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MegaMan Battle Network Mafia - Day 3 Begins! Deadline is 1/6 at 11:59 PM EST

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Vote: deadline extension

I'm sorry but I'm waking up at 5am to finish this literature review that's how ****ing busy I am. Today I got a 9-5 and will probably collapse after I get home. Then I have to review another's literature review before tuesday noon. After that I'm okay, rest of the week is just classes so I'll be able to do stuff tuesday with deadline on wednesday. Once again, sorry for the inactivity.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
request deadline extension

I don't understant what you're asking me tbh.

Nah, you're right. At first I thought Vult wasn't really that serious and just tried to tangle up Fanny in an argument to get a reads on him so I decided to let him do his thing. But right now it looks like Vult is just poking him for the sake of it while not digging into any of the other subjects at hand. Though it's definitely in line with his meta it makes things a bit too easy on himself so I'm not OK with it. And his arguments haven't been convincing, nor has he tried to draw other players' attention onto it which makes it look even weaker.

A Vult wagon might not be the worst idea and I'm willing to give it a shot ... if Dietz ever starts to like actually look out for scum, that is.
What made you change your mind about it? Vult didn't post again from that post up until you changed your mind.
Your opinion on his post changed. "but right now" this implies something someone said made you change your mind, but Vult didn't post anything between you changing your mind about it, and Ryker didn't point out anything about it either, he just said it was extremely weak. What made you change your opinion on Vult's post?


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I'm making it clear that I was 100% serious about putting Gorf on my ignore list. I do not see any of his posts, I do not see any of his posts quoted by others, and I will not show his ignored comments. I'm 100% done with him this game. Take that as you will.
This is quite the overreaction Gorf's shot was incredibly terrible, but are you really gonna ignore a player completely in a mafia game?

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
Request deadline extension

Would be happy about an extension. JTB was busy during the weekend and we didn't get to talk about anything for a while. Will be back with some juicy content soon!

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
Your opinion on his post changed. "but right now" this implies something someone said made you change your mind, but Vult didn't post anything between you changing your mind about it, and Ryker didn't point out anything about it either, he just said it was extremely weak. What made you change your opinion on Vult's post?
For the record: I never said that I was particularly convinced by Vult's approach in the first palce, I just said that I decided to let him do his thing and then see what happens. Well, in my opinion nothing happened, yet Vult still seemed to keep up an argument that I failed to see the point of which is why I ultimately came to agree with DF's claim that Vult's play was weak. But there was no change of mind from my side, I simply decided to wait and see what happens with Vult's push before I make a decision on it. And since nothing good seemed to come out of the interaction between you two [in my opinion] my decision ended up being that you were just wasting time and that Vult was to blame for it because he was the one who started that argument that ended up going nowhere fast.

"But right now" doesn't imply a change of mind in that case. It simply means that something that he could've potentially led somewhere turned out to be a dead end.

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
Right now, I find FML's points and arguments to be the most agreeable ones. I don't know if JTB particularly agrees with them but I think his arguments on Vult and Fanny have a lot of merit and they are remarkably reconcilable with what Dramatic Flair [confirmed town] and I have been thinking. It's definitely one or the other for me toDay and I'm sure JTB will have no major disagreements.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I'm making it clear that I was 100% serious about putting Gorf on my ignore list. I do not see any of his posts, I do not see any of his posts quoted by others, and I will not show his ignored comments. I'm 100% done with him this game. Take that as you will.
don't do that

I also don't like that your vote is still on Fand after saying that he's not your preferred lynch choice, especially as close to deadline as we are. You're pushing his lynch over Jdietz now as well. Did your read on Fand strengthen since this post was made?
where do you get "pushing his lynch over jdietz" from??? Because I am talking about him more?

actually though at the time of this post I do think we should lynch him over Jdietz (I will reread Jdietz soon so that I am confident of that). because of reasons I discussed and also because of his lack of initiative.

the fact that he was confused about his slot explains perfectly how he handled yours.
but it doesn't. He explicitly pointed out (good) reasons why my behavior was anti-town, but also qualified it by addressing me passively. being ambivalent towards Gorf doesn't 'perfectly explain' that.

I don't like the fact that you say that you were trying to mix something up in order to stop the game from lagging, yet you don't continue the discussion you used to create this.
what do you mean by this

Vote Fand
this is cool but why

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So I should have all my stuff wrapped up tonight outside of a presentation I will practice for.

