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Make Your Move 3.0: It's over, it's done, moving on.

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Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Epic win

I believe that with all the effort you made for Donna, you could easily make another, established character, and do them quite well.
Oh NO! Now I really DO want to make a Penfold moveset! Ooh heck! Oh crumbs! Oh carrots!

*sigh* guess I'll go get my drawing board out again... you can expect the moveset in.. about a year or so.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
Final Smesh - Scorpian Thank: Rides around in tank that can mastar al land blowing up sheet

I think I dun see wut u did dar....

I swear, I didn't mean to! Don't leave me!
Yup. You left and took the kids.

Mom had to go to the ER today for a torn meniscus. She's on crutches and it will probably be about a month until she heals all the way. The injury happened right after Dad dropped me off from school. What happened?

Mom fell down some stairs, then...

...She TRIPPED and passed out because it hurt so much.

Lol...awesome IT. I guess you allergy to stairs is genetic. I hope she gets better.
Embodied with the power to turn trash into trees,
Ueki Kousuke Joins the Brawl!!

The main character in the Law of ueki anime/manga, he has the power to turn trash into trees and use his heavenly powers!
People actually ignored this movset. Serious...

Deleted member

Better than anything the world has seen, even better than Fierce Deity Link, maybe even *Insert other ultra crappy awesome moveset*


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2008
Whoa. Donna is made of win. I mean, she's more gimmicky than Dracula and not as well organized as Kibble's movesets, but seriously. The detail alone guarantees a top ten or so in the judging. Some snapshot stuff is weird, and I don't see how it could be implemented, but the whole character sounds like huge fun to play as. And she has boobs.

When the MYM official judging, anyway?

And will somebody for the love of God give half an iota that lives down the street from a comment on Pom Pom? This is like get-ignored #7. It's in teh sig.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Wow... thanks to that novel moveset.... my SSE has been really ignored.
Sorry. It wasn't my specific intention to trap your SSE behind my Internet breaking text mountain.

But I think I've got an idea of how to rectify all this... [there may be a short delay on the Penfold moveset, due to unforseen good idea]

Edit: And I'm going to look at TVTMaster's Pom Pom....
and, looking..... .. . ok! Done!

This moveset has a good amount of character to it, I can really see Pom Pom doing these moves. And the fact I can't tell if he's grossly overpowered or pathetically underpowered, shows how well you balanced him

At first I thought stash it, might be broken, but you put a lot of thought into making it work. But it's still kinda broken in 1v1. I can already see people using final weight followed by Stash it suicides...

Considering Pom Pom's, erm.. size, Smoke Bomb sound like it would serve no purpose other than to annoy everyone with a little extra screen clutter. Unless you mean Pom Pom is actually invisible in the cloud, then I'll gladly take that back.

That final smash is awsome in so many ways it almost makes me cry. How many of us have total neglected those Wii controls? But something that would make it better, is if you get an actual smash trophy (rarity based on how many grapes hit their targets) at the end of it

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
When the MYM official judging, anyway?
It's whenever it is.

Which basically means "whenever 'Blitzkrieg sets the dates". He's in charge of that stuff. The submissions get cut off at the end of October, and we're hoping to get the judging done in early to mid-November, but if the C.O.M.M.I.E.S. can't convene for whatever reason...there will be other hold-ups.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Whoa. Donna is made of win. I mean, she's more gimmicky than Dracula and not as well organized as Kibble's movesets

I'm notably organized???


When the MYM official judging, anyway?
As soon as the submission period ends, judging begins. With such a large number of movesets, we can only guess how long it will take...

And will somebody for the love of God give half an iota that lives down the street from a comment on Pom Pom? This is like get-ignored #7. It's in teh sig.
#7 is a go. Checking moveset...

Lulz. Funny moveset, definitely. I love SBEmail, so that moveset definitely made me smile. Ah, good times.

It's whenever it is.

Which basically means "whenever 'Blitzkrieg sets the dates". He's in charge of that stuff. The submissions get cut off at the end of October, and we're hoping to get the judging done in early to mid-November, but if the C.O.M.M.I.E.S. can't convene for whatever reason...there will be other hold-ups.
We'd better all be able to convene. I'm telling you, people start having withdrawals during judging periods, because they can't post movesets.

