Smashboards Username: V3ctorMan
Region: West Coast/Arizona
Primary Character(s):

Secondary Character(s): :mewtwo:
Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. I've been playing competetive melee since May 2006
Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. I attend tournaments frequently. Sadly AZ is in a highly divided scene, so usually only 1 monthly occurs at a time. I'm highly content with my local area since Im one of the players who has taught and helped train many players in my surrounding area.

I'm very familiar with the surrounding regional/international scene in general. Seldom as it may seem, I've gotten this from my OoS experience and getting to know people on a more personal level
Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. This is a tough one to answer for me honestly. If I had to choose one though. I would say I'm a high level player, hoping to break the pro status
Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. I believe most everyone in my region would support my role as a member of the MBR. I've helped many and support everyone in my community and have done multiple roles and continue to do so to help further my community
Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. Depends on what the discussion is about.

. I can be a discussion leader to the best of my abilities, but I know there are better candidates for such positions as this. Also I don't exactly know what the bar is set at for a "good" discussion leader is. I can lead a discussion, but the right mindset/subject must be imminent.
Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. I'm NOT an active TO, however I was for the city scene in my area. Now I help contribute by helping bring recording equipment, setups, to help make tournaments run a bit smoother, however I don't help run the tournament per se. I just make it easier, faster with the extra equipment etc. I like to have the TO handle this, and so does our TO. n_n
Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. I think "some" changes could be made with the tier list, but atm in time, it's definetely one of the more accurate ones we've had. Tournament results are a high priority, but we have to remember if lower tiered characters were played anywhere near as often as high tier is played, could we possibly have a different tier list anyway? Just a possibility
8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. I like the current MBR recommended stages, except few, (but the few are for personal reasons)

Some I can agree could come back, and have been convinced otherwise with logical reasoning why the stages have relevance.
Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. I've no objections on the current ruleset. n_n; It seems to be working for many of the tournaments we have. <--- this alone should be good reasoning ^^ I'm not exactly familiar on the wobbling debate, but Im sure an agreement can be met upon, within the MBR.
Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. this question is very easy to misinterpret, as different characters require a different set or mindset of a specific kind of techskill. Samus/IC's/Yoshi/Fox.. IMO tech skill and strategy work hand in hand. If you have the ultimate strategy but don't have the fingers or abilities to SHFFL, or even L-Cancel, or consistently do the moves you intend to do "proper wavelands" SD's, accidental air dodges..etc to follow up more combos etc. Same goes for the ladder, if one only has tech-skill but no proper approach to put the strategy in place, then a dilemma is still in place. IMO both of these go hand, in hand but even then the question is easy to misinterpret. In that sense in theory, at high level play, you can't have one without the other to begin with.
Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. This also is somewhat of a trick question. Since some characters are better at punishing (such as Peach) while others are better for initial combo starters (such as Falco). The question should more be along the lines based on character base as well, or even the MU that is being played. In certain MU's (such as Falco dittos) Initiating punishments is very viable. but in other character MU's maybe not as highly seen that AZ has seen. Such as hmmm (Yoshi/insert low tier here vs Samus) maximizing punishments is the clear winner. n_n;
Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. Sadly games come and go. Most players move on to the most up to date game. Doesn't mean old games die per se. but it's difficult to get the population we had that say. 2005-2007 had. Many players play the up to date game, not even because the newer game is better per se, but just because that's where the population of players is, and is how you can make your own resume for yourself. ^^
Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. Be more open to the newer players, perhaps even advertise somehow, areas within areas. Have some kind of funding not for just good players, but even "upcoming" players as well. Nothing would welcome me more with open arms, if I'm a new guy to the scene for someone with similar interest help me/guide me.. etc.. Each of us at some point in time of our smash career, had an idol or someone to look up to. We should keep passin that on to each generation to come.

Hopefully, rivalries, player hate vs player etc.. can be minimized too since it's usually not good practice to have hatred towards each other, that can only cause more dilemma. Now i'm not saying stop rivalries,(because those are fun and implement competition) but "respect for one another" is something this community could highly work on. Now I know this is difficult and hard to be perfect etc.. but it still can be attempted. n_n
14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. Hopefully, something along the lines as making MBR related topics, viewable to the public, (or somethin similar) nothing can make a community more comfortable than at least being able to see what is discussed in the MBR as well. I really can't see any negatives from it n_n
Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. I believe the MBR would benefit from my input because, I believe i've a very open mindset of how both parties/sides work. I have a highly capable knowledge of lower tiered characters and high tiered characters, and with the experience I've accumulated in years time. n_n;
Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link: (Official SV AZ thread)
i. Description: *Sigh* this is where it ALL started for our little crew. SV Crew. Players such as myself, Axe, Nicknyte all started out here. Here I was the main Tournament Director starting off our first rankings system, hosting tournaments and contributions to our small hometown, on our journey to attempt gaining recognition. What a journey it's been. Being the best in my area (for the time being) this is initially where I began helping/training most/many members of the SV Crew, and still continue to this day.
2. Link: (Vman wants to make YOUR combo videos thread)
i. Description: This is something i've made to give myself back to my community like the community had for me during my career. After making CV's "Future Sight" and The "AXE" Effect, I was complimented by many players of my video editing/syncing abilities, and I received much more positive input than expected, ESPECIALLY with the AXE Effect. Later on I created "ShadowClaw IV" and "Eggstinction" From here on, I was further motivated by the community to pursue my abilities as a video editor to help out with others player(s) combo videos. Now, I've also been thinking to hopefully help create "hype" combo videos for major events. (of course if the community would like me too.) ^_^;
3. Link: (Ask Vman about Yoshi Thread/General Yoshi thread)
i. Description: This thread was made for me, to help possible upcoming/newer Yoshi players out with the character. At first the thread had some problems, as I myself wasn't as "experienced" as the other Yoshi players are so some players were skeptical, that I may not have full knowledge/understanding of the character. I was hyped I guess you could say. As time progressed and went by, I proved myself weekly, monthly, and had more relevance along with the knowledge I was giving to any players that had asked, and most of the community began seeing this, and the thread was becoming much more successful for new players, and old players alike. It's a general Yoshi discussion thread, basically for any/all Yoshi players to help give advice to newer players, for the vet players to help each other out, and to learn/discover new possibilities with the character, to help expand the characters metagame etc. n_n; I don't really know what more to say, but it's a mere copy of Cactuar's thread, Tajs, PP's, etc. n_n
4. Link: (Mewtwo Philosophy thread)
i. Description: This thread is soo tough to explain acccurately, and arguably one of the better threads on this site. It helps mental preparation to such subjects such as maintaining composure, and in general just to have the proper mindset, messing with mind, spirit, willpower, confidence and motivation/determination.

