Mostly low to mediocre. I mainly play on for glory and rarely smashladder. So lag makes perfect shielding not usually a safe option. I'll try shielding more next time.
I think shulk's vision is the main thing that I have trouble with. Even if I know that they are going to use it and try to bait it out, the opponent will then learn what I'm doing, and it just becomes a mindgame where its 50/50 whether I can hit them or get countered. And because vision multiplies my damage against me, that's a 50/50 that you are always going to be on the losing end of. So its feels like the ONLY thing I can safely do against shulk it get in a short punish every time he makes a mistake. I have to shy away from any strings that dont true combo due to them potentially getting interrupted by the vision counter.
Speaking of the recovery, I struggle gimping both cloud and shulk and a few others who recover vertically with a hurtbox on top of them. Wht is the best way to go about it? Normally if I try to drop down to do anything, I am just asking to get hit by their recovery move. I know there are a few frames when it doesn't snap to the edge, but if I block it as they come up, I am usually going to be in shield stun too long to hit them with anything before it snaps.
remember that grabs beat counters and that a aerial counter (Shulks) doesn't have invincibility while grounded does. So don't try to multihit your way out of a grounded counter, but Usmash might be able to beat an aerial one. I will make a video of a couple of things and upload it.
Also, for edge-guarding. Dsmash is really hard in a laggy enviroment. So run off bair is probably the best option. Find out when they HAVE to up b or else they will die. There is a pretty good chance that they know their limits, and are waiting for the safest place, which is at the lowest they can go. So run off and Bair, still moving away from the stage. If they wait out the Bair, DJ Bair back onto the stage. This option is almost completely safe, and beats a stand up, jump or sometimes roll from the ledge. I also have a video on an edgeguarding tech you might find useful. It is really good against characters that can't airdodge that low. Ryu, Mario, Cloud and Shulk.
and this one is more cool and technical then useful.
Nair doesn't have a big hitbox below Mewtwo, so only try to gimp characters like rosa and Villager with it. You can clash with Cloud, but it is rare and situational.
Also, you can hit Shulk once he stops flashing (counter) so make sure to time your punish accordingly.
I think I answered everything, did I miss something? Anything else?
Also, abuse his arts. If he is in Shield, imagine that he has 20-30% less percent then he actually does. If he is in speed, remember that he is probably going to go for the grab or Nair to start a combo. Always shield when a Buster Shulk is in the air. Wait out Smash shulk as much as possible, and try to punish any reckless kill moves with Grab. He deals less damage in Smash, so you have less Shieldstun. and he can die 110-20 percent earlier from Uthrow.