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Meta Knight Q&A Thread


Smash Rookie
Mar 2, 2009
Imperial Beach,CA
anyone know which methods of recovering are safest in meta-dittos when:
1) high above the stage?
2) level with stage?
3) below stage?(not like delfino or brinstar stages where you u-air up from below)
Also....maybe give 2 or more different ways so i know how to switch things up. ;) really appreciate it!!!


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
anyone know which methods of recovering are safest in meta-dittos when:
1) high above the stage?
2) level with stage?
3) below stage?(not like delfino or brinstar stages where you u-air up from below)
Also....maybe give 2 or more different ways so i know how to switch things up. ;) really appreciate it!!!
If you're high above the stage and they're below near the ledge, always tornado, but be smart and be safe because you can get Uair'd out of it but it always beats out their Up-B.

Level with the stage is the hardest, but I just glide or jump back but again you have to be smart. Side-B is decent but can easily be nair'd.

Below you need to get them off of you with Uair then Up-B or you can rising Uair your way back, it's pretty safe. Reverse sweet spot Up-B can sometime catch for a surprise kill. But watch for invincinair.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2007
If you're high above the stage and they're below near the ledge, always tornado, but be smart and be safe because you can get Uair'd out of it but it always beats out their Up-B.

Level with the stage is the hardest, but I just glide or jump back but again you have to be smart. Side-B is decent but can easily be nair'd.

Below you need to get them off of you with Uair then Up-B or you can rising Uair your way back, it's pretty safe. Reverse sweet spot Up-B can sometime catch for a surprise kill. But watch for invincinair.
Tornado does not always beat shuttle loop. Tornado beats the top looping part of shuttle loop but not the rising part of the aerial or grounded version.

Down b is excellent and it's almost all I find myself using anymore to grab the ledge.


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Tornado does not always beat shuttle loop. Tornado beats the top looping part of shuttle loop but not the rising part of the aerial or grounded version.

Down b is excellent and it's almost all I find myself using anymore to grab the ledge.
Read my post again, I explained when to nado. If he's high above the other MK then nado is going to eat Up-B. I forgot about Down-B. It really is great and a great recovery mix up.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
If you're high above the stage and they're below near the ledge, always tornado, but be smart and be safe because you can get Uair'd out of it but it always beats out their Up-B.
Or they could just wait for you to go into free-fall and then do whatever they want.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
Not if you're smart with it >_>
That can be said with all of Meta Knight's options. The MK ditto essentially allows for both players to interact at virtually every point in the game, both interfering with recovery and recovering, etc. There isn't a set way to recover against Meta Knight as Meta Knight; Meta Knight has an answer to everything that Meta Knight can do. There isn't any one set way to playing/recovering in the ditto. Predict what option that your opponent will use and then choose the option that counters theirs.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I need help with everything, i'm n00b to MK.
Basics for me anyone? >.<



See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
That can be said with all of Meta Knight's options. The MK ditto essentially allows for both players to interact at virtually every point in the game, both interfering with recovery and recovering, etc. There isn't a set way to recover against Meta Knight as Meta Knight; Meta Knight has an answer to everything that Meta Knight can do. There isn't any one set way to playing/recovering in the ditto. Predict what option that your opponent will use and then choose the option that counters theirs.
Which is what I tried to cover in the man's questions. I didn't say it was foolproof, all I did was supply the best options for the scenarios in which he wanted answers. Your points are correct, but so are mine.

Like I said, be smart. Figure out your best options and utilize them. Mix up your recovery.

I need help with everything, i'm n00b to MK.
Basics for me anyone? >.<

Expand are what you want to know :)

I first suggest watching videos. Shadow and Dojo are great places to start. Watching M2K isn't the best idea. He's fine tuned MK so much at it only seems to work for him, Shadow and Dojo have the best all-round styles.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2007
Read my post again, I explained when to nado. If he's high above the other MK then nado is going to eat Up-B. I forgot about Down-B. It really is great and a great recovery mix up.
I understand what you meant but the use of the word always could easily misinform someone. I was simply clarifying and adding to your suggestions.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2008
going to a torunament this sunday and have one question. Which characters should I not try to dair camp?


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008

he's pretty cool


EDIT: wtf you lost to Ran because you did a grab release to drill rush. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL IRL


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2010
Las Noches California
Why is Meta Knight so Ridicoulosly hated? I'm kind of a noob to Brawl but I know Meta Knight is the strongest character but I tried to use him and i sucked pretty bad with him. What exactly is the best way to use him?