I'll do my actual reread then.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
wait a minute...

DONT tell me i just found a way to coast on a clear! cuz sheeeeeeeeeit thats dope af!

btw the shot was made because rykers one of the few players who i perceive as a threat and better than me and he didnt comply with my demands. sometimes calling a bluffs the right move. sometimes its not. or maybe sometimes doing something just cuz you have the power to is stupid.
Hahahaha, no.

Mafia sniper is a real role and I'm not clearing someone because they shot in the day phase. Heck even at night if you claimed vig town would direct the kills.

You ain't clear, this was stupid when town did it in MP2 and I stand by clearing someone off that is equally stupid.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Well, you should've immediately understood it wasn't obvious when I personally asked and Sold immediately responded with
firstly: many other players caught on quickly without my holding their hand.

second, you're not understanding my perspective. yes, it's possible that e.g. Sold simply just didn't see 'the obvious'. on the other hand, if you were scum, it's also possible that scummates will pretend not to understand the argument... this way they can (temporarily) opt out of committing to an opinion on you.

there are other reasons to not always show your hand when you are scumhunting. if you ALWAYS are transparent with your reads then you miss out on potential information that can be gleaned by seeing how people react to yet-unexplained wagons/votes/whatever.

That was a good use of that picture and I can empathize with your frustration a little bit now. I do not always play that aggressively though and if I came off as offensive for ignoring you then I apologize. I still wouldn't characterize what I did as scummy in any case.

lets you get away with random mudslinging to see what sticks.
i didn't do this though.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I'm also not a fan of the move to Fanny for saying things that I could only consider dumb, not scum.
That's an angle I hadn't considered. I'm not sure if it lines up at all, but truth be told I should read Fanny harder for scum intent over assuming he's dumb.
you are voting me because you didn't like my switch to Fand when you didn't even closely read Fand



Jun 7, 2012
vult why are you chasing nabe's tail and not progressing a read, if you agree with the fandangox read you need to do something about it, you're really just sitting on your hands and kind of playing the "respond to things" game instead of progressing fandangox


Jun 7, 2012
also, nabe's no reason is better than your contextual arguement ,do you even understadn why people are scum reading fandangpox or are you just following the flow ?


Jun 7, 2012
but the vult wagon is bad. the only valid reasons ("he didn't try to convince people of Fand hard enough" is NOT valid when I hadn't posted between my Fand vote and when you said that) are that I'm tied to Fand but in that case Fand is clearly more suspicious (does he have reads even??? iirc some posts ago he said he was pretty much neutral towards everybody. I mean come on.).

if that there's a 'bit more than a day' left before deadline was a concern to you, you shouldn't be switching off the bigger, more established wagon in favor of the more questionable one.
your not evene committed to your fandanos read and we both know it , way too much dancing and not enough hard strides forward


Jun 7, 2012
So, let me point out the elephant in the room for just one second?

@ #HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry literally hasn't posted since game's start. @Dramatic Flair hasn't posted. @ #HBC | ZoZo #HBC | ZoZo last posted at Tuesday at 3am. This is sum buuuuuuu. How a hydra between Raz and Ryker has yet to post, and I'm literally just realizing their slot is a hydra, is absolutely beyond me.
Are vult and fnadangox scum together y/n ?

GHeb agreeing with me is odd: y/n ?

You're town: y/n ?

Soup is having a good pace and probably town: y/n ?


Jun 7, 2012
vult: is jd not understanding your perspective telling, and if it isn't why are you posting it ?


Jun 7, 2012
really unhappy with vult's transition on jd too, orbo feels the same, concise thoughts incoming


Jun 7, 2012
vults running jds name to catch the interest as a floater without putting the gas pedal down, which is uncharacterostic of vulttown

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Are vult and fnadangox scum together y/n ?

GHeb agreeing with me is odd: y/n ?

You're town: y/n ?

Soup is having a good pace and probably town: y/n ?


yeah. is there a reason to ask this.


Nabe, I think you've been coasting pretty hard. Need elaboration on your Fanny vote.
@ Vult Redux Vult Redux I am super keen to hear what you think about Fanny, not necessarily immediately though
I want your thoughts on Vult vs Fanny in general. Assuming you might have some insight on the two.

Inglorious Retards

Jun 18, 2011
JTB and Gheb both agree that Fand or Vult should be lynched toDay and that Ryu, Maven and Dietz would be compromise lynches that we can live with.

