Smash Lord
If you have to do manly things to be manly, then thats just sad. Marth is manly by nature not by action. He can take something completly unmanly and make it manly just by doing it and being marth.
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This manliness debate has officially been declared ****:0 Marth for the manly win.Marth has a epic post about his manliness.
Marth FTW
Source = That is From Book2 PERFECT ending (Look at the botm... but also check the Normal ending of Marth and Sheeda.), sadly FE DS will lacks book 2.Serenes forest. One of the Best FE resources said:607
King Hardain calls upon the rebuilding of the Holy Empire of Akaneia,
and increases the military preparations. He annexes the
neighbouring minor powers.
An insurrection breaks out in the Kingdom of Grunia
occupied by Akaneia.
Marth answers to Emperor Hardin’s request and goes on
an expedition against Grunia, but during that time Aritia’s
royal castle is attacked by Akaneia’s troops and
From this, Aritia and Akaneia rush against each other
into a total war.
Start of the War of Heroes (607-608).
Fall of Pales Castle. Emperor Hardin dies.
Prince Marth marries with Princess Sheeda of Talis,
and officially becomes King of Aritia.
According to Queen Nina’s strong wish, Marth
replaces the dying out Royal family,
and decides to rule over the world.
The birth of Lord Marth as the legendary Hero King
called "the King of all Kings".
No, CF definitely has a sword.Ok, Marth's sword is his manliness? Then CF is definitely not manly, because he doesn't have a sword. What now sucka?
Not talking about the scarf.His scarf is not a sword.
Have you seen how tight his clothes are. I think we'd know if he had a sword.Not talking about the scarf.
Its pretty obvious Marth just won this discussion hands down. Or up. w/e
Too confusing for the general public Backlash. Just link to my life-changing video and done. Now that's comprehensible to everyone.Lets put it this way. If manliness were string, the Captain wouldnt have enough to hang an ant. If it were fire, he couldn't melt a snowflake. If manliness were salt, he couldn't kill a snail.
wow that was epic. i'm now fully convinced that marth is more manly than CF will ever be. that move easily owns the falcon punch
It's the ESRB's fault that it isn't there.Have you seen how tight his clothes are. I think we'd know if he had a sword.
If we are comparing "swords" (note the quotes) then CF is way out if his league already. CF's leather suit puts his business out for all to see despite it being covered by dead cow skin. Marths (you can't see it because of his...shirt?.....nah, not epic enuff, someone gimme a wordIt's the ESRB's fault that it isn't there.
So Marth has the ability to change the size of his "sword" (lol at quotes) at will? Thats pretty darn epicIf we are comparing "swords" (note the quotes) then CF is way out if his league already. CF's leather suit puts his business out for all to see despite it being covered by dead cow skin. Marths (you can't see it because of his...shirt?.....nah, not epic enuff, someone gimme a word) is comparable to the size of ikes sword, and its only that compact when he has to fight as for it not to be too cumbersome.
real men wear scarfs and electrical kneepads. falcon's taunts are crowned the best,and you know it. he fights with fists,what would marth be without his sword?REAL MEN WEAR TIARAS. They also wear pink, but thats not the point. You don't need to wear a blue, full-bodied leotard with a gun you never use, going around saying "sho me yo movezz" and "c'mawn!" to be a man. Marth makes the tiara, tunic, and "Minna, miteite kure!" work just fine.
With that sir, I offer this to you:real men wear scarfs and electrical kneepads. falcon's taunts are crowned the best,and you know it. he fights with fists,what would marth be without his sword?
manly tier list
a man shot that guy right before marth came,and he happened to fall just when he raised his handWith that sir, I offer this to you:
And why was that man shot?a man shot that guy right before marth came,and he happened to fall just when he raised his hand
the power of falcon
Tell me how they had guns back in the medevil perioda man shot that guy right before marth came,and he happened to fall just when he raised his hand
the power of falcon
The Infinite Glory that is indisputably Captain Falcon said:...To be honest, nobody cares where Captain Falcon was born, or what he was like when he was a kid...or no one has actually lived to tell the tale. Captain Falcon's more recent achievements are to be held, however, the most esteem. Besides the ability to squeeze such an encyclopedic example of human muscle into a speed suit, he also has such acclamations as winning and thereby owning the racing tournament known as F-Zero.
