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MegaMan Battle Network Mafia - Day 3 Begins! Deadline is 1/6 at 11:59 PM EST


Apr 3, 2008
I will most likely get lynched Today so I am just gonna state where my head is at at the moment.
It's good that you're posting some small observations, but you're resigning yourself to death without making any real solid opinions.

Who do you personanlly think is scum and why aren't you voting at the moment?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
When I have motivation again I will delve into why this game sucks for my own personal health despite nobody actually reading my posts like usual.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Gonna catch up after I'm done playing League with Ryker. p.s. is soup being emo again? looks like nothing changed in my absence

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
vult why are you chasing nabe's tail and not progressing a read, if you agree with the fandangox read you need to do something about it, you're really just sitting on your hands and kind of playing the "respond to things" game instead of progressing fandangox
every time i come into this thread there is more nonsense for me to respond to (e.g. your posts @ me), which sucks up all of the time I could be using toward something else like reread the game and posting more reads.

vult: is jd not understanding your perspective telling, and if it isn't why are you posting it ?
don't know yet. I thought he was omgusing scum because his case on me is awful. I am also considering that he is potentially town who is reading me poorly because of how acted toward him near the beginning, so I posted that, along with arguments against his case, to see if he would reread with fresh eyes and come to a new conclusion. His #400 makes me think that's not the case though.

in fact in his #400 he points out very scummy Fand things and then qualifies it by saying he doesn't think Fand's actions "actively scummy". Without providing rationale... which is extremely convenient considering that a strong chunk of his reason for voting me is that he didn't like my vote switch.

is uncharacterostic of vulttown
i don't think i have played a game with you...

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Jdietz i noticed you didn't respond my post which tackles your argument (iirc gheb is also guilty of this).
lets you get away with random mudslinging to see what sticks.
i didn't do this though.
the funny thing is that 'random mudslinging' would be a good way to describe a lot of FML's #384-388

your not evene committed to your fandanos read and we both know it , way too much dancing and not enough hard strides forward
really unhappy with vult's transition on jd too
vults running jds name to catch the interest as a floater without putting the gas pedal down, which is uncharacterostic of vulttown
a collection of negatives that are structured in a way that makes it really difficult to respond to / clarify / answer them... probably because he doesn't want me to. that is not scumhunting, that is mudslinging.

if he were scumhunting his e.g. #387 look something like: "vult's transition on jd is problematic because of x, y, and z" followed by "die scum!" or whatever. he's mostly looking to justify his read, not develop it.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Vult's push onto Fanny didn't come with warrant and I don't see reason for Vult to switch his vote over to his partner over subsequently nothing, especially when he had commited to JD in the first place.
I feel like I am cheating by saying this but this is a good point. <_<

@ Vult Redux Vult Redux , Who are other players you would consider lynching today?
Fand or Dietz

Tomorrow I definitely would consider FML and would also look into a lot of my question mark slots... like yours I guess. Gorf needs to be addressed and probably lynched at some point.

I also need to reread Gheb direly because some of his posts stuck out as scummy.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
do we have any idea how long the deadline was extended for?

im really sorry btw, real lifes been quite the ***** lately n i havent had much time to dedicate to my computer. as soon as i get a chance to sit down in front of my computer ill read the thread again n become relevant.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ryker, i claim town dayvig. i will give you three posts to claim, or i will shoot you.
Let's go over this again.

Why was this the best way to open the game up?

Why pull a revenge troll fantasy over shooting a power player?

^ is legit, can confirm
I think you answered later but to be clear you had no knowledge this was legit?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ooh oh it started~! This flavor seems hype so I'm expecting a lot from you Laundry (cough don't forget my BB expectations cough). Though I admit if I'm being truthful I only made it through about 3/4ths of one of the games (definitely not pirated ROM) so I may not know everything there is to know about it, I'll try to be a good judge though.

FoS: Fanny
Vote: Nabe

Fannys... along with the butt-master himself? Coincidence: I think not.
Rereading this, I wonder why you did ignore current events. If you trying to start a new avenue to get content started I don't see how this would have done it.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
vote fanny

I don't support a vult lynch and would much prefer to go for the blatant inactive Maven if not Fanny.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ehh. ill take that. i see it different but honestly i think timell tell more than anything.

i think joey disguising what is clearly an emotion based perception of my actions with an attempt of logic and reason is moreso the case here. but truth be told he HAS backed down (at the recommendation of town, but nonetheless backed down) so maybe youre right. still dont feel all that hot about em doe.
I don't agree with this and do not think this is scummy but I can see it I guess.

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
vote fanny

I don't support a vult lynch and would much prefer to go for the blatant inactive Maven if not Fanny.
I'm also strongly considering a last-minute switch to Maven but I'd need to see a votecount and know how many hours until deadline.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Why? What's wrong with jump-starting the game at this point?

