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Mario Mafia/Newbie 10! Game Over! Scum Wins!

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
The only thing I can think of is that you don't like how I voted Tery to L-2. And that I'm going after you. Can you tell me why your focusing on me?
What does it mean that you voted me to L-2?

No Tery you're doing it wrong :)

You just use the command 'Unvote' in bold.

Don't use 'no lynch' or 'no vote' :)
God I suck at this. :c



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
It's ok Tery! I messed up myself. : ]


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree

So far, all Seph has done is
1. RVS tery/J
2. Talk about WIFOM and
3. Vote me for bad reasoning
tl;dr: You were continuing RVS without scum hunting. Unless you thought that randomly voting me for a weird reason was scum hunting.... and in that case:

Why'd you vote me as opposed to someone else?
You said that you weren't serious with the skimming explanation, so did you find me suspicious and for what reasons?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@Sephiroth: You voted vanderzant to see how he would respond. Yet you have not removed your vote.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree

The terms "L-1 or L-2 or L-3 represent how far away a person is away from a lynch. Earlier on, you had 3 votes on you, so you were at L-2. Which means it would of taken 2 more votes to lynch you.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.

tl;dr: You were continuing RVS without scum hunting. Unless you thought that randomly voting me for a weird reason was scum hunting.... and in that case:

Why'd you vote me as opposed to someone else?
You said that you weren't serious with the skimming explanation, so did you find me suspicious and for what reasons?
One reason is because your an active memeber in the thread opposed to those who wouldn't answer right away. Another is because an IC, although it's been talked about, there's a great chance that either you or the other IC is a mafia member. It's small but should not be overlooked.

@Sephiroth: You voted vanderzant to see how he would respond. Yet you have not removed your vote.
What do you think that means?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Tery, who do you suspect is mafia? and why?

from this list:

Meta-Kirby (can't say much because he didn't say much)

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I'd like to think neither of the experienced players are Mafia. If they were this game would be pretty inbalanced, but since Mafia roles are generated on random or should be it's not safe to assume things.

Simply because of the opening stages I don't really know. And even if I did it would simply be through some gut feeling and no conclsuive evidence because nobody has any conclusive evidence at this point.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Vanny did say that he could be saying those things either being scum or town, because we still are new to the game.

So if an experience player was town, he would still be able to help us and himself, but then again

He says talking about this like this is WIFOM. But, I just can't say YOU ARE SCUM outright because that is Bias.

I need both sides. :3

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@Vanderzant: Vanderzant how did you feel about Sephiroth before I pitched in my opinions? What were these opinions based on? How do you feel about other players? Who do you think is the next suspect if/if not Sephiroth flips scum. Please answer these as honestly and completely as possible.

@Ranmaru & Terywj: How much consideration have you actually put into this game? From a scale of 1-10, how much attention have you put in so far? Have you read the thread once through from beginning to end? When is conclusive evidence available in a mafia game? Are you putting up a no vote because you are afraid of being wrong? Are you putting up a no vote because you feel like you've put in no effort? Curious why you feel this way. Also if you put up a no vote, do you feel that this takes the responsibility of a lynch off your shoulders?

@Meta-Kirby: Meta-Kirby. What are your opinions of vanderzant, do you think that his play seems scumish? Any other comments you would like to contribute?

@Grump: How do you feel about Sephiroth? Does he seems like scum to you? Do you believe that taking someone to L-2 is a suspicious move? Do you believe that it was purely coincidence that you voted for the sample people twice so far?

@Glyph: How do you feel about Ranmaru & Terywj? Do you feel that Terywj is more suspicious person than Sephiroth and/or vanderzant? If it comes down to lynch would you switch votes and if so, who would you vote out?

@Sephiroth: How would you describe your play thus far? Why do you think that ICs have a higher chance of being mafia compared to everyone else, especially when the moderator said that he is using a random process to decide rolls? If you are going to be lynched what preventive measures would you take in order to prevent town from committing a miss lynch? From a scale of 1-10, how much attention have you put in so far? Have you read the thread once through from beginning to end? How do you feel about Ranmaru/Terywj?

