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Mario Mafia/Newbie 10! Game Over! Scum Wins!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008

Like I said before, I haven't seen much to point at yet that makes me want to lash out at anyone.
So you question, ask, poke, prod (only in the non-mod sense) and generally cause a little ruckus. I mean look at me! I may not be the best scumhunter, but I'm sure trying :p

That's a bit cold. :(
I don't mean it personal. I was fishing for a reaction. I'm hoping that you'll be convinced to elaborate on your thoughts more!

Seriously? Voting for me somehow makes it less likely to result in being accidentally hammered? >_>
In that case, it was caution. If the vote put you at L-1, then yes. You could have accidentally gotten hammered. But it only put you at L-2, which makes the accidental factor much less likely to occur.

I wouldn't be surprised if he flipped mafia though.
This is where your argument falls to pieces though. We had a nice (most likely) 2+ page discussion about how Terywj has been confirmed to be innocent. Even I have been convinced, and I was on his case hardcore alongside with Glyph.

Do you happen to have any additional reasons for suspecting Vandie?
(Gosh, I love that name... Vandie Vandie Vandie)

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Wait a second, I'd love to hear your own sequence of events! What were you going to do? Let him whine and then lynch him, causing a town lynch? Exactly. This isn't a time to be nice, I'm not supposed to be "kind and forgiving" of someone who's playing scummy! It's really an absurd argument to make, and you're falling for Tery's initial AtE reactions.
I know from first hand experience that scum tells are difficult to apply to first time players who have not read the tips and strategies posted on the mafia wiki. Most of the behavioral rules are true because people are aware of them. In my first game I was town and broke nearly every single one of those rules because no one told me what to read or where to go. Based on Terywj's previous comments before coming into this game, he was reluctant to participate and didn't know anything about mafia beforehand. Therefore I observed his actions as a similar case to my first game of mafia and assumed that he was like me, "This guy is so bad that he can't be mafia."

MK said:
So what point was Tery trying to make again? "I'm bad at this, lynch me, I feel so useless, I'm so bad, lynch me, I'm gonna get lynched, I'm playing terrible". Is there a point to this rambling? Of course not! It's necessary to dig deeper and deeper until they BREAK because then you get to the TRUTH; the TRUTH being that town was SAVED by this action.
Terywj's whining was annoying to be honest. However, being annoying doesn't validate you as a mafia candidate. Mafia is simply a game where the truth is never really known until the conclusion of the game. Excluding this game-setup where the roles are laid out, the truth is something that exists for the most part as gut feelings and post-analysis more than anything else. The particular format of this game was adapted for this purpose.

MK said:
Lol? I'm not supposed to pressure people as a member of the town? What is "crossing the line" exactly? ***** please, there is no such thing as "crossing the line" until you get modkilled. In DGames Mafia (Avril Remix), Omni made a point to tell me how god awful I was playing at every turn. Am I supposed to turn around and say "Woah! That's scummy, because you aren't allowing me to play my best effort! And that's mean!"
I'll accept this as a game play style on your part.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@UberMario: Your role claim also doesn't help us that much. I would suggest character claiming when it is necessary.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@Meta-Kirby: You seemed to have stopped scum-hunting along with Glyph when it was proven that Terywj was the jailer and therefore not a mafia member. I would appreciate hearing some comments from you regarding the other players and who you find to be the best lynch candidates before the day is over. I feel that relying on vanderantz as an experienced player has caused the town to develop a polar reaction in terms of his actions. In lamest terms, a second opinion would help us out before the end of the day.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
@UberMario: Your role claim also doesn't help us that much. I would suggest character claiming when it is necessary.
Yoshi, does that help at all?

