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MegaMan Battle Network Mafia - Day 3 Begins! Deadline is 1/6 at 11:59 PM EST


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Alright, got the PM.

So yeah, the truth of the matter is that Gorf made the worst shot ever. LOL!

Currently reading up on everything that has happened.

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
I'm voting Gorf slot because it played scummy and I hated his Joey read.
Why are you playing so reactively? Your vote on Gorf's slot accomplishes nothing at all, it's like you are just throwing it out there just incase someone else would to start up a wagon. Why is gorf with his random shot and inactivity more important to than every other slot in the game?

Most of your "catchup" yesterDay was just pointing out random statements and asking random questions that serve no purpose. Where are the reads from that aside from your scumread on the main wagon, Fandango (in which you only posted one thing about before voting), your read on gorf that is purely nonsensical, and "I'm pretty content with he other slots thrown around as lynch ideas, Except Maven would lynch him."? And what happened between your #435 and #440 that made you vote Fandango then and not earlier?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Hrm, ok.

Right now I dislike Nabe for staying in the background this entire time and not moving an inch while everyone has been getting invested. I'm not really a big fan of JD/Soup at the moment either. Can't remember the other slots that were inactive, but everyone else seems fine to me.

Well I guess I might be a little hesitant of Gheb/JTB since they seemed pretty quick to come to Gorf's defense and support him early on in the game. :p

Vote: Nabe


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
There are no additional shots. Had Gorf successfully hit an 'Anti-Town' role, he would have been able to shoot again though.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Aight I replaced myself, so I'm making a post that chronicles my thoughts as I read through the game thread. First time really reading the thread other then slight skims.No fancy formatting.

#120, Gorf's vig claim. I thought he was lying, and obviously lying, to try and pressure Ryker. I did not take it seriously and was shocked other people were. The rest has been discussed to death

Vult's immediate backing Gorff's claim is weird, I don't see how he could know that Gorf was a vig even if he knew one was in the game.

really like Joey's #136 at Gorf, though not too relevant now

Don't like soups #156, I think Joey is clear with what he's saying but Soup's still trying to direct attention toward him. Don't like the way he did this

Zozo's #168 seems weird, possibly trying to add momentum towards Joey, though he also said he only skimmed so might just be that he skimmed

#175, Joey's post. At this point I see 100% where Joey is coming from.

Vult's #180/1 seem scummy. Joking around when the game has far progressed from that point.

I don't get the Diet'z push that starts just afterwards

Djn's #260...what?

Ok, now I start to see why people are voting Jdietz, though it seems really weak.

and #224 Soup is now voting Jdietz

Don't like Vult's #239 at all, seems like he's trying to nitpick his way out

Soups #269 just seemed to be spelling out his frustration. Wonders why Joey would post so much in the middle of his 6
paragraph post

hate Vults #278-281

Ok now that I'm investedf in the game I'm a lot angrier at Gorf

Vult #336 he says he didn't believe anyone could take his claim seriously but people were clearly taking his and gorf's claim seriously the entire game

I feel the early Jdiet'z push was really weak, but Jdiet'z has been on the sidelines for quite a while now

I like Joey's #360, agree with him on Vult

Don't like Vult again in #379, again the Jdietz push was really weak but Vult is acting like he commited blatant scumtells.

Where has Soup been? He was prominent early on but just faded away

IngloriousRetards #391
At the very least, he seems to be aware that he has some sort of responsibility of defending himself and that is something I would attribute as town behavior in most players' cases.
How is self preservation a town tell?

There's Soup in #392, posting 3 pagaraphs to say that he doesn't think two players tryign to lynch eachother are town, and that one of them hasn't been too pro-active. Most of it is worthless

I mean to keep doing this, but I'm really tired. I'm going to finsih up reading/posting notes tomorrow, but from what I read I'm thinking Vult/Soup. Soup mainly for a gut and for his lack of important reads or real contributions. He's more just sliding through and voicing his frustration which, surprisingly in this game, didn't feel real.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Oh specifically that he's sliding through and voicing his frustration on other players for not contributing. He did a big frustration thing in Blazblue mafia that got him some town points which makes it null since he could just be frustrated but I'm finding his choice of what he's frustrated at odd

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Why are you playing so reactively? Your vote on Gorf's slot accomplishes nothing at all, it's like you are just throwing it out there just incase someone else would to start up a wagon. Why is gorf with his random shot and inactivity more important to than every other slot in the game?

