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Megaman Unlimited Mafia - Day 6 begins! No one killed!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Red Ryu, -

RakeTheLawndry - nullscum, I haven't thown out meta completely while looking at raw play but I do need to question what this slot has done reads wise. Nich scum, while Rake did try to justify why he did, really still make little sense to me. He has emphasized he was right, but that doesn't mean jack to me. Also off putting is how they wanna dislike PJB, but I don't get a sense that they want to go at him balls deep over just keeping him there til they need to off him. If PJB is scum I would look at this slot.

Rajam, - townlean, I don't agree with thinking Kantrip was scum, but he did rationalize it very well. But he can do that regardless of alignment. What I do wonder is what he thinks of Circus at this point and the case RakeLaundry presented. He has given town reads, but I'm not sure as to where his read for Circus stands and is something I want before we think of a lynch.

PJB - scum, his reactions have been gross. But hey let's take meta into account here, well even with a meta of reactive and defensive, that's pretty much all he has done outside of saying he wants me or Circus, no voting mind you, and how he pretty much is not taking steps forward to develop his reads and help town. His play has been focused on himself all game and it continues to be this way. You can throw a meta excuse here, but even then yeah he has been defensive and reactive, but that's not the only problem here.

YOLOSWAG - townlean, I don't hate what this slot has done outside of his light background play at time. So far he has nailed down things that need to be looked at and I like the at least rationalization, which Marshy very very rarely puts out. When he does, that is a good sign.

JDietz43 - null, I have a little on him, kinda like it but I wouldn't throw him in my town pile. He has done a bit here today but yesterday I don't remember what he did, which is a bad sign. I want to focus on this slot a bit and get him to expand more as I have been saying.

Gorf - Town, there hasn't been a single thing I've hated from him this game. He was willing to give me space and help me out when I faked pictures. He has been rationalize and looking outside of the box. He even questioned Marshy D1 something out there but does show he is looking to see who is town or scum.

Raziek - null, he needs to do a bit more before I can say a solid read on this slot.

Soup - nulltown, I think the analysis on PJBs words if dumb and I hate his definition nazi **** he pulled, but that part is null. I think he at least is trying to put somethng out there and looking at the game as a whole. He is going a bit more tunnely this game, but that is a town tell over what I would expect as mafia arm chair critic scum Soup.

Circus - scum, We need to help him find a noose. What has he done this game? He's wanted Marshy dead for his role and being Marshy, he's wanted a policy lynch on RakeWashed for the claimed Super Saint. But he's not looking at play, he's called some reads out, little at that, PJB is town, what? He doesn't really confront the main points against him and keeps repeating his D1 stances on policy of roles. He's not moving away from it, he's not trying to make his reads a thing, he is just straight up scum.

BadWolf - Town, he has effort and his own personal push, not much else to say here. He really is just town.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
the way soup treats jerkus is so ****ing odd. in one post he says that he thinks jerkus is scummy, then he turns around and says he's not "anti-jerkus", then he comes to the conclusion that jerkus is scummy in the post.

what gives soup

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
the way soup treats jerkus is so ****ing odd. in one post he says that he thinks jerkus is scummy, then he turns around and says he's not "anti-jerkus", then he comes to the conclusion that jerkus is scummy in the post.

what gives soup
If I think he's scummy, it would mean that I'm not anti-jerkus. There's a problem here?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Damn laundry and ruy going IN.

I feel like I've observed the interaction enough to say this.