The boredom that came off winning so easily (he eventually left his racer, the pimp Blue Falcon, and became the only person to win F-Zero on foot) led Captain Falcon to becoming a bounty hunter where upon he learned a vast knowledge of Muay Thai martial arts.
After collecting the bounty on all known villains of space, he stumbled across a call for the greatest fighters to assemble in a tournament known only as Super Smash Bros. A few years later, the tournament sent out another call for more contestants, upgrading the tournament to Super Smash Bros. Melee. This only inspired Captain Falcon to train more unreasonably.
To this very day, Captain Falcon remains the definitive symbol of justice with unnecessary force and absolutely no mercy. His advanced repertoire includes brandishing the power of sun, collected in his fist in the "Falcon Punch", the terrifying, perversive lunge upper cut "Falcon Raptor", the crippling “Falcon Kick” (opponents have noted that their colons have never worked since a battle with the ex-racer) the infamous roundhouse kick which Captain Falcon learned from Chuck Norris (then killed him), and the spectacular fire **** in which he latches on to those in the near vicinity and humps them in a fiery tirade of justice while he yells out "YES!" in ejaculatory dominance (it is said that men and women both are impregnated by the likes of such a immense burst of pelvic power).
However, perhaps the most heinous of attacks comes from the use of his knee in mid-flight across the battlefield. While for anyone a flying knee attack would be very powerful, Captain Falcon's muscles actually prevent him from bending his legs. However, his bounty-armored, racer-nonbreaking, adamantine will has given him superior strength to overpower these limits. The result is the splitting of an atom at the point of bend, sending any foe into the endless oblivion. This unyielding will has also given him the ability to spike his enemies to the depths of Hell, breaking not only their comparatively inferior bodies, but decimating the opponent's spirits eternally.
Name: Captain Douglas Jay Falcon
Species: Enhanced Human
Gender: 200% Male
Blood Type: Molten Lava
Age: Capt. Falcon Doesn't Age.
Hair: If Capt. Falcon had locks in his hair, and you cut one of them off in attempt to take away his amazing, beyond Samson-like powers, he'll still be just as buff prior to your futile attempts, except now, he's more aerodynamic.
Eyes: No one has ever gotten close enough to find out.
Height: Tall enough for women to blow him standing up.
Weight: Those who have suffered nuclear patellas to the chest say nothing because they're dead.
Homeworld: Port Town, Earth
Occupation: Undefeated F-Zero racer, Universally-feared Bounty Hunter, Unanimously-agreed victor of the Super Smash Bros. tournament.
Scientists have discovered that captain falcon is, in fact, descended from the spartan race, which was also proven to be descended from Hercules. The conclusion was the movie "The 300" where all persons were made to portray (but fall horrendously short) of the masculine glory that is captain falcon. however, all persons of meek and small physique should try to emulate this "possible for mortals" build that the actors of "The 300" achieved as it has been deemed acceptable by captain falcon himself for those less worthy.
"I came, I brawled, I conquered"
-C. Falcon, upon being named the victor of Super Smash Brothers Brawl
The Olympics have come and gone, and many have come to wonder why Capt. Jay Douglas Falcon wasn't there to burn Usain Bolt off the track, or boil Michael Phelps out of the water. This is because Beijing provided over 100,000 condoms to Olympic participants. Gold Medal count for Beijing 2008: Phelps - 8, China - 51, Falcon - 100,000.
There is a reason as to why Labor Day exists. Contrary to popular belief, it is to commend the day Capt. Falcon, at the young age of 4, losing his virginity to 700 women, all at the same time.
I was going to post a video of what happens when two shieldbreakers collide but the youtube page broke.
there happened to be a smart genius who learned how to build a gun,and kept it secrect for a long timeTell me how they had guns back in the medevil period. FYI there are no gunners in fire emblem. Cannons maybe but no guns.
This is for you noodlehead.
epic win