And to warn all those who weren't here for MYM 2.0, this thread is gonna turn into a massive advertisement fest starting November 1st...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2008
/\ Ah ,yes, I remember all the shameless self-plugs from the end of MyM 2.0. Those were the days.

Oh, and, does anyone remember what ever became of GCM's attempted MyM moveset? I remember him planning it before I took a leave of absence, explaining the page gap between my Shroob and Thor movesets. Did that ever come to life?


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
It never happened, sadly. I have a sneaky suspicion it's not in production, either...

Deleted member


Chapter 1: Tellius' fight
Narrator: We begin our journey starting with the land of Tellius. Home to many legendary people, like Ike the swordsmen. Tellius is one of the 5 nations that is in the world of TWILT (craptastic name, i know, but who cares :p?). Ever since Ike left Tellius back in Radiant Dawn, not much is heard from him anymore. News from the empire, from the land of Mira, has striken Tellius and everyone is horrified by this news. We join Pelleas, in the country of Daein.....................lol Dramatic speech.

Pelleas, the current king of Daein, is stressed under sorrow at the moment (yes i realize in RD he doesn't become king anymore, but that's not the point.) He wonders what will become of Tellius, and espicially Daein, of what will happen to it. He sighs in his sorrow (lol emo moment) and decides to take a walk outside his kingdom for a moment.

As his guards follow him, Pelleas decides to ask them questions that totally will not effect the story in anyway. His guards answer him while whispering.
Pelleas sighs and says, "Come on. Let's get back to the kingdom."
All of a sudden, an imperial ship that looks like it came from the empire shows up in the sky. A lot of soldiars come out of it basically, and aim there guns at Pelleas.
"Come on!!" One of the empire soldiars said. "You're coming with us!!"
Pelleas decides to take a step back, pulling a dark tome from his robe, but his guards tell him to run and get out of here in a very dramatic way.
Pelleas does just that, with hesitation though. His guards were getting very outclassed in mostly every way. Even fastion sense.
Pelleas continues to try to run away, though looking back makes him feel remorse. He decides to shake his head and says, "I'm tired of not fighting. A true king fights for what is right!!!" He immediately turns around and heads back towards the battlefield.
When he turns back, he sees that his guards are already dead. Pelleas gets shocked in horror at what as become of his loyal knights. The empire soldiars prepare to shoot Pelleas, but Pelleas deflects it with his dark magic. Pelleas hands turn darkish and Pelleas makes a totally epic pose and gets ready to fight. "No more sorrow"

Part 1: Pelleas' strikes back
Objective: Defeat all of 30 soldiars that come out of the empire ship.
Music: March: Radiant Dawn
Play as: Pelleas (3 lives!!)

Considering how obviously easy how a part 1 battle is, it's not that hard. Sure Pelleas is out numbered to 30 to 1, but Pelleas is a powerful mage. Not to mention the soldiars ain't that hard to defeat either. It's a walk off stage, so no pits and Pelleas can be K.O.ed by getting knocked to the side or is hit hard enough by a Star Ko.

The soldiars themselves aren't partically strong. They can get Koed by just simplily racking up 15% damage on each of them. Though they do have somewhat strong attacks. They shoot LAZERS that can hurt Pelleas by 10% damage with ok knockback. They can come out of nowhere if you aren't paying attention to the soldiars (they take 4 seconds to charge up and release.) As soon as you defeat the 30 empire soldiars, part 2 will begin, but not before this:

Pelleas looking rather still fresh has his hands surrounded with dark flames getting ready for more. The empire soldiars look really weak and tired until...........the commander. The boss battle known as Giacomo comes out of the ship.
"You sure are an ignorent King. Don't you honestly care about your people? The empire will leave Daein alone if you come with us." Giacomo explained.
"I'll fight for my people. I'll never the land of Daein fall into the empire's hands." Pelleas replied.
Giacomo rolled his eyes and said, "Wow, that was extremely cheesy. Probably only a mind of a 15 year old can think of that. Anyway, prepare to die Pelleas."
Giacomo raises his sythe and the battle begins.