@Acrostic: I'll respond at a later point, I wasn't expecting such a long response so quickly and I'm getting off right now.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
I'm curious if we can use the lurker count to effectively label some potential mafia members. Perhaps they are trying to lie low until the deadline arrives? I know Glyph was on for a bit and never posted. Vandie has been labeled as "viewing" this thread for a while, so I can only assume he's typing up a response. MK is missing in action besides his quick anti-prod post. Thoughts on this idea?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@ UberMario: I seriously appreciate the effort you are putting into this game, even though I wish that you had been more involved earlier. Please continue.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Grump: What exactly is your point w.r.t the Jailer? Are you saying that if you were the Jailer you wouldn't target anyone if we hadn't lynched scum yet? That is a seriously dumb mindset and I have no idea why you think Tery idling is a good idea.

All him idling really does is make him a vanilla townie that mafia don't have to worry about killing. There are seriously no downsides other than jailing the tracker (14% chance iirc) who's results are unreliable unless we have 1 mafia anyway.

Stopping the mafia kill (either by protecting town or blocking scum) is so game breaking for town we'd be idiots to not at least try for it.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I'm curious if we can use the lurker count to effectively label some potential mafia members. Perhaps they are trying to lie low until the deadline arrives? I know Glyph was on for a bit and never posted. Vandie has been labeled as "viewing" this thread for a while, so I can only assume he's typing up a response. MK is missing in action besides his quick anti-prod post. Thoughts on this idea?
Pretty much Post #263.

I will now take this post to introduce the concept of "meta data

Firstly notice that right now there are 4 players viewing the thread. I show up because I browse normally, and I assume that Ranmaru is one of the invisibles (or was Acrostic, can't remember lol). And we have a guest viewing.

Often when I am mafia I will browse threads via my :phone: where I am not logged in and thus won't be seem :D. It's very sneaky, and a good way for people to hide if they don't want to be seen viewing the thread without posting.

Also I know MK browses invisibly so it could be him catching up :p

But remember, we should take meta data with a grain of salt. It should never be a full reason for a lynch (unless you catch someone lying... potentially).

Another example of meta data is that Glyph is online but hasn't posted anything in the thread for a while. Why is that you ask? Well, possibly he forgot to check the thread... who knows. I present it, but take from it what you think.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@vanderzant: I think Grump was talking about whether using jailer powers on a town member who was targeted by mafia will be perceived the same as using jailer powers on a mafia member who was targeting a town member. Under both conditions the kill is stopped.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
@Vandie: So many yummy points you could post about, and you narrow in on mine alone? o.O odd.

But to answer your question, I'm simply stating the dangers of using this situation and reading too much into it. Blocking the kill is great, but if whoever gets lynched tonight ends up flipping scum, then we have a catch 22 on our hands. I'm simply stating that we should take the night kill results with a grain of salt.

For example, if we lynch scum tonight, then Tery were to block/protect me, and the scum goes after me, it would tell the town that I'm scum because of the process of elimination if we read too much into it. This would lead to ME getting lynched. Now if all else fails, I can character claim. But this doesn't stop the fact that it would detract much argument time from the actual scum.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Yoshi, does that help at all?

@Acrostic: I'll respond at a later point, I wasn't expecting such a long response so quickly and I'm getting off right now.
Before you leave, what is your character? If you are planning on telling us then you shouldn't take so long otherwise I may think that you are trying to make one up.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Uber: You honestly have contributed next to nothing. We are around 2 days from a deadline. Step it up or you will be lynched.

@Acrostic: Either way there will be no night kill which is a good thing either way you slice it. It is also a poor strategy for mafia to not have killed Tery in the first place.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Well on that note I'm going to bed. Will be interested in reading the responses. As for scum tells, it really hinges on the responses I get / don't get the next two days.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
Are you serious?

Like, do you actually think it's odd that I didn't repeat myself in talking to Uber, or that I posted "I agree" to Acrostics points?

You are so scum.
What I find odd is that you didn't ask anything, you didn't analyze anything, nor did you really add any IC commentary. And I fail to see where you posted "I agree".

