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May 10- BRAWLTournament- Miami- Singles And Doubles-BIG UPDATES


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Chops: Im done having this argument with you, all i can say is I hope you go to gigs and meet up with Rx-
Honestly, your the only hope i have left in this game to find some kind of response to Rx's style, if you can't do it im basically done.

I really want to see you guys play.
I've already done it!!!


QDVS and Colbol are two players who I cannot beat.

They are skilled and devoted players, and I've tried every style vs them. I win 1 out of 10 with QDVS and 1 out of 5 with Colbol.

I go about even with xYz.

Galeon is better than me, but we go even on flat stages. (Lylat not being flat.)

I have yet to beat any top players outright. It ALWAYS comes down to the last hit in the last set. It seems like I get less nervous then others though. Especially in Final matches.

I don't understand why anyone would think that my playstyle is unbeatable.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
****ed up how no one gives rx credit for winning except that he plays gay with mk lol if he's owning everyone then he good at something right. all i know is that he won the tourney and he owns everyone and they cant stand losing lol. cant wait to see a snake player own and watch people complain about snake lol


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Not true. I respect Rx- for his strategy. He's exploiting the best possible aspect of Meta Knight. i'm happy he did it.

I'm just trying to figure it out.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
we're mad at the strat, we're not in any way disrespecting or mad at him.

we love rx, xept for the little comment he made after he won, hes cool.
"have fun with ur gift card" i think it was, but otherwise i give him props


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
I haven't seen Rx- play yet. If it only was about abusing upB->glide attack->B/ down smash he would not be able to beat any veteran players (or some with common sense). He must have good timing, spacing, and enough knowledge of MK.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Already did Chops. I beat players that are better then me. Sure, I didn't spam as much. But yeah.

Chops, I really want to play you and spam it. Pray to god you beat me, or Brawl is ******.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Seriously, you guys are fvcking a$$holes.

You guys get owned by something that owned you at the last gigs and instead of playing MK to beat Rx, you play some crappy character then lose and make johns.

And also, fvck you Seibrick, I 3 stocked Rx the last match after we traded suicide deaths the 2nd match.

All I did was shield MKs tornado/up b and shield grab, midway through the 2nd match he just gave up on tornading and spammed up b.

Oh yeah, and yor DDD sux.

MK is not that bad.

You guys are all just scrubs.

Brawl scrubs.

I never thought Seidick would become a Brawl scrub, but he has.

All of you can eat ****/


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
not only that lack of exp against that characters plays a huge ffactor why people might actaully do better if they pick up mk and win. but after 3-5 months they start losing cuz everyone is so good vs mk. a smart player wouldtn keep losing thought so those who used mk and own now will prolly still own for being a smart player overall.

what happen to the olimar jons in the beggining of brawl when icekid owned eveyrone.


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
we're mad at the strat, we're not in any way disrespecting or mad at him.

we love rx, xept for the little comment he made after he won, hes cool.
"have fun with ur gift card" i think it was, but otherwise i give him props
I'm sorry:embarrass, I felt really exhausted, and I was nervous/anxious even after it was all over.

I will always believe that the Grand Final matches should be played out to determine a clear winner, but agreeing to split the pot beforehand when the matches are THAT close was a great idea in my opinion, and at that moment I wasn't really thinking about how every smasher is entitled to their own opinion.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Yes you are disrespecting him.

Your all crying about it.

I can't believe what scrubs the community has become.

Also, LOL @ what Rx said when he won.

Keep it up Rx.

Rx is the new hater maker.


Smash Rookie
May 3, 2008
Miami, FL
I think everyone is missing this point here.

RX showing the world the pinnacle of Metaknight's metagame with his B spam (smart or not) is not the issue here!


The fact that PnT is taking a 40% rake and giving out gift cards to 2nd and 3rd is ludicrous. No other form of competitive gaming where prize money is involved takes that much from the pot (20% is usually the reasonable limit).

2nd and 3rd getting gift cards is baffling. What is the logic behind that? Why not keep the prizes consistent?

As it stands right now, the pay-out system used by Play n Trade is a slap in the face and insulting to the Smash community. It really needs to be fixed because it is horribly broken.

I know I'm relatively new face to the Smash scene in general and probably might seem a bit outspoken to some - but I simply like to tell it how it is. And the payout system is plain wrong.

Aside from that - I still had a good time - the Smash community as a whole are cool people, the Play n Trade staff are cool people as well (except when they interrupt your friendly match to force you to watch the Grand Final :urg: ). I just hope that Play n Trade gets on the ball and fixes the payout.

Gratz to the winners. :)


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
LoL, Florida just barely ran into Hurricane Metaknight?

It's beatable, but I'm dreading the day that higher skilled players decide to pick up this Bspam strategy. If you thought fox/falco whoring was bad in melee, just wait till metaknight welcomes you all to brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
oh snap ruuku that was my very first time playing MK and 2nd time playing brawl period (1st time was 1 hour at a card shop in miami). niiiice bout time The Will put up those vids.

I remember looking over going.. WTF DID THE GAME JUST DO!?

But yeah, needless to say. Gotta learn somehow :)


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2008
I think everyone is missing this point here.

RX showing the world the pinnacle of Metaknight's metagame with his B spam (smart or not) is not the issue here!