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
Why is Meta Knight so Ridicoulosly hated? I'm kind of a noob to Brawl but I know Meta Knight is the strongest character but I tried to use him and i sucked pretty bad with him. What exactly is the best way to use him?
Best way to use him? Get a lead, plank/scrooge, time out your opponent.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
planking - getting off and on the ledge over and over to refresh the invincibility you get on the ledge

scrooging - constantly gliding underneath the stage over and over making it nigh impossible for your opponent to hit you


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX

he's pretty cool


EDIT: wtf you lost to Ran because you did a grab release to drill rush. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL IRL
Dude you don't understand how upset I was about that. I ***** all his mains in tourney before (Snake at a previous Hobo and Marth at this Hobo) so he has to fall back on MK.

I love the ditto but when people don't know **** about the character it messes me up :(

Now to address that ****ing side-b. I was going to buffer an up-b but my controller was like "no, **** you... SIDE B!!!!!!!!"

I was so pissed. SO pissed.


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
do you have any videos of Mew2king? I also am not that good with the basic MK so wouldn't it be best to first watch those?
Well you wanted an idea on how to play MK.
Mew2King is the best MK. http://www.youtube.com/user/Kaffei4Lunch I have some vids of him on my channel

Dude you don't understand how upset I was about that. I ***** all his mains in tourney before (Snake at a previous Hobo and Marth at this Hobo) so he has to fall back on MK.

I love the ditto but when people don't know **** about the character it messes me up :(

Now to address that ****ing side-b. I was going to buffer an up-b but my controller was like "no, **** you... SIDE B!!!!!!!!"

I was so pissed. SO pissed.
My controllers are ****ing up too dude i need to get some news ones before it's too late lol
As for the ditto you just gotta adapt like a *****. Find flaws in their playstyle & exploit that ****


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
Well I saw this one


I'm honestly confused lol.

I don't know how to do some of those things and the speed is really hard lol.

Also would Meta Knight be a good main for a beginner?

I know people talk alot of smack about Meta Knight players but I honestly like him, not just cuz he's over powered.
All right I guess I'll lay down the basics.

Jab - useless, unless you do trap someone in between 2 jabs in teams (lmfao)

Ftilt - great in the ditto, good move overall, comes out really fast, long range (probably mk's biggest disjoint)
dtilt - 1/3 chance of tripping, can combo into itself, long range
utilt - not that useful, but it has it's uses. It has a tipper that can kill but it's still not very useful IMO

fair - you can follow up with this sometimes pretty good spacing tool. I don't really know how to explain
bair - it's like fair, but the hitboxes are a tad smaller, and this move is slower. you can auto cancel the 2nd hit and go into a ftilt or something
dair - good spacing tool, you can dair camp vs a lot of chars which is relatively a safe approach. does 9% with a tipper and 7% without tipper. tipper also has more kb
uair - juggle; 2 frame move
nair - pretty good OoS move, can do 20% rarely (which is actually 2 separate hits) can also kill

fsmash - start up is slow but it has like no end lag so it's pretty good vs spot dodge happy players. kills
usmash - useless
dsmash - 5 frame move, kills well when fresh. this is probably ur main kill move. The back side of dsmash does more damage and KB btw

Tornado - this move is amazing for juggling. can do up to 22% but that's super rare. you should get around 11% on average. This move has a lot of priority and beats a lot of projectiles. Everyone hates nado lol
Shuttle Loop - Best up B in the game IMO. OoS it's pretty good, it can kill sorta if it's fresh. Auto snaps ledges, auto cancels too. Goes into a glide, has insane KB if you aerial it etc
Drill Rush - useless mostly as an attack, great for recovery though
Dimensional Cape - useless mostly as an attack, pretty good for recovery (also you can do extended dimensional cape but that's banned)

Glide attack - really choreographed but does 12% and kills. EDIT: clash priority? (what stingers said below lol)

MK can recover with glide, 5 jumps, and all his B moves. Mix them up
There are much better MKs who can give better advice than me but these boards are dead mostly... :/


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Don't underestimate jab. It can be combo'd into dsmash or ftilt which is nice. Also ledge canceled side-b's into nair are nice for damage and style points ;)
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