Oh, unless you mean the post you made AFTER I posted? Are you picking fights with the most prominent scum-hunting townie? Sounds suspicious to me.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
BTW, I use prominent very loosely. Perhaps I should have said "obvious", because I don't see anybody else that has my level of aggression at this point.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
The point is that the ONLY other things that I could of analysed that happened since this morning and now are Ubers "soz guys why you lynching me?" and Acrostics "here's why you are wrong Uber."

But you find it odd that I only commented on the argument we were having over what should happen with Tery's jail?

And ironically I have been analysing stuff, just haven't posted it all yet.

I'm not picking a fight either... what makes you think this? I just think you're scum.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I have to go now, but I'll leave you with some of my reasoning (not forgetting what I said a few days ago) for why I think you're scum and you should be lynched tomorrow.

I also feel as though I was baited into chasing after Tery so aggressively by Glyph. Perhaps he saw me as being gullible and overly-hotheaded enough to take the bait and make the chase for him, so he can somewhat keep his hands clean. A clever play if that's the case.
A further question for Glyph: Who are you getting the strongest town reads from, at this point in time?
This whole "baiting" concept feels off to me (Grump has talked about this several times now). Why is Grump concerned that he may of been "played" by Glyph into attacking Tery? Tery had been acting mad scummy for the most part and wasn't doing a good job of defending himself. He (and everyone else) had every right to be pushing Tery to take stances and contribute… but Grump is worried that Glyph has been encouraging Grump to do something that would be totally justified regardless?

Smells like Grump is trying to shift light blame onto Glyph (while he is ironically accusing Glyph of doing just that). I also disagree on the notion that Glyph wasn't pushing Tery… if anything that was ALL Glyph was doing.

Grump shouldn't be concerned over taking the blame for pushing Tery, as it was a totally justified act. So I see no reason for this thought process to even occur in a townies head.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
Well, you COULD have helped explain to Uber what he may be doing wrong (though he seems to be getting better now, thanks to a little pressure and coaching).

I don't find it at all odd that you commented on our argument, just that you failed to address multiple other points that were brought up like you usually do.

Well perhaps we shouldn't get in a tizzy about things that weren't made public knowledge then. But then again, anybody could make a claim like that (not posting things that you have analyzed).

But thinking that I am scum, when I have actually been on the hunt for such since the beginning of the game, is a bit of an unintended taunt, so to say. I do believe that I have posted observations and/or attacks and/or mess-ups regarding just about everybody. Which a scum most likely wouldn't do (WIFOMages aside).

Edit after I saw your newest post:

If you will pay attention, I've done this to not only Glyph, but also MK and Acrostic as well. I realize that my aggressive nature is easy to take advantage of, so I try to make it public record who I think may have influenced me into doing whatever just happened. These posts can then be referenced in the future should I see the scenario happening again.

Also, pay attention to my wording please. "somewhat keep his hands clean".

Please, pay attention to discussions as well. There was a nice mini-debate going on as to whether or not MK was behind the whole "pushing Glyph and myself" thing. IIRC, it was Ranmaru, myself, and Acrostic that had talked about it.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I lied. I needed to post one more thing.

UberMario I request the following:

1. Character information. Not like, "Hey I'm Wario!" Distant yet close enough character that could seem like a valid character choice but really isn't so there you go and you're still stuck in a pot. Some dialogue if allowed so on and so forth when you find it necessary.

Glyph I request the following:

1. Explanation to why you outed the jailer when you knew that Peach would be the jailer. Were you just not thinking about it or... something ???

2. Are you going to be absent from the game to the extent that it will hinder your playing? Please submit a V/LA so I know that you aren't doing this in order to get attention off your back after you stated that you would provide explanations.

3. I want you to tell us whether or not you can confirm / deny UberMario's character and the stated role when he decides to share it with us. Yes. If you have meta-data then I am requesting that you help us with the information you have provided.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
List of Demands Pt. 2

Glyph I request the following:

4. I want you to tell me why Peach is the jailer and to summarize some points in the pm in your own words or to get as close as possible to revealing such information if this is indeed the reason why you were fishing Terrywj.