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
@Ranmaru & Terywj: How much consideration have you actually put into this game? From a scale of 1-10, how much attention have you put in so far? Have you read the thread once through from beginning to end? When is conclusive evidence available in a mafia game? Are you putting up a no vote because you are afraid of being wrong? Are you putting up a no vote because you feel like you've put in no effort? Curious why you feel this way. Also if you put up a no vote, do you feel that this takes the responsibility of a lynch off your shoulders?
Yes I have read through the whole thread. I was there waiting for people to confirm their roles and am still here now. Conclusive evidence or some facts to go off on of any kind are better than having none at all and just pointing the finger, but I suppose that's how I've been conditioned. I am putting up no vote because I simply have no clue. With most games I would get "a feeling", but in this game I honestly don't, and I've stated my inaccurate assumptions earlier in this thread. I am not putting up no vote in an attempt to relieve the responsibility of a lynch. The way the game seems now, I will be lynched. If I vote for someone else out of hotheadedness in an attempt to prevent my lynching that merely makes me more suspicious - a pointless action to do.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Sadly, I think it's like smash. We must either approach, or back up. You'd be just as liable if you don't vote.

Although I will vote, only when I feel when it's right. Like people in trial for a crime, the system has to go slow so that there is time so he can proove himself innocent.

Only thing that REALLY happened so far is an innocent has died.

But, we have no evidence, just discussion. We'll find out. But, I'm not worried, but I'm not quick to vote someone off, but I will note things.

I have been reading the whole thread, have you followed what I said?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I try, but sometimes your posts are really incoherent. I ignore them because I don't understand what you are trying to get at sometimes. Thus far, you seem to be very unfocused and have no goals or targets in this game. It makes it hard to determine why you post certain comments and whether you are worth paying attention to or not.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
You mean you are trying to find something for which you can blame me with, that is correct?

Well tell me, Acrostic, what is your goal in this game?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
You mean you are trying to find something for which you can blame me with, that is correct? Well tell me, Acrostic, what is your goal in this game?
Well, I want to know if you have plans. Everyone should have a plan in this game whether it be mafia or town. If you want to be an asset, then you should also consider the future and the idea that people have motives that they want to achieve using different methods. I'm not asking you to tell me your plans or even trying to implicate you on them. I just want you to think about what might happen in this game and how you will advance the game to tip the favor toward the balance of the town.

I have achieved a few goals thus far. The first thing I have done is to give reference to my character in case I need to claim my role in the future and someone has a competing claim. The second thing I have done is to establish a target and to see how that will pan out if the target is mafia or not. I might be wrong. And if so then I have several other paths that can be followed. Then again I may be right. And if so then I have another person to uncover. These are just a couple of considerations I have made thus far and hope that you consider thinking about as well with the intention of having town win the game. I don't need to know the specifics. I just wanted to make sure that you guys were thinking about this game prospectively rather than only focus on thinking about this from a retrospective view point.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Acrostic: I wasn't really suspicous of Seph until he did that misplaced vote on me. If anything, I didn't mind his early RVS play but he didn't improve on it. As for others:

Ranamru: He confuses me somewhat, but I like his activity and attempt to get into the game feels legitimate. I am flipping a lot with his alignment though... I'm fine with him for another day at least but he needs to "scum hunt" more.

Glyph: Need to see more from, has been fairly quiet. His push on Tery seems justified, if a little easy. But is a play if no more content is produced.

Terywj: Need to see more, I'm leaning town off of vibes but it's hard to tell if I'm seeing NewTown or NewScum. His approach to the game throws me a curve ball. I'm interested to see what MK thinks of him, as I assume they may know each other, because I think they both frequent the poke centre forums. I'm interested to see where he'll run with some concrete evidence behind him (i.e. a flip) but that's not an excuse for him not being a play obviously.

Grump: So far I am at a null/slightly scummy read on Grump. He seems to have his wits about him, but I haven't felt many obvtown vibes from him so far. Only thing I haven't liked is his vote on myself (not actually the vote, but the fact that he didn't question my reasoning for voting Seph, or consider why I was voting Seph). Possibly defending Seph for an unknown reason. I don't know if he'd do that as town, I wouldn't expect scum to so blatantly defend there buddy, but its possible. Possible lynch candidate, probably the only real scum tell I've picked up this game.

