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Mario Social Thread


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
srry im not going. hey quick question, nice if u guys could answer, think i can beat Kingdom Hearts in 3 days? it's my first time. but i do have a guide..


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2009
WHB, Long Island
oh yeah no doubt

so I got back from pound V and I have one thing to say


I spent my entire time looking for ways to beat cookie cutter fox stuff. to the point where people got bored of beating me over and over again and left

SH dair -> shine. : the only thing I could find is shield it and uair oos. srsly it sucks

FH dair -> shine. : it takes some pretty precise prediction but you can uair it while they are in the air. utilt is meh, like I saw it traded a lot rather than when you hit with the uair it's a solid hit

nair -> shine. : believe it or not this is fox's worst approach against mario. utilt or ftilt will trade in your favor. it's also very simple to see coming, so WD back -> fsmash is always an option

falco in general : forfeit. by far mario's most difficult matchup. got to play blunted object and it was a sad, sad day for mario's everywhere

ganon : EASY . wd forward to bait the fade away fair, shield it and uair oos or grab if they're slow. I thought that ganon's jab would eat me for sure because fair is usualy followed by that, but the dead frames from the fair plus the startup of jab actually gives us the frame advantage

C. Falcon : for the love of god, don't get grabbed. just sit back and don't approach because your utilt beats everything C falc has to come at you with. if you space it poorly the nair trades with your utilt, but you're still in better position. grabs **** him. this matchup is a combo fest

sheik : another forfeit match. there was a brawl player that came by and I'm like "okay, this should be a sinch!" lo and behold he plays sheik. spam ftilt, grab a little bit, have your way with our plumbing hero. sad sad sad. fireballs are your friend though, she doesn't like them one bit.

ICs : fair, fsmash, utilt, and uair. all you need. chival kinda ***** me but (insert johns here)


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
gotta exploit fox/falco's weaknesses son! if i can take matches off em with ylink you can do it with mario!

they have openings in their jumps, and fox can get outspaced with any character using some smart wd-back, and mario's is very good.


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2009
WHB, Long Island
so I'm just gonna talk a bit here

but at Pound, since there aren't many people to play out here on LI, this was the most practice I've had since ROM3. according to some of the people I played that i thought were good (Ace, Prog, Wife) I wasn't bad, yet they all beat me

always came down to last stock (except with prog because on my last stock he'd pull out some flashy *** combo and suicide me to death)

so I think there is something in my mind that is keeping me from winning

since everyone in the beginning told me "expect to get *****" I kind of expect it. even when I'm a stock up I'll just give the game back over to neutral position almost on accident.

I think this could the big thing keeping me from ACTUALLY making it out of pools at a tournament


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
M@1funk$hun, you probably need to implement more Up-B out of shield.

I'm serious, that **** is legit. Yes you can be punished for whiffing...don't whiff it. The point is it's a 3 frame out of shield option, and from what I can tell it actually is fast enough to consistently punish those space animal pressure games. At least it's far more consistent than grabbing. They're not going to block an Up-B out of shield because pressuring is far more rewarding and usually safer for them. Seriously, just Up-B out of shield if you're being pressured by Fox/Falco. It works hella well and I get away with it all the time. In fact Up-B in general is mad underused. Sometimes there will be situations where Up-B is the only option that can reliably followup against an opponent who is a certain distance away from Mario. Just recognize situations where you can capitalize. It's free damage, and especially worth keeping in mind when people need to tech on a platform above you.

But yeah, space animals are lame to play against. I just got back from a local tourney...god **** it I hate Falco. I still firmly believe it's Mario's hardest matchup.

One thing I'm finding really useful though...holding C stick down. This is basically good for auto-crouch cancels at low percents. ***** against a lot of Sheik's moves. Still pretty good against Fox if you're trying to U-tilt him out of approaches. Just be careful against people who like to grab (Sheik and Marth in particular, just be careful). And of course Falco.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
lol why do smash researchers and debaters think quality of post =/= length of post

i learned something new from it tho, CC with cstick and utilt. way easier than my method of CC and utilt with control stick, but i always prefer to grab anyway


dtilt -> jab reset -> DD -> taunt


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Crouching isn't the same as C stick down.