Part 2: Giacomo is alive?

Objective: Defeat Giacomo
Music: The Chaotic dance: Baten Kaitos
Play as: Pelleas (3 lives)

Wha-? I thought he died in Baten Kaitos!! But unfortunately, he's back as a boss for TWILT's SSE and he's rather powerful. He takes a while to take down (200% damage to rack down O_O) and he has some powerful attacks. (Also, i found a boss to put in my Sagi moveset :bee:)

Basic Sythe swing: Giacomo's standard attack. He will swing the sythe forward and OH BOY!!! It reaches very far (like 7 pokeballz range.) It's also powerful and can deal Pelleas with 15% damage and nice knockback. It's rather slow though. It takes like 3 seconds for Giacomo to swing the darn thing and 2 seconds to take it out.

End slasher: He will charge up for a energy dark blast. It will take about a 3 second charge for this attack. Giacomo will then swing his sythe forward, releasing the charged blast forward, traveling off the screen. It's a big target (as big as Samus's charge blast) and it can push the Pelleas off the screen and continue to deal damage if Pelleas doesn't get away from it. He does this attack alot more oftern as soon as you get his health down to like 1/4 of it.

Thrashing gale: Giacomo will some fancy, smancy, spinning of his sythe in the air and come down with a huge vertical swing downwards. It can knock Pelleas down to the ground and remain unconcience for 3 seconds at least. It will also deal 20% damage.

As soon as Giacomo is defeated, he'll be on his knees and say, "No......impossible....."

Pelleas looks really tired from that strained fight, and Giacomo is tired as well.

"Well, well. We have ourselves a fighting king." Giacomo says sounding rather tired. "You win this battle king, but the empire shall win the war."

That being said, Giacomo and his soldiars retreat to his ship, hoping to live another day. Pelleas looking rather tired, returns to his kingdom. He heals himself inside. He realizes that the empire will attack again, so he decides to call for help in Crimea. He leaves his knights and guards responsible for Daein, and sets off for Crimea.


In Crimea it self, you'll see a lot of people working to maintain the peace and hard working stuff like that. We join a bar with our pal Geoffrey.

Geoffrey looking rather professional as usual (CMON, lighten up man :bee:), is drinking down some orange juice. He will not drink the crap known as beer. NEVER. The owner of the bar is a young woman with yellow hair, and talks to some guy in the corner. He apparantly had a robe surrounding to not reviel his true identity.
The shop owner says, "Hey! You been here for 2 hours now. Please unless you're getting another drink, leave."
At that very moment, the front door broke open. A bunch of thugs have entered the bar, looking quite rude.
They immediately demand drinks to the owner, and everyone is seen hiding. They are about to attack the bar and the owner until Geoffrey triumphantly attacks back with his spear. He cannot allow such actions to take place. Geoffrey fights back with all his might, but is soon out matched due to numbers. They smile and are about to swing there axes to finish Geoffrey, until something epic happens. The guy in the robe comes out of nowhere, taking off the robe and ninja kicks the darn bandits. It's Leonardo. Geoffrey is thankful to this ninja turtle, even though everyone else is freaked out.

One of the bandits manage to get up and say, "Hey, who's the dweeb in the stupid frog costume?!?"

Everyone of the bandits started laughing at Leonardo for his new nickname. They got it all wrong though.

"I'm not wearing costumes."

Part 3: Leonardo and Geoffrey
Objective: Clear the stage of bandits.
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvEMQbqbk5o
Play as: Geoffrey (without his horse unfortunately), Leonardo (2 stocks)

This stage should be a breeze for you. All you got to do is take down the stage filled with 10 bandits. They aren't extremely powerful, and with Leo and Geo (lol, it rhymes), they got it covered. Just knock the bandits off the stage with there powerful attacks. They get knocked off easily at 30% damage.

After the bandits have been cleared, Geoffrey and Leonardo leaves the bar to take a breather.