Sephiroths Masamune: Has so far avoided scum hunting and tried to continue RVS. Putting Tery at L-2 seems like an opportunistic attempt to get on a wagon. I need to see more from him before I can fully judge though. I've seen his day 1 scum play before (and quite frankly it's bad) but he seems to be a bit better here (if anything). I want MK's thoughts on him before lynching because MK probably knows how he plays better than I do.

And UberMario/MK haven't really posted at all.

If I had to lynch someone based off of scuminess... right now I'd probably go with Grump. But an UberMario lynch is probably best at this stage. I think we should eventually wagon him, and if he doesn't start to play we lynch him. We can't possibly know his alignment if he isn't posting, so we have to either 1. force him to play or 2. lynch him and hope he's scum. Not a great situation, but something we have to consider. Of course, we could do the same to MK, but I know MK will catch up regardless of alignment.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Yes I have read through the whole thread. I was there waiting for people to confirm their roles and am still here now. Conclusive evidence or some facts to go off on of any kind are better than having none at all and just pointing the finger, but I suppose that's how I've been conditioned. I am putting up no vote because I simply have no clue. With most games I would get "a feeling", but in this game I honestly don't, and I've stated my inaccurate assumptions earlier in this thread. I am not putting up no vote in an attempt to relieve the responsibility of a lynch. The way the game seems now, I will be lynched. If I vote for someone else out of hotheadedness in an attempt to prevent my lynching that merely makes me more suspicious - a pointless action to do.
Thank you for the typed out response. To throw a hypothetical situation out there, if the vote came down to a 4-4 split would you break the vote before the day ended? Why don't you try pressuring other players via questions or votes? Are you interesting in getting that "feeling" or are you kind of "meh" right now.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I will now take this post to introduce the concept of "meta data

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 4 (3 members and 1 guests)
Firstly notice that right now there are 4 players viewing the thread. I show up because I browse normally, and I assume that Ranmaru is one of the invisibles (or was Acrostic, can't remember lol). And we have a guest viewing.

Often when I am mafia I will browse threads via my :phone: where I am not logged in and thus won't be seem :D. It's very sneaky, and a good way for people to hide if they don't want to be seen viewing the thread without posting.

Also I know MK browses invisibly so it could be him catching up :p

But remember, we should take meta data with a grain of salt. It should never be a full reason for a lynch (unless you catch someone lying... potentially).

Glyph Glyph is online now
Last Activity: Today 01:55 PM
Current Activity: Viewing Thread
Another example of meta data is that Glyph is online but hasn't posted anything in the thread for a while. Why is that you ask? Well, possibly he forgot to check the thread... who knows. I present it, but take from it what you think.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yes, I think he is being too quiet.

I'll have to do what's right, so I'll vote.

vote: UberMario

Don't really know your alignment. Now you really have to say something.

Sorry if what I say may be confusing to you all. Just ask me if there is something you don't understand, and I will gladly clarify.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
@Sephiroth: How would you describe your play thus far? Why do you think that ICs have a higher chance of being mafia compared to everyone else, especially when the moderator said that he is using a random process to decide rolls? If you are going to be lynched what preventive measures would you take in order to prevent town from committing a miss lynch? From a scale of 1-10, how much attention have you put in so far? Have you read the thread once through from beginning to end? How do you feel about Ranmaru/Terywj?
How would I describe my playstyle? I've never been good at self evaluations but, I think I've been experimenting with my votes to get reads on people.

I doubt the mod would leave the mafia team with only noobs. It would be logical to have one noob and one experianced player wouldn't it? I'm not saying that I chose Vandy soley because of this, but I'm saying it's a small hunch of mine that I shouldn't overlook.

If I'm going to be lynched what would I do to defend myself? I'm sorry, this is a bad question in entirety. 1. I would do things differently depending on the circumstances, and 2. Why would anyone tell you this?

Attention? 10 I'm currently in 2 games but the other is in Night phases so right now I'm giving this game my full attention.

Have I read the thread? Yes. Why ask?

Ran seems Carefull, that he takes back everything that is disagreed upon.