Alternatively, why not let it play out: take some reads on who does and doesn't comment and then move from there? I don't see why this is a big deal. Especially since it's Gorf threatening to do the exact action Ryker did to make EE ragequit in Mario Party. I don't see why you're taking this so immediately seriously.
Yes but why are you not confronting that issue here?

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
So I don't think I'll be around any longer and I have no idea if JTB will be available until deadline - whenever that may be "tonight". I'm pretty sure Fand has like 3 or 4 votes right now and is closer to the lynch than anybody else.

But honestly, he's actually playing this game and even though he might be the scummiest slot I don't think it'd be a good thing for this game to lynch him while leaving around people like Maven. Feeling the same way about Vult whose input has been consistent. Can we lynch Maven? I'd have an easier time switching votes if I knew when deadline was. If the people that are active right now - Stu, Ryu, Fanny, IR, maybe somebody else - switch their votes to Maven right now I can see it happen. Pretty sure that's the best we can do right now. But if people just stay where they are while deadline's approaching I'll be leaving without moving my vote anymore. It's gonna be up to @ JTB JTB then.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
My only problem with lynching Maven is other than it being a complete shot in the dark, no info would be gained on the lynch. Mod intervention would be preferable w/ this slot.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I'll be around tonight for this game

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Because I don't understand what the intent from your post was. If you are town, backing up the claim would mean that you know Gorf is legit, and the reason you are letting the rest of the players know that should be to avoid any further confusion and potential wifom, yet your ambiguous-ness in the situation doesn't help anyone, not to mention that if both of you are legit, you immediately backing up his claim is a bad move, I would have at least waited to see what Gorf's gambit was and then let town know that Gorf is legit.

There could be the chance that Gorf is lying about the claim, but still town and just used the claim as a way to kickstar the game, but your first post, if serious, makes that a unlikely possibility. Frankly I simply don't understand why wouldn't you just clarify you were joking, your wording and timing made me think you were joking, but a this point you avoiding an answer makes me think you were serious with your claim. If you are not answering because you are weary of people picking up you had information/PR then your first post was a mistake because there's no other way you would know Gorf is legit otherwise, and making that post just makes that visible to everyone.

In short: I am REALLY confused about your first post in the game, what you were hoping to gain when making it and why you are being so secretive about a clear answer.
I don't like this.

It's attacking Vult for trying to kick start the game out of RVS. His interactions saying he confirmed it is fine on either perspective.

It's something to read him on, but not condemn him on that alone.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Crappy shot with a crappy outcome.

He's probably town given his actions even if I probably will ignore what he ahs to say and his slot indefinitely due to that shot however. I don't know, Maven hasn't really given enough of anything and I'm kind of waiting on him (and a lot of people). Could you out some reads for me?

Let me go full circle and answer some people while I still can bear to look at the thread.

Day shot =/= him as town. His actions around Ryker/Raz is pig disgusting.

Only thing that I kinda see motivation for us his Joey vote and i foment even agree with it.


Jun 7, 2012
will not lynch a shot in the dark like maven who gives us nothing, fandangox or nothing.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Rake posted that but i can gove you the pov on the second and look through fb for the prior
Gorfs shot itself was null. I can buy him wanting to shoot ryker over what he did to mp2 maf, but i refuse to believe that was the whole part of it. Rake iirc believes gorf wouldnt ballsout shoot razker like that as scum with all the attention he brought upon it.
My side i think gorf is a ******* but thats not indicative of anything. I dislike how he pulled up to the shot and i despise his refusal to give allthe reasons because gorf isnt spiteful enough to wreck something over a thing that happened like a year plus ago
I believe he would as scum.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
It's good that you're posting some small observations, but you're resigning yourself to death without making any real solid opinions.

Who do you personanlly think is scum and why aren't you voting at the moment?
I don't vote until I am sure of the person being scum.

Since most of the phase revolved around Me/Vult from my point of view it was hard to grasp who was scum or not, considering the main pushers of my lynch, Vult, and IR are look to be town for me, FullmetalLynch's case against me seems solid enough, it's main flaw being that for it to actually work it would have to be clear that my intent was to scumread and push vult, when it wasn't as I made that perfectly clear in my first response to Vult after he voted me. I was also worried at his discrepancy on the comment on Gorf's shot, although it seems it was just the heads disagreeing.

I will just put out there who I think should not be Lynched in the following days and who should be further questioned pushed.

IR, Vult, and Soup are most likely town, aside from pushing their respective lynches, they also questioned other people, not only focusing on the lynch push, trying to move the game forward.

Joey's handling of the Gorf vote, and how he responded to the questions asked to him makes me lean town on him,although I don't believe he is really that outraged about Gof's shot, he seems to be over reacting to that for whatever reason.

Gorf is a strange case in that is very well within his meta for him to be very active and move the string of the game even as a scum player, so he is null right now, you guys should further uesiton him about his shot on D2 however.

