why did you slash at a flyguy instead of your opponent?
I guess he hit fox and a bit later, while the hitbox was further extending a flyguy decided to end his life quickly and painful and jump into the blade just before the hitbox was gone, extending the hit lag of the move for long enough so he couldn't follow up on fox, who then proceeded to waveshine to upsmash, as he stated.
What I'm interested in is the pattern/nonrandomness of FoD platforms.
if I am not mistaken, the FoD platforms are based on which side of the stage the players are on. So there is no pattern, just the player positions determining what the stage will do.
@ongoing debate:
I am fine with the current stage list. Minor randomness (or even sometimes pretty decisive things) is not so bad. It's not like those come into deciding matches unless the players are pretty close in skill, and some randomness isn't even part of the stage. One might be able to read his opponent most of the time, there still is the chance that he can get more successful reads in one particular match, then what he is able to get on average. Or close calls, like deciding whether your nair will come out before Fox can hit you with an upair after an up throw. Another example showing that randomness isn't bad per se is poker. Despite the card distribution being completely random and out of control, good players are still able to read their opponents so well they will make money in the long run (unrelated comic, which I like a lot:
http://www.abload.de/img/gamblingeusq.jpg )
Looking at matches on KJ64 / Pokefloats / RC is not making me wish we had those stages in the pool of available maps. PS can be pretty annoying with the stage transformations and both players sitting on either side waiting for the obstacle to go away, but that stuff going on for the whole match is simply not fun to play / watch. (<3 Mango for ALWAYS approaching, no matter what)
Brinstar: I'm not completely sold on this one. It doesn't look to bad, and playing matches on it didn't feel bad, but on the other hand, that lava stuff is pretty meh =)
Mute City: Well, if a stage is considered in favour of characters like Peach and the (probably) best Peach player states that he feels Peach is way to strong on the stage, there should be enough reason to think about it for a second. I feel he is right, with Peach / Jigglypuff not needing the edge to recover since their up b moves are not having any landing lag (or is simply not a recovery move for jigglypuff), there is a pretty big advantage for those characters in taking away the edge from characters whose up b move is pretty unsafe to land on the stage with.
Small advantages are ok (since if there were no advantages to be had, all stages would need to be pretty similar and bland). For example, me being a peach main, i really like DL vs Marth, because he doesn't profit nearly as much from the added side blast boxes, since he often won't be high enough to make it back anyways. I rarely kill off the top, and he does, so the higher top blast boxes are in my favour as well. The stage is pretty big, so I have room to move around and pull some turnips (and he isn't covering half the stage with his sword and tentacle arms =) ). And last, but not least, he can't fmash me through the platforms *yay*

So I have a lot of stuff going for me, but it's far away from winning me that many more matches. I feel it's like this with the whole neutral stage list (PS is neutral for that matter imho =) ). Even if there are some exceptions (like maybe CF on FoD), with one stage ban I feel no character can be taken to a stage where he can really john about the stage losing the match for him, so I feel there is little reason to introduce more stages. While it is fun to play on others for a while, you can always do that in friendlies.