Tery is being unhelpful, not contributing at all, even though he's active.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@ Seph:

I have learned in this thread, that one must change votes. I myself did in the past question Vanny changing votes quickly, but I notice myself that in order to hunt the correct scum, that I must be sure. Sometimes it isn't easy, some people can hide such things, and I must ask questions to see what they'll say.

But now, I'm keeping my vote for Uber.

Tery, couldn't really come up with much, nor could I, but I know Uber isn't helping by observing. Tery sure has posted more then him. But Tery may be second to last to Uber though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Unvote vote: UberMario

Seph put him at L-2. No one else vote for Uber yet, unless you are Mafia of course. That way, Uber won't get lynched unless mafia do it, and then we can lynch the scum tomorrow. We'll wait for him and MK to catch up of course, but if he or MK doesn't we lynch them. Simple pressure.

@Seph: The problem with your reasoning is that:

Rules said:
1.) The game mod is the game god. However, if you feel the game god happens to be testing your faith by placing an error in the game, then please feel free to point it out via PM
2.) All roles are assigned entirely at random.
So MK and Myself are just as likely to be scum as any other player.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Also we're not lynching Seph at this stage unless all 3 of UberMario/Glyph/MK rain down on us with thunderbolts of pro-townness (not sure if that's a real word :p).

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
I need to see more from him before I can fully judge though. I've seen his day 1 scum play before (and quite frankly it's bad) but he seems to be a bit better here (if anything).
That was a low blow. :( If it weren't for MK I probably would have survived.

Sephiroths Masamune: Has so far avoided scum hunting and tried to continue RVS. Putting Tery at L-2 seems like an opportunistic attempt to get on a wagon.
I wouldn't say avoid, it's been hard to scum hunt when 2 people are attacking me.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Unvote vote: UberMario

Seph put him at L-2. No one else vote for Uber yet, unless you are Mafia of course. That way, Uber won't get lynched unless mafia do it, and then we can lynch the scum tomorrow. We'll wait for him and MK to catch up of course, but if he or MK doesn't we lynch them. Simple pressure.

@Seph: The problem with your reasoning is that:

So MK and Myself are just as likely to be scum as any other player.
I'm not very fond of taking orders.


Vote: Uber


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
^ True but no discussing ongoing games. Regardless, I feel your play here has been better than your mafia play their. I still want to see what MK thinks about your play though. In hindsight what I wrote sounds harsher than it probably should, as I'm by no means leaning scum on you.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree

So just to reiterate.


Feel free to keep scum hunting though Seph. Btw do you think Acrostic is town?


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
WTF I don't post for a few hours and that's enough for Ranmaru to return his vote to me? 0_o

And did anyone else notice that Vanderzant wrote "no one else vote for Uber yet, unless you are Mafia", and Seph quotes him, then proceeds to unvote and then vote for I, Uber? >_>

Even if Van said "else", that kind of strikes up an alarm for me, I'm going to stay with my original vote for now though.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Acrostic seems to be putting alot of his goals and whatnot to try to detter me from what he really may or may not be.

To say the least, I think he is trying to confuse me.

My plan? My plan is to get a feel for everyone.

You say you have a few paths, what paths do you have?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
@Glyph: How do you feel about Ranmaru & Terywj? Do you feel that Terywj is more suspicious person than Sephiroth and/or vanderzant? If it comes down to lynch would you switch votes and if so, who would you vote out?
At the moment, I'm pretty convinced Tery is scum. I understand he's new to the game and has his own playstyle, but this is my first game too and he makes very few posts that I don't find problems with. I'm wary to Seph too, but not nearly as much as Tery. Ranmaru and Vanderzant I wouldn't feel comfortable voting against at this time, I just haven't seen enough evidence to raise my suspicion too high.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Tery I feel like a **** for coming at you all the time but damn it, you keep posting things I find issues with.

Food for thought - if ____ player is Mafioso, then would it make sense for them to immediately target the experienced players Vanderzant and Meta-Kirby? Of course this wouldn't be shown in the daily lynch, but killing them as early as possible provides a sense of security as the town is now left without experienced players or IC players or whatever and are left to meddle amongst themselves, while the Mafiosos pick off the remaining players and tactically outwit and avoid the daily lynch. If indeed one of the experienced players end up dying for the results of Night 1, what suspicions have been removed from players? What new suspicions have taken their place?
Acrostic brought up a really good point here when he mentioned you were taking a huge leap of faith in assuming they were town. But I don't think it was a leap of faith at all. If you are scum, as I believe, then you'd know exactly who is scum and who is town. You seem to know alignments already.

