<She may have a mouth, but in the end, she may save your life!!! Milliarde (or Milly) of Baten Kaitos Origins joins the Brawl!!!>
"This is bound to hurt."
(Voiced by Shanelle Workman) She is a strong-willed and surprisingly powerful girl that saves Sagi and Guillo during their escape from the empire and a first confrontation with Giacomo. Although her real name is Milliarde, she asks to be called simply Milly and claims that it was because she simply can't stand seeing people get hurt that she intervened. At first it seems apparent that she has ulterior motives, as she was sent by her father to verify whether Sagi was a spiriter or a maledieter. However, she falls in love with Sagi, confesses her past deed, and eventually becomes a welcomed member of the party. Despite being sent to "Magic School" in Anuenue and being brought up in a secluded and pampered aristocratic family, Milly often dreamed of adventure. She is a practical thinker and often slept through the more "impractical" classes during Magic School. During her early years she was chaperoned to and from school but often stopped at the "Nekkar Quietlands" to gather rocks and gaze at the changing color spring. She is the daughter of Baelheit, and a product of machina infusion in humans, making her stronger than a normal human and a cyborg in the process. At the end of their journey she witnesses her father's death, her own origins and ultimately finds happiness at Sagi's side as they are wed and live in Mira with Duke Calbren. It is highly possible that Sagi and Milly are Lady Melodia's (the main antagonist in Eternal Wings) biological parents. The fact that Melodia seemingly has an inherent connection to Malpercio, as well as her phyisical appearance to both Sagi and Milly (particularly her true hair color, a shade of blue similar to that of Sagi) further support this theory
Power: 3
Running speed: 7.5
Attacking speed: 7.5
Range: 5
Falling Speed: 3.5
Weight: 3.5
First Jump: 4
Second Jump: 5
Height: 7
Wall Climb: No
Wall Cling: No
Crawl: No
Glide: Yes
~Basic Animations~
Standard: She hops around, cheerfully, ready to fight.
Animation pose: She throws her 2 maces in the air, and catches them when they reach back to the ground.
Dodge: She sidesteps out of the way.
Roll dodge: She rolls out of the way

First jump: Milliarde leaps in the air like a regular character.
Second jump: Milly does a backflip that sends her further in the air
Running: She runs straight forward, maces at the ready.
Shield: She puts her 2 maces at the front of her.
~B attacks~
Standard Special -- Sevenstar dust -- In order to use this move effectively, and usefully, you have to move the control stick in various directions, for powerful results. As soon as you press this move, Milly's maces will be infused with lightening in them. She'll quickly launch 2 strikes forward (in kind of like a stabing motion), as soon as you press the button. The range for this move is pretty bad, as it only reaches what is directly in front of Milly, and that's is exactly right next to her. The speed for this move is very good though, because there is pretty much no lag at the beginning of this first attack, but if you don't follow it up with moving the control stick, there is a bit of lag at the end. If at least one of the hits make contact with the opponent, they deal 2% damage each, with no knockback other than causing the opponent to flinch. A really bad move it seems, and really generic right? Not really. Remember when i say to move the control stick around? To execute the next attack, point it in the forward direction.......
As soon as you do point it in the forward direction, Milly will soon follow it up with a quick lightening kick to the opponent forward. The range for this move is a slight bit better than Milly's previous attack, as her leg extends a bit more forward. However, the range is still pretty bad, covering only what is exactly what is right in front of her. The speed for this move is really good, as there is pretty much no lag at the beginning, but if you don't follow it up with another shift of the control stick, there is a bit of lag at the end. This kick does around 4% damage, but no knockback other than flinching. If you do throw the control stick to the upwards direction.......
