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Megaman Unlimited Mafia - Day 6 begins! No one killed!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yes I must have. Still thought he felt "weird" about Circus. I know he has the current reads for... reasons but still thought he was clutching the Circus scum read but mkay.


Jun 6, 2013
pb+j was NOT the first person to suspect jerkus. **** yall on that. thats not even mentioning that hes doing some weirdass dance around pulling the today for a convoluted thought process. what the **** man give credit where its due dawg

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
I'm pretty sure he straight-up dropped it because that's all Soup's been ******** about for the past couple of pages but lemme double-check.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
pb+j was NOT the first person to suspect jerkus. **** yall on that. thats not even mentioning that hes doing some weirdass dance around pulling the today for a convoluted thought process. what the **** man give credit where its due dawg
damn he's right

yolo's got the swag


Jun 6, 2013
pulling the trigger*

man so what are we waiting on anyway? i wanna hear more from raz cuz i really wanted to see where he was going with pb+j soup but not much else interests me right now

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
pb+j was NOT the first person to suspect jerkus. **** yall on that. thats not even mentioning that hes doing some weirdass dance around pulling the [trigger] today for a convoluted thought process. what the **** man give credit where its due dawg

Oh tru my b

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
well he doesn't outright say it but given his attempts to decleat the circus wagon by saying that scum are okay with him dying, i'd wager his scumread's gone away

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
pulling the trigger*

man so what are we waiting on anyway? i wanna hear more from raz cuz i really wanted to see where he was going with pb+j soup but not much else interests me right now
really all i care about at this point. the only thing continuing this day phase is gonna do is sink pjb further and further down my readslist if he keeps this **** up. getting a claim'd be nice, we have plenty of time left, but i dunno if it's necessary to really spend a lot more on that since it seems most people have decided on this lynch and i'd be damned pissed to let it slip through the cracks because pjb keeps trying to jump in circus' way for the noose or some ****


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Hoo. Looks like I got popular.

Just came on to say that I'm going out tonight so I probably will not even be able to thoroughly read yet. Please don't write novels while I'm gone. Also don't lynch me either, obviously.


Apr 3, 2008
I would prefer if you were more direct with your opinions as I feel like some of your posts are filled with fluff. Do you take this consideration into mind because you think RTL should be lynched sometime later? That you suspect him? Of course we could do it that way but I don't know why it's relevant here. Tell me why this is bothering you or why you had to mention it.
Because Ryu would definitely answer. I've personally got no real intention of a RTL hammer situation and think they're townier than not (as said in that post) but the fact Ryu backed up his stance that he would hammer RTL from before even now got me curious why and what else he had to say on the matter. I think we got what we needed out of me bringing it up.

You were also the first to be a ***** and go the other way. Circus kept on it and didn't doubleback, yet the immediate thing he talks about isn't that read, despite it being against the grain of the game at that moment. That seems real odd to me.

@Rest: That's a good point. When I came in I felt obligated to out my opinion on Kantrip vs PJB almost immediately as it seemed the most important and I had something different to say about it. Hard to say if that means anything at all in Circus's posting habits though, I'll probably give it another read.

You misinterpret me. I never said I was anti-Circus. Just because I want someone different that isn't Circus and I'm not voting doesn't make me change how I feel about him. There's a thing called priority in Mafia and people need to stop this crap where they scum-read people because they're not jumping on some ill-advised wagon without discussing ****. I know how this game operates however and even if I screamed up and down until I was blue in the face it's very likely I couldn't get PJB lynched right now. I actually want to lynch PJB based on his connection with Circus, as I feel his read on him is non-committal even though he's treading around like he scum-reads him.
Do you feel like that connection is SvS then or SvT?


Apr 3, 2008
I don't like Circus right now. I feel his hate for marshy needs more if I didn't make that clear in his previous post. I haven't bothered with fully reading the case on him from LawnRake, but I have the general idea why he dislikes him. I agree with it for the most part, but I keep getting weird vibes from LawnRake too. My opinion on them right now is the same as Gorf's in that regard.
I don't really get this preference with people. YOLO scum-reads Circus and he's big bad tunneling him while PJB throws very light suspicion towards Jerkus (note: he is not voting him) and claims he is his priority and this is somehow affirming to a town-read? You're not suspicious of the guy who is being non-committal towards you? You're more suspicious of the guy who is trying to progress his read with you let alone is actually treating you more like a slot instead of a name he can mention once or twice so he looks better?? I also don't really get why LawnRake is making you weary either for that reason, they're both putting into work into getting your *** lynched and apparently this equates to both of them being scummy and dis-likable??