An interesting thread to read for any players having self-confidence issues, character limits/limitations, and breaking that barrier as the metagame evolves etc. Being from AZ, players such as Axe, Taj, myself, Wobbles, we've had these walls, barriers, confidence dilemmas, and of course character limits/limitations, but being victims of dilemmas such as these and even other aspiring lower tier mains, this is the knowledge that we can pass down on other players, etc. perhaps facing this same dilemma. This thread is to mainly help out other lower tiered characters/players just trying to break that wall, with attaining the proper mindset to play and maintain composure.
5. Link: (Arizona PR and Social Thread)
i. Description: Pretty much now where most of the action is in AZ, This is where the PR is conducted, and pretty much how circulation runs through AZ. It wasn't until very recent, in which I've taken over this thread..but now am taking charge into pushing AZ's scene, and making it more active with such things as our PR, and keeping AZ active, and to hopefully give OoS, and newcomers a better understanding of our scene. n_n;
NOTE: I've also these but was unsure about... pretty much ultimate movie collections for Mewtwo/Yoshi players having a fave/certain type of player they can/want to learn off of, with constructive critisiscm etc.) ^_^ (Mewtwo matches collection thread) (Yoshi matches collection thread)
2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: Taj (discussion)
i. Reason: Taj has some very rare characteristics, not only in his persona, but in his knowledge/understanding of the game viable for good discussion. He has the ability to see both sides of the story, and see both sides of the character(s) spectrum even at top level play. His ability to elaborate scenarios with MU's, or even knowing character weaknesses/advantages... and even the concept into making a character(s) advantages/weakness seem not noticeable at all. His mental aspect/understanding/mindset of the game imo is beyond belief, and I think he understands this better than most. As he attains more knowledge, he only broadens his ability to relate to each and every player, regardless of level or abilities for absolutely amazing discussion.... His thread -
2. Player: Magus (contribution)
i. Reason: I remember starting out, and I would see post on anything, and I mean anything regarding frames/hitboxes etc... and just coming across any of his post. He was always usually fast/immediate with results, all with precise accuracy. Just something absolutely amazing to have knowledge wise. (Hopefully he can discover some Yoshi unknowns) as I believe even he's stated that Yoshi is one character that has many unknown unknowns. =O
3. Player: _________ (<--- Tournament organizers name(s)
i. Reason: I don't have a specific T.O in mind exactly, because T.O.s are a major reason we can have many of these tournaments to begin with. If we didn't have anyone willing to organize tournament(s) it' be tough for this game to stay active w/o some help. Thanks to them, we have an active tournament related system, both international, and local. n_n;
3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I have actually. It was so long ago, and I didn't even remember at first until I saw Sirlin/Play to Win, in the same sentence. To an extent of being competetive, I believe playing to win, is indeed important, but these are things along the lines of sports, gambling, heck LIFE, (meaning what one wants to do with their life. Having a significant other, family, wealth) Now im not saying life is a game, but Im sure most of us want to be "successful" and win in our lives/careers and be well off for ourselves and our offspring that will take our places when we've gone and passed, and the next generation they pass on, and the next, etc.... When it comes to this though (ssbm), I believe there's a boundary, biggest one to me, is the "fun" concept. If you're not having fun, I don't think you're doing yourself right by doing something you're not even enjoying to begin with. Also making the game less fun for others is discouraging too, as that is a "piece" of why the community leaves. Having fun is viable for both yourself, and for anyone you play with. In due time, the improvement rate, and the fun eventually intertwine, and you're having fun while climbing to the top simultaneously so in that aspect, both goals are being met anyway. This is something that's worked for me, and Axe both. ^_^;
@Cactuar - EDIT: Finished Application Cactuar! n_n
Thanks for considering! Go Yoshi!
I wanna make more combo videos too! n_n