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Megaman Unlimited Mafia - Day 6 begins! No one killed!


Apr 3, 2008
@ Jdietz43 Jdietz43
i dunno any of yur reads and my thoughts on yur play yesterday are hammering the potato lynch through and a slight dislike of raz. what about now? tell me about pb+j who yu had originally voted yesterday but went onto potato as the day progressed. is yur original suspicion still there or what?
Well with a Kant townflip PJB looks much worse, particularly the misrepresentation war they had on page 16 where they both dug in and PJB started reaching back as bad as Kant had been. There's no contest that PJB had some bad posts of his own even though Kantrip's were worse (those last few he put down where he basically said "I didn't read anything" sealed the deal for me).

(artist's rendition)

I don't want to jump to an auto-PJB lynch here because my re-read has me skeptical of Circus and Ryu as well, and I'd love to hear what Raz has to say now that he's caught up. That said if PJB needs to go today over one of Circus/Ryu after toDay's content I will shed no tears.

Circus gave me pause on re-read because I couldn't see where he was coming from on his Badwolf hate later on in the dayphase along with his very mechanical play that's already been pointed out by other parties. Ryu because even though he dropped his picture tenets he hasn't really given us anything to work with. Most of his posts have been one or two sentence remarks and were often pretty open to interpretation (see: the above post). I wouldn't put it past him to throw back on a thing he did for "fun" as town in an old game (utrickd) and play it off again for alterier motives if scum in this one.

I can't get a full read on your slot because I can't shake that a double voting vote blocking role would be amazing as scum and you really phoned it in yesterDay, and Soup I have misgivings about because he came in late to thread with not quite enough content to analyze full intent, but some of the reasons I saw he cited for joining made me question him joining the wagon. In particular his posts #780 and #802 where he rails on Kantrip for the amount of points Kantrip had against PJB in his inital push without seeming to mention the fact that Kantrip made joke points about padding his point number. He might think that was legit scummy just to have a long list even with intentional jokes about said, but it was an odd thing to overlook as I never thought that in particular was all that bad over jokey. It only really irks me because he harped on it twice without mentioning the joke aspect so it was a real selling point for him. I know I'm nitpicking on nitpicking here, but it's the last thing in my re-read notes I haven't touched on. Soup null overall so far.

On the town side of things you'd probably have to irl bribe me to put my vote on Gorf, I don't see Rake being an enormous scumspect barring new play or a bad response to my earlier question, and I'd be comfortable taking Badwolf further along.

Rajam we can drop at any time, and honestly probably should.

That all said I've got to read this new stuff and see if any of this changes my reads coming in.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm back from the weirdest time for the start of my college classes (really, just ONE time slot for CCNA4 at 6-10 at night on wednesdays only? whateeever), but before I read the new stuff for real instead of the 3 minute skim I've got some footnote questions from my re-read I want to vomit into thread-space before I forget about them:

@ Rake the Lawndry Rake the Lawndry :

Rake what was your claim again? Be specific.

@ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu

I don't think you ever answered what part of the "thing" you agreed with or what the thing was (unless Gorf got back on you about it in the recent pages).

Can we hold you to this if the time ever comes that it's necessary?
Gorf is really just hating on Rake and less about the slot being scum per say. Though now I do have issues with the slot.

And yes.


Apr 3, 2008
(directly after being the first person to drop a scumPotato read in the thread that wasn't PJB or my other head)

are not signs of townie play. This isn't cutting out anything of Circus' play save for his distaste for Potato and his call-out to Ruy to stop posting in images. After rereading his play, I don't see the townie Circus I saw. Hell, I only had that read because he was the first to go against the grain and push Potato as the scummier one between he and PJB, but looking at the rest of his play, I just see the same mechanical approach I see to scumCircus. I don't see him reading slots, certainly not mine nor YOLO's, and the way he backed off of BadWolf after that argument was gross.
How does the fact that those aren't true and I was a coolguy first affect your Circus read?

