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Megaman Unlimited Mafia - Day 6 begins! No one killed!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Yeah. It's just kind of ironic it ended up that way after the reads.

Since you're here talk to me about Soup, what have you been making of his recent contributions? Do you think what I stated in my re-read notes is telling?
Mixed on Soup, leaning more town but I'm not certain what he is doing thus far and how his PJB/Rake the Laundry interactions + Raz stuff. I don't really think he has scum intent there.

I like your catch-up but tbh your impact this game from D1 didn't get my attention a whole lot, though I do like the D2 reread/catch-up. I agree with your reads and thoughts for the most part, Rajam and Rake/Laundry aren't slots I'd lynch today but Rake/Laundry is someone that should be looked at.


Apr 3, 2008
I like your catch-up but tbh your impact this game from D1 didn't get my attention a whole lot, though I do like the D2 reread/catch-up.

And alright at the Soup thing. Frankly what I brought up is very minor, but it did bug me.

I'm currently weighing the potential benefit of trying to get someone to hammer RTL at the end of this day over simply lynching so we get two flips and a lot more direction but every time I think about it it seems like there'd never be an actual good time to attempt it, let alone get someone we actually want dead to take the final vote. (and I can't help but see the most likely result be a town RTL flip along with whoever we put up to test it)

You seem to at least have strong opinions about the matter, what do you think we should do?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

And alright at the Soup thing. Frankly what I brought up is very minor, but it did bug me.

I'm currently weighing the potential benefit of trying to get someone to hammer RTL at the end of this day over simply lynching so we get two flips and a lot more direction but every time I think about it it seems like there'd never be an actual good time to attempt it, let alone get someone we actually want dead to take the final vote. (and I can't help but see the most likely result be a town RTL flip along with whoever we put up to test it)

You seem to at least have strong opinions about the matter, what do you think we should do?
Scum will just outright refuse which is fine since we can lynch them if they play the, "I will never kill myself" game.

If town does then It's fine with me since it means that slot is either me who thinks I'm not worth keeping around, or is a scummy slot that needed to be axe'd anyways.

Like Wolverine from past OS games, once claimed scum won't touch them in their condition but for a town bomb it's kind of understandable, even more so considering I don't think I would lynch the slot.

That would be my gameplan.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I mean, this is cool and all but this doesn't tell me much outside of that you was PJB today potentially. I know you were focused on roles and get it, they claimed roles that make them hard to lynch since it can be a gamble.

You want Marshy gone for being Marshy.

We already know this. Most of this post is defending ideas that, being frank I knew already with these explanations D1.

The last paragraph though is better to what I've wanted to see from you but still I was hoping for a little more meat, I know you only can post at night and stuff so I don't wanna be an activity nazi. But I really want you to catch up about D2 stuff and give me a better idea where your had is at.
I'm caught up. I've explained where my head is at (although I don't know where you got the idea that I'm looking at PJB toDay, if I'm reading your first line correctly).

If you understand everything I've done so far, then I don't understand what your issue with me is. At this point it looks like you are voting me for activity.




you seriously came in here and dedicated a post to defending yourself and nothing else? whos scum? whos town? why is everything youre saying revolve around d1 and nothing else?

good GORF do i wish i had my vote
D1 and nothing else? It's, what, 24 hours into D2? Less than that, even. What else would you like me to talk about? Kantrip's flip was a legit surprise. It makes me more suspicious of Raz for townreading him despite Kantrip himself basically doing everything in his power to thwart that. His single post so far has revolved entirely around that scenario, as if he still expects to squeeze the town points out of it. He has mentioned light suspicion of PJB which amounts to nothing to me, and more interesting read on soup, potentially. I eagerly await his thoughts in regards to that. There, that's a read with substantiation. More than I can say for you.

Here's another: WashRake's absolute 180 on me makes no sense and the "case" he's pretending he has on me is shallow as ****. He had no problem liking my posts and lynching Kantrip yesterDay, but now that Kantrip has flipped town, I'm undesirable #1? Why? Because Kantrip didn't like me? Because people keep calling me "off" and my activity is low so he thinks I'm an easy target? I have a hard time believing it's actually because his opinion on everything I said over the last phase just folded in on itself.


I hope you don't have your vote because the last thing I need is one more quickdraw hotshot gunning for me for stupid reasons. Gimme one reason to believe your push on me right now is anything other than opportunistic with a handful of people already breathing down my neck.