C stick down makes you ASDI downwards on the frame after hitlag.

Crouch cancelling only occurs if you're crouching before you get hit. If you're crouching before you get hit, knockback and hitlag are reduced.

So AFAIK the best way to do it is to crouch before you get hit, hold the cstick down while being hit, then uptilt.



Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
i dont get it, im sure smashing the cstick down on the correct frames will get the desired results regardless of technical understand-how


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
i dont get it, im sure smashing the cstick down on the correct frames will get the desired results regardless of technical understand-how
Crouch cancelling has nothing to do with the Cstick. It's happens when you are crouching before you get hit.

Cstick is only di.

So yeah, Cstick down still gives you that di. But it doesn't give you the CC.


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2009
WHB, Long Island
lol why do smash researchers and debaters think quality of post =/= length of post

i learned something new from it tho, cc with cstick and utilt. Way easier than my method of cc and utilt with control stick, but i always prefer to grab anyway

i did the malfunkshun combo

dtilt -> jab reset -> dd -> taunt


Smash Champion
May 10, 2007
detroit MI
so I'm just gonna talk a bit here

but at Pound, since there aren't many people to play out here on LI, this was the most practice I've had since ROM3. according to some of the people I played that i thought were good (Ace, Prog, Wife) I wasn't bad, yet they all beat me

always came down to last stock (except with prog because on my last stock he'd pull out some flashy *** combo and suicide me to death)

so I think there is something in my mind that is keeping me from winning

since everyone in the beginning told me "expect to get *****" I kind of expect it. even when I'm a stock up I'll just give the game back over to neutral position almost on accident.

I think this could the big thing keeping me from ACTUALLY making it out of pools at a tournament
mindgames are best when you are concentrated and have a positive mindstate. when I play someone and i do a certain move and see/hear a reaction from them, I usual keep the specific move in mind for later when hes next expecting it then-----Boom. There are alot of great fox and falco players but in 2010 i have never been put out a tourney by fox or falco. Its usually Peach or Marth that do me in.

expect the unexpected and peoples mindgames wont be as bad as you think. I have a system where if im near the edge and i knock them into the air, I know that there will be a 80% chance they will di towards the board(if they are on the ground they will either get up attack or roll towards the center of the board). tilts and sex kicks seem to be the last thing on their mind and are great for that extra push when there are being juggled, recovering, and in some cases attacking. another thing i notice is when I get someone with a grab and I throw them in the same place i did it before, they will DI the same way MOST of the time. even if you dont see it people have a problem of doing the same moves over and over again. once you see it and know its coming you will handle you situations better then before.

example: Lain asked me to money match and i said yeah. He ***** the **** out of me the first match because i was kinda nervous which effected my skills and it got as bad as my not wavedashing right at some moments. Then my teamate Dablackpacman looked at me and said "dude if you dont calm the **** down your going to lose". next match i took it slow flagging and throwing fireballs taking advantage of all the things i could and I won the second match. i felt so good that i won that i concentrated on his character to see what mistakes I could take advantage of not worrying about my skills. next thing i knew I either 2-3 stock lains fox and won the MM (ill go over the moves that saved me)

-A2Z is right when he says UpB oos especially on YI where your UpB can make you land on the top platform. i have never met a person that didnt get caught by my UpB oos. learn to sweetspot you UpB because that there can change a situation for the better. when you hit someone with the UpB your usually safe to land so there is really no worries for this move. its also good to do after you Lcancel a aerial.

- if you opponent is waiting for you to charge him, PLS learn how to FH fireball waveland. it makes things some much easier to attack, grab, or runaway. one of my favorite things to do is FH fireball waveland>jab>wavedash back and Fsmash tilted upwards. that right there has saved me on tons of matching in my tournies

- I feel i shouldnt have to go over spacing with you guys but i will say that you should not try to space a Nair unless your nairing to get behind him(Bair works better for that)

- it may be stupid to some people but pls cape people when they are in their shields. it makes a big difference if some characters are looking directly at you. it makes you opponent think for a second and thats all it takes to get a grab or retreat.