*is upset he wasn't remembered as being the original Kantrip hate rebel for some reason even though it was a mislynch*


Apr 3, 2008
I told my other head to reread him and then chose to do so myself because Nich was adamant that at least Ruy had some scumminess to him (less so Gorf) and I wanted to see if he was onto something. Calling Ruy's play "safe" was the thing that really tipped me off. That said, my other head said he likes Ruy but was somewhat wary of him for certain things (I plan to talk to him about it once I'm back, both he and I had to rush out the door so neither of us had a chance to talk about this read really). I don't really see a reason to distrust Ruy right now. For all the talk of safety and such, he's been one of the more prominent posters in this game and he's been taking active stances throughout it. This reread's doing nothing but asserting that to me.

Ruy has this thing where he likes not to explain himself. I dunno if his brevity is due to work+phone typing (really don't know why Faceboards decided to do away with the automatic :phone: icon at the end of posts, t'would be helpful) but he does do it as either alignment. It kinda burnt me in Wal-Mart, but he also did it in KvK. Overall, it's null for him to do so.
Which head is this, RR was scum in KvK.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
al instead of the 3 minute skim I've got some footnote questions from my re-read I want to vomit into thread-space before I forget about them:

@ Rake the Lawndry Rake the Lawndry :

Rake what was your claim again? Be specific.
town dude who blows up whoever hammers me. Trinitro Man (idk who this is i should really start playing games i have relevant or recent flavour knowledge of)

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
dietz as an aside i read your big post and remember none of it. I'm probably going to ask you about soup though.


Apr 3, 2008
dietz as an aside i read your big post and remember none of it. I'm probably going to ask you about soup though.
The tl;dr version is after the flip I analyzed who was all with me on PJB and realized some of his reasons for joining the anti-Kantrip side when he came in were misrepresentations. Not enough to make me think he's scum based on just that, but something I felt I needed to note down for the records (and to see what he says)


Apr 3, 2008
But then there was his AtE, and his "trying new things" stuff, to which I looked at it and went, "You know what? This looks pretty genuine.
(I want to take this moment while I'm remembering it to apologize to Kantrip in advance of post for not believing him about wanting to change up his play... he sunk the same spheal into thread in Tranquility when under pressure when I was scum with him and I just assumed he was using play-style excuses to cover himself this time as well)


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

I don't want to turn in a post made of quote salad, so I'm just going to use this chunk of one of WashRake's posts because it's pretty much the only one in which he actually outlines what he specifically doesn't like about my slot, rather than just quoting **** I've said and saying "this didn't seem scummy to me before but NOW IT DOES."

In the meantime, Circus is a giant ****ing scumball and needs to die, regardless of his responses. He's been wholly fixated not on reading marshy nor I but is instead pissed at either our roles or marshy simply being marshy. He opened the game by focusing entirely on our roles and ignoring RVS and the immediate attempts of my other head to transition it. He at one point said he liked the things we're posted but was still advocating we be vigged first regardless of his read on us. Marshy put it best when he said that for all the effort Circus puts into saying "yeh we need to read players and not take the easy way out", he's certainly doing his damnedest to avoid that here. His back off of Badwolf was grody because he got called out for his read and then proceeded to leave it on the table by slinging the fact that Gorf defended him back in Gorf's face. And yet I have people in this ****ing game telling me PJB is scummier because he's "defensive". Tell me again why your case is better than mine?
wrt "fixating" on roles and wanting you and yolo vig'd: You and yolo both revealed roles that needed to be weighed. You claimed bomb. That needs to be dealt with. I felt that the safest and most sensible way to deal with it was to call for a vig to shoot you. The best way to explain it is this: normal bombs blow up when they got shot at Night, so they actually usually get policy lynched in mafia games after they've claimed, just to be safe. But you're the opposite, according to your claim. You kill the person who hammers you during the Day, not the person who shoots you at Night. So what's the opposite of policy lynching? Policy vigging. It's literally that simple. But apparently we don't have a vig, or he's a ***** or something, so now I do actually have to worry about you.

Anyway, I don't feel like I fixated on it. I probably mentioned it multiple times, but only when it came up naturally in discussion. If you read my posts in isolation looking for dirt to dig up, then I can see why that wouldn't translate to you out of context.

That, or you're 180-ing on me because you think I'm an easy target after Kantrip's flip or something. I don't know why you would think that, considering half the game agreed with me, including you, but I also don't know why you would try to push some shallow meta case on me when the actual context of the way this game started nullifies the whole thing.

