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Make Your Move 3.0: It's over, it's done, moving on.

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Deleted member

There, i added some more stuff to Gibari, mah boi. Link should be in my sig.

I also plan on making another moveset.
All i can say that She's from Fire Emblem. That's right, another Fire emblem moveset. I love Fire Emblem :p. I would do a Zelda character one, but all the good ones are taken leaving only lame Moblins and Tekites. -_- I'm still deciding an my second pokemon.

....And did i just advertise again? >.<

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
That was an awesome review impression, Darkurai. FOR SERIOUS (Phoenix has two victory poses though, so obviously you're not to be trusted :bee")


This is very important (seriously). With that said, I'm going to bed. :urg:


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
That was an awesome review impression, Darkurai. FOR SERIOUS (Phoenix has two victory poses though, so obviously you're not to be trusted :bee")


This is very important (seriously). With that said, I'm going to bed. :urg:
I'm sure I'll live if I get some FEEDBACK on my movesets, and a deathsword evaluation before I finish my Majora787 moveset.

I'll be busy tomorrow, butI'll work through the weekend.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
EDIT: The Beauty and the Beast unit is finally finished! Yay! It's on page 130 if you're interested.
Screaming Mantis NEEDS to use her Sorrow Doll. Why doesn't she use it? Add an attack that somehow involves dead bodies.

Also, Crying Wolf should be much heavier. She's the member of the team who wears a ****ing exo-skeleton. Remember the part in the trailer with the bulldozer?

With that said, has there been a deadline decided on yet?
January, I think.

By the way, finished Moria's Final Smash(s). Shadow Asguard is made of pure awesomeness, although Oz seems sorta lacking.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Hey, guys, I added, um... One page... More of reviews to my Chamber. If you were one of those lucky people with a moveset on page 36, you can check those now.

Yeah, not an especially good day in the way of progress...


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Believe you me, it was a tough call. The whole moveset is S+++++ material, 'cept the Final Smash, which would be as well, except it's a bit overpowered.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I've got some serious progress done on my Nightmare moveset, I've got the specials, tilts and smashes in, the throws are extremely easy for me to do, and I have the final smash completely planned out. After that it's just a matter of extras. Only problem is is that Nightmare doesn't have any stage that jumps out like Voldo, or lends itself so well to Smash, so I'm worrying about that somewhat. Any suggestions on the stage from any Soul Calibur nuts out there? The sooner it's completed, the sooner I am going to rate your movesets.

What does the completetion of the Nightmare moveset mean for you? More time for me to do reviews of your movesets. I've already read your Astaroth moveset due to being a fan of the character, Smashbot, so I'll make a review of him when I get around to doing the other movesets I promised. Everyone who's PMed me who I haven't directly adressed, I've noted your requests, and they'll all get up before the large amount of random ones in the topic. What's the point of rating movesets if the person who made the moveset isn't even around anymore? I'm here to please.

Sorry to hear that Chief. . .Without you there won't be the competetion to motivate me to keep getting better. Without you, Voldo wouldn't be here today, and neither would Nightmare in the future. Your Dracula moveset really inspired me. Out of curiosity, what's your job? In any case, you'll be missed by everyone in the topic, it won't be the same without your humor.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
I've got some serious progress done on my Nightmare moveset, I've got the specials, tilts and smashes in, the throws are extremely easy for me to do, and I have the final smash completely planned out. After that it's just a matter of extras. Only problem is is that Nightmare doesn't have any stage that jumps out like Voldo, or lends itself so well to Smash, so I'm worrying about that somewhat. Any suggestions on the stage from any Soul Calibur nuts out there? The sooner it's completed, the sooner I am going to rate your movesets.

What does the completetion of the Nightmare moveset mean for you? More time for me to do reviews of your movesets. I've already read your Astaroth moveset due to being a fan of the character, Smashbot, so I'll make a review of him when I get around to doing the other movesets I promised. Everyone who's PMed me who I haven't directly adressed, I've noted your requests, and they'll all get up before the large amount of random ones in the topic. What's the point of rating movesets if the person who made the moveset isn't even around anymore? I'm here to please.