I think it's time you talked about what "weird vibes" means here if you're going to be on-off like this with your RTL read in the span of 4 posts. I'd hope you've read RTL's case now as well, it's a big part of this Day. If you spilled your gut already on RTL feelings after this point ignore this, but if you haven't I want some concrete stances.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Read the last sentence of that paragraph. That's how I feel about them.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I was kind of bitter coming into this thread with Gorf shrugging me off there on those questions but I really don't want to stress about it.

Ruy, you mentioned E&A earlier. Washed was also in that game, what's the possibility of him bussing his mate here?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Did you ask OS? Did he tell you if everybody on the Circus wagon is town?

@ Overswarm Overswarm is everybody on the Circus wagon town?

Damn it's like I gotta do everything around here.


Apr 3, 2008
Completely off topic: I just saw myself making the over dramatic thinking face and asking Overswarm that in a really "This is what you sound like right now" way


Apr 3, 2008
OK Soup I want to ask you something super for serious:

Why did you unvote PJB after he made this post. You said before that point in thread you thought PJB and Circus were scum together when asked about it, and were adamant on the merit of voting PJB as well as Circus. So what happened here

I can't think of a single thing Ryu has done all game that wasn't just him repeating someone else's reads, and joining popular wagons. He spent half of D1 literally doing nothing but quoting other people, and posting pictures of faces. He tried to play the "boo hoo, you guys can kill me if you want to" card, and I have no idea why anyone would ever do that.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
OK Soup I want to ask you something super for serious:

Why did you unvote PJB after he made this post. You said before that point in thread you thought PJB and Circus were scum together when asked about it, and were adamant on the merit of voting PJB as well as Circus. So what happened here
Read #1385.


Apr 3, 2008
I want to make it clear that I didn't unvote because I think you're okay now, I unvoted because like I said before, I probably can't get you lynched today. If there is any reason for me to be wrong on this, or wrong about you, you really need to give me more than just telling me I'm wrong and sitting there pouting about it. It's why I'm taking a more passive approach because yelling at you and putting you on edge is not doing us good. It's not doing anyone good.
Wow... okay this is exactly waht I get for reacting to posts before continuing... Carry on :facepalm:


Apr 3, 2008
I do disagree with the notion that we couldn't lynch PJB today if we wanted to though, I don't think a single person besides Circus would mind (he's the only one I remember putting a town read on him over just holding off for more read opportunity)


Apr 3, 2008

Like, wtf? How is it possible that everyone thinks all my posts have been centered on myself? I was literally the first person to suspect Circus. I'm also the only one pushing Ryu. How are those things about me? When all you focus on is the things you think are bad, and ignore the things that were good, then yeah, it makes me look bad.
Pushing: yes
Reading: no way


Apr 3, 2008
really all i care about at this point. the only thing continuing this day phase is gonna do is sink pjb further and further down my readslist if he keeps this **** up. getting a claim'd be nice, we have plenty of time left, but i dunno if it's necessary to really spend a lot more on that since it seems most people have decided on this lynch and i'd be damned pissed to let it slip through the cracks because pjb keeps trying to jump in circus' way for the noose or some ****
I would not be surprised at all to see his play get much much worse right before a Circus scum PR flip, it's the only logical conclusion I can make after reading his Ryu case and response to the AtE accusations which he has to know is bad.

I guess in that way what I just said to Soup is wrong because we all want Circus anyways like he said lol, but my point that in a vacuum no one would mind PJB going is valid I think

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Pg. 29 is grimy on both JOker's and Soup's part, although I know each of them have a temper to match my own... Soooo really not going to read that far into that.

Joker's 1267 is nasty.

JD is cool cause of his wall.

And 1326 is also nasty

Who want Ruy in late game, be real here.
I wouldn't mind bringing RR to endgame

Nich was killed by the mafia. Nich was also the only person to suspect Gorf all game. The same also kind of applies to Ryu, but people are already looking at Ryu.

