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Megaman Unlimited Mafia - Day 6 begins! No one killed!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Literally nobody town-reads PJB right now and yes this could be Kantrip 2.0 but god I am not letting him get out of this phase so people can ***** about him and then refuse to lynch him

yolo should feel me on this one completely

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

10char dodge of elaborate plz
why isn't your vote on PJB yet seriously this day is going in circles right now nobody is offering a fresh ****ing opinion and just keep repeating themselves and im so tired of it when people like you or rajam sit in the ****ing twilight zone as we all eat eachother alive

i dont want that man i want us to be friends

and friends lynch pjb



Apr 3, 2008
im pissed cuz its BAD PLAY!

ruy does this **** so often. he did it in deadpool to me and soup early in the game. he did it in luigis mansion to dabuz and soup. he did it in tranquility to shenani and potato

and for what? its almost as if scum is active and at least trying to win the game they can rely on ruy to townread them. its like this short wall that ruy sprints into at the beginning of a given game and smashes his teeth against when postgame comes around and shocker! maybe you shouldve given it some time before throwing out a read over easy ****. but then he just goes and does it in the next game like its cool and theres nothing that cant be improved. i dont even intend this as **** talking nor do i want bad feels from this but its just so dumb and an easy fix to make. that said ruy can get the last word and ill drop this cuz its irrelevant to finding scum this game but this **** needed to be said
You don't even know his motivations for sure this game unless you're about to claim something, so sit down and play mafia like a big boy and save it till post otherwise you're just clogging the thread when we should be making lynch decisions. If you have a problem with his stance: say so and explain why, but don't start up the ad hom machine... this kind of play is disgusting

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
im legit out of this thread until i see it's nightphase and PJB's head is on a ****ing stake

have fun mindlessly arguing with each other

use the @ function if you really need to reach me bye


Apr 3, 2008
why isn't your vote on PJB yet seriously this day is going in circles right now nobody is offering a fresh ****ing opinion and just keep repeating themselves and im so tired of it when people like you or rajam sit in the ****ing twilight zone as we all eat eachother alive

i dont want that man i want us to be friends

and friends lynch pjb

I really really need to stop being logged in while I read.

I'm sure I have no base-level qualms with voting PJB, but at least let me visibly catch up and start talking for myself before starting to ask me for votes.


Apr 3, 2008
why isn't your vote on PJB yet seriously this day is going in circles right now nobody is offering a fresh ****ing opinion and just keep repeating themselves and im so tired of it when people like you or rajam sit in the ****ing twilight zone as we all eat eachother alive

i dont want that man i want us to be friends

and friends lynch pjb

Aight I'm up to speed again now.

I'd have no problems with this day ending with a PJB lynch, but I'm gonna echo Ryu's "Why not Circus"? We already have L-2 on him, so why not join the Circus wagon instead if you want results ASAP? I don't think we're anywhere near deadline atm.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm tired of thinking about this constant possible mate ****. I genuinely am. Do you notice a pattern right now Gorf?

RTL thinks Circus is scum, thinks PJB is scummy but doesn't wanna lynch him over Jerkus
PJB thinks Circus could be town (???), Thinks Ryu is scummy
I think PJB/Circus are scum
Raziek thinks Circus is scum, but so is PJB, but so is RTL, and I could be scum also. Raziek believes RTL is bussing Jerkus but on the same note RTL could be distancing PJB with his half-stances.

Look at this ****ing pileup right here. It's a goddamn mess. RTL has one direct opinion and tunnel on Jerkus at the moment. Jerkus seems reliant on fighting back on him and accusing that he is scum himself and trying to make a move on him. PJB thinks ???? and really is playing badly and dense and honestly gorf think about this pileup for a minute in proportion on how PJB is thrown around everywhere but he's not getting into any of it. He's just the poor townie being accused by everyone and dogpiled on. I call bull**** to that because he is not townie in the slightest and his content and presence in this game has less worth than Rajam.

Gorf, level with me here. PJB is going to continue to get thrown around until he's lynched. If you think he's scum then he's not even getting bussed at this point, but I think the perspectives of how everyone treats PJB is telling much more and will give us much more than lynching someone who has worth.

I want to see RTL/Raziek/Circus fight each other to the death. If we get rid of PJB now then they're going to have to stop using him as an excuse to pair up teams. Do you think the whole team is just on a massive bussing tirade where they're literally just scum-reading each other? I'm asking you this because I still feel the burns about Tranquility.

Trust me on this one Gorf.

Vote: PJB
I also want RTL to stop *****footing around PJB and putting his money where his mouth is.

I'm going to laugh so hard if Ruy/JD/Rajam are watching us self-destruct again HAPPENS EVERYTIME HAHAHAHAHAHA

**** mafia in general dude



Apr 3, 2008

You know I can't argue with any of that lol. But we have to stay strong on Circus at least until he gets back to all of us even if you don't think Circus is as bad and/or we end up lynching PJB anyways. You agree there's no sense denying ourselves of reads and info on the other suspects by getting overly excited, do you not?