Sorry to hear that Chief. . .Without you there won't be the competetion to motivate me to keep getting better. Without you, Voldo wouldn't be here today, and neither would Nightmare in the future. Your Dracula moveset really inspired me. Out of curiosity, what's your job? In any case, you'll be missed by everyone in the topic, it won't be the same without your humor.
Rightrightrightrightright and WHERE'S CEL LINK MASTERWARLORD?

Srsly, hope to see you soon Mendez.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I skipped past movesets in quotes and waited to get back to the original post. "Reserve" posts make your moveset rated later in my proceedure as oppossed to sooner. Sorry. I believe I said that on the site.

To feed your hunger for review though, Astaroth was pretty original from what I remember reading and pretty fitting to the character. His trample mechanic was also one of the more original ideas I've seen in a moveset, I applaud you for making a such a slow powerful character be able to work properly. While I don't remember it that well, I'd be appalled if it got worse then a C.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Hey, guys, I added, um... One page... More of reviews to my Chamber. If you were one of those lucky people with a moveset on page 36, you can check those now.
What! D:
I can only repeat what I said to Mendez: Kicks are also in the games Rouge's major way of fighting. See those silver soles? They're made of steel so her kicks hurt more. :| I've included practically all NOT-Kick attacks Rouge has in the games as Specials.
The "sexy" references are only made because Rouge obviously is meant to be sexy. >_> With that U Throw I meant she lets herself down on her buttocks and kicks up.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
But you still said "sexy batbutt." ;) I wasn't gonna comment till you said that.
It doesn't help that your rating site is About the Closet. Spade thinks Rouge is SEKSAYY!!!
And I know she's meant to kick, but it's something you gotta get used to when your character can't do anything else. Heck, I'll be the first to admit that's a major weakness of my Cutman moveset. All he does is slash and kick, really, apart from his specials.


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2008
la universidad
Ok, I know I didn't claim this character. Nor did I actually check if he's been used. However, I find it rather unlikely that anyone else was either planning, or has done, this character.

P.S: Sorry for the double post. I felt like I needed to introduce him somehow, but an intro like that sort of takes away from the dramatic effect of my character, wouldn't you agree?


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2008
la universidad

Ben Franklin, America’s first genius, has joined the brawl!


Height: 6/10
Weight: 6.5/10
Power: 7.5/10
Walk speed: 3.5/10
Run Speed: 6/10
Fall Speed: 6.5/10
Jumps: 2 (first one medium, second low)
Crouch: Kneels down
Wall Jump: No
Wall Cling: No
Glide: No
Crawl: Yes

Basic Attacks:

AAA: Ben first slaps (in a gentlemanly, duel-declaring fashion) his opponent, then backhands him, then produces a key and stabs him. Little knockback from the key. (3, 3, 5%)

Dash Attack: Ben runs forward and sticks his stomach forward, bouncing his opponent away from him. Decent knockback. (8%)


^tilt: Ben takes his quill and pokes it up into the air, stabbing anyone above him. Slight upward knockback. (10%)

>tilt: Ben jabs his quill in the direction you point. No knockback. (12%)

vtilt: Ben flips his quill to the feather side and spins in a quick circle. Slight knockback. (6-7%)

Smash Attacks:

^smash: Ben pulls Poor Richard’s Almanack from his jacket pocket and yanks it backwards over his head, then drops it behind him. It does damage in front, above, and behind him. No knockback, slight end lag. (15% front and above, 18% behind)

>smash: Ben shoves a Franklin stove at you, causing large knockback. However, getting out and putting away that thing takes time, so there is a lot of start and end lag. (24%)

vsmash: Ben pulls a lightning rod from the ground, where it quickly extends upwards to twice his height. Medium upward knockback, some start lag. (16%)


nair: Ben puts his large melon to good use, and headbutts his opponent. Slight knockback. (6%)

^air: Ben lifts an American flag into the air, ramming the pole into his opponent. Slight upward knockback. (9%)