**** off with this fake *** "what are all of your reads" bull****. I ****ing hate it when people ask me to make a readslist, like it means anything at all. Make your own goddamn readslist.
Joker I would mind bringing to endgame.

I did read RakeLawn's case, and I do think Circus is scummy looking, but so was Kantrip. You even insist I'm scummy looking, but you're wrong. Sometimes townies do scummy things. The fact that there was a dogpile on Circus only a few hours into the day, and now we're 24 hours in and he's L-2, makes me nervous. I don't claim circus is being townie as ****, but if he's scum, there's no way he and his scum team are just letting him die today this easily. That's ridiculous.
I'm feeling Soup's response to this slot more and more now. He almost quoted an exact post in E&A in here. I can fetch it if you'd like.


Like, wtf? How is it possible that everyone thinks all my posts have been centered on myself? I was literally the first person to suspect Circus. I'm also the only one pushing Ryu. How are those things about me? When all you focus on is the things you think are bad, and ignore the things that were good, then yeah, it makes me look bad.
Problem with this is that I haven't seen any pushes from you. Gorf and Soup are right, you're playing self preservation over town preservation.

C'mon guys get in here please.
Sorry, today was my birthday and I was spending it not trying to rip someone's throat out. :D

This was a really quick read, I might go back and read again but that really depends on stuff happening tomorrow and over the weekend. ATM I'd like to see Joker gone, I'd settle with Circus but I'm wouldn't be as happy about it.


Joker: scum

Soup: Town

RTL: Null-town

Circus: Null-scum

RR: Town

Rajam: I don't even ****ing know.

Raz: Very null-town

Gorf: Town

Yolo: Vig bait :D

JD: More town than null.

Should cover anything by tomorrow I hope? Any questions?



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Circus (4) - Red Ryu, RakeTheLawndry, JDietz43, Gorf,
PJB (1) - Rajam,

Not voting: PJB, YOLOSWAG, Raziek, Circus, BadWolf, Soup,

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline is Jan. 31st at 3 p.m.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Ok, so I'll start with what bothers me about RTL.
Rake's case is bootycheeks. Let's move on to something else.

Kantrip is probably Town.

Dude I honestly think it's nothing. You just happened to be in thread. Hell, he even RVS voted you. Sure RVS is meant to be random but I know if I had that info I wouldn't wanna drop fake shiz like that on a player I KNOW is town. Let Rake have his dumb wagon (which we both know will go nowhere) and just let it go. You know it won't lead anywhere so why bother derail it?
This post is super important when we looking at the fact that Kantrip got lynched. I need to see if Gorf was on the wagon at the end.

Page 5 confuses the crap out of me because Gorf 180s and agrees with me that the case is bunk.

RTL #203 feels fake as ****? He's more or less admitting the case is garbo. Same with #222. It feels extremely false... pushing me towards scumRTL.


Gorf, do you think it's probable most of scum is sitting in the background watching this **** happen rather than actively participating in the conversation?
THIS right here is disgusting. Direct pressure at inactives huehuehue?

Laundry half of RTL basically spends all of Page 7 deflecting pressure from his hydra partner's bad case on Kantrip. I feel like this only led into a lynch because he ended up in a ****-storm with PjB.

You implied it IIRC and I'll quote it at some point. I never believed you crumbed and it wouldn't be telling if you did regardless. The wifom of "LOL he's scum with knowledge " vs " He's some sort of pr " is too deep for me to delve into to draw a conclusion from.

Joker's jump on you was alright. I don't think at the point in the game we were at that he needs to take a step up to the plate to vote you. Him starting off by mentioning a initial dislike of you I took as a slight town tell because it seemed reactive over forced and in RVS he wouldn't need to have an opinion as scum, he could just vote and let it happen. I don't love the fact that he just pat me on the back and voted with me as I would've liked to see his side of it but it didn't read of him shielding himself behind me.

Tl;dr : I like him but I'm wary.

Why ? Do you think it was an opportunistic scum leap and if so, why would he bite given that even in the best case scenario we weren't going to see a lynch on your slot till the game was more developed ?
This is one hell of a half-stance and has a lot of fence-sitting in it.