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
JDietz, where do you stand on RTL/Circus? You've said who you're willing to lynch, but I'm not clear on who you're reading scum. What teams?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
man having to play catch up kills my mafia boner like COLD i don't know how rajam does it


Apr 3, 2008
JDietz, where do you stand on RTL/Circus? You've said who you're willing to lynch, but I'm not clear on who you're reading scum. What teams?
Currently I'm evaluating the individual potential of Circus + PJB and Circus + Soup and trying to determine if Soup/Circus/PJB is a plausible scumteam. I've had RTL as a town lean for awhile now, we'll see how they respond to your case.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
You weren't disorganized, you just didn't do a gorram thing to resolve anything at all on you. You played mechanical and admitted to it while completely avoiding your backpedal on BadWolf and the fact that you did divert attention back to us (see: your back and forth with Gorf I quoted). I dunno what you were trying to get at but your explanation doesn't really explain anything. :v
Not going to be an awful quote ***** while I catch up, but I do want to address this directly because it's stupid and further showcases why WashRake's push on me is stupid, because he clearly isn't even really reading me.

The badwolf thing—it was never a thing. I did not backpedal on anything. I made a statement about an element of badwolf's play that I didn't like. I ALSO said that there was no way Kantrip and Badwolf were aligned, and I was scum reading Kantrip hard by the end of the Day, so badwolf literally couldn't have mattered to me less. You're reaching so hard for bullet points to plug into this dumb read.

Yes, I talked about roles because they came up in natural discussion. You continuing to harp on that like it's a gotcha doesn't make it a gotcha. Learn a new song, please.

Oh, one more tho.
'Preciate the Firefly reference though, don't see tha
Then did you blatantly miss his giant post to Soup earlier in the phase despite clearly reading posts beyond it? He lays out his Potato read pretty well there.
...No. I reference the exact post you're talking about in the post you're quoting here. Raz defends his Kantrip read (no one asked) and mentions having some issues with soup that he doesn't explain. My post is saying that I'm waiting for the explaination he was implying was coming on soup.

Like, you misunderstood or flatout misrepresented me so badly here I can't even.

still reading

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Soup said:
I'm tired of thinking about this constant possible mate ****. I genuinely am.
Umm... That's actually a really strong way to build suspicion and build cases... with... connections...

Hopefully your continuation of this post explains this cuz... wut?

Soup said:
Do you notice a pattern right now Gorf?

RTL thinks Circus is scum, thinks PJB is scummy but doesn't wanna lynch him over Jerkus
PJB thinks Circus could be town (???), Thinks Ryu is scummy
I think PJB/Circus are scum
Raziek thinks Circus is scum, but so is PJB, but so is RTL, and I could be scum also. Raziek believes RTL is bussing Jerkus but on the same note RTL could be distancing PJB with his half-stances.

Look at this ****ing pileup right here. It's a goddamn mess. RTL has one direct opinion and tunnel on Jerkus at the moment. Jerkus seems reliant on fighting back on him and accusing that he is scum himself and trying to make a move on him. PJB thinks ???? and really is playing badly and dense and honestly gorf think about this pileup for a minute in proportion on how PJB is thrown around everywhere but he's not getting into any of it. He's just the poor townie being accused by everyone and dogpiled on. I call bull**** to that because he is not townie in the slightest and his content and presence in this game has less worth than Rajam.
The thing is, and let's put hurting feelings aside for a moment, I can see PJB's play as just not having a good foot with the game. When he's not being hardcore defensive about the **** that he's constantly having thrown at him, I've seen resemblance of noobtown play. Look at JTB in Tranquility. Now, the difference is obviously that JTB posted very little there and PJB's posted plenty here, but the circumstances are similar. Town has an incredibly easy time scum reading those slots, and personally I've learned that those are the slots that, even though they're not too much of a hindrance to ML, can still play like that and be town. Ruy has a tendency to play scummy when he's town. Vinyl has a tendency to play scummy when he's town. Rake has a tendency to play scummy when he's town. JTB has a tendency to play scummy when he's town. PJB, if he's town, will join that list after this game in my head, because yes, the posts he's making ARE scummy. But past experience tells me that that doesn't always 100% equate to being scummy. D2 Tranquility me and Garg were set on lynching Shenani because that slot was ACTUALLY scummy, and JTB was simply an enigma. Although PJB is scummy on paper, I'm not willing to go terminator mode on his slot when there are players that are ACTUALLY scummy and can give us solid info upon a flip.

Soup said:
Gorf, level with me here. PJB is going to continue to get thrown around until he's lynched. If you think he's scum then he's not even getting bussed at this point, but I think the perspectives of how everyone treats PJB is telling much more and will give us much more than lynching someone who has worth.
That's where I think you're wrong. If PJB is town, I think that gaining flips around him can prove to be more helpful in reading his slot, rather than just off his play alone. Someone like Circus is a solid find for lynching him based off his play. Sorry, but I just don't think PJB is atm.

