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MATCH UPS....throw anything you got.....

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Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
ZSS is one of the best edgeguarders in the game, IMO she's 2nd only to Metaknight in that department. The thing is that hardly any ZSS mains really put that to good use. Forward B off the stage is amazing for one.
I can see how that'd be a sick edgeguarding tool, albeit difficult to space.

Your main advantage against us is really the cape. Right off the bat, it's going to be harder for ZSS to attack with her armor parts.
Worse than this though, and something I bet few people realize is that you can cape ZSS' down B. Because of this, Mario is one of the only characters that can truly gimp ZSS. If I'm recovering and I'm forced to down B, you can force me in the other direction and I'll most likely be screwed. So, actually this is one of the few match ups for us where the opponent will have the edgeguarding advantage.
And I'll add that another advantage for Mario is his priority.

On our side, ZSS has speed, range, and ability to KO in her favor. Mario may have a couple of stronger attacks than her, but they are also harder to hit with. It comes down to the fact that ZSS has more attacks that are good for KOing.
The comboing ability for both characters is very good (especially for Brawl XD). I think ZSS is slightly the better comboer though.
I'll have to disagree here. ZSS, imo, has far better combo ability than Mario. Plenty of setups and almost all safer. Mario's only safe combo starter is the fireball approach. Though it's his best bet, it's relatively situational.

Mario's Up-angled Fsmash KOs at 100%, and his Usmash at about 120%. Usmash doesn't require any set-up can be a lag punisher because of its priority, range, and KO power. Fsmash can be done from jab or followed by a sh Bair for KO and doesn't require sweetspot. Bthrow is very situational but kills ZSS at about 120% if next to the edge with DI. Nair KOs at around 110% and can be done from jab, followed by a fireball, or from shield. This needs to be sweet spotted, but has decent KO power when hits right.

Even without those attacks, Mario still has his Bair, Uair, and Fair at higher percents (140-150%) to score some KOs. All of his aerials can follow her offstage as well if needed by Capeglide; preserving his second jump. ZSS doesn't have this many options to my knowledge.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I don't have all the percentages, but ZSS mostly kills with Forward B, B-air, Up-air, F-air, Down B. I wasn't talking about KO power though, just that it's easier for her to pull them off and there are more set ups for them.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
I don't have all the percentages, but ZSS mostly kills with Forward B, B-air, Up-air, F-air, Down B. I wasn't talking about KO power though, just that it's easier for her to pull them off and there are more set ups for them.
ah, alright then.

Ratio on the matchup?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
I guess I'm here too late, but I don't think Diddy Kong has an advantage on Mario at all. Diddy has been my main since before the game came out at E for All.

Trust me, you won't be able to control Diddy's bananas well at all. A cape can thow them off a bit but a good Diddy isn't going to let his bananas be controlled. Your best bet is caping some bananas but mostly just staying aerial with lots of short hops and controlling the air. The air game doesn't seem to be in Diddy's favor by much if at all.

In my opinion, Mario is somewhat tough to edgeguard with all the things going on at once with fireballs and such and Diddy's best bet seems to use peanuts and edgehog.

I got completely ***** by bkpalmstriker one time and his Mario's edgegame destroyed me. The cape stall, normal capes, fireballs, fair, and up b stage spike all got me. Diddy's recovery honestly isn't unpredictable at all. Forward b doesn't have priority unless you let out the kick, but then you wont be able to use the rockets. Up B is easy to cape (especially with the stall) and fireball and probably even gimp with dair. Remember, a forward b isn't going to reach the stage every time. If you force Diddy to go above the edge when you're hanging on it with that cape stall more kill opportunities will open up.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
I guess I'm here too late, but I don't think Diddy Kong has an advantage on Mario at all. Diddy has been my main since before the game came out at E for All.

Trust me, you won't be able to control Diddy's bananas well at all. A cape can thow them off a bit but a good Diddy isn't going to let his bananas be controlled. Your best bet is caping some bananas but mostly just staying aerial with lots of short hops and controlling the air. The air game doesn't seem to be in Diddy's favor by much if at all.

In my opinion, Mario is somewhat tough to edgeguard with all the things going on at once with fireballs and such and Diddy's best bet seems to use peanuts and edgehog.

I got completely ***** by bkpalmstriker one time and his Mario's edgegame destroyed me. The cape stall, normal capes, fireballs, fair, and up b stage spike all got me. Diddy's recovery honestly isn't unpredictable at all. Forward b doesn't have priority unless you let out the kick, but then you wont be able to use the rockets. Up B is easy to cape (especially with the stall) and fireball and probably even gimp with dair. Remember, a forward b isn't going to reach the stage every time. If you force Diddy to go above the edge when you're hanging on it with that cape stall more kill opportunities will open up.
It's 6-4 in Diddy Kong's advantage. We've discussed this already and we're done with Zero Suit Samus. How about we talk about Ike? This ought to be good. :)


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Oh yeah , I should have mentioned that ZSS can usually just do the down B early while recovering. I made it sound too much like the cape made it completely useless.