- another thing is to know how to point your Ftilts and Fsmashes its important.
if they short hop / your juggling them close to the ground angle them upwards
if they are shield / your trying to space your attacks regular Fsmash/Ftilt
if their shield is small angle them downwards.

This is the most i ever wrote on this site so ill add more later.....


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Crouching isn't the same as C stick down.

C stick down makes you ASDI downwards on the frame after hitlag.

Crouch cancelling only occurs if you're crouching before you get hit. If you're crouching before you get hit, knockback and hitlag are reduced.

So AFAIK the best way to do it is to crouch before you get hit, hold the cstick down while being hit, then uptilt.

Yeah I actually did know this. But it's easier to call it auto-crouch canceling because that's essentially what you're using it for. Everyone crouch cancels primarily for just taking weak blows with less hitstun. Holding C stick down is just the easiest way to achieve this.

Explaining everything else such as the details on how crouching makes a difference just seemed unnecessary. Let me call it auto-crouch canceling just for convenience sake. I mean...just calling it ASDI down just doesn't have the same effect.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Yeah I actually did know this. But it's easier to call it auto-crouch canceling because that's essentially what you're using it for. Everyone crouch cancels primarily for just taking weak blows with less hitstun. Holding C stick down is just the easiest way to achieve this.
Yeah, I agree with you.

I just explained it because I thought J3ly was saying he was going to replace CC>Uptilt with Cstick Down>Upilt, which would be a bad idea.

Maybe I misread what he said though.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
sooo much tl;dr in this thread

in other news im a hardcore runescape addict LOL, quit smoking + coffee + any food of questionable value 72 hours ago ( :D ) after bein a smoke junkie for 5-6 years.. now i cant sleep but have more time to play runescape and practise tech skill at the same time :D so much energy too which is a huuuge improvement from lethargic

i've not told anybody IRL so there is less pressure on me.. i had to tell somebody. i got a rep with everybody i know, they would laugh in my face if i genuinely suggested i have quit.. but i did it! :D its 5.30am... :o

i woke up at 4am i think.. we have this shop in the UK called ikea. they shot alot of stuff. they also sell these meatballs, you get like 150-200 in a pack. i just cooked 15 and made an omelet, stuck the chopped meatballs in the omelet and grated cheese over that badboy DAAAAMN that was good eatin. i'd like a joint to round it all off but thats a thing of the past now :D hopefully ill get alot better at smash too.. its always my lack of tech skill, and not my opponents skill that causes me to loose games. hopefully that will change now and i'll take my rightful position of no.2 in the uk

i have these tunes on auto-reload while i AFK on runescape and tidy my room/play smash

smash related
we can shield ganons fair, and uair oos before he is able to jab? that doesn't sound right atall.. luckily i get to **** play swizzy, this saturday in tournament, who is our best ganon. maybe i'll go mario in game 2 if we get a crowd :D



Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
i woke up at 4am i think.. we have this shop in the UK called ikea. they shot alot of stuff. they also sell these meatballs, you get like 150-200 in a pack. i just cooked 15 and made an omelet, stuck the chopped meatballs in the omelet and grated cheese over that badboy DAAAAMN that was good eatin. i'd like a joint to round it all off but thats a thing of the past now :D hopefully ill get alot better at smash too.. its always my lack of tech skill, and not my opponents skill that causes me to loose games. hopefully that will change now and i'll take my rightful position of no.2 in the uk
Yeah, IKEA is a fun store. Those exist in the USA as well. At least in California lol.

And Up-B out of shield it's where it's at in my book.


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2009
WHB, Long Island
Thank you for all the feedback. I think I'm over that little anger spout

Good stuff J3ly, I wish you luck in your adventure to get clean. Always a good thing to stop damaging your body

on a side note: pretty sure penguins are the funniest animal on earth. discuss.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
nah man baby cows if the dream i just had is anything to go by

LOL one of the main characters said he would sacrifice himself for the cow, as the cow could feed the family for 4 years whereas he could not :s


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
lol, i remeber when we pressured you into maining our char. that was cool <3


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
Dearborn Heights
CS, I have spring break next week and i'm feeling some smash. Wanna play? I wanna Doc vs Mario you so I don't get my *** beat. ;P


Smash Champion
May 10, 2007
detroit MI
lol you know it. come to smash on tuesday at pacmans. i went to smym and made it out of pools and loss to TomR and Salt


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
CS, I have spring break next week and i'm feeling some smash. Wanna play? I wanna Doc vs Mario you so I don't get my *** beat. ;P
Mario vs Doc, Doc dittos, and Mario dittos are gay.

