also a cool feature. Bards/Dancers/Herons/supporters in Fire Emblem have always had that issue of supporting front line fighters in fear of being attacked by ranged weapons.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
I had Laura die once too, but mostly on dumb luck rather than making a mistake. On chapter 1-3, I had an incident where the last unit in range of attacking her managed to dodge an attack from Nolan (with an 88% hit chance) and thereby survive to circumvent my characters and slaughter her. Beyond that, since I've always been quite careful with her, shes always survived.

And yeah, Reyson (and Herons in general) is much better now. I like some of their new Galdrs - the one that bumps biorythm to its peak sees a lot of use for me when my characters wind up with poor biorythm at a crucial time. They do suffer from the overpoweredness of super-effective attacks though, what with archers being 1-hit-KOs on them if you leave them exposed to one. Oh, and
its also wonderful how Leanne and Raphiel can affect multiple units even without transforming. I'm not sure which Heron I like most, honestly - Reyson with canto and flight and can affect 4 characters transformed, Leanne with canto/flight and can affect 2 in either form, or Raphiel with the ability to affect 4 characters in either form but more limited mobility. Thus far I've never had to choose between them, but boy that would/will be a tough choice if/when it comes.



Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
...Reyson got better?


Hallow thar brokan teir!

Seriously. He was top before... >_>


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Reyson was Frickin Awesome

But Not as awesome as My x6 Damage Ike w/ Sol and Luna


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
...Reyson got better?


Hallow thar brokan teir!

Seriously. He was top before... >_>
Mostly its in his survivability - he is much better at dodging in RD, primarily due to his significantly-improved Luck stat (base 31, 60% growth rate). He has added some new options to his songs though, and based on Serenes Forest, his last two are indeed pretty broken.
At level 30 the Herons can use a song that raises any Laguz's transformation meter to maximum, and at level 40 they get one that fully restores any ally's hp and status (like a recover and restore staff in one). Of course, with how slowly they gain xp, getting them there is the hard part.

Oh, and he gained the ability to move both before and after singing/using an item/etc, like mounted units do, which helps a lot with that survivability issue too.



Smash Cadet
Nov 5, 2007
as far as Sacred Stones goes, my favourite was Marisa, because I always love the pink haired girls, (ya I loved Serra, and Marcia is awesome now that her hair isn't ridiculously ugly) and after Marisa my favourite was Tana

Nephenee is a tank in my game, she is a one man army. The only time I've ever seen her die was because so many cavalry attacked her that her weapons all broke, but she wasn't third tier yet at that point, now I can't even get her below 40 health.

when I heard about master crowns, I was worried that because you only got a few, you would only be able to upgrade a select few to third tier, but then I learned that they work the same way as seals, and I never use those either, so I just level them up all the way. right now my third tiers are Mia, Nephenee, Gatrie, Shinon (because he was so close already that I just decided to Bonus EXP him the last 2 levels.) and Astrid. working on Jill and Marcia

is mist 2nd or first tier when you get her? because if she's already 3rd for me, I feel a little robbed

oh, and Micaiah is awesome, how can anyone say she is weak or not have a great personality? As far as Dawn Brigade goes, it's pretty much her and Jill beating all the missions with a little help from sothe


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
So many spoilers....

Hey, this thread came all the way up to 45 pages! It's weird, since just like 2 months ago, nobody gave a crap about this. Ah, the wonders that a confirmation and deconfirmation can do.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
I'm on Part 4 Prolouge. I didn't really bother with some units so I have to face the Order Army with Laguz, Tanith, Sigrun, and some of the DB (Eddie and Michiah have been flourishing thanks to paragon).

Anyone think that Michaiah won't have much of a chance seeing how see wasn't on the survey?