Terrywj I request the following:

1. I want you to NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER until Glyph decides to present the "character pm" he received on your character regarding the dialogue, character purpose, so one and so forth. I want you to pressure him into getting as specific as possible so that he can't simply fudge words around and hope that he is getting them right.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Glyph do not tell me how many different characters you have received if they do not constitute the majority of town.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Glyph I request the following:

1. Explanation to why you outed the jailer when you knew that Peach would be the jailer. Were you just not thinking about it or... something ???

I was convinced Tery was scum, and the most logical scum move would have been to claim town. My plan was to expose him as a liar when he did so, and get him voted out.

...it never even occurred to me that he could have been the real jailer.

2. Are you going to be absent from the game to the extent that it will hinder your playing? Please submit a V/LA so I know that you aren't doing this in order to get attention off your back after you stated that you would provide explanations.

My activity is pretty off lately (i'm on at 3 am right now, and only posting because I happened to see questions aimed directly at me). I've had some pretty heavy stuff happen at home, and I'm not going to hesitate to put that before a mafia game.

3. I want you to tell us whether or not you can confirm / deny UberMario's character and the stated role when he decides to share it with us. Yes. If you have meta-data then I am requesting that you help us with the information you have provided.

I have information on Peach and one other character, though if I were to make it public now Uber could simply claim that. Unless I'm missing something (ie a reason to share it right now before we know what he's claiming), then I'm going to wait.
List of Demands Pt. 2

Glyph I request the following:

4. I want you to tell me why Peach is the jailer and to summarize some points in the pm in your own words or to get as close as possible to revealing such information if this is indeed the reason why you were fishing Terrywj.

^peach image used

The Peach role was originally assigned to Ranmaru.

The PM goes on to praise Peach, mention her spin-off game, ownership of a castle, and lament how Bowser is always kidnapping her. It also mentions that keeping the power of jailer a secret would probably be a good idea.

Peach jails someone not by just tossing them in jail, but rather by sheltering them in her castle overnight. This can be achieved through PM, using the command Jail: Player Name

Peach's win condition is the same as the rest of the town, kill the 2 mafia members. Wins even if Peach is dead before this happens.

Pretty much just summarized the PM there, but it should answer your questions.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
EBWOP: putting my responses in italics was a bad idea, didn't think about the whole quote being auto italicized.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Glyph has posted V/LA status (Vacation/Low Activity) so don't expect him to post as much over the next few days

D1 Votecount!

UberMario (3) Vanderzant, Grump, Ranmaru
Glyph (1) Acrostic
Vanderzant (1) UberMario

Not voting (4) Terywj, Glyph, Seph, Meta-Kirby

With 9 alive it takes 5 to Lynch!

Deadline is 17th Dec

1. Character information. Not like, "Hey I'm Wario!" Distant yet close enough character that could seem like a valid character choice but really isn't so there you go and you're still stuck in a pot. Some dialogue if allowed so on and so forth when you find it necessary.
Be aware of this rule
7.) You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.).
Also be aware than any information sent out in incorrect PMs is liable to change.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
So you question, ask, poke, prod (only in the non-mod sense) and generally cause a little ruckus. I mean look at me! I may not be the best scumhunter, but I'm sure trying :p
Alright, I guess it's more of my defensive nature during strategy/analysis games.

I don't mean it personal. I was fishing for a reaction.
I guess you got one then. lol

I'm hoping that you'll be convinced to elaborate on your thoughts more!
Ok, but like I said, I tend to be more about defensive gameplay when not playing Smash Bros..

In that case, it was caution. If the vote put you at L-1, then yes. You could have accidentally gotten hammered. But it only put you at L-2, which makes the accidental factor much less likely to occur.
That doesn't mean that it was safer than L-3.