Milly will follow the combo with 2 step ups upwards (it kind of looks like she is stepping up the stairs, only faster, and more powerfully.) The range for this move is more in the upwards direction, rather than the forward direction, but still effects the opponent that she was previously attacking. The speed for this move has pretty much no lag at the beginning, but at the end, if you decide not to follow it up with another motion with the control stick (it has to be downwards to follow it up BTW), there is above average lag there. Each step up attack causes around 3% damage each, but with no knockback other than flinching. If you do throw the control stick to the downwards direction.......
Milly will end this combo attack with Milly using both her maces at the same time, enfused with lightening, forward straight down, for a huge epic attack. The range for this move is pretty much what is right in front of Milly. The speed for this move has pretty much no lag at the beginning, and has above average lag at the end. The final blow deals a solid 8% damage, with no knockback other than flinching. This hit also stuns the opponent for a short 2 seconds.
You get all that? If you didn't, in order to basically use this move effectively, you must:
Press button first > Point the control stick in forward direction > Then the upwards direction > Downwards direction.
You do anything other than that, you mess up, and Milly suffer above average lag. This move is a good damage racker, and leaves the opponent stunned, for Milly to follow it up with an actual KO move. Milly can only use this move only once every 5 seconds however, and actually hitting the opponent with this move can be tough if you haven't mastered the combination. At the end of this move, it deals at total of 22% damage.
Side B -- Arabesque -- As soon as you press sideways B, Milly will do 2 backflips backwards (if this is done in the air, she'll simply will not do that animation. Also, is there is no room left to bacflip, she just simply stops backfliping at the edge of the stage, and does the next attack). Milly will have her 2 maces together, linked to each other for a moment. She will then say either, "Arabesque!!" or "Catch!!!" With that saying, she'll throw the 2 linked up together maces forward, and it goes forward lol. The range for it is about 4 stage builder blocks in the forward direction. The speed for this move has a above average lag at the beginning, with Milly doing the 2 backflips, but has no lag at the end as soon as she throws her maces. The maces practically go through her opponent, and don't stop when they make contact. If it hits, it deals around 11-12% damage, with ok knockback dealt to the opponent.
Now here's the contraversie part!!! With the maces out of her hand, Milly can't attack at all!!! She can still jump, run, and do anything, but attack that included her maces. This gives opponent a huge advantage over her, but it's more than likely that her maces will simply come back to her, and then she can attack normally again. If she fails to recatch her maces for reasons like getting attacked, being sent high to the sky, or something else behind those lines, you're basically this: screwed. She'll have her maces return to her hands in 10 seconds however. If she dies when her maces are being thrown, she'll have her maces automatically at the start.
Downwards B -- Elemental change -- Pressing the downwards B button will cause Milly's maces to glow for a moment. As soon as they stop glowing, it is seen that her maces have some sort of elemental looking into it. As she says that, she has said, "This is bound to hurt!!!" Different effects have happened to Milly's maces. There are five different elements that Milly's maces can transform into: Fire, Thunder, Ice, Light and Darkness. The element that is chosen is completely random, with an even chance for any of them. Pressing the downwards B button again will cause Milly to go back to normal. Each of them causes a different special effect when she does some of her attacks now. After 10 swings/whatever else she can do with her maces have been done (doesn't matter if she hits the opponent with them or now), her element returns to normal, and she cannot use this move for another 10 seconds. Here they are:
Fire: With this, Milly has an extra 2% damage boost for each hit. The downside for this though is that the knockback will drop down by 1 level (if the intended knockback before is no knockback other than flinching, with fire element equiped, there is absolutely no stunning, or budging the opponent at all.) This is a good element for damage racking. That is all.
Thunder: When Milly has this element equiped, it's pretty much the opposite of fire. This cause Milly's moves to increase by one knockback level, but drops down by 2% damage. This is a great way to KO opponents, but make sure you caused enough damage.
Ice: If this element equiped, Milly's attacks now are a bit slower now (which sucks

), but with a 2% damage boost, and every 4th hit has the chance (about 1 in 4) to freeze opponents for 1-2 seconds. A good way to damage rack, but with her attacks being slower, it can prove useless.