Joker's jump on you was alright. I don't think at the point in the game we were at that he needs to take a step up to the plate to vote you. Him starting off by mentioning a initial dislike of you I took as a slight town tell because it seemed reactive over forced and in RVS he wouldn't need to have an opinion as scum, he could just vote and let it happen. I don't love the fact that he just pat me on the back and voted with me as I would've liked to see his side of it but it didn't read of him shielding himself behind me.

Tl;dr : I like him but I'm wary.

Why ? Do you think it was an opportunistic scum leap and if so, why would he bite given that even in the best case scenario we weren't going to see a lynch on your slot till the game was more developed ?[/quote]
This is one hell of a half-stance.

Page 10 has me on the train to DietzTown, I think.
aaaaaand done

So if there's scum in Kanty/Private, I'm saying it's Kantrip. Kanty's initial push is reachy (by his own admission), which nullifies his later assertion that Private got overly defensive with him (if you are reaching for reasons to suspect someone, it is natural for that someone to huff and puff a little). The initial push is proven to be untenable, so Kanty drops it, but stays on Private by saying his reaction now acts as a case against him, which sounds like a lazy excuse to lay on a read. Afterall, just rescinding the read completely after all that would mean Kantrip would have to find something else to pursue, and that's hard.

Note: Circus is the first to explicitly set up Kantrip/PjB as the lynch wagons to choose from. If both flip Town, I lynch Circus.
My thoughts are yolo and washrake can both get ****ed outta here. Remember that thing I said about a vig a few minutes ago? I get the impression that you agree with me on at least half of this based on the way you brought up yolo.
If Circus never follows up on RTL this looks like distancing.

473 is pretty much the same deal. Circus puts some vague pressure on RTL as a result of his claim, but doesn't really do much with it.

So apparently there's more than one person who thinks making jokes about how kantplay (<-- I didn't give him this nickname, yall mother****ers did) is bad at mafia, is a vote worthy offense, and obviously I must be scum.

@JDietz, you were so on the ball for awhile there, and then you turned to the dark side. Everything you said about kantrip's play was spot on. I was literally not mad at him, until he started saying dumb **** like "calm down there buddy", and "you're awfully tense". Like, he's essentially saying "LOL U MAD BRO?" to me over and over again, and I felt like he was goading me into voting him so he could accuse me of OMGUSing him. I honestly think he's trying to take advantage of the fact that I'm a reactive player (which is something you ALL have known about me, for quite some time), and spinning it into "look how defensive he's being!" and I'm not about to play that ****

Vote: Potassium

@ Circus Circus You're cool.

@ YOLOSWAG YOLOSWAG this guy knows what's up

I think Gorf is probably town.

Raz is still pretty null to me, for those who have asked.

Badwolf is probably town, him parroting Kantrip's nonsense is pretty meaningless. Check out his past games, he almost always agrees with players he likes, and anyone who is nice to him. The fact that he didn't throw a vote at me kind of astounds me, and it makes me think he's actually trying to take a step back and think about whether or not I'm scum. That's something he probably wouldn't do, if he was scum.

RTL might be town
There's no way it could be this easy.

RTL #529 directly pushes against PjB and towards Kantrip.
The worst part is I have. That was the first thing I looked for--I wanted to see if he was the same. I don't wholly know if PJB is town or scum but Kantrip's reasons for voting him are ****ing gross, his reactions to people disagreeing with him have been worse, and I already said I disagreed with the entire "bad reaction to simochi" case because I don't think it was unwarranted for PJB to respond to Kantrip like that. He said he wasn't mad and I didn't detect a hint of anger in PJB's voice, he was just ****ing confused as to why Potato was calling him scum for that--and was right to be confused because Potato's basis was off. I agree with him when he says that he felt he was being goaded on because I felt he was being goaded on by Potato's word choice. I don't think any part of his play was unwarranted or bad SAVE FOR his #314, which was gross in my eyes.

Meanwhile, Potato's push felt opportunistic and gross. He was wrong initially but when he had the option to back of and reconsider, he said "nope still scum u wer meen pls die". He continued to commit to PJB afterwards and went as far as to call JD a scummate chainsawing his partner simply because he disagreed with Potato. His push has never had a solid reason and yet he still commits to it for some reason.