>air: Ben takes out a pair of broken iron handcuffs, representing the end of slavery (which he became a strong advocate for) and slams them together. No knockback. (14%)

<air: Ben spins quickly, one handcuff extended, causing damage to anyone it hits on the way. Some knockback. (11%)

vair: Ben drops a musical instrument from in front of him, hitting anyone in front or below him. Medium-long start lag. He can drop a violin, a guitar, a harp, or a glass armonica. This can be used as a spike, as the instruments fall rather fast, the armonica especially. The armonica is the rarest one to be dropped, however. (13%, 17% if armonica)


B: Dogood- Ben throws the Silence Dogood letters, in a rolled up form. Ben wrote these letters under the assumed name of Silence Dogood, a middle-aged widow, and sent them to be published at his brother’s newspaper. No knockback. (3%)

^B: Join or Die- Ben extends his hand forward, where a snake broken into several pieces quickly shoots out. It latches onto any ledge by biting it. Ben is quickly pulled back up when the pieces pull themselves together. If the snake hits an opponent, it causes slight knockback. (6%) (This comes from the famous “Join or Die” political cartoon Ben created during the French and Indian war, featuring a snake in several pieces, representing the colonies.)

>B: Ooh Shiny- Ben pulls his bifocal glasses (which he invented) off, wipes them for a second or so, and then shines them straight forward. This does no damage, but any opponent caught in the beam is frozen in place for a second and a half, allowing ample time for Ben to run forward and attack. The beam extends about 1/2 of FD’s length.

vB: It’s Electric- Ben throws his kite into the air, where it remains for a second or so before it is struck by lightning, causing damage to anyone near the kite string or Ben. Ben is slightly damaged (5%), leading to some end lag as well. (17%)


grab: Ben flings the broken snake forwards, catching anyone in its path with its teeth. This grab is easily spot dodged, however, and though it has the range of Samus’ grab, it also has terrible end lag if it misses. After someone is bitten, the snake coils around the opponent as Ben yanks them towards him.

grab attack: The snake bites. (2%)

^throw: Ben throws the character upwards, as if he were a kite. The opponent is struck by a quick bolt of lightning. Decent knockback from the lightning. (11%)

>throw: Ben flings his arm forwards as the snake rapidly uncoils. The opponent spins rapidly away from Ben. Not much damage, but lots of knockback. (6%)

<throw: Ben flings the opponent directly over his head and into the ground behind him. No knockback. (8%)

vthrow: Ben throws his opponent to the ground. The snake quickly dashes back to Ben, knowing what’s coming. Ben jumps on his opponent, crushing him. No knockback. (10%)

Final Smash:

First Fire Department – The camera focuses on Ben as bells are heard to ring. An old-timey fire truck drives by, and Ben hops on the side. The truck is approximately 1/4 the length of FD, and water can shoot out by pushing the A button and a direction. Think Landmaster, but smaller, a weapon you can aim, and less powerful when it runs somebody over. There is some knockback from being run over, and decent-large knockback from the water. (Run over: 15%; Water Stream: 20%)


^taunt: Ben pulls out a piece of parchment and quickly scribbles some notes.

<>taunt: Ben points at the screen and says “Join or Die.”

vtaunt: Ben wipes his bifocals on his jacket, then puts them back on.

Victory Animations:

1- Ben looks at the camera and says, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

2- Ben is sitting at a desk, writing on a piece of parchment. He looks up, scratches his chin, and then continues scribbling.

3- Ben is standing up, arms folded, as ladies swarm about him. He grins at the camera.

Victory Song- “America the Beautiful”

Loss animation- Ben wipes his glasses, puts them back on, then shakes his head continually.

Other stuff:

Entrance: Ben hops out of a horse and carriage, stuffing a scroll in his pocket.

Idle stance: Ben runs his hands through his hair, smoothing it down.

Roll Dodge: Ben spins around in the manner of R.O.B.

Alt. Costumes:

*All costumes will have glasses.

Icon: A quill

Wiimote sound: A bell is heard ringing.

Kirby hat: Kirby gets bifocals and long hair around a bald top.