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Does Sothe Remind anyone of Ike???(He lost Blossom...sux)
You can get Blossom later in the game. Don't remember where exactly but I believe I got it without any expenses. Though I highly recommend you give Sothe Paragon on Part 3 Chapter 11 and 12 since while I won't reveal any spoilers, that is the best chance to get EXP before he is force-promoted.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
I'm on Part 4 Prolouge. I didn't really bother with some units so I have to face the Order Army with Laguz, Tanith, Sigrun, and some of the DB (Eddie and Michiah have been flourishing thanks to paragon).

Anyone think that Michaiah won't have much of a chance seeing how see wasn't on the survey?
I think Sakurai will take suggestions from the poll as well as taking suggestions from the company's who's character are up for consideration as well. It depends on alot of factors.

I don't think it is a pre requisite that a character has to appear on the poll in order to appear in Brawl.



The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Yeah. Polls will only make up the majority of the roster, but not the whole. I expect random retro characters since Sakurai seems to like those. I also see him as taking characters who will best fit a concept he wishes to use.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Well, I'm getting up there in the game, finally. Chapter 3-10, to be exact. I just got my first 3rd-tier promotion - Titania (who is so much better this time around - she had strength, skill, and speed all maxed out several levels before promoting, and defense and resistance came pretty close too). Actually, all of Ike's group seems even better now than they were before. Everyone I'm using consistently has capped at least two stats by level 17, and many did 3 or even 4 (Haar and Nephnee - strength, skill, speed, and defense).

I'm worried about Micaiah's group, though. I mean, I've only gotten to use them for one chapter since part 1, and both the Greil Mercenaries and the Crimean Army characters are much more powerful than them. At this rate I may well have to ditch most of their characters once the groups join up (as I'm guessing they do, based on a few spoilers I stumbled across to my annoyance a while back). Save perhaps for Edward, who I managed to get to level 9 promoted, they'll be utterly overshadowed by the other groups if they don't get a lot more training before then.


Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Well, I'm getting up there in the game, finally. Chapter 3-10, to be exact. I just got my first 3rd-tier promotion - Titania (who is so much better this time around - she had strength, skill, and speed all maxed out several levels before promoting, and defense and resistance came pretty close too). Actually, all of Ike's group seems even better now than they were before. Everyone I'm using consistently has capped at least two stats by level 17, and many did 3 or even 4 (Haar and Nephnee - strength, skill, speed, and defense).

I'm worried about Micaiah's group, though. I mean, I've only gotten to use them for one chapter since part 1, and both the Greil Mercenaries and the Crimean Army characters are much more powerful than them. At this rate I may well have to ditch most of their characters once the groups join up (as I'm guessing they do, based on a few spoilers I stumbled across to my annoyance a while back). Save perhaps for Edward, who I managed to get to level 9 promoted, they'll be utterly overshadowed by the other groups if they don't get a lot more training before then.

I ended up ditching all of Micaiah's group barring herself and Sothe, I was using Edward for a while but Lucia was better than him. It seems you really have to be devoted to Micaiah's group or they'll never catch up to the others.



Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
So... update happened, the Sothe sticker adds some chances to an FE10 rep like Micaiah now. Or Sothe himself but nobody loves the green haired 'not-as-good-as-Volke' unit.


Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
And yeah, Reyson (and Herons in general) is much better now. I like some of their new Galdrs - the one that bumps biorythm to its peak sees a lot of use for me when my characters wind up with poor biorythm at a crucial time. They do suffer from the overpoweredness of super-effective attacks though, what with archers being 1-hit-KOs on them if you leave them exposed to one. Oh, and
its also wonderful how Leanne and Raphiel can affect multiple units even without transforming. I'm not sure which Heron I like most, honestly - Reyson with canto and flight and can affect 4 characters transformed, Leanne with canto/flight and can affect 2 in either form, or Raphiel with the ability to affect 4 characters in either form but more limited mobility. Thus far I've never had to choose between them, but boy that would/will be a tough choice if/when it comes.
You better make up your mind soon then...

...but nobody loves the green haired 'not-as-good-as-Volke' unit.
Quoted for truth.
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