Most of your "catchup" yesterDay was just pointing out random statements and asking random questions that serve no purpose. Where are the reads from that aside from your scumread on the main wagon, Fandango (in which you only posted one thing about before voting), your read on gorf that is purely nonsensical, and "I'm pretty content with he other slots thrown around as lynch ideas, Except Maven would lynch him."? And what happened between your #435 and #440 that made you vote Fandango then and not earlier?
I'll get back to this.

Kinda busy atm.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Why are you playing so reactively? Your vote on Gorf's slot accomplishes nothing at all, it's like you are just throwing it out there just incase someone else would to start up a wagon. Why is gorf with his random shot and inactivity more important to than every other slot in the game?

Most of your "catchup" yesterDay was just pointing out random statements and asking random questions that serve no purpose. Where are the reads from that aside from your scumread on the main wagon, Fandango (in which you only posted one thing about before voting), your read on gorf that is purely nonsensical, and "I'm pretty content with he other slots thrown around as lynch ideas, Except Maven would lynch him."? And what happened between your #435 and #440 that made you vote Fandango then and not earlier?
Because irl is beating me up. I would be more proactive but a coworker got sick and I'm working full time at a part time job and helping my dad with issues when he cane out of the hospital from surgery.

The game also started in my finals time, worst time so i tried to get content out there with a catch up and my thoughts. My rushed it admitingly but I needed to get back and involved.

I want the Gorf slot dead right now because he offered a bad Joey scum read, hip shot an active player over his scum reads and anyone else who was more worth the shot like Maven it myself. Afterwards claiming he is cleared trying to ride it out. I hate all of that and want his slot dead for it.

I'd like my previous questions answered when people post.

Why I voted Fand and not earlier? Wanted a full reread first before I voted.

What is your read on Vult?


Jun 7, 2012
Hrm, ok.

Right now I dislike Nabe for staying in the background this entire time and not moving an inch while everyone has been getting invested. I'm not really a big fan of JD/Soup at the moment either. Can't remember the other slots that were inactive, but everyone else seems fine to me.

Well I guess I might be a little hesitant of Gheb/JTB since they seemed pretty quick to come to Gorf's defense and support him early on in the game. :p

Vote: Nabe
dislike that you comein hating on nabe considering thats a really easy read to make and theres other stuff there.evenmoreso considering most of the game was inactive as ****
@ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu Ignoring Gorf, who else is scum based on your reading?
Where you feelin besides vult? Talk tk ke bout gheb n gordull

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu Ignoring Gorf, who else is scum based on your reading?
I didn't like you at parts. But other than that I'm not sure who is scum right now.

I think I need to reread again to get a better idea on this front.

I really didn't see a main, this guy is scum, like I do other than Gorf who did everything in his power to make me hate his slot, one part though not his fault the irl stuff. But in game I hate what he did with a passion and do think it was scummy.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
dislike that you comein hating on nabe considering thats a really easy read to make and theres other stuff there.evenmoreso considering most of the game was inactive as ****

Where you feelin besides vult? Talk tk ke bout gheb n gordull
Being fair Nabe needs to give more.

I agree at least there.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
dislike that you comein hating on nabe considering thats a really easy read to make and theres other stuff there.evenmoreso considering most of the game was inactive as ****
what is the point of this post? you're casting suspicion on me for taking an 'easy' route but no one else has pointed out Nabe's shtick yet. :p

i get the vibe that nabe's lingering in the background is different from atypical inactivity. like, most of his content has seemed empty to me and there hasn't been a whole lot coming out from him.

what are your thoughts on gorf's play prior to me entering the game for him? actually i'm just curious where your head is at in general.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I really didn't see a main, this guy is scum, like I do other than Gorf who did everything in his power to make me hate his slot, one part though not his fault the irl stuff. But in game I hate what he did with a passion and do think it was scummy.
you have every reason to hate the gorf slot so i can't argue much here loool but here's my best guess on gorf actions this game:

>gorf sees adrenaline day vig pm
>gets all jittery and wants to do something cool with it
>remembers MP2 mafia and thinks it would be super funny to troll ryker/raz
>proceeds to troll ryker/raz and shoots them, thinking 'well if they are scum then i get another shot which would be swag and look cool and then i can finally run the show'.

yeah idk it was seriously just one of the silliest things ever.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Feel free to back the **** off on weird, inaccurate meta any time.