It is also within Nabe's meta to be a useless sheep (no offense bby) even as town, do not let him get away with this behaviour however.

Jdietz's early play was worry some, his vote on Vult, while justified, seemed a bit weak to me, however he has been better on the last few pages, although his post on the top of this page is probably biasing/blinding me in some fashion lol, null.

RR himself say that he would blatantly sheep, he pointed out Gorf's "I am clear" bs and has been questioning people on this page, Null for now.

I'd recommend Maven be replaced instead of outright lynched, there's nothing to gain about lynching an almost 100% inactive slot if there's the possibility of them just being replaced. Request Replacement for Maven.

Not much to say on DTJ, null.

ZoZo is the slot that troubles me the most right now upon re-reading.

those actually all sound great for town. Whats the issue?
Also you seem to call it bad play yet you vote on it aa if it is scum play. Why?
His questions to Joey at the beginning of the game are actually pretty good questions, however the problem is that he doesn't follow up on them when Joey answers him on page five. By the next time ZoZo posts, he is ignoring Joey and FoSing JDietz (without even saying why) Post 168. He immediately afterwards says that he hasn't read, just skimmed.

ZoZo later posts in 244 says he is busy with real life, saying he'd post some more later.

Soup later in post 269 mentions brief concern at Nabe and ZoZo (I assume because of their inactivity)

Later he post this.

Did Gorf just shoot a slot that made like 3-4 posts and is easily readable for the sake of it only to dip immediately after?
God, this read is gonna be good. This actually got me interested.
An in-sightless post that contributes nothing, this in itself wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that most of his later posts are just like this.

holy mackeroni do i want to replace out
is gorfs vote still on joey?
Nothing of substance here.

FMLs 164 is horrible. If he keeps scumhunting like this I might off myself.
Calls out FML, yet doesn't explain he think his post was terrible.

this post sucks

Vote: Soup
Soup's handling of joey is so hit-and-miss he could open a fair shooting gallery
Votes soup, yet once again, fails to explain in-depth why.

im pretty sure this counts as irony
Piggu disgustingu
thats not scummy doe..
Bunch of posts close to each other that contribute nothing, fails to explain why he thinks those posts are bad.

Vote: JDIetz

Votes Jdietz, ONCE AGAIN, doesn't say why. Note that in this same page, he voted Soup before.

This does not line up. ******* explanation in 222 consider JDietz's recent posts (at the time) which weren't all around then. So what WAS your issue with Dietz that evening? I might be missing something.
Finally makes a question that makes him look like he cares about the game, but he later doesn't follow up on this.

what is this even...
safe for the last point this post is horrible
Back to showing disgust on posts without saying why.

He posted this earlier, apparently why his posts have no depth:

fwiw the context of me reading this game: its 7am and I haven't slept. if I derp pls 4give me
Ok gonna leave it at that. Top of page7 now, gonna go sleep. I'm spent. No questions right now.

JDietz is hella scummy. Justifying his actions with improbable motives to cloud his actual intentions is what it reads to me. Stew's point on page7 about him playing passively also applies.

More tomorrow.
For once, actually explains why he votes Jdietz, however there is not much here.

His post in page 10 is another post explaining why he is absent, saying he is busy.

I later ask him to elaborate and explain why he changed votes so suddenly, he replies with this

Promises to answer later this weekend (he doesn't)

I tag him on my 397 about he not answering my questions on page 8, he posts after this, yet doesn't answer anyways.

His post in page 10 is he explaining why is absent, saying he is busy. His post in page 11 is him saying he will catch up.

I don't know if those excuses about being busy are true or not, but from page 8 its clear to me that he seems more worried abou seeming to be generating content as opposed to actually move the game forward.

ZoZo hasn't followed up on a single question he has done.
Its possible that he might be actually be really busy, but it doesn't explain his lack of commitment to the questions he made, and why he posted so much in page 8 without any substance.

Vote: ZoZo.

Less than 3 hours to deadline, I am L2, I recommend you guys pursue ZoZo D2.

Also @ #HBC | Gorf #HBC | Gorf Answer my questions on last page.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hmm I reread everything.

I do not like how Fand handled Vult, I kinda was ok with his push on Dietz but I don't recall main points of it.

I do not like Almost anything Gorf has done and would lynch him off what he has done so far. His shot is absolutely disgusting.

Outside of those two I don't have a main scum read.

I'm pretty content with he other slots thrown around as lynch ideas, Except Maven would lynch him.


Jun 7, 2012
fandangox am i scum for my view on you ? you totally glazed over me in your reads


Jun 7, 2012
the fact your strongest scum read is someone who you're self admitting has no substance is really really blegh, fyi. Why is him not following up scummy ? i mean, i get it, you think he's not follwoing up, cool, why does that make him scum and not just lazy
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