@Underlined: if you're so concerned about Yolo why haven't you made a concentrated case or effort towards getting the slot fixed instead of stating dislike and nothing more. Kantrip was definitely the best lynch at the time but there was nothing stopping you from needling Yolo if you felt there was something wrong: I did when I was weirded out by his continuing FoS on my slot without stated reason even while being on Kantrip so why not you?

In the same line: what's your direction for today? I see you talking about Raz, but you haven't commented on PJB at all yet. Who is the most important play here for you and why?
@bold: ???

I expressed my desire for yolo to be shot and explained why multiple times. But I felt Kantrip was the right lynch, which you agreed with. So that was where my focus was. What kind of answer are you expecting from me here? What more could I have done? You expect me to do "more needling" or whatever. How? Yolo basically just lurked through all of D1. I have time at the end of every day to basically just catchup on everything I missed and comment on it. You might as well be asking me why I didn't help lynch Kantrip harder.

@rest: Raz is my first order of business. Interested to hear more from him based on what he alluded to in his last post. WashRake now has my eye after he started to make sense later in D1, now suddenly losing his mind at the beginning of this one. I have a hard time seeing them as scum together, however. I have not commented on PJB because I'm townreading that slot, mostly due to the first order of business I just mentioned. And I just don't think I could have gotten Kanty v. PJB that wrong.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

I mean, let's be real, if I start reading WashRake as solidly scum enough to be sure I'm not actually gonna blow up, then of course I'd do it.

But losing two townies at once moves mylo forward by a Day phase in an odd-numbered player setup like this, so I'm not so jazzed about throwing myself on a grenade and putting town into what could be mylo with no flips.


Apr 3, 2008
@bold: ???

I expressed my desire for yolo to be shot and explained why multiple times. But I felt Kantrip was the right lynch, which you agreed with. So that was where my focus was. What kind of answer are you expecting from me here? What more could I have done? You expect me to do "more needling" or whatever. How? Yolo basically just lurked through all of D1. I have time at the end of every day to basically just catchup on everything I missed and comment on it. You might as well be asking me why I didn't help lynch Kantrip harder.

@rest: Raz is my first order of business. Interested to hear more from him based on what he alluded to in his last post. WashRake now has my eye after he started to make sense later in D1, now suddenly losing his mind at the beginning of this one. I have a hard time seeing them as scum together, however. I have not commented on PJB because I'm townreading that slot, mostly due to the first order of business I just mentioned. And I just don't think I could have gotten Kanty v. PJB that wrong.
Right, but why shot specifically instead of corrected? I feel like you could have made a more pointed stance on it by evaluating the content in detail and pointing out some factoids like when I noted that he had only posted 6 times etc. I know that's not really very measurable, but I can't help feeling there could have been more forcing positive action rather than passive dislike.

I understand Kantrip was the way to go and I'm not faulting you for that part because I agree on that: but the important part I want to know is if you're going to expand on Yolo now or leave him be for someone else to deal with him. What are you going to do about it now that you definitely can if you still feel strongly.

On a different note if you're townreading JTB what do you make of the contents of page 16, and more recently Soup's push on JTB. How do you view those events, and if the latter is still JTB positive then do you support or condemn what Soup tried to do?


Apr 3, 2008

I mean, let's be real, if I start reading WashRake as solidly scum enough to be sure I'm not actually gonna blow up, then of course I'd do it.

But losing two townies at once moves mylo forward by a Day phase in an odd-numbered player setup like this, so I'm not so jazzed about throwing myself on a grenade and putting town into what could be mylo with no flips.
Absolutely not. Not only do I not scumread that slot, but I know wtf my alignment is, and I'm not gonna waste the day killing 2 ****ing townies,
Yeah that's... pretty much what I figured on both accounts.


Jun 6, 2013
@ Circus Circus


youre right doe. im being opportunistic by tryna lynch a slot ive disliked literally before anyone else has vocalized doing so

that said your recent post interests me. im kinda shaking my head that youre tryna paint me as a lurker for my d1 play. i guess failing to needlessly rampant multipost is lurking these days


Jun 6, 2013
@ Rake the Lawndry Rake the Lawndry

your turn. tell me why the **** youre reading jd as town. early in the game i had this thot that scum would try to take advantage of our roles (which is weird cuz they benefit both town and scum equally but its easy to spin it in favor of the latter) by sorta hovering over the mechanical aspects of them and not much else. jerkus latched onto this approach an jd keeps talking about ****** hammering you for some reason. go head. convince me where the hell this is coming from


Apr 3, 2008
(why u tryn' to stifle reads about it tho, that question gave me a lot of insight into Ryu's thought process this game... asking doesn't mean enacting)