Snake codec:

Snake: Hey, isn’t that Benjamin Franklin?
Otacon: It sure is. This guy invented too many things to count, America being one of them.
Snake: What is he doing fighting? I mean, he’s inventor, not a fighter. And he’s… well… old.
Otacon: Ben Franklin may be old, but he’s no slouch at fighting. He wasn’t called a jack-of-all-trades for nothing.
Snake: Hmph. We’ll see, I guess.
Otacon: Be careful, Snake. You aren’t the only one with gadgets anymore.


Philadelphia – Independence Hall is seen in the background, among other buildings. The fighting takes place in the street, where carriages occasionally roll by, causing slight damage to anyone hit. Characters can fight on top of the carriages as well, as they move rather slowly. The stage is not quite as long as Eldin Bridge.

Assist Trophies:

Thomas Jefferson: He plays his violin, putting anyone nearby to sleep (much like Bellossom).

George Washington: He charges across the stage on his horse 2 or 3 times, depending on the length of the stage. He moves fairly quickly and does low-decent damage.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
But you still said "sexy batbutt." ;) I wasn't gonna comment till you said that.
It doesn't help that your rating site is About the Closet. Spade thinks Rouge is SEKSAYY!!!
And I know she's meant to kick, but it's something you gotta get used to when your character can't do anything else. Heck, I'll be the first to admit that's a major weakness of my Cutman moveset. All he does is slash and kick, really, apart from his specials.
Yes I said that. So what?
Well, I called it closet because everyone else already has occupied chamber and room and all... and for the fact I'm not important, a closet is just right for me. Also hell no, I don't think Rouge is SEKSAY, I think Shadow is SEKSAY. =P (on a sidenote, it's called "Spadefox' MYM Closet", the "About the Closet" is the About-Page)
Yeah, I know that it's not original, but if I used something else, it wouldn't be true to character. I always try to make the movesets as close as possible to what the character would be able to do - or for that matter, what I think they would be able to - and that's the reason I gave her so many kicks. And believe me, coming up with such a huge set of kicks was NOT easy. <.<"


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Aw, heck, man, you know I'm just messin' with you. I loved the moveset, personally, I just can't say the most for its originality. It's nothing you could help, and I honestly think you did the best you could given what Rouge gives you to work with. It's true to character, for sure, it's just a pity she doesn't do more than kick. It's no fault of yours, it's the darned character.

And as far as the SEKSAY goes... I am the ultimate winner.

Oh, and my bad about the "About the Closet." That was just the first page. Now I feel like an idiot. Lol.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
Hey, I've completed my Metal Knuckles now (the link is in my siggy)! also I've added a "playstyle" section and a "So whats unique?" section aswell.

feedback, as always, is welcome you know?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
MasterWarlord said:
Out of curiosity, what's your job?
I work at the best job ever...assuming one doesn't get too queasy around large amounts of dead animals (which I do :urg:).

It pays ridiculously well though. For four 12-hour shifts and one 9-hour one, I've been raking in about 600 to 700 dollars a week, after taxes.

And as it turns out, I can fit in a post or two here most mornings, during the half-hour I'm actually awake before work. So with that said:

LovedtheBenFranklinmovesetquadz08imtotallygayforSirkibblenadBridgetShadowisnotsexy/seksaycomeoutoftheclosetalreadySpadefox(zing)Nightmare'sstagecanbetheChapelatOsthreinsburgwhereRaphaelsplit"spli"NightmareandSiegfriedapartandthat'sallfornow. :bee:


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I work at the best job ever...assuming one doesn't get too queasy around large amounts of dead animals (which I do :urg:).

It pays ridiculously well though. For four 12-hour shifts and one 9-hour one, I've been raking in about 600 to 700 dollars a week, after taxes.

And as it turns out, I can fit in a post or two here most mornings, during the half-hour I'm actually awake before work. So with that said:

LovedtheBenFranklinmovesetquadz08imtotallygayforSirkibblenadBridgetShadowisnotsexy/seksaycomeoutoftheclosetalreadySpadefox(zing)Nightmare'sstagecanbetheChapelatOsthreinsburgwhereRaphaelsplit"spli"NightmareandSiegfriedapartandthat'sallfornow. :bee:

Benjamin Franklin was entered in MYM1.