Light: With the element of the light, Milly's attacks unfortunately do 2% damage less than intended. However, the good side of this move is every 15% damage that Milly manages to rack up upon the opponent, it can HEAL her 5% damage each time. A good thing for damage healing, but hard to pull off.
Darkness: With the element of Darkness attached, Milly's attack now do a good 4% damage extra for each hit. The downside for this move is that every 15% damage racked to the opponent, Milly hurts herself 7% damage. I would use this move for damage racking purposes, but i would also be careful.
Upwards B -- Phoenix Dive -- Milly will jump up to the sky for a moment. As she is jumping, her body will take form of a huge bird like Phoenix. It burns like fire. In her Phoenix form, she'll keep on going upwards, and then charge straight downwards diagonally. With that movement in the air, she'll start going in the downwards direction, but not really. It kind of looks like she's moving in the forward, slightly downwards direction with the loop. This is Milly's recovery option. It can send Milly upwards about 4 stage builder blocks up without the loop at first. The speed for this move is fast, with only a bit of lag at the beginning, and only a little at the end. The movement is really fast though, like how fast Ike performs Aether or something like that. This can also be used as an attack, but it's not amazing or anything. It can deal off 12-13% damage with nice knockback dealt to the opponent if they touch the phoenix.
This is not exactly the best recovery Milly has got. Sure it sends her up, but when she charges staight down, it might cause a suicide. Just be careful with this recovery, and you should be fine. If Milly collisions the ground while falling straight down, a fire explosion happens, and burning rocks and sent straight upwards, and do the same attack properties mentioned in the previous paragraph. A firey element attack. Overall, it is only an ok recovery move.
~Standard Attacks~
Standard A -- Weak Attack Milly will start her game off with a basic 2 small swings with her maces. The speed for this move has pretty much no lag at the beginning, but if you decide to not follow it up with another attack, this has only slightly above average lag at the end. The range for this move is pretty bad, hitting what is only right in front of her, and doesn't extend very far at all (only like 1/4th to 1/2th of a small stage builder block.) One hit by one of Milly's swings can cause around 2% damage each, and with no knockback other than causing the opponent to flinch.
A really bad attack by itself. If you decide to continue the AAA combo, there will be no lag at the end. If you decide to perform the Side Tilt or up tilt right after this move, something will totally change her attacks. Let's see......
AA -- Medium attack -- Milly will follow up her attack with, combining her 2 maces together, she will swing them both at the same time for some better results than just one mace by itself. The speed for this move is pretty good, with no lag at the beginning of this move, but if you don't follow this move up with something else, there is a bit of lag at the end of this move. The range for this move is the pretty much the same as her previous attack, reaching only what is directly in front of her. If she hits with this move, it can cause 3% damage with no knockback other than flinching. Another pretty bad move, but that all can change with this......
Trail Rush: Milly can only perform this move if you at first pressed the A button once, and then quickly followed it up with a side tilt. Milly will kick her opponent once straight forward, and then will follow it up with 2 more kicks very fastly. This move will have no lag at the beginning of this move, but if you don't follow it up with another attack, there is above average lag there. The range for this move is a bit better than usual, extending about 1 whole small stage builder block in total. The first kick will do about 4% damage, and the other 2 kicks will deal off 2% damage each, with no knockback other than flinching. A better move than just using her ordinary AA attack, if i do say so myself :3.
Horse Prance: Milly can only perform this move if you at first pressed the A button once, and then quickly followed it up with an up tilt, and then pressed the A button again. When she gets down from the air after the attack, she'll be on the ground. She then will use both of her arms to push herself upwards, and then while doing that, use her legs kicking the opponent who's right in front of her 3 times in a row. The move has no lag at the beginning or at the end, but ends with a bit of lag at the end. The range only covers what is right in front of her. Each kick does around 2% damage each, and the third kick does little knockback to the opponent. Another better option for AA attack, but can be hard to use as the button inputs requires you to move fast.