Soup so far you've been dancing with that jerkus read really hard. You're saying you call him scummy, and that you're interested in em, but you've been juggling it around saying that he shouldn't be the focus and went ahead to goggle PJB. I think his entrance was scummy, yea, but you blew it so far out of proportion and almost (PJB THIS IS A WARNING TO YOU TOO) launched you and PJB into the rake effect. Circus is scummy, but when there are FIVE (or six?) players actively expressing interest toward his slot, why don't you follow up on the scum read? Your analysis/response also seems really gross. It's like just above a soft shove to Jerkus, and it COMPLETELY shrugged off when you say that he isn't an issue TO FIVE (or six?) PEOPLE. This is what's sketchy about it.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Circus and Ryu are still where I'm looking. I really wish they hadn't killed Nich. Gorf may be worth taking a second look at, based on this.

and really guys? You honestly think coming at me is the move for today? Even Kantrip thinks that is a terrible move.
Explain this

What are your reads on the rest of the players?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Damn laundry and ruy going IN.

I feel like I've observed the interaction enough to say this.

Soup so far you've been dancing with that jerkus read really hard. You're saying you call him scummy, and that you're interested in em, but you've been juggling it around saying that he shouldn't be the focus and went ahead to goggle PJB. I think his entrance was scummy, yea, but you blew it so far out of proportion and almost (PJB THIS IS A WARNING TO YOU TOO) launched you and PJB into the rake effect. Circus is scummy, but when there are FIVE (or six?) players actively expressing interest toward his slot, why don't you follow up on the scum read? Your analysis/response also seems really gross. It's like just above a soft shove to Jerkus, and it COMPLETELY shrugged off when you say that he isn't an issue TO FIVE (or six?) PEOPLE. This is what's sketchy about it.
I think he's scum. More importantly? I think he's scum with PJB. Why do you think I ask the questions I do? Because I like hearing myself talk? I came into this day thinking about it and I wanted more clarification and more time for PJB to possibly alleviate my concerns with him, he didn't and he made himself look worse. I mean, come the **** on. This is nitpicking here. I even mentioned that I was looking at Raz/PJB/Jerkus coming into this day. It's literally my first post. I cannot believe you're trying to tell me I'm soft shoving him or whatever the **** you're trying to say here. I'm trying to progress my read on Circus right now if you haven't noticed.

This blind tunneling deal has to stop. Treat the players you're suspecting with some sort of respect instead of completely tearing down anything they have to say. Even if jerkus is scum you're putting him into a situation where he'd rather not leave any tells towards partners because he knows he's likely to get killed. You don't need to always beat the **** out of someone for information, and I feel like SWF Town has forgotten what the **** it means to be subtle.

Speak softly, but carry a big stick.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Explain this

What are your reads on the rest of the players?
Nich was killed by the mafia. Nich was also the only person to suspect Gorf all game. The same also kind of applies to Ryu, but people are already looking at Ryu.

**** off with this fake ass "what are all of your reads" bull****. I ****ing hate it when people ask me to make a readslist, like it means anything at all. Make your own goddamn readslist.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I'm becoming extremely wary of the circus lynch. I thought he was suspicious coming into today, but now we've literally got the entire game ready to lynch him? It's that easy? If YOLO was allowed to vote, he'd be at L-1 right now.

That tells me the mafia are ok with Circus dying, and I'm not ok with a lynch the mafia are ok with.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
You're right Gorf. Jerkus is not an issue. He is L-2 right now. There's not a single person in this thread who I've heard say 'well wait a minute what if Circus is town'. I think it's pretty damn clear what the majority thinks. You don't have to constantly remind me of Circus, I ****ing see him. He's not going anywhere and my vote isn't needed. This dumb mindset that people are sketchy just because they don't want to hop on the wagon you're in is bull****. Scum is more likely going to hop because they want to look good, they [i[want[/i] to look townie. They want a safe place to put their vote so the pressure isn't on them. This is why scum keeps winning games because you people keep prodding people to just go into this spastic we-must-lynch-right-now mindset and I'm not letting it happen again. Tell me, what do you think of everyone on this wagon right now? Are they all town?

PJB, please tell me how you feel about Circus' recent responses. He's supposed to be the guy you suspect and you're not even bothering with him.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm becoming extremely wary of the circus lynch. I thought he was suspicious coming into today, but now we've literally got the entire game ready to lynch him? It's that easy? If YOLO was allowed to vote, he'd be at L-1 right now.