I'll admit that I do just kind of want Yolo ****ed out of here because he pushes my buttons in general and he's a total waste of air in this game specifically. Like, this is an uncommon level of laziness for the slot. But it's ****ing impossible to get people to agree to lynch a slot like him without something damning, plus I felt much more certain of Kantscum yesterDay so ****ing around with anyone else for the lynch would have been a waste of time. Yolo will probably go to endgame, and that's bad for town pretty much no matter what.

Anyway, I don't consider this to be what D1 was about. It's possible that most of my actual posts talked about this stuff, but sometimes that's just the way discussion goes. I was focused on Kantrip, who I was certain was scum after he started flying those redflags about halfway through the Day. But I didn't devote a lot of posts to that read because I didn't really need to convince many other people of what I was seeing. And besdides, I wanted to wait for Raz to comment on the events before lynching Kantrip (which is why my vote never even ended up on him), because his TvT read on PJB and Kantrip hit me as totally safe and weird for anyone actually reading the exchange. Unfortunately, I never got that reaction because the Day ended while he was still at apex. Since Kantrip has flipped town, he has shot up my list. Especially considering literally all he has done so far since then is defend his read on Kantrip—something that doesn't serve any purpose other than defending his own standing within the town.

I got rambly there. Hopefully that's not too disorganized.


Apr 3, 2008
The things you dislike Jerkus for? The way he treats your slot? Marshy's? Those are based on his words. Those are based on him claiming to want you vigshot over your role. Those are him ducking out on reading you and sticking to more mechanical stuff.
So what do you make of him "ducking out on reading and sticking to more mechanical stuff" yourself Soup?


Apr 3, 2008

i mean, ****, you tried to sweep my case under the rug by saying it was just me analyzing circus' wording to his posts when that's not what analyzing wording means. you wanna see what analyzing wording means? look at gorf and ruy trying to pin pjb as scum by his use of qualifiers and **** in his readslist. that's a ****ing wording case right there. now you're going on at length and getting pissed for reasons i don't understand when all we ****ing tried to do was say that you analyzed the wording of pjb (and there is nothing wrong with that) whereas i was looking at something different for circus. it's ****ing uncalled for and i'm starting not to like it
If Circus flips scum, I'mma probably want Soup right after after reading this whole anti-Circus wagon interaction

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I don't want to turn in a post made of quote salad, so I'm just going to use this chunk of one of WashRake's posts because it's pretty much the only one in which he actually outlines what he specifically doesn't like about my slot, rather than just quoting **** I've said and saying "this didn't seem scummy to me before but NOW IT DOES."

wrt "fixating" on roles and wanting you and yolo vig'd: You and yolo both revealed roles that needed to be weighed. You claimed bomb. That needs to be dealt with. I felt that the safest and most sensible way to deal with it was to call for a vig to shoot you. The best way to explain it is this: normal bombs blow up when they got shot at Night, so they actually usually get policy lynched in mafia games after they've claimed, just to be safe. But you're the opposite, according to your claim. You kill the person who hammers you during the Day, not the person who shoots you at Night. So what's the opposite of policy lynching? Policy vigging. It's literally that simple. But apparently we don't have a vig, or he's a ***** or something, so now I do actually have to worry about you.

Anyway, I don't feel like I fixated on it. I probably mentioned it multiple times, but only when it came up naturally in discussion. If you read my posts in isolation looking for dirt to dig up, then I can see why that wouldn't translate to you out of context.

That, or you're 180-ing on me because you think I'm an easy target after Kantrip's flip or something. I don't know why you would think that, considering half the game agreed with me, including you, but I also don't know why you would try to push some shallow meta case on me when the actual context of the way this game started nullifies the whole thing.

I'll admit that I do just kind of want Yolo ****ed out of here because he pushes my buttons in general and he's a total waste of air in this game specifically. Like, this is an uncommon level of laziness for the slot. But it's ****ing impossible to get people to agree to lynch a slot like him without something damning, plus I felt much more certain of Kantscum yesterDay so ****ing around with anyone else for the lynch would have been a waste of time. Yolo will probably go to endgame, and that's bad for town pretty much no matter what.