AAA -- Strong attack -- Milly will throw one of her maces upwards, and when it comes near Milly again, she will catch it and swing it forward to the opponent. The range for this move is a bit better than her other attacks, which is about 1 small stage builder block in total. The speed for this move has a bit of lag at the beginning when Milly throws her mace in the air, and does have a bit at the end as well. The damage it can cause is around 4% damage in total with little knockback at the end. A bit better than her A and AA attacks, but still pretty bad. There are other options for her AAA attack though.......
Capricorn Header: Milly can only perform this move if she performed her side tilt first (make sure you didn't pressed the A button at the beginning), and then the player quickly pressed the A button 3 times in a row. Milly will still throw her mace in the air as usual, but when she catches it to swing, she's going to swing more heavily. This is now a multiple hitter. The range and speed is pretty much the same as Milly's regular AAA attack. She swings it once that hits 2 times, and swings it again that will hit 2 times. That's right, 4 hits in one attack. Each hit does 2% damage each, with the last hit smacking the opponent to the ground (AKA, they're now laying on the ground.)
Moon Crash Milly can only perform this move if she pressed the A button once, and then quickly performed her side tilt right after, and then quickly pressed the A button 2 times fastly. After performing her previous attack, she will then spin one of her maces forward, very fastly, and fiercely. There is above average lag surprisingly, as Milly prepares to perform this attack by having her back turned to the opponent (she has super armor at this moment however), and there is a bit of lag at the end. The range for this move reaches decently good, extending about 1 small stage builder block forward. This attack is a multiple hitter, with about 4 hits in all, each dealing 2% damage each, with nice knockback at the last hit. A sweet damage racker.
Side Tilt -- Mirage Turn -- Milly will quickly turn around, and have her back to the opponent. She will then use her 2 maces to stab behind on both her waist sides (so AKA, she's attacking forward.) She will then quickly return to facing forward. The range for this move has the opponent to be practically right in front of her to actually hit the opponent with this attack. The speed for this move however, is really good, with having practically no lag at the beginning, but if you don't follow this move up with another attack, there is a bit of lag at the end. The damage it can costs is around 4% damage, with no knockback other than flinching. This is a really fast move overall. If you follow this up with a press with the A button, she can perform either Capricorn header, Moon Crash, or Trail Rush, depending on how much you pressed the A button.
Up Tilt -- Pegasus Jump -- Milly will jump upwards, like a regular jump for a moment. She will then use her feet to step on the opponent, attacking them basically. The speed for this move has a bit above average lag at the beginning of this move for Milly to perform the jumping on the opponent's face, and does have slight below average lag at the end for Milly to land safely on the ground with her feet. The range for this move is decent. It targets what is directly in front of Milly, and reaches more in the above direction. Short opponents however, may be able to avoid this attack by ducking. If Milly hits with this step on the face, it can deal off 5% damage with no knockback other than causing the opponent to flinch. She can follow this move up with other attacks by pressing the A button again......
Down Tilt -- Rabbit Dash -- Milly will kick her opponent 2 times forward, and then will end it off with a sweep kick downwards. 3 hits in one. The speed for this move has pretty much no lag at the beginning, but ends with above average lag. The range for this move is pretty basic, with only reaching what is directly in front of Milly. The kicks do around 2% damage each, and the sweep kick at the end deal 3% damage with little knockback at the end. A good move for damage racking, but risk at the end.
Dancing Doll Milly can only perform this move if she pressed the A button once, quickly followed it up with an up tilt, pressed the A button again, and finally did her down tilt. Milly will jump leap a slight bit upwards, and then will do 3 wild hurricane kicks to the opponent forward....like a hurricane. The range for this move is the best of her other melee attacks, reaching a good 1 and 1/5th of a small stage builder block. The speed for this move for this move has a bit of lag at the beginning, and above average at the end, for Milly to land back on her feet. The damage is can cause is 3% damage for each kick, with the last hit dealing off nice knockback. Isn't it better than her regular down tilt? Still it's hard to accomplish.
