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Make Your Move 3.0: It's over, it's done, moving on.

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Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I never realized how many posters on this thread were veterans of MYM 2.0

There were also a lot of good move sets on that page, who also all happened to be posted by those same vets. Imagine that!

Deleted member

I just got my Sagi reviewed by Chris............I don't know what to say............I never get an S in anything in life.......It's official. My life kicks a*s.

I'll have the new SSE chapter up and running tomorrow. I'm too lazy right now to do anything. I got to play Brawl with my cousins and study for my math test tommorrow. Though the characters that will appear are: Pelleas, Leonardo, possibly Nightmare, and a couple more characters.

EDIT: BTW, i recommend everyone gets a copy of at least one of the Baten Kaitos games. They are frigging awesome.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
Here's another:


My god, it seems one bathysphere led to another and now...

The main guy, a.k.a. Jack, has joined the Brawl!

Jack's stats are average, except his speed, which is above average, and he only comes in in a leather vest, slacks, and a measly, but nasty, wrench. However, his Plasmids (Courtesy of Ryan Industries.) will shock, burn, sting, lift, or blow you away. Oh, we forgot bash and- well, you get the idea...


Power: 3 (That wrench of his is pretty sturdy and hard, and his various plasmids help boost his strength to Smash level.)

Jump: 3 (Again, plasmids boost this guy's physical abilities.)

Speed: 4 (His only above average stat. Already fast to begin with, and without much to lug around, Jack's plasmid advantage makes him quite a fast character, about the speed of Charizard.)

Falling Speed: 2 (Jack falls to Earth slowly, like that of Lucario, except a bit faster.)

Weight: 4 (He's human sized, so he weighs about that of Captain Falcon.)

Size: 4 (Same as weight.)

Wall Cling: Yes. (Plasmids make him incredibly acrobatic.)

Crawling: No.

Okay, on to basic moves!



A: A swift swing with his wrench across the foe's noggin. Small range, damage, and knockback. Easily one of Jack's worst moves.

A,A: Jack spins around after the initial swipe and kicks the foe back with a quick sidekick. Again, poor damage, but better range and knockback. This move also sends him a little forward.

A,A,A: Jack brings his right knee up for the final move in his combo. A quick knee to the gut always works at the end, eh? Well, it does decent damage, around 5-7%, and knocks the foe back a good enough distance for an A move.

A>: Jack's head turns to steel, Plasmids taking effect, as he steps forward and brings his down downwards for a painful headbutt. A slow, but powerful, tilt that sends enemies to the ground ,leaving them lying there. However, miss, and its very punishable.

A^: Jack sends his left hand (a.k.a. his non wrench hand) in a snapping pose, then snaps as a small ember ignites above his head. Virtually non-existent knockback, but keeps the foe in place for a follow up aerial combo, or another Utilt. Also, has very good range, about one and a quarter of a character length. Quick beginning and ending lag, too.

AV: Jack clicks his left heel on the ground as fire bursts from the ground over the foe's legs and feet. Capable of tripping, and sends the foe back a decent amount of feet. Quick beginning lag as well, but ending lag is a bit slower.

Dash: Jack slides on his knees while pretending to strum on his wrench like a guitar, while electrical sparks fly from his body. My favorite move not because of its low damage or knockback, but because it has the longest range in the game- 2 and a half character lengths away.


Fsmash: Jack charges up his wrench as he infuses it with multiple Plasmids and Electric currents, and performs an X-Slash, hitting twice and doing good damage and good knocback. The range on the second hit is good, while the first one is better. Does electric element damage.

Usmash: Jack stands still as an icicle pops out of his head upwards, as he shakes it off like it was brainfreeze. Decent damage and knockback, but a deceptive hitbox.

Dsmash: Jack quickly falls backwards, and as soon as he hits the ground, the ground in front of his position lifts up to shatter the foe, as Jack rebounds from his not-so-graceful fall. If he hits someone as he falls, they are hit into his proper attack, which does around 17% damage and tremendous knockback. It IS an earthquake after all...



Nair: A fiery sex kick. Has the normal properties of any sex kick.

Fair: Jack points his fingers forward as bees quickly shoot out of his hands as they circle around and around until they disappear. Very much like MGNW's Bair, except less damage, but more knockback.

Bair: A rather menacing green spike juts out of Jack's back, then it quickly recedes back into his body. A quick move with high knockback and damage, but punishable if it misses.

Uair: Jack looks up and spits a cloud of acid that lasts for half a second, then fades away. Actually, this move isn't that good, doing small damage and even less knockback, but the catch is that it doesn't travel with Jack's movement- it stays in place for its very short amount of time, and will ALWAYS do damage while it exists.

Dair: Jack spirals his body as a gust of wind shoots him downwards at a slightly diagonal angle. Similar to Shiek's Dair, except with the hitting properties of Toon Link's Dair.



Grab A: Jack bashes to sap with his wrench handle.

Fthrow: Jack's foot suddenly weighs a ton. as he drops it on the foe's foot, headbutts them to have them lean back, afterwards Jack leans back himself as a huge fist bursts out of Jack's stomach and knocks the foe away. Weird, weird move...

Bthrow: Jack kicks the foe's legs so they are on their knees, then gets behind them, kicks them up into the air, and shoots a flame to push them back.

Uthrow: The foe spirals around a VERY concentrated Jack as he telekinetically sends the foe sky high.

Dthrow: Jack tosses his wrench into the air, which bounces on the foe's head five times. During the animations, both Jack and the victim have super armor, until Jack's wrench is back in his blood soaked mittens.