Currently I'm leaning more towards lynching Fand. While I once agree with FML that Vult's lack of progression on the Fandango push is very untimely and hardly convincing, I wanna hold it in Vult's favor that he seems to confront and interrogate the people that try to push for his lynch. While it's not getting the game forward too much Vult always seemed to be the kind of player who tends to play mafia at a slower pace than others. At the very least, he seems to be aware that he has some sort of responsibility of defending himself and that is something I would attribute as town behavior in most players' cases. Fand seems to avoid confrontation and just duck out this whole thing more or less and he hasn't done more than Vult to get this game forward.

Vote: Fandangox

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I was in a sleepless daze and I felt motivated to post about the whole Fanny/Vult discussion that isn't really being delved into beyond a couple of people but something I feel that needs to be talked about more. I can't recall off the top of my head who said Fanny/Vult could be scum together but given how they've been playing off of each other I deem it unlikely. Vult's push onto Fanny didn't come with warrant and I don't see reason for Vult to switch his vote over to his partner over subsequently nothing, especially when he had commited to JD in the first place.

Fanny hasn't really been catching my attention, but there's also the problem that IR addressed in the post above me, and without merely parroting them, I would say that Fanny hasn't been the most pro-active. I don't see in a black and white manner though because there are a plethora of other players in this game who have just decided to do nothing. I've liked Fanny for the time being that he was here but my memory of him isn't the most solid and it's bothering me that we're still struggling to get a wagon or a consensus forming.

@ Fandangox Fandangox , I looked back at your interaction with Vult and I don't really recall you ever making a stance on his push and instead caring more about addressing his pressure instead of him as a slot. How do you read him right now and what did you get out of your interaction?

@ Vult Redux Vult Redux , Who are other players you would consider lynching today?

@MOD Request replacement for maven and mass prods

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Nabe, I think you've been coasting pretty hard. Need elaboration on your Fanny vote.

I want your thoughts on Vult vs Fanny in general. Assuming you might have some insight on the two.
Coasting is too generous of a word, that suggests I'm pretending that I'm here.

It's deadline, so I put a vote down in the interest of making a lynch happen. Wagons were Vult and Fand. I've agreed with every post Vult has made so far, and haven't felt great about Fand from the first (hence my question to Vult about Fand early on) so I was content to put my vote there. There's no more basis than that.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I was in a sleepless daze and I felt motivated to post about the whole Fanny/Vult discussion that isn't really being delved into beyond a couple of people but something I feel that needs to be talked about more. I can't recall off the top of my head who said Fanny/Vult could be scum together but given how they've been playing off of each other I deem it unlikely. Vult's push onto Fanny didn't come with warrant and I don't see reason for Vult to switch his vote over to his partner over subsequently nothing, especially when he had commited to JD in the first place.

Fanny hasn't really been catching my attention, but there's also the problem that IR addressed in the post above me, and without merely parroting them, I would say that Fanny hasn't been the most pro-active. I don't see in a black and white manner though because there are a plethora of other players in this game who have just decided to do nothing. I've liked Fanny for the time being that he was here but my memory of him isn't the most solid and it's bothering me that we're still struggling to get a wagon or a consensus forming.

@ Fandangox Fandangox , I looked back at your interaction with Vult and I don't really recall you ever making a stance on his push and instead caring more about addressing his pressure instead of him as a slot. How do you read him right now and what did you get out of your interaction?

@ Vult Redux Vult Redux , Who are other players you would consider lynching today?

@MOD Request replacement for maven and mass prods
Will do what I can but later.



Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
JTB and Gheb both agree that Fand or Vult should be lynched toDay and that Ryu, Maven and Dietz would be compromise lynches that we can live with.

Currently I'm leaning more towards lynching Fand. While I once agree with FML that Vult's lack of progression on the Fandango push is very untimely and hardly convincing, I wanna hold it in Vult's favor that he seems to confront and interrogate the people that try to push for his lynch. While it's not getting the game forward too much Vult always seemed to be the kind of player who tends to play mafia at a slower pace than others. At the very least, he seems to be aware that he has some sort of responsibility of defending himself and that is something I would attribute as town behavior in most players' cases. Fand seems to avoid confrontation and just duck out this whole thing more or less and he hasn't done more than Vult to get this game forward.