That tells me the mafia are ok with Circus dying, and I'm not ok with a lynch the mafia are ok with.
And who are the mafia on this wagon at the moment??

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
And who are the mafia on this wagon at the moment??
of the people currently on the wagon, I think Ryu is the most likely.

I also think slots like Raz, who are just sitting on the sidelines (and also being pushed by Circus, mind you) are a little too content to just sit back and watch it happen.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
There's also you. I'm more than a little suspicious of you trying to set up a connection between Circus and I (which is silly, by the way), though it leaves me wondering why you'd be willing to bus Circus just to make me look bad.

I feel like i'm being endgamed here. Like, I'm being left around to have **** thrown at me all game, just so I can easily be lynched in lylo. I'm not too optimistic about the way this game is playing out right now.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
of the people currently on the wagon, I think Ryu is the most likely.

I also think slots like Raz, who are just sitting on the sidelines (and also being pushed by Circus, mind you) are a little too content to just sit back and watch it happen.
Could you elaborate on it further regarding your Ryu read?

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Could you elaborate on it further regarding your Ryu read?
I can't think of a single thing Ryu has done all game that wasn't just him repeating someone else's reads, and joining popular wagons. He spent half of D1 literally doing nothing but quoting other people, and posting pictures of faces. He tried to play the "boo hoo, you guys can kill me if you want to" card, and I have no idea why anyone would ever do that.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Yea, because your scumreads on circus and me are both such original ideas. Who are you pushing right now, Ryu? Have you even made any attempt to read me outside of watching Kantrip and soup mindlessly attack me? No, you have not.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Holy **** do people ACTUALLY think Ruy is scummy for "not doin ****" with the pics? It's not like he was trolling. Who remembers moriarty? Sure it's annoying, but it could be readable (and honestly it was) if you cared to. And plus, HE GAVE IT UP WILLINGLY. I really like the read list he recently put up and like overall I can understand all dat hate for the slot, but it's like JTB in tranquility in the sense that it's not actually scummy. Y'all feels me? C'mon.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I can't think of a single thing Ryu has done all game that wasn't just him repeating someone else's reads, and joining popular wagons. He spent half of D1 literally doing nothing but quoting other people, and posting pictures of faces. He tried to play the "boo hoo, you guys can kill me if you want to" card, and I have no idea why anyone would ever do that.
So is that to say that you're done with being suspicious of Circus? Ryu is your main target now? I don't really get why you think the whole Mafia is on Circus if Ryu is really the only one who offends. That's one person out of the many mafia that you're implying could be pushing Jerkus right now.

I don't know how to feel about you. You're being really obtuse about this. The way you reach conclusions doesn't make a damn near lick of sense and now apparently Circus is the townie just getting tunneled for whatever reason you have (I would like one if you don't mind) and Ryu is your main target now. This makes no sense. You're not even bothering with looking into what Circus has said already. I don't get how you're switching your mind so suddenly.

I want to make it clear that I didn't unvote because I think you're okay now, I unvoted because like I said before, I probably can't get you lynched today. If there is any reason for me to be wrong on this, or wrong about you, you really need to give me more than just telling me I'm wrong and sitting there pouting about it. It's why I'm taking a more passive approach because yelling at you and putting you on edge is not doing us good. It's not doing anyone good.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
When did I say I think the whole mafia is on Circus right now? The whole ****ing game is ok with circus dying, and that is a giant red flag. It's just as likely that the mafia are sitting back and not getting involved, because the town is burying itself.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I have read you... That's my read from you lol don't you understand? I think you're looking really weird on a scumCircus read, but sans that you don't have a definitive action that is inherently scummy. It's your weird interaction that is the catalyst for me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Okay, and the mafia that doing that would be...?

Come on, it shouldn't be this hard. You should be on top of these things.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Okay, and the mafia that doing that would be...?