B: Electrocute- Jack sends a wave of electricity towards a three character length radius that traps anyone who is caught in its path and builds up their damage meter. The more the player mashes the B button, the more damage it'll do in its three seconds.

B^: Tornado Trap- Jack spirals upwards at about the length of Luigi's B^. A very basic spiral attack, but leaves a small swirling platform behind that instantly launches anyone that is caught in it, other than Jack, straight downwards (If in the air) or upwards (If on the ground).

BV: Incinerate- Jack snaps his fingers as a burst of fire erupts from out of nowhere. The burned foe steadily takes damage the more centered they were in the flare.

B>: Swarm- Jack sends a swarm of bees after an opponent, which then act like a less annoying Metroid, who stuns the foe every two seconds, then after ten seconds, disappears. Over one second, they do 2 damage. An element, such as fire or shock, shakes them off automatically.

Final Smash: Rapture- Jack inserts countless hypos containing EVE into himself, as he floats to the left (ALWAYS left) side of the stage and just floats there, but... HO SNAP! HE shoots spiraling fireballs, slow moving iceballs, swarming bees, thunderstorms, and gusts of wind in a single direction, which Jack can aim. After, he tucks out, flies to the right side of the screen, and a massive flood wrecks the stage and the players, dragging them to the bottom or side of the map, hopefully killing them. After the flood subsides, Jack pops out of the ground.


Entrance: Jack steps out of a Bathysphere, which then sinks to the bottom of the stage.

Taunt 1: Plays hacky sack with a ball in his pocket. A lot like Falco's, but with two more kicks and without speech.

Taunt 2: Jack yawns teasingly, as f he was bored.

Taunt 3: Jack sees his wrench rusting, so he blasts it with an unknown Plasmid and pulls out a new one from his pocket.

Victory 1: Jack looks around confused, wondering where the voices are coming from.

Victory 2: Pulls out a guitar and plays a random song from the '50s.

Victory 3: Takes out a full hypo and injects it into himself.

Loss: Claps regularly, albeit with his wrench.




Snake: Hey, Otacon, who is this creep? Looks like he's from the 60's.

Otacon: That's because he IS, Snake! Where he's from, anythings possible.

Snake: Whatever, just tell me who it is...

Otacon: Well, we're not sure about his name, but its generally accepted as Jack. He was an airplane crash survivor, but instead became trapper in an underwater dystopia called Rapture. He hasn't had an easy life, with crazed junkies, despotic mayors and leaders, and worse...

Snake: Man, he's been through more than me, huh?

Otacon: Looks like you can feel for him, huh Snake?

Snake: Who said that?

How to Unlock: Get fifteen Original songs (That means any Melee or original song, like 25m or Ike's Theme.)
Or play 240 Brawlzzzzzzzzz.

Assist Trophies:
Big Daddy

This assist trophy is two parts, the Little Sister runs and jumps around and if she runs into a foe, she begins to cry. The Big Daddy will charge at the poor sap and drill him to a bloody pulp. If he lands on you more than 100%, you might as well have jumped off the cliff yourself. After the foe dies, the LS begins to repeat the process again. However, note this will normally last for one player to kill, and the Big Daddy is slow as hell. However, he won't stop until that one guy is dead.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I suppose that's the main character from Bio-Shock?

Nice move set regardless, I thought he was just gonnas be a gun-totin' bad-***, but the plasmids really helped to make him unique.

In other news, I've finally set-up a signature! Yay!


Smash Apprentice
May 4, 2008
Herndon, VA
I'd just like to say that after a week of no progress/procrastinating, I've finally updated my Bard moveset.

I'd like to do a moveset of Daisy for the next Make Your Move contest; I already have some ideas popping up.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 13, 2007
Yep. I had it coming. Stupid apathy.
I think the cut off period for submitting movesets is the end of october.

*Is now officially a commie*

The latest movesets are filled with lol. Stick figure is about as bad as you can intentionally make something. Shadow at least has some effort into it, give that guy a break, but feel free to rofl @ the pathetic Nintendog. I LOVE the specials. THAT is better then Fierce Diety Link.

*Goes to read Fatman moveset*

I'm looking for BAD *** characters for the final chapter. This means I'm going to be selecting some mostly myself, but I'm also going to be taking requests for anybody you feel is bad *** enough who I've overlooked.

So far my collection of bad ***** are:
-Mewtwo (Luvtoy Rogue Wireframe)
-Dimentio (Yet another moveset of mine, to come in the future)
-Fatman (Koj)
-Shaman (Vaul)
-N. Tropy (Smasherk808)
-Toon Ganondorf (Darkurai)
-Pokey/Porky (PKSkyler)

how about my Ivy....shes pretty bad ssa herself...yes....i get past the censor by spelling swears backwards. i think she's on like pg. 295
also, i have a change in her FS.
Final Smash

Ivy spins, making her sword cover virtually a space as large as Final Destination(SSBB form), while on fire. Anyone caught in the swing is caught in an alchemy seal. she wraps her whip-sword around the victim and squeezes them VERY HARD. For the final hit, she, VERY QUICKLY, unwraps her victim, slicing them, sending them flying them off-screen. after the first hit, if more than one character is hit, they get around 50% fire damage.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
So many nostalgia posts here. . .I feel left out that I wasn't in MYM 2.0. Then again. . .The detailed movesets are what got me so into this, so I doubt I would've been that fond of 2.0. Perhaps it's best I came in when I did.

The Barack Obama moveset is win. The final smash needs to be a black out though.

Even if that Ivy moveset was. . .uhhh. . .notable, Ivy's motives are good. She wouldn't want to partake in world domination, now would she?