This is where your argument falls to pieces though. We had a nice (most likely) 2+ page discussion about how Terywj has been confirmed to be innocent. Even I have been convinced, and I was on his case hardcore alongside with Glyph.
You seem to have missed the previous portion of the sentence:

Terywj WAS giving me a similar vibe of scumminess, but I haven't seen anything nearly as problematic as his first posts, so I'm not sure whether I'd consider him a threat right now or not
I'm more ready to believe that he's innocent now than I was before, but that still doesn't mean that his first posts didn't exist.

Do you happen to have any additional reasons for suspecting Vandie?
(Gosh, I love that name... Vandie Vandie Vandie)
Well, out of all of us, he's by far the most aggressive of any of the players here in this particular mafia game, I don't really see anyone else making threats on a similar caliber.

Ubermario the following points that you listed against Vand are as follows:
1. Attempts to mass lynch
2. Prospective playing

Points listed again Ranmaru:
1. Odd deductions

From the tone of your post, your alibi behind not posting is simply because you didn't have anything to contribute or had no suspicions. However you do realize that mafia is a game where you are supposed to have suspicions in order to weed out mafia members and apply pressure to hear the responses that other players have to offer. Take for instance your impression of Vand. These points are formed from the pressure that Vand has applied to you in the game so that you participate and for you to have impressions. More or less this is what IC players typically do in a given game. They apply pressure in order to create reactions out of players who normally would not want to get involved such as you. Therefore your case against Vand is bland as bandwagoning is common, note that this is your second time at L-2. This means that you didn't get it the first time when you were at L-2. Also prospective playing is necessary given the fact that we can't all be on at the same time when it comes to lynch. Thinking about what comes next is necessary so that in the small amount of time we are active in this thread, we can get the things done that need to be done as a collective unit. It is similar to leaving a note to your roommates before you go out for the day about food that needs to be bought or tasks that need to be done.
*I have to leave right now, but I'll respond to this portion tonight*

As for Ranmaru, odd deductions is a vague connotation and doesn't give us much to go on.

What do you find is vague about Ranmaru's comments? How are they strange?
The basis for some of his arguments contradict the results:

I also agree that Uber should be the play toDay. I just don't want to lynch him by accident. Thank you. (Want him to claim first)
(Why agree for me to be the guy to go after if you don't want me to be accidentally lynched?)

I unvoted Meta because I don't know where he is. I can't pressure someone who can't see my posts currently.
Right now, I'm going to try to get Uber to say something, no heat is being on him.

Glyph did give some to Tery, now I, will heat up Uber.

Vote: Uber
So Ran unvotes Meta because he hasn't posted that much, but votes for me for virtually the same reason? That doesn't make much sense.

Simply generalizing it doesn't help us to understand your point at all nor does it make it a convincing case for us to not lynch you. You need to work at it a bit harder before you are lynched.

Before you leave, what is your character? If you are planning on telling us then you shouldn't take so long otherwise I may think that you are trying to make one up.
I'm not sure what to say about that which hasn't already been said in the previous two pages by me.

1. Character information. Not like, "Hey I'm Wario!" Distant yet close enough character that could seem like a valid character choice but really isn't so there you go and you're still stuck in a pot. Some dialogue if allowed so on and so forth when you find it necessary.
Well, you did ask for character claiming before, not character information, you can't really beat around that bush without coming off as suspicious, and like I said directly above, I'm not sure what else there is to really bring up in terms of character information.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I'm more ready to believe that he's innocent now than I was before, but that still doesn't mean that his first posts didn't exist.
The whole reason of deducing those first posts was to determine whether or not he was mafia. He has claimed Peach Jailer which no one has contested. Therefore his innocence is 99% assured as everyone has come to the consensus that he is THE JAILER.