"Most of his content has seemed empty to me" is disgusting and fake, rephrase. I haven't posted enough content for that wording to enter your mind. "Most" is a hedge -- you're either suggesting that at least one of my posts had some kind of merit (unlikely), or you're being insincere. Rephrase to clarify which.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
i'm getting mixed signals from nabe. suggests i'm using meta to make the read, but implies i'm scum by saying my language comes off as fake and disgusting. wat do?

i guess this isn't the first time in recent memory that i've been on nabe's azz right out the gate which can be a little annoying as either alignment, which might explain the hostility of the response. i'm just following my heart to find the scummers man :(



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
you can shoot me if you want, there's pretty much no way that town has two day vigilantes, and you'll be hanged immediately on my flip, lol.

'most' being more than like 80% of your posts if memory serves, not at least one. i mean can you really deny that you've been sitting in the background not really doing anything? i'll be blunt, i really don't remember you doing much and i think you're just sitting in the back while town is suffocating.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
i use the word 'most' because i'm lazy and there might be some ounce of possibility i missed a post from you.

there is serious irony in your pointing out that you don't have enough content for me to use the word.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I am accepting of all V/LAs for holiday-related purposes as I am on one myself. Have a Merry Christmas, players.


Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I'm alive but was deathly sick and working a lot plus holidays.

[quote="Red Ryu, post: 18212563, member: 119088"I think you answered later but to be clear you had no knowledge this was legit?[/quote]no I didn't

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
gheb would normally have a point about rr "wasting" his vote on a replaced slot but is wrong in this case because rr's vote is consistent with his d1 attitude that gorf should be lynched.

it is clear that rr is not voting gorf to get reads or reactions... and that is okay because gorf did something that is concretely scummy that probably merits policy lynch.

vote: gorf ... to have a vote out while I'm inactive and not able to follow up on some more reads, and because I would not mind him lynched.

"extra shot if hit an anti-town", if it were true, is incentive to not waste the shot early... so it's inconsistent with gorf's behavior.


Jun 7, 2012
what is the point of this post? you're casting suspicion on me for taking an 'easy' route but no one else has pointed out Nabe's shtick yet. :p

i get the vibe that nabe's lingering in the background is different from atypical inactivity. like, most of his content has seemed empty to me and there hasn't been a whole lot coming out from him.

what are your thoughts on gorf's play prior to me entering the game for him? actually i'm just curious where your head is at in general.
why is how he's doing it telling though, he always is background, you pointing it out is pointless


Jun 7, 2012
gheb would normally have a point about rr "wasting" his vote on a replaced slot but is wrong in this case because rr's vote is consistent with his d1 attitude that gorf should be lynched.

it is clear that rr is not voting gorf to get reads or reactions... and that is okay because gorf did something that is concretely scummy that probably merits policy lynch.

vote: gorf ... to have a vote out while I'm inactive and not able to follow up on some more reads, and because I would not mind him lynched.

"extra shot if hit an anti-town", if it were true, is incentive to not waste the shot early... so it's inconsistent with gorf's behavior.
this is bad. who's scum cause this is super palceholder


Jun 7, 2012
that gorf vote is also hella suspect, riding the gorf hate wave just cause olaceholder ? double gross.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
gheb would normally have a point about rr "wasting" his vote on a replaced slot but is wrong in this case because rr's vote is consistent with his d1 attitude that gorf should be lynched.

it is clear that rr is not voting gorf to get reads or reactions... and that is okay because gorf did something that is concretely scummy that probably merits policy lynch.

vote: gorf ... to have a vote out while I'm inactive and not able to follow up on some more reads, and because I would not mind him lynched.

"extra shot if hit an anti-town", if it were true, is incentive to not waste the shot early... so it's inconsistent with gorf's behavior.
the bolded is why I hate this vote.

FOS Vult

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
1) Obviously I am not sincerely claiming dayvig.

2) You've misread my post. Your use of the word 'most' suggests that a) you think at least one of my posts has merit, or b) that you're talking out your ass, which is why I (still) am looking for a rephrase.

3) merry Christmas :)

you can shoot me if you want, there's pretty much no way that town has two day vigilantes, and you'll be hanged immediately on my flip, lol.

'most' being more than like 80% of your posts if memory serves, not at least one. i mean can you really deny that you've been sitting in the background not really doing anything? i'll be blunt, i really don't remember you doing much and i think you're just sitting in the back while town is suffocating.
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