I apologize Hyper Ridley, but I'm struggling to give the characters I've already introduced screen time and I actually know them all while I know nothing of Fulgore. If I'd of known of him earlier on, I'd be able to find a place for him to show his stuff, but these characters are all showing up at once, and thus need rather distinguishing features to stick out from the crowd.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
i recommend everyone gets a copy of at least one of the Baten Kaitos games. They are frigging awesome.
Specifically, play Origins first, if you're going to play one at all. They are really unique RPGs, and definitely worth the 10$ on Amazon. :bee:

@SkylerOcon: I still don't know how he recovers his trident after throwing it in his normal form. But the Ganon side of things is looking very nice...

@princesspeachluver13: Without even reading that Ivy moveset, I can tell you that FS is terrifically broken. It needs to do much less damage, or have much less range. Both is a definite 'no no'.

EDIT - Oh, and I'm only going to say this once, so pay attention: I'm not reviewing all the movesets in order anymore, taking them by request instead. There are a few rule changes to go along with this shift, but in general:

1. If you want a review, you have to post a comment asking for it here.

2. There are no more re-evaluations, other than the ones I was already asked for, which is what makes up the queue right now.

3. Only request one moveset at a time (in other words, don't just post a comment asking for all your movesets). If you ignore this rule, I'll ignore your comment. :bee:

So yeah, that's that. If anyone has any questions about those rules specifically, send me a PM. Do not request via PM. Request on the Review Queue.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
wow, now thinking about it, there wasn't much point at ALL on requesting a re-evaluation for Team Rocket, I only improved the organisation, GAHHH (smashes head on a brick wall.

and I thought I could put the rest of Tails attacks, but (i'm doing this on the WII's internet channel -_-', as other people are on the computer) I can't, and well, the moveset should be done/updated by Saturday now.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Glad to see Mendez has finally gone to the way of requests. *Is 140 pages in, would never be gotten to by going through the topic normally.*

My current Review Queue:

Today: Street Performer and Crono (Forgot about my review yesterday, I was busy. I'll do two today.)
Tomorrow: Metal Knuckles
Thursday: Bean
Friday: Noxus
Saturday: Bass

I'm thankfully uppping the quality of this SSE chapter to give everybody screen time (Which is very hard to do with all these characters), so the characters introduced in this chapter will still get some time in the spot light cutscene wise.

Deleted member

Gahh......curse you Mendez. I decided not to want a reevaluation on Shinon. I've moved on to my other newer movesets -_- I wanted a review on Sagi but i'll request it as soon as Shinon's review is finished...........................

That said, expect the new chapter for my SSE tonight. That is all.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
oh yeah, Bean review tommorow by the Masterwarlord, lets see how good/bad of a review he gives it (rubs hands together)

looking back pages, my first moveset EVER was dry bowser in mym 2, you can see it in my redone dry bowser moveset, it's in the orange link (I always mention the "orange" link in almost every post in this thread lol) in my sig!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2008
I like the Jack moveset. Admittedly I'm having trouble imagining it since Jack is not really meant to be a character in Bioshock (the idea is that it's happening to you), but you make good use of the plasmids in there.

I finally got my idea of a moveset typed out; it's not completely perfect yet, and I'm going to edit this bit by bit later on (even though I already want to work on an Ed [Advance Wars], Big Daddy and Pico), but...well, here goes;

What's this??

(Linking because I'm unhappy with the image and am looking for a different one. If anyone has a picture of either of their Fusion poses and would give it to me, I'd love them forever.)

Neku and Shiki, from The World Ends With You, join the Brawl!


In modern day Shibuya, 15-year old Neku found himself in the Scramble Crossing area. Suddenly, he and numerous other people are attacked by strange creatures known only as noise. Fleeing to the Statue of Hachiko he bumps into a girl called Shiki, who forms a pact with him. Upon doing so not only were they able to erase the noise chasing Neku, but they also became bound together in their mission to survive The Game.

STATISTICS: (Out of 5)

Offence: 4

Speed: 2.4(think whatever's closest to Yoshi's level, and then slightly less than that.)

First Jump height: 3, but the jump reaches full height moderately faster than most other characters.

Second Jump height: 2.7 (Shiki's is 3.3) The jump reaches full height moderately faster than most other characters.

Fall speed: 2

Recovery: 4 (if Neku is there: quality increases on par with level of Light Puck.)

Range: 3.3 (in total)

Attack Speed: 3

Weight: 2. They can’t take much punishment.

Crawl: No.

Wall-jump: With Neku.

Wall-cling: No.

A major playstyle behind these two is the idea of a concentrated, rapid build-up of synergy into a force to be reckoned with. This is augmented by numerous factors, like certain combo attacks, but mostly by the light puck. More on this passive ability in a moment.
If the player can master their varied, constantly changing attacks, then they will be able to utilise a very versatile variety of ranged and melee abilities. Sharp attention and a relentless focus on which character's in charge of what just might be essential!

- If one is hit, they both take damage.

- Shiki uses psychomancy (telekinesis) on her self-knitted cat, affectionately named "Mr. Mew", for most of her attacks, and can usually be seen miming the attacks to guide him. (Don't underestimate the toy, he packs a punch). Neku uses pins, which can take a large variety of forms.

- This team has a passive ability called the Light Puck, which boosts the effectiveness, power and knockback of both their attacks depending on how well co-ordinated the player makes them.