UberMario said:
Well, out of all of us, he's by far the most aggressive of any of the players here in this particular mafia game, I don't really see anyone else making threats on a similar caliber. *I have to leave right now, but I'll respond to this portion tonight*
Grouped these two quotations together because they are both about Vand. I've already outlined why Vand is aggressive and you stalling does not help your predicament.

UberMario said:
The basis for some of his arguments contradict the results: (Why agree for me to be the guy to go after if you don't want me to be accidentally lynched?) So Ran unvotes Meta because he hasn't posted that much, but votes for me for virtually the same reason? That doesn't make much sense.
I think that the difference between you and MK is that you seem to be intentionally posting the least amount as possible even though you have been asked to contribute over and over again. MK has contributed to scum hunting while you have to be forced into contributing.

UberMario said:
I'm not sure what to say about that which hasn't already been said in the previous two pages by me.

UberMario said:
Well, you did ask for character claiming before, not character information, you can't really beat around that bush without coming off as suspicious, and like I said directly above, I'm not sure what else there is to really bring up in terms of character information.
We're trying to secure you as town. That is the whole purpose of the character claim. If you quickly claimed then we would have greater assurance that you didn't simply make a character up. I requested only one thing out of you in order to make a case for your innocence as you aren't that helpful in other terms of game-play. However you fell through on this regard as well. I am planning on putting you at L-1 / lynch when we are ready to proceed.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
With the current sequence of events, we could later lynch UberMario should we find it necessar, and I would jail Glyph? Does that sound reasonable?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Uhm so at Day's end I will be jailing either Glyph / UberMario, depending on who gets lynched, correct?
First of all re-read this post as you seem to have failed to understood it the first time around. Second confirm whether or not Glyph's information that he provided is true / false. The third piece of advice is located below the paragraph. Please do not forget to read it.

@Tery: you are likely dieing toNight.

If UberMario flips scum, you will use your power as a roleblocker to try and stop the mafia nightkill. Jail either Glyph/Grump/MK/Seph or whoever you think the last mafia member would be. You will have to decide on who you are targeting in this scenario before we lynch someone. Post it in BIG BOLD LETTERS so we clearly know who. This is so that if you die, we can confirm that your chosen target is not scum, and if you live we have caught the last scum.

If UberMario flips town, you need to pick a protect candidate just in case mafia decide to kill a townie instead of you. And you don't announce this (decide on it during the Night). As long as you have Acrostic on your potential protect list, idc who else you pick. Throw Acrostic/Me/MK into random.org, or just pick who you think scum would want to kill most (other than you ofc).

@All: make sure you all tell Tery who you think should be jailed in either scenario.
Congratulations. You found me. The third piece of information. Do you understand the conditional statement? If UberMario is lynched as scum then proceed to jail (my ordering list is as follows): Seph/Grump/MK/Glyph (depends on your answer to #2) and if UberMario is not scum after lynch then I'd suggest that you protect who you find is NOT suspicious. I will not list candidates for you and will leave that up to your own judgment. You will not tell us who you will jail if UberMario flips townie. You will tell us who you will jail if UberMario flips mafia. Do you understand? Y/N?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Uber: How is being aggressive scummy? I'd argue that being passive is also scummy. It is mostly why I consider you to be the best lynch candidate.

@Acrostic: I'd be careful with the role pm info asking. Curiously, what were you trying to find out when questioning Glyph? Also remember that him having the "old" peach pm is not indicative of his alignment.


Edit after I saw your newest post:

If you will pay attention, I've done this to not only Glyph, but also MK and Acrostic as well. I realize that my aggressive nature is easy to take advantage of, so I try to make it public record who I think may have influenced me into doing whatever just happened. These posts can then be referenced in the future should I see the scenario happening again.
Firstly, implying that I'm not paying attention? I was quoting 1 specific example, and did realise you did a similar thing with others.

Again, why are you concerned over being influenced by others period? As town I can influence you, as scum I can influence you. Influencing people is not a scummy thing to do per se, and you're making quite a deal over it.

