Alright, just got to my house since I got back from the Lucario is Paw-Some Midwest Circuit event #1, and I got 33rd out of 49 (I think that was the number)
I was horribly nervous, doing much better in friendlies than I did pools, if I would've won one more set, I probably would've made it out.
If any of you Luigi mains/secondaries know Cr4sh, I friendlied him, it was kind've like a ditto except that Luigi can kill at like SUPER LOW percents.
I also took two stocks off Omniswell's ICs during pools (It was my first match, and being nervous makes me a horrible gimper.) Then he counterpicked D3 and I was like "WDF" but I took two stocks off his D3 too. Still lost the set though.
Apparantly, according to Excel, I'm not really campy or super aggressive, I'm c-c-c-c-melee.