This one needs some explaining. Whenever Shiki or Neku makes one of their attacks, a green light will appear on their partner after one second (the receiving partner acknowledges this with either the phrase “I’ve got this!” if Neku gets it, or “Got it!” if Shiki does). If that partner makes an attack, it will be either more powerful, receive a special addition, or sometimes even both After making another attack while under the effect of the Light Puck, it will pass on after one second to the other partner again. If that partner makes an attack before the Light Puck disappears then it will be even stronger than the previous Light Puck’s boost. If they make an attack before the Light Puck disappears, then it passes on to the next partner, making that attack even stronger than before too. This can stack up to eight times at most and no higher – upon reaching its limit, the corresponding partner will make a vocal phrase (“Any last words?!” if Neku, “What a rush!” if Shiki). After this, their attacks cannot get any stronger and future light puck passes are made only to keep them at maximum power.

The Light Puck lasts for originally five seconds before dissipating; if it vanishes, you need to start over from step one. For each step it takes, 0.1 of a second (10 milliseconds) is taken off the clock before the Light Puck disappears, meaning it vanishes slightly quicker. On the final phase, it leaps from 4.3seconds down to 3.5 seconds to make it that bit harder to keep the duo at maximum strength. Getting these two to this state requires careful attention of what attacks you make and how quickly you can make them – in the right hands, the Light Puck can be the ultimate reward for a player who can work good combos with the team.

If an attack is blocked, misses, or is interrupted, then it will not pass on the Light Puck.

- If split from each other (and not in freefall), Shiki will automatically leap back to wherever Neku is the moment she is free, regardless of whether she is airborne or not or where her position on the stage is. (The same works in Neku's case; it depends on which one is free to use first.) Neither she or Neku actually run back to their partner in the same way that Nana does for Popo – instead they ‘glide’ back to their partner very speedily (think Lucario's Extremespeed ability). During this glide both are still susceptible to attack, but they have very strong armour that prevents being knocked away, so only the damage is inflicted. No desynching these two without K.Oing one.

- Both of them share the abilities of a full character, but do not possess them individually. Shiki handles tilt-attacks, Smash attacks, most aerials, shielding and throwing, while Neku handles Specials, some aerials and dodging. If they're separated during the fight but the player still has control over one, then they'll have to be aware of what they can and cannot do while their other ally is inactive for whatever reason (being launched, asleep, etc). If one of them is eliminated, the other is deprived of their friend’s abilities and needs to make do without them...for as long as s/he can.

- A Player cannot exist without their partner: if one of them is K.Oed, then the other has a numbered life. They have fifty seconds to last before they are ‘erased' (TWEWY term for K.Oed) and have to start from their next stock. The only way to circumvent this fate is by obtaining a smash ball and using a Final Smash, which would bring their partner back and restore their health.


Standard A: Shiki strikes out with her cat in front of her, while Neku makes a front kick in the opposite direction. Does not trigger/pass the Light Puck.

A-A: Follows up after the first strike by the both of them for a two-hit in both directions: Shiki hits out again while Neku throws another kick. Shiki’s second hit, if it sweetspots, will not trigger or pass the Light Puck, while Neku’s will not pass it if he has it.

Forward tilt: Shiki motions for Mr. Mew to swipe at the foe with his tail and follow up with a sharp elbow. At Pass 3 of the Light Puck, Neku will join in by firing a green bolt alongside Mr. Mew. The bolt attack has long range, Mr. Mew's is above-average, and both attacks trigger/pass the Light Puck. Damage: 8%, scales by 1% on passes 1, 2, and 5. Knockback increases on passes 3, 4, 6, 7 and heavily on 8.

Up tilt: Mr. Mew tail-whips directly above Shiki. This attack triggers/passes the Light Puck. 7% damage, scales by 1% for each pass of the Light Puck.

Down tilt: Shiki performs a leg sweep, which is repeated by Mr. Mew. This attack triggers/passes the Light Puck. 8% damage, scales by 1% for passes 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Light Puck. On stage 5, the damage resets to 8, but Neku performs a single leg swipe similar to Shiki’s on the opposite side, which passes the Light Puck if he has it. Damage proceeds to increase by 1% for Passes 6 and 7, and then 2% more for Pass 8 of the Light Puck.

Dash: Shiki breaks out of their run and pulls a slide kick, dealing 5% damage. Passes 1 to 4 increase the speed of the attack, increases damage dealt by 1%, and reduces the lag from the slide. At Pass 5 of the Light Puck, Neku will join in with a slash-charge above Shiki, extending the hitbox and range of the attack, after which he returns back to Shiki's position. Passes 6, 7 and 8 increase the speed, and the damage increases by 1% per pass. This attack triggers, but will not pass, the Light Puck.


Forward Smash: Mr. Mew. Shiki lunges Mr. Mew forward at the enemy, who makes three large claw swipes at the enemy. If the first one connects, then Mr. Mew locks the enemy in place and hits them with five claw attacks, followed up by an uppercut into the air, yet deals the strongest forward knockback among Shiki's attacks. The full combo hits for 10% on standard without any Puck power-ups; if the first one misses, then the other swipe deals 4% damage and knocks the enemy back less.
This attack is relatively standard in damage and knockback as far as smash attacks go initially, but it increases significantly in knockback and damage increases by 3% for each pass of the puck, making this their most powerful attack at full strength.

All parts in this attack trigger/pass the Light Puck. (On a side note, the uppercut Shiki makes as Mr. Mew makes his uppercut at the end of the smash should the combo connect also hurts; deals 7% damage to anyone on top of Shiki and passes the puck, but does not trigger it. It will not improve with each pass of the puck.)
At Pass 2 of the Light Puck, Neku fires a green-blue bolt before Mr. Mew charges at a fast speed. This bolt does not damage but will stun any targets it hits for a millisecond, helping set them up for Mr. Mew. Pass 6 does nothing to benefit this, but Pass 7 of the Light Puck this bolt will paralyse instead of stun (think Zero Suit Samus' paralyser). Pass 8 increase the duration of the paralysis should Mr. Mew miss for whatever reason.