Anyway, I don't consider this to be what D1 was about. It's possible that most of my actual posts talked about this stuff, but sometimes that's just the way discussion goes. I was focused on Kantrip, who I was certain was scum after he started flying those redflags about halfway through the Day. But I didn't devote a lot of posts to that read because I didn't really need to convince many other people of what I was seeing. And besdides, I wanted to wait for Raz to comment on the events before lynching Kantrip (which is why my vote never even ended up on him), because his TvT read on PJB and Kantrip hit me as totally safe and weird for anyone actually reading the exchange. Unfortunately, I never got that reaction because the Day ended while he was still at apex. Since Kantrip has flipped town, he has shot up my list. Especially considering literally all he has done so far since then is defend his read on Kantrip—something that doesn't serve any purpose other than defending his own standing within the town.

I got rambly there. Hopefully that's not too disorganized.
I mean, this is cool and all but this doesn't tell me much outside of that you was PJB today potentially. I know you were focused on roles and get it, they claimed roles that make them hard to lynch since it can be a gamble.

You want Marshy gone for being Marshy.

We already know this. Most of this post is defending ideas that, being frank I knew already with these explanations D1.

The last paragraph though is better to what I've wanted to see from you but still I was hoping for a little more meat, I know you only can post at night and stuff so I don't wanna be an activity nazi. But I really want you to catch up about D2 stuff and give me a better idea where your had is at.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Red Ryu, RakeTheLawndry, Rajam, PJB, YOLOSWAG, JDietz43, Gorf, Raziek, Soup, Circus, BadWolf,

Read list in the works, this is a reminder to get at it later.


Apr 3, 2008
Okay finally done channeling my inner Rajam. Only notable changes in my reads from where I was at from the D1 re-read is Ryu is playing much better toDay and Soup I no longer know what to make of even more. PJB looks bad still from the interaction despite Soup asking a question that could be misconstrued (this is apparently the running theme of this game).


Jun 6, 2013

I don't want to turn in a post made of quote salad, so I'm just going to use this chunk of one of WashRake's posts because it's pretty much the only one in which he actually outlines what he specifically doesn't like about my slot, rather than just quoting **** I've said and saying "this didn't seem scummy to me before but NOW IT DOES."

wrt "fixating" on roles and wanting you and yolo vig'd: You and yolo both revealed roles that needed to be weighed. You claimed bomb. That needs to be dealt with. I felt that the safest and most sensible way to deal with it was to call for a vig to shoot you. The best way to explain it is this: normal bombs blow up when they got shot at Night, so they actually usually get policy lynched in mafia games after they've claimed, just to be safe. But you're the opposite, according to your claim. You kill the person who hammers you during the Day, not the person who shoots you at Night. So what's the opposite of policy lynching? Policy vigging. It's literally that simple. But apparently we don't have a vig, or he's a ***** or something, so now I do actually have to worry about you.

Anyway, I don't feel like I fixated on it. I probably mentioned it multiple times, but only when it came up naturally in discussion. If you read my posts in isolation looking for dirt to dig up, then I can see why that wouldn't translate to you out of context.

That, or you're 180-ing on me because you think I'm an easy target after Kantrip's flip or something. I don't know why you would think that, considering half the game agreed with me, including you, but I also don't know why you would try to push some shallow meta case on me when the actual context of the way this game started nullifies the whole thing.

I'll admit that I do just kind of want Yolo ****ed out of here because he pushes my buttons in general and he's a total waste of air in this game specifically. Like, this is an uncommon level of laziness for the slot. But it's ****ing impossible to get people to agree to lynch a slot like him without something damning, plus I felt much more certain of Kantscum yesterDay so ****ing around with anyone else for the lynch would have been a waste of time. Yolo will probably go to endgame, and that's bad for town pretty much no matter what.