Jun 6, 2013
it seems completely utterly pointless to me. no ones gonna be down for it and if they say so theyre prolly just bull****tin. im sayin this cuz ive actually tried to do similar in os last game (tho i mayve just told the dude to hammer so he could die with no regard for his alignment. i dont remember these things too clearly)


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Right, but why shot specifically instead of corrected? I feel like you could have made a more pointed stance on it by evaluating the content in detail and pointing out some factoids like when I noted that he had only posted 6 times etc. I know that's not really very measurable, but I can't help feeling there could have been more forcing positive action rather than passive dislike.
Then we're just going to disagree on this. Yolo didn't do anything all of D1. I don't know what you mean when you say I could have "corrected" him. There is no correcting that slot. It plays like scum no matter what you say. It wins as scum and loses as town for exactly that reason. Yolo can't be "fixed." He can't be reasoned with. He'll just ride mislynches until he wins scum the game.

I understand Kantrip was the way to go and I'm not faulting you for that part because I agree on that: but the important part I want to know is if you're going to expand on Yolo now or leave him be for someone else to deal with him. What are you going to do about it now that you definitely can if you still feel strongly.
Well let me ask you this. What is your read on yolo? Would you be willing to lynch him? Because one of the reasons that slot lingers so long as scum is because no one ever wants to lynch him just in case he's secretly town's silver bullet (spoiler alert: he's not!). That's why someone (maybe it was you) suggested investigating him yesterDay as a compromise to outright killing him. People are typically too afraid to lose a slot like him without a bingo, which I don't have.

On a different note if you're townreading JTB what do you make of the contents of page 16, and more recently Soup's push on JTB. How do you view those events, and if the latter is still JTB positive then do you support or condemn what Soup tried to do?
I'm assuming you're talking about PJB here, not JTB. I think soup is wrong about PJB. I don't think soup is necessarily scum for it. I do think PJB is a stupidly easy target to go after in the wake of Kantrip.


Apr 3, 2008
Like you've been riding my ass for no explained reason all game Yolo. Either **** or get off the pot because I'm not having town deal with a "is he scum or is he legit" debate about you if you're just going to vig me.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
@ Circus Circus


youre right doe. im being opportunistic by tryna lynch a slot ive disliked literally before anyone else has vocalized doing so

that said your recent post interests me. im kinda shaking my head that youre tryna paint me as a lurker for my d1 play. i guess failing to needlessly rampant multipost is lurking these days
Literally no one is going to disagree with me on this. You lurked through D1.


Apr 3, 2008
Then we're just going to disagree on this. Yolo didn't do anything all of D1. I don't know what you mean when you say I could have "corrected" him. There is no correcting that slot. It plays like scum no matter what you say. It wins as scum and loses as town for exactly that reason. Yolo can't be "fixed." He can't be reasoned with. He'll just ride mislynches until he wins scum the game.

Well let me ask you this. What is your read on yolo? Would you be willing to lynch him? Because one of the reasons that slot lingers so long as scum is because no one ever wants to lynch him just in case he's secretly town's silver bullet (spoiler alert: he's not!). That's why someone (maybe it was you) suggested investigating him yesterDay as a compromise to outright killing him. People are typically too afraid to lose a slot like him without a bingo, which I don't have.

I'm assuming you're talking about PJB here, not JTB. I think soup is wrong about PJB. I don't think soup is necessarily scum for it. I do think PJB is a stupidly easy target to go after in the wake of Kantrip.
I don't really know, I guess I have higher expectations of in your face-ness for the level of concerned you showed at the time, so I'll drop that.

I'm well aware he's no town secret weapon: I was part of the scumteam who left him alive on purpose in Tranquility. If he continues the way he has been I would strongly consider it to be honest, but that feels selfishly motivated because of how my restriction interacts with his role.

Yeah I meant PJB. I've got JTB on the brain from Tranq apparently.


Jun 6, 2013
so what are you even tryna achieve here jerkus? i am PRETTY SURE you dont have a scumread on me due to past history so is the constant ****ting on my slot even doing anything for town? like since the beginning of this game youve been on my **** (**** you by the way. i usually get it right by endgame but tranquility was just an uphill battle with ****** who literally didnt try and helped the opposing faction in the most team crippling way possible. go head and blame it on me tho. thats MY ****ing fault) for no reason i can ascertain other than "HEY GUYS BE SUSPCIOUS OF THIS GUY BTW HE SUCKS!" so im like what the **** dude?

btw the whole bein on ****** for seemingly no reason is MY shtick. not yours. you tryna steal my swag now too? is that what it is doe?