If you try to charge this ability, Neku will fire his bolt immediately as Shiki begins charging the attack.

(On a trivial note, anyone who's played TWEWY will recognise this move as Shiki's basic attack and the finale of the combo as her finisher.)

Upward Smash: Cat's eye. Mr. Mew flies above Shiki and performs a strong headbutt. Deals 12% damage. This attack triggers/passes the Light Puck. At passes 1, 2 and 3 of the Light Puck it increases the damage by 1%; at Pass 4 Shiki will leap up for the duration of the smash attack, extending the range of the attack and catapulting any enemies above her up to Mr. Mew. Shiki's attack deals a fixed 4% if anyone gets to her, and will certainly catapult the opponent into Mr. Mew if they're above her. Range of Shiki’s leap (i.e the length of the attack) increases with Passes 5, 6, 7 and 8, and damage increases by 2%.

Downward Smash: Mr. Mew swiftly charges at both angles of the floor, first in front and then at back. Damages for 14%. This attack triggers/passes the Light Puck. At Passes 1 and 2 of the Light Puck, damage increases by 1%, then 2%. At Pass 3, damage reverts to 14% and Shiki will only launch Mr. Mew in front of her, but Neku will fire a pillar of ice emerging directly on the opposite way: thus they cover both sides instantly with an attack. From Passes 4 to 8 onward damage in the attack will increase by 3%, and knockback will also increase significantly.


Side-B: Shatter. Neku hovers an inch immobile above the ground (in other words, not at all) and begins to create an earthquake. This earthquake is guided by the control stick and can move from side to side. It forms a ripple across the ground, damaging anyone along it for 4% per pass of the attack. This attack triggers/passes the Light Puck. The earthquake cannot be held in the one spot: it keeps moving from side to side or else it stops. It also has a 40% chance to trip.

At Passes 1 and 2 of the Light Puck, the damage increases to 5 and then to 7%. But at Pass 3 this ability changes to Excalibur. Neku still hovers immobile as before, but instead of an earthquake, a quick moving bolt of lightning darts along the pass, quickly, at face level. The attack however, is very hard to control; despite its speed, the bolt will hover harmlessly at the spot it has been moved to for a very brief moment (less than a second)The attack deals 8% damage and passes the Light Puck to Shiki.
At Pass 4 the damage increases to 10%.

At Pass 5 the ability changes again to Pyrokinesis. Neku continues to hover immobile, but the lightning bolt is replaced with a trail of fire that blazes high (think Bowser’s height) at an average speed, significantly slower than Excalibur. When it comes to a platform above/below it, the fire will spread to those platforms and any others in range as well as the main ground it’s already on, meaning it covers more ground than before. Height of fire is halved on any platforms it grabs, but ground level fire remains the same.

[As an example, think of Battlefield; it will grab the floor and the lower two platforms, but DEFINITELY not the higher one.]
The fire also leaves behind a minor trail that deals 5% damage. This attack deals 12% damage and passes the Light Puck. Passes 6 and 7 increase the damage of the main trail by 4% each, and the speed slightly.
The duo are defenceless during the duration of any three forms of this attack.

Standard Special: Pteropis. Neku fires a small, green, boomerang-shaped attack in front of him across a short distance, which returns to him after reaching maximum length. Deals 3% damage per hit. This ability triggers/passes the Light Puck. At Passes 2, 3 and 4 the damage increases by 1% and the size of the boomerang also increases noticeably.
At Pass 5 of the Light Puck this ability changes to Big Hit. Hold down the B button and Neku will crouch and charge up an attack. Release and he will lunge forward with a large, arcing sword (around 120 degree angle). This attack deals 16% damage and passes the Light Puck. Passes 6, 7 and 8 of the Light Puck increase the knockback considerably.

Up-Special: Dash. Neku performs a dash, moving him at speed in the direction the control stick is held at (think Lucario’s Extremespeed ability). This is primarily a recovery technique.
Aftermath lag lessens slightly at Pass 1. At Pass 2 of the Light Puck, this ability changes from a drag to a teleport, which teleports him there instantly. At Pass 4 of the Light Puck, it becomes a tackle dash; streaks of orange surround Neku as he forces his way to his location. The attack has high priority and deals 10% on contact. This ability passes the Light Puck.

During either three of these movements, Shiki grabs onto Neku and moves with him; if she's too far away (like, four feet) when Neku does this, then she can try to use her lengthier second jump to catch up with him - otherwise she's on her own.
At Passes 6 and 7 of the Light Puck, the damage increases by 2%. At Pass 8, Shiki will make a sharp attack with Mr. Mew after Neku stops, dealing large knockback.

Down-B: Telekinesis. Neku begins to hover a few inches above the ground. In the immediate opening seconds of the animation, any projectiles that are thrown/fired at Neku the moment the animation starts will be hurled back at the opponent with extra force. The redirected object moves 4/5ths as quickly as usual in comparison to other reflectors. The extra object deals half the damage and fixed medium knockback. This will trigger the Light Puck.

Holding down the control stick and rapidly tapping the B-button will cause Neku to create projectiles to hurl at the enemy. These objects include vehicles like cars, SUVs and bikes, shop signs, and lamp posts, all coming one at a time as the player taps the button. The object appears coming out of thin air from directly underneath Neku, then rises above his head, and then thrown in the direction of the nearest enemy. The moment it hits/is cast hopelessly against the floor, another one is cast (provided the player keeps punching the key, for god's sake).