And shut up Boss, but you're right I shouldn't be helping you lol. Now that you know our secrets the MM is off XD. Nah I'm joking.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
hahaha sorry, in any case, i think mario does well against zss, considering the fact that mario can approach her extremely well with fireballs. I'd abused that constantly, as well mario's cape. Her arials have less priority, and i tend to cape her arials constantly.

While grounded, shield dashing to dsmash or grab REALLY helps this match within my favor too, as well as taking advantage of mario's priority over zss . I'd say if it wasn't for zss combo ability and range, mario would certainly have a distinct advantage over her...


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
That vid was removed, but I'm assuming its the chain d-smash on Fox. Yeah it's 0-death and inescapable, but it has no effect on Mario so no worries for you guys.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
That guy pretty much has it down.

I would change the ratio to 6:4 in Mario's favor though, because I find Lucario pretty easy to gimp.

mario brawler

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2007
Playing Brawl until I have a seizure,nah im kiddin
yea I think mario has the slight advantage mario's air movement is faster than lucario's which I find helpfull against the few that I play, and yes extreme speed can be caped fairly easillyI can manage his uair with dodges and does their double team EVER work?,still lucario can continously keep fairing you out the field not that bad unless you use your second jump in the middle of it and his Fsmash outranges ours


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Adv Lucario. His aerial game >>>> Mario's. Better comboability, jab game, range, and priority on pretty much his whole moveset. Utilt chains and Uair chains are killed by DI -> Dair. Mario's only pro in this matchup is that he can KO Lucario at lower %.

Lucario's edgeguarding on Mario is more effective than Mario's edgeguarding on Lucario. He can chase you out with Fairs, ledgehop Dairs, and Fastfall Bairs with no risk to his recovery. We can Fludd, cape, and ledgehog but that can easily be screwed up by Dair stalls and AS. At higher %, this matchup gets VERY bad especially if the Lucario plays campy. Fsmash is too good for spacing and AS hurts your approaches.

6:4 Lucario's favor.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
Adv Lucario. His aerial game >>>> Mario's. Better comboability, jab game, range, and priority on pretty much his whole moveset. Utilt chains and Uair chains are killed by DI -> Dair. Mario's only pro in this matchup is that he can KO Lucario at lower %.

Lucario's edgeguarding on Mario is more effective than Mario's edgeguarding on Lucario. He can chase you out with Fairs, ledgehop Dairs, and Fastfall Bairs with no risk to his recovery. We can Fludd, cape, and ledgehog but that can easily be screwed up by Dair stalls and AS. At higher %, this matchup gets VERY bad especially if the Lucario plays campy. Fsmash is too good for spacing and AS hurts your approaches.

6:4 Lucario's favor.
Good point. I agree. I think we're all set with Lucario. :)


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Hmm i never really seen Lucario that hard. I still think its even.

-Lucario can gimp us easily with his Fair but thats probably where most his kills will be. His smashes are laggy so they are a bit telegraphed.
+Mario can gimp Lucario easier than he can gimp him. He can also kill Lucario easier since Lucario is floaty and a bit light. He's also isn' hard to Bair WoP because of his low fall speed.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Hmm i never really seen Lucario that hard. I still think its even.

-Lucario can gimp us easily with his Fair but thats probably where most his kills will be. His smashes are laggy so they are a bit telegraphed.
+Mario can gimp Lucario easier than he can gimp him. He can also kill Lucario easier since Lucario is floaty and a bit light. He's also isn' hard to Bair WoP because of his low fall speed.
Fair, Dair, AS offstage, and Bair with no risk to his recovery. He can also protect his recovery about as well as we can protect ours (if not better) with his AS, Dair stall, and whatever else I said in my previous post.

We can nab kills a bit quicker if the Lucario isn't playing defensively, but that's not always the case. His Fsmash has low ending lag, it's spammable, and has ridiculous range. AS can be used from a combo and kills at decent %. He's floaty, but has so much range, aerial mobility and priority that, if playing defensively, can be as bad as Jiggz to fight head to head.

Now, I've never actually had any trouble with any Lucarios because they were never that good and most of em were online, but I've seen more than enough to see that he could be a serious problem with good spacing; worse than Marth or DDD even. Not to mention the fact that I use him as one of my secondaries.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Agreed with this post. It look like most of us was lazy to post a more indepth idea for Lucario well except with Matador. Shall we move on to the next character?
Silly Matador, always tryin to making things difficult :laugh:

Just playing devil's advocate here. Only way we can really keep objectivity. Kirby should be interesting.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
does anyone besides me find kirby's dair annoying?
Yeah, especially if they ever have any vs Mario experience. They know how to angle the dair around fireballs and whatnot. It's really not that difficult to gimp Mario as Kirby.

More in depth discussion on Kirby on his week...;)
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