Vote: Fandangox
I am not defending myself cause I already explained why I did what I did. The wagon on me formed because of the language I used and the misconception that I was forcing a scumread on him when I was not even scumreading him. There's not much for me to say on my defense aside from "nope, that's wrong" Read my interactions with Vult again, and think about the context of the situation.

@ Fandangox Fandangox , I looked back at your interaction with Vult and I don't really recall you ever making a stance on his push and instead caring more about addressing his pressure instead of him as a slot. How do you read him right now and what did you get out of your interaction?
I was confused as to why he wouldn't just clarify so I kept asking to see what was he hoping to gain by being evasive about it, later when he voted me , I realized he was deliberately acting like that to bait someone for reactions, meaning he was scumhunting. Right now the only problem I have with the slot except his 278 where he states he is still on the jdietz wagon, and he mostly voted me to give the game a "spark" (and because he didn't like my direction of the game) yet continue to push my lynch as of right now.

I will most likely get lynched Today so I am just gonna state where my head is at at the moment.

@ #HBC | ZoZo #HBC | ZoZo 's consecutive posts on page 8 are empty and without any insight of his own, I asked him about his two votes there, he replied saying that he would elaborate later on the weekend (its Tuesday now).

Joey's reaction to Gorf's shot seems overly dramatic and forced.

Gorf disappeared after his shot, only to post and explain his shot, and that he was in the clear, usually Gorf is more interactive with the game. RR for calls out Gorf, but hasn't done much besides that.

Also this V

Then stop pretending to be mp2 ryker and shoot him you ****ing nancy
Encourages Gorf to make the shoot.

What the literal ****
Need to reread
Need it to not be midnight back in the states so rake gets online
Voices disgust at Gorf's shot.

@ FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch What was the intent behind your 272?

@#HBC | Gorf Now that you have made the shot, who do you think is scum and should be lynched today?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Those are good opinions but I'm not sure why they're coming to light right now. I don't know why you needed to be poked to say all of this unless you've been mulling in your head how you thought about it? And even then, why not say something or pressure the people about all this? I'm not sure why you thought your passive approach would get you anywhere and it's a tad bothersome.


Jun 7, 2012
I am not defending myself cause I already explained why I did what I did. The wagon on me formed because of the language I used and the misconception that I was forcing a scumread on him when I was not even scumreading him. There's not much for me to say on my defense aside from "nope, that's wrong" Read my interactions with Vult again, and think about the context of the situation.

I was confused as to why he wouldn't just clarify so I kept asking to see what was he hoping to gain by being evasive about it, later when he voted me , I realized he was deliberately acting like that to bait someone for reactions, meaning he was scumhunting. Right now the only problem I have with the slot except his 278 where he states he is still on the jdietz wagon, and he mostly voted me to give the game a "spark" (and because he didn't like my direction of the game) yet continue to push my lynch as of right now.

I will most likely get lynched Today so I am just gonna state where my head is at at the moment.

@ #HBC | ZoZo #HBC | ZoZo 's consecutive posts on page 8 are empty and without any insight of his own, I asked him about his two votes there, he replied saying that he would elaborate later on the weekend (its Tuesday now).

Joey's reaction to Gorf's shot seems overly dramatic and forced.

Gorf disappeared after his shot, only to post and explain his shot, and that he was in the clear, usually Gorf is more interactive with the game. RR for calls out Gorf, but hasn't done much besides that.

Also this V

Encourages Gorf to make the shoot.

Voices disgust at Gorf's shot.

@ FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch What was the intent behind your 272?

@#HBC | Gorf Now that you have made the shot, who do you think is scum and should be lynched today?
That depends on which one my 272 was
If its the one telling gorf to shoot, that was orbo telling gorf to ****ing shoot already if he had the shot. If it was the other one you quoted that was rake saying gorf made a terrible ****ing shot


Apr 3, 2008
you are voting me because you didn't like my switch to Fand when you didn't even closely read Fand

I didn't like the fact you were swinging to him for that particular post, which seemed non-scummy though daft. But as you'll see in a minute:

I did that re-read and have come to some conclusions.

I read all of Fanny's posts in ISO, and 100% of them before the Ryker shot were asking Vult it he was serious in one way or another, then examining that. Not an exaggeration. Afterwards, there isn't much other interaction with other players. And as of this point he has yet to vote a single person.

That said, I don't think those actions are actively scummy. But they are supremely unhelpful at this point.

If a better lynch (Vult, Maven etc.) isn't going through by tomorrow, I'll settle for Fanny leaving and not be sad about it.
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