I also somewhat disagree where you label yourself as "agressive." I.e. earlier on where you didn't vote MK for fear of something or other.

Also, pay attention to my wording please. "somewhat keep his hands clean".
If anything Glyph did not "keep his hands clean." I'd pin him as the major force in pushing Tery.

Please, pay attention to discussions as well. There was a nice mini-debate going on as to whether or not MK was behind the whole "pushing Glyph and myself" thing. IIRC, it was Ranmaru, myself, and Acrostic that had talked about it.
I did see it, but I didn't see the pushing on Tery as necesarily scummy (apart possibly from Glyph's fishing). So I'm concerned that you're worried about taking the blame for it.

Also, your response was borderline misquoting and twisting what I said. I suggest quoting my posts when responding to them, and attacking the points I make.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
A big part of my scum tell for Glyph relies on questioning his meta-data excuse. However if the information he provided is correct then I don't believe that he is nearly as scummy as the other potential players on that list. I don't believe that first time mafia would be so willing to release information and am under the belief that they would waste time dodging around corners, much like UberMario. Read back in this thread, verify the information provided and then get back to me with a response.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
First of all re-read this post as you seem to have failed to understood it the first time around. Second confirm whether or not Glyph's information that he provided is true / false. The third piece of advice is located below the paragraph. Please do not forget to read it.
I don't think treading onto the role PM was something we are allowed to do? X1 warned against it earlier so I'm not taking the chance? Unless he specifically tells me I am allowed to do so then.

Acrostic said:
Congratulations. You found me. The third piece of information. Do you understand the conditional statement? If UberMario is lynched as scum then proceed to jail (my ordering list is as follows): Seph/Grump/MK/Glyph (depends on your answer to #2) and if UberMario is not scum after lynch then I'd suggest that you protect who you find is NOT suspicious. I will not list candidates for you and will leave that up to your own judgment. You will not tell us who you will jail if UberMario flips townie. You will tell us who you will jail if UberMario flips mafia. Do you understand? Y/N?
I understand that. I was saying if we are deciding on lynching UberMario, then a course of action for me would be to jail someone dependent on his revealed alignment.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@All: Deadline is approaching fast (around 48 hours I think). Considering the blatant inactivity we're seeing from some people, I think it's best we act sooner rather than later.

I would of liked to have waited for Glyph to post some stuff not related to Tery, but he's V/LA which can not be helped.

I think if we lynch Uber/Glyph/Grump in that order we are bound to hit scum.

Acrostic if you are fine with an Uber lynch I'd put him at L-2. Tery you can announce your target for if Uber flips mafia and put him at L-1.

A good way to do this is to announce "putting Uber at L-2 in 5 minutes" and then vote in 5 minutes. It makes it near impossible for mafia to quick hammer (though I really doubt that quick hammering Uber is in their best interests regardless).

So yeah, I think the day is done, that doesn't mean we can't continue to post, just that I think we should secure the Uber lynch.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@ vanderzant: You're right. Whether or not he has meta-data is independent of whether or not he is mafia. However, if he is lying about the content in the pm or trying to avoid an answer, then this could be used as a possible scum tell in him attempting to withhold information after he stated that he was open to sharing. I find it questionable that you didn't press Glyph further after he revealed that he was willing to share information as this could allow Terywj to verify whether or not his claim held true regarding Terywj. In my opinion, the devil is in the details.

I did not ask him for any further information because that could be disadvantageous to town. I merely wanted him to share enough information to decide who would strike me as the more likely suspects. If he was credible then that would mean that he would be less of a likely mafia choice due to having an alibi for the scum tell. If he was not credible then that would mean that he would the most likely mafia candidate to be lynched D1. I believe that it was important to me that I was able to establish priorities before we ended the day.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
So do you need me to vote?

"Tery you can announce your target...put him at L-1"

I took this as announcing my target, but I need to place him in L-1 right?
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