Anyway, I don't consider this to be what D1 was about. It's possible that most of my actual posts talked about this stuff, but sometimes that's just the way discussion goes. I was focused on Kantrip, who I was certain was scum after he started flying those redflags about halfway through the Day. But I didn't devote a lot of posts to that read because I didn't really need to convince many other people of what I was seeing. And besdides, I wanted to wait for Raz to comment on the events before lynching Kantrip (which is why my vote never even ended up on him), because his TvT read on PJB and Kantrip hit me as totally safe and weird for anyone actually reading the exchange. Unfortunately, I never got that reaction because the Day ended while he was still at apex. Since Kantrip has flipped town, he has shot up my list. Especially considering literally all he has done so far since then is defend his read on Kantrip—something that doesn't serve any purpose other than defending his own standing within the town.

I got rambly there. Hopefully that's not too disorganized.



you seriously came in here and dedicated a post to defending yourself and nothing else? whos scum? whos town? why is everything youre saying revolve around d1 and nothing else?

good GORF do i wish i had my vote


Apr 3, 2008

I don't want to turn in a post made of quote salad, so I'm just going to use this chunk of one of WashRake's posts because it's pretty much the only one in which he actually outlines what he specifically doesn't like about my slot, rather than just quoting **** I've said and saying "this didn't seem scummy to me before but NOW IT DOES."

wrt "fixating" on roles and wanting you and yolo vig'd: You and yolo both revealed roles that needed to be weighed. You claimed bomb. That needs to be dealt with. I felt that the safest and most sensible way to deal with it was to call for a vig to shoot you. The best way to explain it is this: normal bombs blow up when they got shot at Night, so they actually usually get policy lynched in mafia games after they've claimed, just to be safe. But you're the opposite, according to your claim. You kill the person who hammers you during the Day, not the person who shoots you at Night. So what's the opposite of policy lynching? Policy vigging. It's literally that simple. But apparently we don't have a vig, or he's a ***** or something, so now I do actually have to worry about you.

Anyway, I don't feel like I fixated on it. I probably mentioned it multiple times, but only when it came up naturally in discussion. If you read my posts in isolation looking for dirt to dig up, then I can see why that wouldn't translate to you out of context.

That, or you're 180-ing on me because you think I'm an easy target after Kantrip's flip or something. I don't know why you would think that, considering half the game agreed with me, including you, but I also don't know why you would try to push some shallow meta case on me when the actual context of the way this game started nullifies the whole thing.

I'll admit that I do just kind of want Yolo ****ed out of here because he pushes my buttons in general and he's a total waste of air in this game specifically. Like, this is an uncommon level of laziness for the slot. But it's ****ing impossible to get people to agree to lynch a slot like him without something damning, plus I felt much more certain of Kantscum yesterDay so ****ing around with anyone else for the lynch would have been a waste of time. Yolo will probably go to endgame, and that's bad for town pretty much no matter what.

Anyway, I don't consider this to be what D1 was about. It's possible that most of my actual posts talked about this stuff, but sometimes that's just the way discussion goes. I was focused on Kantrip, who I was certain was scum after he started flying those redflags about halfway through the Day. But I didn't devote a lot of posts to that read because I didn't really need to convince many other people of what I was seeing. And besdides, I wanted to wait for Raz to comment on the events before lynching Kantrip (which is why my vote never even ended up on him), because his TvT read on PJB and Kantrip hit me as totally safe and weird for anyone actually reading the exchange. Unfortunately, I never got that reaction because the Day ended while he was still at apex. Since Kantrip has flipped town, he has shot up my list. Especially considering literally all he has done so far since then is defend his read on Kantrip—something that doesn't serve any purpose other than defending his own standing within the town.

I got rambly there. Hopefully that's not too disorganized.
@Underlined: if you're so concerned about Yolo why haven't you made a concentrated case or effort towards getting the slot fixed instead of stating dislike and nothing more. Kantrip was definitely the best lynch at the time but there was nothing stopping you from needling Yolo if you felt there was something wrong: I did when I was weirded out by his continuing FoS on my slot without stated reason even while being on Kantrip so why not you?

In the same line: what's your direction for today? I see you talking about Raz, but you haven't commented on PJB at all yet. Who is the most important play here for you and why?


Apr 3, 2008
Yeah. It's just kind of ironic it ended up that way after the reads.

Since you're here talk to me about Soup, what have you been making of his recent contributions? Do you think what I stated in my re-read notes is telling?
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