@Matador, I dunno if you want just Xero to critique these but I crituqued anyways

First match - Not a whole lot to say I mean I really didn't find anything you really need to work on. Maybe your spacing on the first stock, but your second and third stock you really stepped it up and did some amazing spacing stuff. Also your ledgegame mix-up's were really good.
Second match - Nothing I noticed, you just had a hard time landing the K.O on the first stock, which pretty much forced you to bring back the percentage again. Good stuff overall.
Third match - Yay MK. A match I'm familar with so I can give you some pointers. More Fireball's. I can't stress this enough. This is what forces Metaknight to approach you (unless he's d-airing but, just upB and punish), and it's what is best for an opening.
For Tornado UpB isn't such the best option. Unless he's hitting your shield then yes, but if he's not don't go for it, as seen in the match he baited it, and you got punished. If your caught in the Tornado, Smash DI up crazy, and you'll get an up air on him. Also if he's in Free Fall, just Fireball, MK doesn't really suffer from RCO, so if you try to follow with a grab/attack, your risking to eat a *insert move here* from MK. Fireball away is your safest option. Also if a MK is just sitting in **** shield don't b-air just stay back and Fireball, you'll just eat a n-air.
I think in my opinion, Tornado is what got you in this match, just work on ways on how to beat Tornado, and it'll be a lot closer