Each item Neku can hurl is randomly generated, but each one is also different in stats. Smaller objects like bicycles or signs will move very quickly and hit for around 3-9% damage but deal little to no knockback, while larger objects like SUVs or vans move much slower, but these deal 8-14% damage and explode on impact, dealing serious knockback. Each pass of the Light Puck slightly increases the speed at which smaller objects move and the damage that larger ones make.

At Pass 2 this move receives an addition. It becomes a grab move for the few instants before an item is generated, where any enemy in close proximity to Neku is grabbed telekinetically; the foe is trapped in his position while Neku maintains a telekinetic grip. From there, Neku can throw them in any direction from this point with damage scales that mimic Shiki's throws (see the duo's throws) in damage and knockback. Passes 2-6 of the Light Puck increase damage proportionately to Shiki's throws. Any enemy held by Telekinesis will automatically suffer 1% damage per second, but Neku cannot hit them, only throw.

A major difference between Telekinesis and Shiki's throws are that Neku can use his in the air. Use the ability in the air if there's an opponent to you, then Neku and Shiki will hover in the air by where they grabbed him. If the enemy is released, this leaves Neku and Shiki in freefall.

The animation work is as follows:

Forward throw: Neku telekinetically hurls them forward.

Down throw: Neku slams the foe head-first against the ground. If this is done airborne, then Neku follows the opponent as they fall to the ground.

Back throw: The grabbed foe spins and is hurled behind Neku.

Up throw: The enemy is brought to hover elegantly above Neku for a moment, then is rocketed upwards.

Pass 7 however, has an entirely different ability: Mega Flare. Neku stands still for 4.4 seconds and fires a dangerous beam with massive range from the palm of his hand. The attack hits for 23% damage and massive knockback, but will not pass the Light Puck. In other words, you sacrifice all your momentum for this one attack that could K.O every opponent in range but leaves you wide open to attack.

Note that on Pass 8 of the Light Puck, this ability reverts back to Telekinesis, with all the abilities before pass 7 and all the benefits of each previous Light Puck pass.


Neutral Air: Flame Shield. Neku creates a damaging shield that shifts in colour to either purple, lime or white, and surrounds him and Shiki. High priority, but only 6% damage. Does not shield Shiki if she's separated from Neku. This ability triggers the Light Puck but does not pass it. Attack increases by 0.5% for each pass of the Light Puck.

Forward Air: Swipe. Mr. Mew punches forward, striking the enemy heavily. Deals 12% damage and moderate knockback. The attack comes out very quickly, but suffers from lag after the attack is made. Passes 1-8 of the Light Puck increase the knockback of this attack. This attack triggers/passes the Light Puck .

Backwards Air: Flashout. Shiki gives a sharp side-kick to the rear by herself, then Neku makes an additional kick which does not deal damage but instead paralyses the enemy for 0.8 seconds. 8% damage. This triggers/passes the Light Puck. Passes 1-8 of the Light Puck increase the damage of Shiki's attack by 1%. Passes 1-3 add 0.3 seconds of paralysis to Neku's attack and passes 4-8 add 0.2 seconds.

This move passes the Light Puck depending on whose attack hits; that is to say, if Shiki has the puck and her attack hits, then it's passed. But if Neku has the puck and his attack connects regardless of Shiki's attack, then he'll pass the puck.

Upwards Air: Shiki performs a bicycle kick and Mr. Mew follows suit; touching either of them deals the damage’s full attack. Deals 3% damage. This triggers/passes the Light Puck. Passes 1-3 increase the ability’s damage by 4%, 4-6 by 3%, and 7-8 by 2%.

Downwards Air: Grave Marker. Neku dives downwards straight to the ground. Deals 6% damage, but if he hits anything (like an enemy) then it will spike it to the floor. Neku will also break his momentum and get a second jump if this connects in the air. This ability triggers/passes the Light Puck.


A throw is made by Shiki throwing Mr. Mew out in front of her and Neku. Mr. Mew grabs them by the neck area with one hand. While the initial throw itself is swift, the animation afterwards is relatively long and leaves them vulnerable.

Hit: Mr. Mew punches whoever he has grabbed with his free hand. Deals 1% damage and won’t trigger/pass the Light Puck. At Pass 4 the damage increases to 2% and at Pass 8 the damage increases to 5%.

Forward throw: Mr. Mew tugs back, then thrusts the enemy forward. 4% damage. This ability does not trigger/pass the Light Puck. Each pass of the Light Puck increase the damage by 1%.

Backward throw: Mr. Mew tosses the opponent back to Shiki, who pulls off a turning kick and knocks the enemy back. Combined damage of both attacks is 8%. This attack triggers/passes the Light Puck. Passes 1, 3, 5 and 7 of the Light Puck increase damage done by 1%. At Pass 4 of the Light Puck Shiki tosses the opponent back to Neku, who hurls them backwards with Telekinesis (same amount of damage is done, but this extends the range); each pass of the puck from that point on increases the knockback of the throw. It also makes the pass of the Light Puck count for Neku instead of Shiki.

Downwards throw: Mr. Mew keeps hold of his target and slams him/her/it onto the floor, Shiki and Neku step back briefly. This throw deals 3% damage and triggers/passes the Light Puck. Passes 4 to 8 increase the damage by 2%.

Upwards throw: Mr. Mew lifts the opponent above him and swipes them with his tail. Deals 5% damage. This throw triggers/passes the Light Puck. Each Pass of the Light Puck increases damage by 1%.