Come on, it shouldn't be this hard. You should be on top of these things.
of the people currently on the wagon, I think Ryu is the most likely.

I also think slots like Raz, who are just sitting on the sidelines (and also being pushed by Circus, mind you) are a little too content to just sit back and watch it happen.
It's almost like you're not really reading my posts. You're just latching on to individual things you can pick at.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
There's also you. I'm more than a little suspicious of you trying to set up a connection between Circus and I (which is silly, by the way), though it leaves me wondering why you'd be willing to bus Circus just to make me look bad.

I feel like i'm being endgamed here. Like, I'm being left around to have **** thrown at me all game, just so I can easily be lynched in lylo. I'm not too optimistic about the way this game is playing out right now.
Well if you didn't spend more than half the game worried only about yourself than scum hunting or developing reads.

Then we wouldn't have a problem.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Calm down. I don't have a gun in my hand.

Okay, so you think Raz/Ryu are scummy. Alright. That's great. Now, what are you going to do about this? If you're against Circus now then you should be at least trying to get something going with your other scum-reads, maybe question them or something? Take consideration in what they're posting right now? Did you ever tell me why you like Circus now? Do those things.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Yea, because your scumreads on circus and me are both such original ideas. Who are you pushing right now, Ryu? Have you even made any attempt to read me outside of watching Kantrip and soup mindlessly attack me? No, you have not.
Circus obviously.

Second clearly shows you didn't read my read list or that you read the thread, skimmed at most.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Circus obviously.

Second clearly shows you didn't read my read list or that you read the thread, skimmed at most.
You're pushing Circus huh? Ok, I'll bite
I agree.

I do and agree.

I'll do this later.
This is some stirring content. This is literally you parroting someone else. You don't even use your own words, you just say "I agree". Ok, you'll get to it later. So if I keep looking, I'll find it, yes?
Red Ryu, RakeTheLawndry, Rajam, PJB, YOLOSWAG, JDietz43, Gorf, Raziek, Soup, Circus, BadWolf,

Read list in the works, this is a reminder to get at it later.
hmm, ok still didn't have time to get to it. I guess I'll keep looking ahead. Surely your reads list will clear things up.
Scum will just outright refuse which is fine since we can lynch them if they play the, "I will never kill myself" game.

If town does then It's fine with me since it means that slot is either me who thinks I'm not worth keeping around, or is a scummy slot that needed to be axe'd anyways.

Like Wolverine from past OS games, once claimed scum won't touch them in their condition but for a town bomb it's kind of understandable, even more so considering I don't think I would lynch the slot.

That would be my gameplan.
obvious mechanical stuff, not interested in it
I'm caught up. I've explained where my head is at (although I don't know where you got the idea that I'm looking at PJB toDay, if I'm reading your first line correctly).

If you understand everything I've done so far, then I don't understand what your issue with me is. At this point it looks like you are voting me for activity.

D1 and nothing else? It's, what, 24 hours into D2? Less than that, even. What else would you like me to talk about? Kantrip's flip was a legit surprise. It makes me more suspicious of Raz for townreading him despite Kantrip himself basically doing everything in his power to thwart that. His single post so far has revolved entirely around that scenario, as if he still expects to squeeze the town points out of it. He has mentioned light suspicion of PJB which amounts to nothing to me, and more interesting read on soup, potentially. I eagerly await his thoughts in regards to that. There, that's a read with substantiation. More than I can say for you.

Here's another: WashRake's absolute 180 on me makes no sense and the "case" he's pretending he has on me is shallow as ****. He had no problem liking my posts and lynching Kantrip yesterDay, but now that Kantrip has flipped town, I'm undesirable #1? Why? Because Kantrip didn't like me? Because people keep calling me "off" and my activity is low so he thinks I'm an easy target? I have a hard time believing it's actually because his opinion on everything I said over the last phase just folded in on itself.


