Dankness of Heart
That's the reality of it. Cancer is a 125 billion dollar industry in the US alone. Its no wonder that the people who are getting the majority of this money want to protect it.
If anybody has netflix, just look up Burzynski. That's just one example. The problem is that if you try to explain that to anyone, it is such a sensitive subject that you will be immediately chastised. People don't want to believe that things like antineoplastons completely cure cancer in 1/4~ patients, yet it has been ignored, attacked, and suppressed by the FDA.
If anybody has netflix, just look up Burzynski. That's just one example. The problem is that if you try to explain that to anyone, it is such a sensitive subject that you will be immediately chastised. People don't want to believe that things like antineoplastons completely cure cancer in 1/4~ patients, yet it has been ignored, attacked, and suppressed by the FDA.