Soup said:
I want to see RTL/Raziek/Circus fight each other to the death. If we get rid of PJB now then they're going to have to stop using him as an excuse to pair up teams. Do you think the whole team is just on a massive bussing tirade where they're literally just scum-reading each other? I'm asking you this because I still feel the burns about Tranquility.

Trust me on this one Gorf.

Vote: PJB

Didn't you just say that you got tired of the possible mates" thing?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
It was mostly rhetorical and trying to play off how I feel about this cluster**** right now.

I'll respond to that tommorow when I'm not tired and I don't have a headache, I just feel like we're going in circles man and it's just not fun or even ****ing useful anymore


Apr 3, 2008
Maybe I should start quoting every instance Soup starts talking about "weird feelings', I'll bet that would be a fun list.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Oh and Soup are you not feeling RTL as scummy, even disregarding the possibility of them being on a team?
Nah I think he's scummy which is why im defaulting onto PJB because i want him to stop dodging that read and trying to say 'well circus is better' and that being the only reason

I'll give you that even if PJB is town he just simply won't add anything or do anything useful and he's just going to become someone who we will have to lynch eventually and yes that sucks but you know do you really want to keep ignoring him until the very last minute

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Yeah but no seriously everyone really just needs stop hyperposting so jerkus can seriously catch up like just keep it to yourself im seriously trying to bail for that reason because im done trying to argue anymore it's getting us ****ing nowhere because everyone is in their own corner this game and they're refusing to change god it's a pain in the ass



Apr 3, 2008
Nah I think he's scummy which is why im defaulting onto PJB because i want him to stop dodging that read and trying to say 'well circus is better' and that being the only reason

I'll give you that even if PJB is town he just simply won't add anything or do anything useful and he's just going to become someone who we will have to lynch eventually and yes that sucks but you know do you really want to keep ignoring him until the very last minute
What if I told you that's exactly what we got Kantrip to say about Vinyl so we didn't have to lynch him in Tranquility.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Now. You have two scum picks in Circus/RTL. What I'm proposing is a wagon on RTL with a Circus hammer at the end of it. That way, there are two scummy slots that are out of here and that we can read along with. As much as I feel you on the desire to lynch PJB, this nonsense will also just stall into toMorrow and honestly the scumminess of both those slots is more concrete, at least to me.

C'mon Soup.

Join us :)

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
goddamnit don't you dare turn the aladdin.jpg around on me gorf you suave *******


vote: RTL


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Okay, so I skimmed a little but I pretty much read everything and I've been around the block a few times so I already know what's going to happen here.

I'm not going to live. I might not get lynched toDay, but I'm definitely getting lynched soon, because too much has been said around my slot and my death for me not to be a productive flip at this point. If I don't die, I'm just going to have people chomping at my ankles for the rest of the game and man does that just sound like the worst thing.

However, we're in luck, because I'm scum-reading the hell out of WashRake at this point, and that gives us a pretty nice compromise that is only going to be safe to try toDay. I think someone mentioned me hammering WashRake toDay; surprisingly, I'm actually down for that idea at this point.

Here's the thing: I ain't worried about blowing up. There's no way WashRake isn't scum. The slot rides my **** all D1, then flip-flops on me after Kantrip's reveal totally illogically—not just one head, but both—and tunnels me all damn Day on nothing. That slot literally has two brains. It is impossible that it could be this single-minded, especially while being wrong. It just doesn't look like a genuine read to me at all. Both heads reread me over the Night phase and both decided that the posts they liked from me before, the stance on Kantrip that they both agreed with before, is all actually indicative of my alignment in the opposite way that they both originally thought. Get real. No one just follows means to an end like that. That's a sign that someone started with a desirable end, and shoehorned the means in afterward.

So he's flipping scum. The righteous part is that, even if I'm somehow wrong and he really is a bomb and we both blow up, town doesn't have to deal with his ****ty, wifomy role anymore, nor the deluge of FUD that my slot is so caked with now, so we can guarantee this fiasco won't be repeated again on D3 (which absolutely WILL happen if we do something stupid like lynch PJB toDay). And town is free (and forced) to take an actually decent look at the players that are left and have been side-stepping the spotlight.

Yes, I know I'm a genius, no need to thank me, form a single-file line for autographs and kisses (on the cheek, this ain't your uncle's laundry room).


Apr 3, 2008
Welp if Circus is down for it I don't see any reason this can't work.

Worst case on RTL scum is RTL dies and was actually a bomb and kills a town circus who would have had to be someone for the lynch to work anyways.

Worst case on town RTL is double town explosion which would suck but we wouldn't throw the game from it by my math: 8 slots left alive assuming a nightkill means we'd be at mylo. Not great, but manageable.

Vote: Rake the Laundry


Apr 3, 2008
I ain't never going to say never in an OS style game. Remember: we had a town hammer role. It could have been an intentional 1 for 1 setup. You've certainly got a better chance of walking away if he's scum tho

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
YOLO it's time for the laundry to be


im not good at this

just hammer the dude put his bitchass out of misery

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
well i mean put him at l-1 but still circus' choice to go do down with the ship is admirable
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