That's why I made the comment that this reeks of a bus. If you're considering PJB's reaction in EnA, then you have to ****ing consider that possibility as well. You guys can lynch him today and I'd still sink Potato tomorrow simply for that.
*vomits* The lack of commitment on PjB is so gross. This reads to me like a scummate fence-riding his partner, while pushing away from him.

Like, here's the thing, because both you and Gorf are completely misunderstanding me when I'm talking about this:

I think Potato is scum. I think that his case has been bad and that the more he's reacted to people disagreeing with him, the worse he's gotten. He started this game out trying to be nice and has since turned into a bitter sarcastic *******. His reads are ****, he continues to tunnel on PJB for reasons I don't understand, even after multiple have walked in the game, laid out why his case was bad, and called not only him out but the people supporting it as well. I don't like that. I think it's very possible it could be a bus for this reason--he continues to say PJB is scum when evidence and reason are completely against him at this point. He's reaching so hard, to the point where I cannot consider it normal nor good, just to try to get PJB lynched. There's something very off about it and I'm considering the possibility that it might be a bus but I have no idea why.

But I don't see a townie literally calling someone scum just for saying that he's scummier than the person he's voting. I don't see a townie reach this hard for this long against this many people telling him it's **** without good reason--reason that I assume is role-related. I don't like him, not one bit.

That said, PJB isn't completely innocent to me. He has made a few bad posts through-out it but I keep mentioning EnA because you brought it up to me. I have very little exposure to scum PJB because my exposure to it has been little, so I only have fragments of Wal-Mart and EnA to compare to here. The point of why I keep bringing up a bus scenario is both because of how hard Kantrip's reachiing for this and because you keep mentioning EnA--where PJB was mercilessly bussed against his own wishes. At this point, I've made my statement known. I want you to stop and think about this aspect because I think you're being incredibly blind to a very real possibility here.
vote: Rake the Lawndry

Page 19 says Gorf is Town, so nevermind what I said about Gorf ending up on the wagon.

can we just lynch both kantplay and pjb honestly
Gorf, your WashedRake case is an interesting perspective but as Jerkus mentioned, it's not the right move at the moment. If Kantplay flips town then It's something I will consider. The basis of it however boils down to how you dislike how he's playing the game right now, and I don't disagree with it in full. There's a lack of focus coming from the slot as I've noticed and while I agree with their opinions, they have mostly been playing the catch-up game.

I think we all really need to stop talking about Kantplay. He's probably the lynch and there's other slots to focus on. I would really love more talk about Raz or Rajam, slots like this. I would also like people to get back at everything I've presented too.
Red Flags abound!

Quick summary of my thoughts on the wagon to follow in next post.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Alright, so this wagon on Kantrip shaped up after he and PjB got into a bit of a ****storm. Circus was the first to set the "choice" up so to speak, effectively cutting off RTL as an option. At the SAME TIME, RTL takes a lot of half-stances on PjB while directly pushing towards Kantrip, despite spending most of the early day-phase admitting his case was ass.

Kantrip hung himself. RTL's approach to the wagon was disgusting, and he constantly avoided actually dealing with PjB while pushing at Kantrip. Circus' interactions with the Wagon and his half-pressure on RTL are ALSO really grimy.

I think RTL and Circus are both scum, to be quite frank. However, I'm more confident on RTL, and so confident that I'll hammer him myself despite that stupid lynch bomb claim of his.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm slightly less confident in Circus scum, mainly because of how RTL comes gunning out of the gates Day 2 at him. However, I'm also damn well aware Laundry has no problem bussing that slot and riding that scumCircus flip and his claim to a win.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Fairly confident that Yolo, Ruy and Gorf are all Town. Town-leans on Rajam and Dietz.

If there isn't scum among RTL/Circus/PjB/Soup, then I have absolutely no grasp of who the scum are in this game.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Actually I remember circus talking about LaundRake and YOLO being ****ed outta here, and how it felt weird that he kinda just... Let it go. I was thinking pretty solidly that scumCircus =/= scumLaundRake but...


Raz how read up are you through toDay?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I don't understand the beef you have with me Raz. You quoted something I said about LawnRake and said it was a Red Flag to you. Explain it more. Is this is a connection deal or...?
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