I hope you don't have your vote because the last thing I need is one more quickdraw hotshot gunning for me for stupid reasons. Gimme one reason to believe your push on me right now is anything other than opportunistic with a handful of people already breathing down my neck.

@bold: ???

I expressed my desire for yolo to be shot and explained why multiple times. But I felt Kantrip was the right lynch, which you agreed with. So that was where my focus was. What kind of answer are you expecting from me here? What more could I have done? You expect me to do "more needling" or whatever. How? Yolo basically just lurked through all of D1. I have time at the end of every day to basically just catchup on everything I missed and comment on it. You might as well be asking me why I didn't help lynch Kantrip harder.

@rest: Raz is my first order of business. Interested to hear more from him based on what he alluded to in his last post. WashRake now has my eye after he started to make sense later in D1, now suddenly losing his mind at the beginning of this one. I have a hard time seeing them as scum together, however. I have not commented on PJB because I'm townreading that slot, mostly due to the first order of business I just mentioned. And I just don't think I could have gotten Kanty v. PJB that wrong.
Hey look, Circus posted! And only 12 minutes after Ryu did! Well Ryu is trying to put that readlist together, surely he will engage Circus. He scumreads him, afterall. This read must be more developed than I thought it was.

Circus - scum, We need to help him find a noose. What has he done this game? He's wanted Marshy dead for his role and being Marshy, he's wanted a policy lynch on RakeWashed for the claimed Super Saint. But he's not looking at play, he's called some reads out, little at that, PJB is town, what? He doesn't really confront the main points against him and keeps repeating his D1 stances on policy of roles. He's not moving away from it, he's not trying to make his reads a thing, he is just straight up scum.
That... that's it? No engagement with Circus, just jump right into the readslist? This is not a push. This is you calling for circus' head. You are not trying to read him, you are trying to kill him.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I mean, this is cool and all but this doesn't tell me much outside of that you was PJB today potentially. I know you were focused on roles and get it, they claimed roles that make them hard to lynch since it can be a gamble.

You want Marshy gone for being Marshy.

We already know this. Most of this post is defending ideas that, being frank I knew already with these explanations D1.

The last paragraph though is better to what I've wanted to see from you but still I was hoping for a little more meat, I know you only can post at night and stuff so I don't wanna be an activity nazi. But I really want you to catch up about D2 stuff and give me a better idea where your had is at.
^ Literally in a post you quoted there, like seriously.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
That... that's it? No engagement with Circus, just jump right into the readslist? This is not a push. This is you calling for circus' head. You are not trying to read him, you are trying to kill him.
I'm defiantly trying to read him, but him telling me almost exactly what he said D1 for Policy is not helping and as I showed above I defiantly am trying to read his posts. The only part I liked is where he where he talks about his reads, somewhat it's vague.

But he hand waves the RakeLaundry case, speaking of which did you even read it you seem to think that people should back off but how is everyone wanting him dead compelling? When there is a legitimate reason to be on him, he isn't advancing reads, his content is a lot about mechanics, he isn't trying to read Marshy/RakeLaundry and more so is focused on their roles rather than their play.

Also agreeing with someone is not parroting when they are asking me questions about said reads.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
But he hand waves the RakeLaundry case, speaking of which did you even read it you seem to think that people should back off but how is everyone wanting him dead compelling? When there is a legitimate reason to be on him, he isn't advancing reads, his content is a lot about mechanics, he isn't trying to read Marshy/RakeLaundry and more so is focused on their roles rather than their play.

Also agreeing with someone is not parroting when they are asking me questions about said reads.
I did read RakeLawn's case, and I do think Circus is scummy looking, but so was Kantrip. You even insist I'm scummy looking, but you're wrong. Sometimes townies do scummy things. The fact that there was a dogpile on Circus only a few hours into the day, and now we're 24 hours in and he's L-2, makes me nervous. I don't claim circus is being townie as ****, but if he's scum, there's no way he and his scum team are just letting him die today this easily. That's ridiculous.
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