FINAL SMASH: Fusion Attack.

The combined synch of both partners builds up into this powerful attack. Upon using the Smash Ball, the two of them strike an action pose and shout “Ready to die?” “Then die!”
The two then disappear. As they do so, many green orbs appear randomly across the screen, at least seven or more at once.. Neku and Shiki will pop up from at least two of these, striking at nearby enemies for 10% damage per blow. Immediately after they strike from one orb, they pop up from another each and attack there. This crazy chase continues until the attack is done. This attack lasts for twenty seconds, after which the two of them drop back down onto the screen. Regardless of how well they do, 25% health is restored after using this attack.
Alternatively, if one of the team has been K.Oed, then the Final Smash will restore that partner and 30% health.


Hanging: Either Neku or Shiki clings onto the ledge with one hand, with the other hand clinging onto the other who is hanging underneath.

Attack-escape: The character clinging to the ledge tosses the other character up, who performs a clearing attack: if it’s Shiki, she makes a slide kick. If it’s Neku, he lands on his feet and a white tether of rope pops up in front of him, clearing some space


Entrance: A white beam of light falls down onto the stage; Neku and Shiki pop out from that.

Standing: Shiki faces the foe sideways, arms down, and Mr. Mew holds his hands up. Neku hovers on the spot facing forward, his hand shining with a white fire.

Idle: Neku holds his hands to his headphones, nodding and tapping his foot to a song. Shiki flips out her cellphone and looks idly at it.

Dizzy: Neku’s head droops down as he stumbles back and forth: Shiki holds a hand to her forehead and also stumbles back and forth.

Jump: They both leap into the air for the first jump: for the double jump Shiki somersaults while Neku jumps again with a twirl.

Sleep: The two of them droop down onto the floor together. If they’re separate, Shiki uses Mr. Mew as a pillow while Neku holds onto his phones.

Taunt 1: Neku takes out a can and drinks. Shiki brushes her arms and hat of dust.

Taunt 2: Neku flexes a few pins through his fingers. Shiki takes out Mr. Mew and pats him affectionately on the head.

Taunt 3: Neku and Shiki high-five each other. If either one of them is alone, they look awkwardly from side to side.


Varies depending on which Player that Kirby sucks up; if Neku, then Kirby gets his headphones over his head and his Standard B, Pteropis. If Shiki, then Kirby doesn't get any ability, but at least he gets a very nice hat. ( :chuckle: )


Snake: Mei Ling! What are two kids doing here??

Mei Ling: Oh, them? The boy’s Neku Sakuraba, and the girl’s Shiki Misaki. They’re players.

Snake: This is their idea of a game? I thought the teen idea of fun was shopping or dating or listening to that pop rubbish... not beating each other to a pulp!

Mei Ling: It’s more complicated than that, Snake. The Reapers’ Game is nothing ordinary; they’re forced into completing a series of missions by Reapers over seven days, or else they’re erased.

Snake: So some overpowered creeps bully them into doing their dirty work? What slimeballs. Sounds like me if you look at it one way.

Mei Ling: I'm not sure who’s been through worse: you or them.

Snake: Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?

[Colonel interjects]
Colonel: It’s not important, Snake; you can worry about that later once we're done. You need to take this team seriously right now.

Colonel: Those two ‘kids’ happen to utilise something called a Light Puck, which powers up their attacks whenever they’re in synch with each other. That power only increases with each attack; if they get on a roll, they’ll blow you away in a heartbeat.

Snake: Nasty, but I think I see a problem with their plan; if I play my cards right and keep from being attacked, they lose all their momentum.

Colonel: That’s exactly it, Snake! You’ve proven to be among the best when it comes to patience and outlasting opponents on the battlefield; play to your strengths and keep out of harm’s way, and a moment of opportunity should present itself sooner rather than later.

Colonel: But stay sharp; Light Puck or no, these two still pack a punch with a partner.

Snake: Roger, but...how are they so strong, though? You know I don't like being kept out of the loop, Colonel.

Colonel: Trust me, it's best for your performance if you wait.


Logo: The Player Pin.

Wiimote sound: "Ready to die?" "Then die!"


Joshua levitates to the VERY top of the screen after being called out and stays there. Once there, he saids "Heads up." and flicks out his orange phone and starts dialling on it. Doing so causes lots of junk - such as cars, vending machines, scooters, bikes and other things - to fall across the entire stage. They first materialise, then hover, and then fall down. Being hit by one deals 15% damage and slams the target down to the floor (if they're above a pitfall, then they fall down and lose a life). There is a good chance of Joshua firing a smaller, more powerful attack - a silvery-blue beam that strikes down and appears instantly, dealing 10% damage but powerful putdown/knockback. The trophy ends after either one minute or, if Joshua is attacked. Being hit causes him to fall to the ground shouting "What!?".


Emptiness And
The One Star
Long Dream
Twister, and/or Twister - Remix.
Despair (a remix of the tune into an actual song is what I'm referring to.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
I can't say this very often, but:

That moveset is FLAWLESS. It's one of the best movesets I've personally seen so far.

1. You go into immense detail with ALL of your moves.

2. Your use of BBcode is fine.

3. Incredibly unique moveset.

In short, this one is very good.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I apologize for not being able to comment on your moveset extensively considering I'm the first post afterwards, but I'm rather low on time atm. That said, it looks great at a quick skim, and is excellent for your first moveset. The play style looks interesting and there's lots of detail put into the moves.

That said, I've reviewed Street Performer by Cheap Josh and Crono by Sirkibble on my blog.