"Hi. My name is Leonardo. I'm a traveler from New York. I traveling around the world to see the sights around the world. I know i seem a bit strange for not being human, but please just trust me." Leonardo said. He brings out his arm for a handshake.

"Wait.....what's a New york city?" Geoffrey asked.

Leonardo facepalmed himself and starts laughing at Geo. Geoffrey looks somewhat embarrased at what he had said, but they have no time for introductions however, because..............

This guy comes out of nowhere to rampage the town. King Bulbin is his name, and being a jerk is his name. He lets out huge laugh towards his 2 enimies he sees in sight. Leonardo swiftly brings out his 2 katanas and Geoffrey brings out his lance. Unfortunately, King Bulbin is too fast on his bull ride and he dashes right pass them. Geoffrey calls his horse to give chase to him while Leonardo immediately climbs up the rooftops, hoping to cover more ground up there.

Part 4: Chase King Bulbin!!!
Objective: Umm.......Chase King Bulbin?
Music: Leo = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PNulKfPzNk Geo = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofwT1xh25v8
Play as: Leonardo or Geoffrey (3 lives each)

The 2 character give chase to King Bulbin with there choice of direction. You will be forced to have different directions depending on which characters you choose. Choose wisely.

If you decide to choose Leonardo, he'll try to catch up to King Bulbin by the rooftops. He'll be jumping alot to cross the gaps here, so be careful. Leonardo will also strangely be attacked by foot ninja. They aren't partically strong and they go out as soon as Leo hits them with at least 20% damage each. Though they are fast moving and can hurt you with there cheap ninja stars that deal out 5% damage each and and take there katana's out to attack Leo which results in 10% damage for each swipe. It also simply better to ignore them and move on.

If you decide to choose Geoffrey, he'll try to catch up to King Bulbin by horse and on foot. There aren't any gaps on the stage he's on, but he can get hurt fast due to Moblins coming out of nowhere to attack Geoffrey. If Geo just dashed past them, he'll suffer 5% damage for each. Take them down by attacking and spearing them and rack up 15% damage. You can also just jump over them, but it's hard. If Geoffrey manages to suffer 100% damage, he falls off his horse and loses a stock.

As soon you finish the part, the falling cutscene happens.

Leonardo does a wicked awesome backflip to the ground while Geoffrey quickly holds his trusty stead ready. King Bulbin is seen smiling at them. He immediately sets up a bomb below the 2 enimies and it explodes. Leonardo quickly jumps out of the way, and Geoffrey barely escapes. TIME TO FIGHT!!!!!

Part 5: Defeat King Bulbin

Objective: *sigh* look at the title
Play as: Leonardo, Geoffrey (3 stock each)
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhv8CSpznNg

King Bulbin is a boss battle. He's somewhat powerful in this match. Though due to his low endurence, he can get killed at only 100% damage racked up upon. Though he is very powerful, so watch it. The stage is a huge field that covers all the pits and Leo and Geo can only be Koed by side knockout or star Ko. Just keep on jumping and attacking him below as he's helpless below.

Bomb attack: He'll randomely charge forward towards you apprently. He chases till he reaches the other side of the screen. It looks like he dropped a bomb in the middle of the battle field. If Leo or Geo is close to it, they'll suffer 30% damage with nice knockback. Though it's slow and predictable, it blows a hole in the stage. Though it patches up due to the power of the Twilight. SUHWEET!!!!

Charge forward: He'll of course just charge forward for an attack with his bull ride. It'll cause you to suffer 10% damage with Ok knockback from him.

Spear jab: He'll jab his spear at you which extends very far (like 8 pokeballz range O.o). It'll cause his enimies to suffer 20% damage with nice knockback.

After King Bulbin is defeated, he limblessly falls off his ride. Leonardo kicks Bulbin into a pit that Bulbin made while exploding bombs. There's no way Bulbin could have survived that..........

Leonardo bows to Geoffrey and realizes he should get going. Geoffrey stops Leo from going and says that they should work together. Leonardo just stares at Geo at first, but he nods his head in agreement after. They pack there things and prepare to leave Crimea.......



Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Donna is great. I have nothing against tons of detail, I find that it's easy to skim if you find it excessive; hell, my Squeak Squad moveset is about as long as that, although it's a full three-character 'set, so I have an excuse.