Dash Attack -- Canyon Wind -- Milly will immediately stop dashing, have both her maces on both sides. She will then spin forward, and keep on spinning, attacking whatever is in front of her. The range for this move reaches forward pretty far, as she spins forward farly (around 2 small stage builder blocks to be forward.) The speed for this move has only slight below average lag at the beginning, when she tries to pull out her maces, and has a bit of lag at the end too. This attack is a multiple hitter, having about 5 hits in all, and each hit doing 2% damage each, with ok knockback at the last hit. A good damage racker, but it's not exactly easy to get all the hits in.
~Smash Attacks~
Side Smash -- Swallowtail -- Milly will at first do a fierce flip kick upwards, making Milly to do a backflip. As soon as Milly lands on her feet again, she will then spin around forward, and strike forward with a strong horizontal mace blow. The range for this move is kinda bad, seeing as it only targets opponents that is directly in front of her. The backflip that she does doesnt help either. The speed for this move has a bit of lag at the beginnig of this move, and has above average lag at the end. The first hit can deal off 5% damage with causing the opponent to be stunned for 1 second (does not matter if fully charged, or uncharged.) The second hit can cause around 6% damage, with ok knockback uncharged, and 9% damage with nice knockback fully charged. This is a good KO move for Milly, as if she manages to hit the opponent with the first hit, it pretty much guaranteeds that she can hit the opponent with the second hit.
Down Smash -- Emerald Thrush -- Ice will all of a sudden appear below Millys feet. She will crouch down for this attack. She will then deliver 2 quick sweep kicks downwards, causing the ice to be destroyed, and damaging the opponent. The speed for this move has slightly below average lag at the beginning of this move, and has above average lag at the end too, as Milly tries to get up again. The range for this move is decent, reaching a good 1 and 1/4 small stage builder blocks. If she hits an opponent with this move, it can cause 5% damage for each kick, with ok knockback at the last sweep uncharged, and 6% damage for each kick with nice knockback fully charged. Another good KO move for Milly, but with risk at the end.
Up Smash -- Diamond Drop -- Milly pulls out a large icicle spear out of nowhere, and takes a quick swing with it forward. She will then use it by putting it on the ground, steady and ready, and then will grab on to it with both her hands, and spin around fiercely. The range for this move is kinda bad, seeing as it barely extends forward at all. It can however cover on both sides, and reaches about 1/2th of a small stage builder block upwards. Opponents who are small enough can avoid this attack though. The speed for this move is pretty bad, as it takes a while for Milly to pull the spear, equaling above average lag, and a bit of lag at the end as well. This attack can deal off in total about 12% damage with ok knockback uncharged, and 15% damage with nice knockback fully charged. Not exactly the best KO move for Milly, with its lag, but its decent. This is pretty much one of the very few slow moves for Milly.
Neutral -- Spin, spin and spin!!! -- Milly will keep on spinning and spinning in the air with her maces sticking out. The range for this move only reaches what is right beside Milly unfortunately. The speed for this move has pretty much no lag at the beginning, but ends with a bit at the end. This attack is a multiple hitter, having about 5 hits in all, and each hit doing 2% damage each, with ok knockback at the last hit. A good damage racker, but it's not exactly easy to get all the hits in.
Forward -- Capricorn Aerialist -- She swings her mace that hits 2 times, and swings it again that will hit 2 times. That's right, 4 hits in one attack. The range for this move is a bit better than her other attacks, which is about 1 small stage builder block in total. The speed for this move has a bit of lag at the beginning when Milly prepares to swing her mace in the air, and does have a bit at the end as well. Each hit does 2% damage each, with the last hit smacking the opponent to the ground if hit by the very tip of it (AKA, they're now laying on the ground and a chance for a meteor!!!), and if not, ok knockback.