The moveset reviews


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
I apologize for not being able to comment on your moveset extensively considering I'm the first post afterwards, but I'm rather low on time atm. That said, it looks great at a quick skim, and is excellent for your first moveset. The play style looks interesting and there's lots of detail put into the moves.

That said, I've reviewed Street Performer by Cheap Josh and Crono by Sirkibble on my blog.

The moveset reviews
Can you review Sol Badguy & possibly Smashbot226 please?


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
That said, I've reviewed Street Performer by Cheap Josh and Crono by Sirkibble on my blog.

The moveset reviews
Did I request a review? Huh... I don't remember requesting one... Either way, thanks! Particularly for reminding me that I won't likely be getting around to that stage (that was probably gonna be an intense... Let's see... 6 stages in one. Perhaps I'll submit in independently in MYM 4.0 or something). In any case, as always, I appreciate both your praise and your criticisms. :)

I generally take the greatest pride in doing well as far as the "Relevance to Character" category goes, so I'm quite pleased to yet again do well there, despite some lacking in other areas. :)


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Yay TWEWY characters! You caught the essence of the battle system really well, it's a moveset I really wish I could play. It'd be nice if Neku had more of an active role than "Guy who does the specials", but I guess it makes sense the way it is.
Some things I noticed though;

1) Down B sounds broken, if knocked off the stage, all they have to do is get under the stage and use Down B for an unguardable teleport up to the top. I suggest a projectile eating "Creepy Weepy Barrier", or a Telekinesis instead. Actually, I DEMAND telekinesis. Smacking frogs around with SUVs was so much fun in the game, and grabbing one frog and beating another with it was just too awsome.

2)To keep the light puck going, you have to do a special after every attack. To quote Joshua, "Predictable". At the very least let the light puck pass to Shiki, if Neku dodges an attack that would have otherwise hit him

3)Assist trophy needs moar Jesus beams.

And before I forget, while working on my own moveset I drew this and thought people could benefit from it
Now anyone can make a kirby hat picture!


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
San Diego
very great moveset for those two kids! Even though ive never played the game i love it. its very detailed! However, the light puck ability can be seen as a bit broken in some circumstances....the light puck should stop charging up at like pass 4 or 5, maybe. Still, its a really unique idea that just plain rocks!

EDIT: Just read tails...very cool and unique too! i liked how you toke things from certain games and pictures helped. the final smash sounds really fun! I wish Tails was in just for the joy of that, flying around with a friend on the front of the tornado, or on the front of my bud`s tornado, charging up a PK Flash :D


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
EDIT: Just read tails...very cool and unique too! i liked how you toke things from certain games and pictures helped. the final smash sounds really fun! I wish Tails was in just for the joy of that, flying around with a friend on the front of the tornado, or on the front of my bud`s tornado, charging up a PK Flash :D
thank you for the comment, and if Tails ever did get put into smash some how, this is the moveset I would want it to be, so it's completly original and different compared to everyone else, and if he does get in the next smash game, and Tails gets a moveset which is similar to Sonics, I won't be pleased!


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Dancingfrogman: That's a fantastic Tails moveset, it shows dedication to draw inspiration from the beat em ups rather than just the mainstream Sonic canon. One suggestion I could make is allow Tails to hover like Peach can, (or give him multiple 2nd jumps) and replace the up B with Tails bouncing off of a ring box

Plus, I know you want him to be unique, but tails needs to have a spin-dash. What kind of Sonic character wouldn't have a spin-dash? Big the cat, that's who.
Don't be like Big the cat, give Tails a spin-dash


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Added to the moveset. That makes my Magikarp moveset even more. . .pathetic. Check it out people. Magikarp > Fierce Diety Link
Magikarp's Side B sounds too spammable, and his Final Smash is totally overpowered. Fierce Deity Link wins. :laugh:

Besides, that Magikarp moveset. . . It's so long. . .


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
Dancingfrogman: That's a fantastic Tails moveset, it shows dedication to draw inspiration from the beat em ups rather than just the mainstream Sonic canon. One suggestion I could make is allow Tails to hover like Peach can, (or give him multiple 2nd jumps) and replace the up B with Tails bouncing off of a ring box

Plus, I know you want him to be unique, but tails needs to have a spin-dash. What kind of Sonic character wouldn't have a spin-dash? Big the cat, that's who.
Don't be like Big the cat, give Tails a spin-dash
To be honested, I rather his Up-b stayed where it is, the Hover ability wouldn't make Peach unique if Tails had the same ability. and the spin-dash, I like people to think "yeah, Tails is going to have spin-dash because most sonic characters can... oh wait" making Tails have a Spin-dash is TOO obvious to me, it's not surprising if you think like this: "Luigi's going to have similar specials to Mario because they are brothers and have the same build" and thats what they get, is it?


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008

B - Grenade: Thorws a gernade

B forwad - Roocket luncher: Liek Snake's

B up - Jetpac: Liek Rob's

B Down - Sparta Shield: Energe sheld form Halo

Final Smesh - Scorpian Thank: Rides around in tank that can mastar al land blowing up sheet

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
Sorry, but Bonkers is going to be delayed. I was on his Final Smash, then my comp froze. I'm extremely pissed and I'm not going to make that moveset over again now.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
B forwad - Roocket luncher: Liek Snake's
I went through it too fast the first time and thought that said "Lick Snake's"


Sorry, but Bonkers is going to be delayed. I was on his Final Smash, then my comp froze. I'm extremely pissed and I'm not going to make that moveset over again now.
Aw... :(

9 out of 10 Kirbys are now very sad.
The last one (The Sinful One) cannot be sad because he is still in a coma
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