So, yeah. Very nice job.

By the way, I do believe that I'm going to be snatching that handy Attack-Comments layout that started with Mendez for Jimmy's set. It looks much nicer than what I'm currently using.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
SrKibble said:
We'd better all be able to convene.
I'm not so worried about most of us, but HeoandReo hasn't posted in this thread in approximately forever. :urg:

I see what you did there. I suppose Giacomo's just a coincidence, right? ;)

KingK.Rool said:
By the way, I do believe that I'm going to be snatching that handy Attack-Comments layout that started with Mendez for Jimmy's set.
You do and I'm suing. :mad:


Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I just lol'd... So... Freaking... Bad...

I bet my whole apartment complex thinks I'm ******** now... That just made my day.


LUVTOYetc. said:
So umm can anyone mak an SSE or is that done with now??
Yeah, it's still open.

In fact, SSE submissions aren't regulated, so really, you can keep posting them as long as you want, up until this thread closes.


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
Yeah, it's still open.

In fact, SSE submissions aren't regulated, so really, you can keep posting them as long as you want, up until this thread closes.
Ah, I see!
Hmm but darn idk if I'll have time to write one,especially if having to goand view movesets to figure out where they go. :p Darn.
I'll keep pondering it, hoever :)

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I think there needs to be a voting category for SSEs. There's plenty of them, why not?
That's a possibility for MYM 4, I think. But it wouldn't be fair to everyone who's done them so far, as the prospect of competition would most definitely effect the quality of them.

Also it depends on if people still want them around in the next contest.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I thought we were only doing one or two SSEs next time to avoid spam? That the winning SSE of this topic would be guaranteed the right to make another? Or some such nonsense.

Or perhaps nobody read those posts.

In any case, SSEs are a lot more on topic then a lot of the random crap here, and help to further glorify movesets.

Speaking of SSEs, I've done some major work on mine. The bulk of the chapter is completed with the first boss and all the levels, but I have to write up this gigantic great maze level at the end as well as the final boss.

People don't make SSEs to go "LOL I MADE AN SSE!". They still are certainly trying to do them as well as they can. If you think I haven't put any effort into these SSEs. . .I've probably spent more time on it then all my movesets combined, easily.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I thought we were only doing one or two SSEs next time to avoid spam? That the winning SSE of this topic would be guaranteed the right to make another? Or some such nonsense.

Or perhaps nobody read those posts.
We'll decide the specifics later on, after the voting's over and done with. I don't know how many SSEs will be allowed, where they'll go, or even if they'll be officially sanctioned.

Don't worry about any of that stuff yet.

People don't make SSEs to go "LOL I MADE AN SSE!". They still are certainly trying to do them as well as they can. If you think I haven't put any effort into these SSEs. . .I've probably spent more time on it then all my movesets combined, easily.
I'm not saying any of the SSEs are better or worse than the others, but I am saying that they'd all probably look different if their makers were directly competing with one another.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
That's a possibility for MYM 4, I think. But it wouldn't be fair to everyone who's done them so far, as the prospect of competition would most definitely effect the quality of them.

Also it depends on if people still want them around in the next contest.
In which case all of them except for mine would win. :ohwell:

Might do one last moveset for the entire contest...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2008
That review
Thanks, man. Yeah, he's invisible in Smoke Bomb, and Stash it has significant starting lag, especially in the air. It's best against sideways recoveries best, since there's no other way it will normally hit.

Also, TSMitW I guess could replace silver and bronze with trophies, but I need to keep the Gold Bowl for first. Gimme that Golbol, Pom Pom.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
Fine, as people wanted Tails to have 1 spin-related move, I'm going to change his side-b as people might think "OMG SAMUS NEUTRAL B MOVE CLONE !!!!1!!" to a Spin-dash which is similar to Sonics (look what you lot made me say, similar isn't a good word to use when making supposedly unique movesets!), but is different at the same time, I Swears! I don't want down-b or his dash attack changed as I personally like them better! I should change his Side-b to a spin-dash on saturday at latest!
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