Just saying. One of my least favorite matchups. I'll pick Ganon against other Mario users just to make them feel bad. I guess against Doc I'll stick with Mario because F-smash is super gay to him. Against Ganons I go Doc because B-throw -> B-air = stock against Ganon.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
lol obviously ur opponents suck

marios fsmash does own doc tho. pure sex against the PHDoctor


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
the best advise i can give is wd back fsamsh WAY WAY more (especially against that aggressive falco) also cape lasers more, do you forget or something.

uair oos more. its potentially the most lethal option and you didnt do it. upB oos more when ur gettin pressured too.

ur dthrow fsmash is sick

we can waveland after bair.. ur mario does seem quite slow cos he spends all of his time getting pressured. run towards an opponent and shield sometimes and have a route planned (like buffer jump -> waveland on platform)

WD utilt is one of out quickest and gayest approaches. its reverse WD back fsmash, and it leads into everything we got

the way you utilize dair is one way to do it. a better way is to FF, get an autocancel and get a utilt. chances of winning are directly related to how many utilts and fsmashes you land in combat

STOP APPROACHING FALCO WITH FAIR, i used to rinse this tactic too. but that was when i was a nub, i quickly realized its not worthy of being called a tactic. If you can avoid being hit during the startup, backwards momentum fair is very very safe. otherwise, use it on grounded opponents -> backwards dsmash (they always go that way for some reason), or you can use it following a late uair.

best of luck at next tournament


something ****

been experimenting with corners. allow me to explain the setup:

\----------------------------------/ - that is the stage

\---------------------------||----/ - that is where we land a utilt, that puts our opponent in a position where they have to tech the hit

most people follow up at this point... why? why follow the utilt up, when we can wait for the opponent to hit the ground and (with reaction) have a 100% chance of landing our next hit, few of which options (which were not presented from the original utilt) being far more ****.

something to think about, i might main mario for a while to learn this. After 20% there is always a 2 hit combo to set this up, normally ending in strong nair. it does not have to be utilt, its just deliberately not following up to get more juice out of the lemon. obviously if they land in the middle of the stage/tech in the middle of the stage you cant followup without a guess, and for that reason combo as normal there and try to set up this situation nearer to the edge where we can cover every option easily


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
the best advise i can give is wd back fsamsh WAY WAY more (especially against that aggressive falco) also cape lasers more, do you forget or something.
I actually Cape lasers a lot, but there weren't many lasers to Cape that match lol. And yeah, I probably should WD back F-smash more. My reaction time kinda sucks though.

uair oos more. its potentially the most lethal option and you didnt do it. upB oos more when ur gettin pressured too.
Yeah, I don't use U-air oos much. It's pretty good. Up-B oos though I actually use quite a lot especially against this one Fox main who gives my Mario a lot of trouble, though I find it odd I didn't use it much in that one particular match.

WD utilt is one of out quickest and gayest approaches. its reverse WD back fsmash, and it leads into everything we got
Well I'm a fan of WD U-tilt more against floatier characters such as other Mario users and Luigi, given how much easier it is to react to their options and not trade, but yeah. It's pretty ****.

the way you utilize dair is one way to do it. a better way is to FF, get an autocancel and get a utilt. chances of winning are directly related to how many utilts and fsmashes you land in combat
Haha okay. I'll try to learn FF autocanceled D-airs.

Also wow, I didn't D-throw D-smash like at all in that match.

most people follow up at this point... why? why follow the utilt up, when we can wait for the opponent to hit the ground and (with reaction) have a 100% chance of landing our next hit, few of which options (which were not presented from the original utilt) being far more ****.
Yeah, that's pretty clever. Though speaking of platform followups, I don't think people use D-air enough in those situations.
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