The fact that PnT is taking a 40% rake and giving out gift cards to 2nd and 3rd is ludicrous. No other form of competitive gaming where prize money is involved takes that much from the pot (20% is usually the reasonable limit).

2nd and 3rd getting gift cards is baffling. What is the logic behind that? Why not keep the prizes consistent?

As it stands right now, the pay-out system used by Play n Trade is a slap in the face and insulting to the Smash community. It really needs to be fixed because it is horribly broken.

I know I'm relatively new face to the Smash scene in general and probably might seem a bit outspoken to some - but I simply like to tell it how it is. And the payout system is plain wrong.

Aside from that - I still had a good time - the Smash community as a whole are cool people, the Play n Trade staff are cool people as well (except when they interrupt your friendly match to force you to watch the Grand Final :urg: ). I just hope that Play n Trade gets on the ball and fixes the payout.

Gratz to the winners. :)
Hey guys. Well to the complaints to the PnT.

First, I dont own it or even get paid by them.
I pretty much run their tournaments just because I really like the gaming scene. So I get there pay to play then run that **** all for the love of gaming in general.

Now, I thought I made it clear that PnT is new at this. And VERY VERY willing to adjust to the gaming community. I've said to post the suggestions and I relay it to them. (Working on the chairs, and I read soemthing about component cables. but would like someone to possibly PM me the logic behind them to tell the store to get them).

As for the payout, I told them you guys hated first place only getting 50% and second and third nothing. and that most places to door fees. Then they gave me the new pay out so I posted it. (The owner gave me all the infor. 60/30/10 gift cards for second and third. and registratin fees and the late fees.)

I dont have any say in their "official rules", but you guys (The majority of the gaming community do).

They are pretty much stuck if you guys don't want to go anymore. I never really had a big complaint because, well lets be honest, lol, the chances of me getting top 3 with you guys going are slim to none. So the pay out doesnt really cross my mind much. I just go and play for the fun.

So I guess I'll say it again. Any concerns, bothers, suggestions. PM me. Ill relay it to the owner. Doesnt matter if your bashing PnT for being Nubz who can't run tournies right. lol. I want them to suceed more for selfish reasons. I have fun. lol.

I'm not that great in brawl, I placed 9th only becasue I had a retardedly easy bracket until I ran into Equi, then RX in the losers. playing with you all is hella fun, and are the only competetive people I have played with. I think it would be cool to have PnT running just as good as any other tournament location. So if you guys can please help me steer them in the right direction that would be awesome.

Btw, grats to Rx-, Galeon, and Equi for your top 3 placings.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2006
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
LoL, Florida just barely ran into Hurricane Metaknight?

It's beatable, but I'm dreading the day that higher skilled players decide to pick up this Bspam strategy. If you thought fox/falco whoring was bad in melee, just wait till metaknight welcomes you all to brawl.
THIS is what we have been talking about.
Of course our opinions didnt mean much cuz we arent good.


Smash Rookie
May 3, 2008
Miami, FL
As a whole - I think PnT does a good job at running Brawl tournaments.

My only gripe is the whole payout system. Much like you (PnT Miami Lakes) I don't think I'll be placing top 3 anytime soon - but nonetheless it is rather discouraging that gift cards are given out rather than cash for 2nd and 3rd. Reaching 2nd and 3rd in a tournament is an accomplishment that should be rewarded. A gift card is better than nothing but is pretty much low tier compared to cash.

Anyways I don't speak for the whole South Florida Brawl Community - those were just my personal ramblings. And for my own selfish reasons I do hope that PnT continues to host Brawl tournaments and gets better at it. Being only 5 mintues away makes PnT a clutch locale for me.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2004
Miami Florida
Ok, Ill be posting on this user name from now on. I created PnT-MiamiLakes for the employees to runm but seeing as im the one posting Ill jsut use my own user name. I dont feel like I have to be as formal when I dont have a buisness on my S/N. So i can say **** and **** -_o (lol yea Ive been around the boards since 04 and have only posted once before this.)


To Dreamz: I agree, money is uber compared to gift cards. i am going to express some of the communities opinion on the payout issue. Hopefully they change it. but, i cant enforce anything. I 've doen alot for PnT so hopefully the listen to my advise. If they don't because they can't, for X reasons I am sure they will continue to throw the tournaments. I mean I have had them change alot of things. For example. their tournament pay out was everyone payed 10$ (No door or registration), and first place would get 50% store Credit/Gift cards. I told them no one that plays competetivly would show up for that. So they had the first tournment posted here a cash prize, but couldnt do 60/30/10 because of short notice.

As for them shutting down friendlies for the grandfinals. They feel like the best and second best deserve the respect to get noticed and get the attention they deserve for gettign so high up on the brackets.

The owner is very big on keeping kids off the street and drug free. So he is trying hard to accomadate all the young gamers while still staying in buisness. So just keep the sugestions rollng, and I will fopward them.

To Affro Thunda: I havn't spoken to any of the PnT people since I left, (I found out who won through the Forums, lol) So i don't kowif they are throwing a tourny this week. They might just do Singles and Doubles (same day) Bi-weekys, or Weeklys if you guys want it. But if there is a tournament this week, Ill post it. I knwo the turn-out may be small becasue of gigs, but it should still be fun.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2004
Miami Florida
Well chairs would be nice too. lol But they are working to get extra storage to stick in some chairs. Thaks for the input thusfar guys.
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