Jun 6, 2013
Like you've been riding my *** for no explained reason all game Yolo. Either **** or get off the pot because I'm not having town deal with a "is he scum or is he legit" debate about you if you're just going to vig me.
dawg if i was just gonna vig you id do so without mentioning anything about you this dayphase. the fact that im actually putting in effort into reading you should tell you something


Apr 3, 2008
Well it's frustrating seeing you have me as a continual FoS with no push, it's not easy to read. At least when you're calling for people to die everyone knows where you stand legit or scum, with this I don't think anyone knows. Like I hope you're getting something out of this because it's hard to have a discourse when no one knows why

That said I'm starting to think I stepped on your read opportunity like you stepped on mine wrt you asking RTL, so I'll let them bash me or sing my praises on their own.


Jun 6, 2013
Literally no one is going to disagree with me on this. You lurked through D1.
and literally nobody but yourself gives an iota of a ****. kantplay lived up to his name and i was happy to oblige in getting his dumb ******** ass fukked straight outta this game for playing like scum. contrary to what soup asserted that is HIS fault and NOT towns. you dont blame the majority for offing dumbasses. you blame the guy on his knees asking you to pull the trigger

but no jerkus lets go here. i lurked d1. for the sake of argument ill say sure you caught me. is it damning? does it still matter now? are you even analyzing what ive done in the meantime or are you content to talk about the past and my role (2 factors i have no control over) all day?

you really DONT want with me son. i just got done a game where i gave ****** a pass for comin at me with ****tyass meta reasons but im not ****ing having it this go around cuz surprise! they were scum. so come the **** at me


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Circus (4) - Red Ryu, RakeTheLawndry, JDietz43, Gorf,
PJB (2) - Rajam, Soup,

Not voting: PJB, YOLOSWAG, Raziek, Circus, BadWolf,

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline is Jan. 31st at 3 p.m.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Jerkus said:
I'll admit that I do just kind of want Yolo ****ed out of here because he pushes my buttons in general and he's a total waste of air in this game specifically. Like, this is an uncommon level of laziness for the slot. But it's ****ing impossible to get people to agree to lynch a slot like him without something damning, plus I felt much more certain of Kantscum yesterDay so ****ing around with anyone else for the lynch would have been a waste of time. Yolo will probably go to endgame, and that's bad for town pretty much no matter what.
I would listen if you were willing to put up more than just marshy being marshy. That's a problem and why most people don't bother with him because people instantly characterize his actions as null. Can you give more besides general dislike and something with more meat? You say he's being lazy but I want to know why that laziness equates to scum, or why anything at all you've said about him even matters.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
So what do you make of him "ducking out on reading and sticking to more mechanical stuff" yourself Soup?
I don't like Circus right now. I feel his hate for marshy needs more if I didn't make that clear in his previous post. I haven't bothered with fully reading the case on him from LawnRake, but I have the general idea why he dislikes him. I agree with it for the most part, but I keep getting weird vibes from LawnRake too. My opinion on them right now is the same as Gorf's in that regard.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
If Circus flips scum, I'mma probably want Soup right after after reading this whole anti-Circus wagon interaction
You misinterpret me. I never said I was anti-Circus. Just because I want someone different that isn't Circus and I'm not voting doesn't make me change how I feel about him. There's a thing called priority in Mafia and people need to stop this crap where they scum-read people because they're not jumping on some ill-advised wagon without discussing ****. I know how this game operates however and even if I screamed up and down until I was blue in the face it's very likely I couldn't get PJB lynched right now. I actually want to lynch PJB based on his connection with Circus, as I feel his read on him is non-committal even though he's treading around like he scum-reads him.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm currently weighing the potential benefit of trying to get someone to hammer RTL at the end of this day over simply lynching so we get two flips and a lot more direction but every time I think about it it seems like there'd never be an actual good time to attempt it, let alone get someone we actually want dead to take the final vote. (and I can't help but see the most likely result be a town RTL flip along with whoever we put up to test it)
I would prefer if you were more direct with your opinions as I feel like some of your posts are filled with fluff. Do you take this consideration into mind because you think RTL should be lynched sometime later? That you suspect him? Of course we could do it that way but I don't know why it's relevant here. Tell me why this is bothering you or why you had to mention it.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I don't really get this preference with people. YOLO scum-reads Circus and he's big bad tunneling him while PJB throws very light suspicion towards Jerkus (note: he is not voting him) and claims he is his priority and this is somehow affirming to a town-read? You're not suspicious of the guy who is being non-committal towards you? You're more suspicious of the guy who is trying to progress his read with you let alone is actually treating you more like a slot instead of a name he can mention once or twice so he looks better?? I also don't really get why LawnRake is making you weary either for that reason, they're both putting into work into getting your ass lynched and apparently this equates to both of them being scummy and dis-likable??