I'd like to think neither of the experienced players are Mafia. If they were this game would be pretty inbalanced, but since Mafia roles are generated on random or should be it's not safe to assume things.

Simply because of the opening stages I don't really know. And even if I did it would simply be through some gut feeling and no conclsuive evidence because nobody has any conclusive evidence at this point.
Then you were kind enough to reiterate that you thought the IC's were both town, though this time you're careful to emphasize that you're not sure (this is after Acrostic's post quoting the first comment in question). Liking to think that they're both town would be nice, but I honestly can't say why you'd say something along those lines unless you actually knew their rolls (be it one if mafia and you're covering for him or both are town and you're trying to build credibility)

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Doesn't food for thought mean I'm putting up something out there in an attempt to spark discussion?

Man, looks like I won't be playing any other games of Mafia anytime soon.

I'm at school, so my thoughts on the posts I missed later.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008

"How is telling Tery to replace out if he isn't going to enjoy the game defending him?"

:::I was focusing more on the "we shouldn't mull over this" point, but didn't want to only partially quote information as that could be a scum tell.

"Would you of preferred another page Tery/Vand back and forth of me telling Tery how he should play mafia?"

:::Tell him him how to play, no. But making anybody a more informed and better-contributing townie is always a good thing (except for scum, of course).

Interestingly enough, if I were scum buddies with Tery, why would I be "coaching" him in thread as opposed to communicating with him privately? (Somewhat WIFOM, but food for thought nonetheless)."

::: Not all games let the scum talk during the day. I'm in a game on a different site where my scum partner and I can only privately talk during night.

"What do you mean by light prodding? Had UberMario even posted anything at this stage? And where do you get scum-to-scum buddying from? Use quotes please."

::: In some games I had seen, scum-partners generally did one of two things. Ignoring each other completely, or constantly attacking each other as a form of cover up. Very rarely though, there would be a game where small banter would take place instead of one of the mentioned extremes. Most people wouldn't pick up on this. It's nothing they "said", just how often they were saying things, and the fact that neither one of them attacked each other.

@Acrostic: "
@Grump: How do you feel about Sephiroth? Does he seems like scum to you? Do you believe that taking someone to L-2 is a suspicious move? Do you believe that it was purely coincidence that you voted for the sample people twice so far?"

Hmm, are we talking about before or after your thread-wide vote history? Before, I wasn't too concerned except for the fact that he didn't seem to post a lot of information . Personal style I guess? I digress- I don't want to give him the same "leniency" I'm giving Tery (because he's not used to this type of Mafia) (or WAS giving Tery), but I don't want to punish him overly hard for a particular posting style.

Now that I saw the vote list though, I'm a little suspicious. I repeated his votes to apply pressure, and I haven't yet had a chance to unvote. Why he earlier repeated my votes? I'm not sure. I'm going to be watching his voting habits throughout the game now though. If he flips scum, I don't want to be lumped along-side him simply because he rode my scum-hunting coattails.

I'm not quite sure about the L-2 predicament. It certainly does show that he's ready for a lynch, since I'm of the belief that simply 2 votes is enough to cause some pressure, but L-2 (this early into the game) is close enough to ask for a mishap.

---- Onto Vandie @post 261

Seph has been one of the few people I haven't attacked, but given the first few points made in my response to Acrostic, I think I'm going to be watching him. My vote wasn't necessarily for voting him, it was for the perceived nature of your post- flailing, lashing, panicky, etc. A read of either scum trying to redeem himself, or possibly a very bad townie.

@All: And now I get to page 19 and see that Seph's vote is locked in stone.

Anyways, I'm on vacation at the moment visiting family, so I won't be able to be as active as I was for the first few days, but I'll be heading back home on the 12th. Till then, I'll stay active, just not as much so as before :(

When are we scheduled for another vote count?
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