NOTE: Not gay for Sirkibble. ._.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Screaming Mantis NEEDS to use her Sorrow Doll. Why doesn't she use it? Add an attack that somehow involves dead bodies.

Also, Crying Wolf should be much heavier. She's the member of the team who wears a ****ing exo-skeleton. Remember the part in the trailer with the bulldozer?
Screaming Mantis does use her Sorrow Doll, in her jab and nair. I've changed her up throw so that it now involves a dead Haven trooper doing the actual atack.

I made Crying Wolf heavier, but I would like to point out that being strong doesn't necesarily equate to your weight. Otherwise Ike would be the second heaviest character in the game.


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2008
la universidad
LovedtheBenFranklinmovesetquadz08imtotallygayforSirkibblenadBridgetShadowisnotsexy/seksaycomeoutoftheclosetalreadySpadefox(zing)Nightmare'sstagecanbetheChapelatOsthreinsburgwhereRaphaelsplit"spli"NightmareandSiegfriedapartandthat'sallfornow. :bee:

Benjamin Franklin was entered in MYM1.

But that doesn't actually affect this version of MYM, does it?


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Sorry, Sirkibble, I just don't swing that way. No matter how long I'm in there with you, your twig and cherries and lack of boobs will turn me off considerably. Rouge is only secksay if you make her 5 feet or taller. At 3 feet. . .Guh. . .No thanks. I'll take Krystal.

The Ben Franklin moveset has okay detail, is very true to the character and decently original in most moves, even if a bit random. A couple moves are very underdetailed and unoriginal, particulary the nair and the AAA, among a few others, but most of it's good.

I was thinking that'd be a good stage, mendez, but I couldn't remember the name of the bloody place and I no longer have Soul Calibur 2 to go check. Thanks for refreshing my memory.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I think balance is my only issue with this moveset. The organization is stellar, the attacks are well-described and detailed. But here's a character with solid range, lots of power, and fair weight. He's not even slow, either. Perhaps you could tone down the power a bit, that seems like the easiest solution. Beyond that, I really like this moveset!

Thanks, as of now, I have nerfed Indy's speed a lot, and rechecked his balance so he's not totally broken (he's between Snake and Ike for power and knockback).

Deleted member

Wow, 187 pages so far and it isn't even January yet.
I'm impressed.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
This moveset is canceled. Sigma is free for anyone to do.

Warning! Badass character approaching!

Sigma, the leader of the Mavericks and archenemy of X and Zero, enters the Brawl!

Stats (1-5, 1 being horrible, and 5 meaning tremendous):
Power: 4

Sigma is a very powerful reploid, but he has a refined, stylish fighting style, and he doesn't normally use pure brute unless he's in a final form.

Walking speed: 1
Running Speed: 2
Being a bulky and heavy reploid, Sigma can't run very fast for long.

Attack Speed: 2.5
His attack speed is average. He uses some fast sword movements, but they aren't faster than someone like Mario's attack speed for balancing reasons.

Height: 5
He's as tall as Ganondorf.

Weight: 4.5
He's made of metal, and he's pretty tall, so that weighs him down.

Range: 4
He uses his beam sabre as his primary weapon, and he has two projectiles, so he has a big range.

Jumping Height: 3
He could jump pretty high in his games. His initial jump is as high as Samus', but his second jump doesn't get much distance.

Air movement speed: 3.5
Sigma is very much at home in the air, despite his heavy appearance. He has been able to jump off walls at good sppeds, and he can float in some X games.

Falling speed: 2
He's slighty floaty, but that's only to compliment his great air game.

Crouch Animation: Squats down as if he's examining a bug.

Number of Jumps: 2

Crawl: Sigma's too dignified for that.

Wall Jump: Yes

Wall Cling: Most of the characters in the X games and beyong can do this, so Sigma should be able to do it. Yes.

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