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I can understand feeling like someone is trying to make a move on you, but you're so willing to call LawnRake as bad just because he's turning the tables on you. I really don't know why you're not thinking this through and you just come to the instant conclusion that LawnRake is scum because of this. There's also the paper-thin argument about his role but I'm not going to take that at all in consideration in an OS Game.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
@ Rake the Lawndry Rake the Lawndry

your turn. tell me why the **** youre reading jd as town. early in the game i had this thot that scum would try to take advantage of our roles (which is weird cuz they benefit both town and scum equally but its easy to spin it in favor of the latter) by sorta hovering over the mechanical aspects of them and not much else. jerkus latched onto this approach an jd keeps talking about *****s hammering you for some reason. go head. convince me where the hell this is coming from
Has he been doing that before? I read him asking people if they'd hammer us and it definitely set up a red flag but I don't remember him doing **** like that before. In general, I liked his approach between Potato and PJB and the switch to PJB over Potato didn't really bother me like it did some players, but I don't wholly remember specifics anymore. Lemme retap on this after I finish my PJB reread.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
How does the fact that those aren't true and I was a coolguy first affect your Circus read?

*is upset he wasn't remembered as being the original Kantrip hate rebel for some reason even though it was a mislynch*
You were also the first to be a ***** and go the other way. Circus kept on it and didn't doubleback, yet the immediate thing he talks about isn't that read, despite it being against the grain of the game at that moment. That seems real odd to me.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
I got rambly there. Hopefully that's not too disorganized.
You weren't disorganized, you just didn't do a gorram thing to resolve anything at all on you. You played mechanical and admitted to it while completely avoiding your backpedal on BadWolf and the fact that you did divert attention back to us (see: your back and forth with Gorf I quoted). I dunno what you were trying to get at but your explanation doesn't really explain anything. :v

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
I'm currently weighing the potential benefit of trying to get someone to hammer RTL at the end of this day over simply lynching so we get two flips and a lot more direction but every time I think about it it seems like there'd never be an actual good time to attempt it, let alone get someone we actually want dead to take the final vote. (and I can't help but see the most likely result be a town RTL flip along with whoever we put up to test it)
If town does then It's fine with me since it means that slot is either me who thinks I'm not worth keeping around, or is a scummy slot that needed to be axe'd anyways.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
Here's another: WashRake's absolute 180 on me makes no sense and the "case" he's pretending he has on me is shallow as ****. He had no problem liking my posts and lynching Kantrip yesterDay, but now that Kantrip has flipped town, I'm undesirable #1? Why? Because Kantrip didn't like me? Because people keep calling me "off" and my activity is low so he thinks I'm an easy target? I have a hard time believing it's actually because his opinion on everything I said over the last phase just folded in on itself.
Nah, let's not play this game. I made mentions early that I didn't like how you entered the game because I expected you as scum to just dive at a bunch of people claiming and talk about that rather than actually interact with people. Not only does that fit in with your scum meta, it's just scummy in general. You're forgoing the interaction part of the game that's necessary to read people to complain or poke at people for their roles.

I let you go on the basis of your Potato read because I felt you were right but don't think for a second that my read was based on yours. We agreed, but I came to that conclusion on my own based on Potato's posts, not because of what you had to say.

The reason why my read flipped is because your potato push was really the only attempt at you reading someone I saw all game and he flipped town. I had multiple people express that you were "scummy" or a "mixed bag" and I wanted to look at that. What I turned up over the course of the phase was your Potato push being the only good thing you did and everything else being mad fixated on YOLO, my role, or just weird and scummy in general.

Rake the Lawndry

Jan 12, 2014
@rest: Raz is my first order of business. Interested to hear more from him based on what he alluded to in his last post. WashRake now has my eye after he started to make sense later in D1, now suddenly losing his mind at the beginning of this one. I have a hard time seeing them as scum together, however. I have not commented on PJB because I'm townreading that slot, mostly due to the first order of business I just mentioned. And I just don't think I could have gotten Kanty v. PJB that wrong.
Then did you blatantly miss his giant post to Soup earlier in the phase despite clearly reading posts beyond it? He lays out his Potato read pretty well there.
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