Backwards -- Double Moon Crash -- She will quickly turn around behind her. She will spin her 2 maces behind her, fastly and fiercely. There is above average lag surprisingly, as Milly prepares to perform this attack by having her back turned to the opponent (she has super armor at this moment however), and there is a bit of lag at the end. The range for this move reaches decently good, extending about 1 small stage builder block forward. This attack is a multiple hitter, with about 4 hits in all, each dealing 2% damage each, with nice knockback at the last hit. A sweet damage racker.
Upwards -- Rising Condor -- Both of Milly maces will start to light up with lightening. She will then spin upwards like Links Up B, and use her 2 maces to attack anyone whos is above her. This sends Milly upwards about 1 small stage builder block, can be useful as a small recovery, but can only use this move once in the air at a time. The speed for this move has pretty much no lag at the beginning of this move, but has a bit at the end however. If she hits the opponent with this move, it can cause around 9-10% damage with ok knockback upwards. A good KO move that sends opponents up, just make sure you hit with it though, seeing as you can only use this move once in the air.
Downward Aerial -- Touchdown -- She will use her feet to step on the opponent, attacking them basically. The speed for this move has a bit above average lag at the beginning of this move for Milly to perform the jumping on the opponent's face, and does have slight below average lag at the end for Milly to land safely on the ground with her feet. The range for this move is decent. It targets what is directly in front of Milly, and reaches more in the above direction. Short opponents however, may be able to avoid this attack. If Milly hits with this step on the face, it can deal off 5% damage with no knockback other than causing the opponent to flinch (it can meteor if touched by her feet).
Beat down -- Mace wrack -- Milly will simply just hit the opponent with her mace. Nothing special here. Average speed for any other beat down, and a 2% damage for each hit.
Forward Throw -- Thunder attack -- Milly will push her opponent forward for a bit. She will then point one of her maces forward, and thunder shoots out from it. The damage that is can cost is around 10% damage with little knockback. That is all.
Backwards Throw -- Back spinner -- Milly will quickly throw her opponent backwards, and then she will fastly spin behind her with her maces. The damage that it can cause is around 10% damage with little knockback at the end. THAT IS ALL.
Upwards throw -- Dive bomb -- Milly will at first smack the opponent with her mace, causing the opponent to be stunned. She will quickly leap upwards to the sky, and then come down to the ground, and hitting the opponent with her head. Talk about using your head. The damage is can cost is around 12% damage with ok knockback. THAT IS ALL....again....
Downwards throw -- Secret Queen -- Milly will throw her opponent to the ground for a sec. With the opponent on the ground, Milly will be a jerk, kicking the poor opponent as they lay hopelessly on the ground while saying, "What? Does it hurt?" in a jerky fashion. The throw deals in total about 9% damage, with no knockback other than causing the opponent to lay on the ground. That is all.
~Final Smash~
Milly's maces will start to glow sparks of thunder. Huge bolts of lightening start to surround Milly. Milly will put her maces in front of her for a moment. She charges up her mace for a moment, while say, "Aaaahhhhhhhhhh....." She will then release the thunder forward, shoot far range, attacking any one who's right in front of her, and blasting opponent faraway. The thunder looks fierce and spreads all the way in the forward direction on the ground. The range for the fierce thunder pretty much shoots all the way across the stage, no matter where they are. The thunder, while looking fierce, isn't exactly looking big however. It's only about 1 and 1/2th of a small stage builder block wide and tall. The speed for this move has above average lag at the beginning, as Milly charges up her thunder, but has no lag at the end though. She is invincible while doing this move however, so she doesn't have to worry about getting hit. She just has to make sure she actually hits someone with this attack. If she does hit someone with this move, it causes around 20-35% damage, with electric properties to it and good knockback in total. Not exactly the best Final smash in the world, but it's decent.