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Make Your Move 3.0: It's over, it's done, moving on.

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Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I don't get what you guys are talking about. The characters will originate from games as the one source, as it seems appropriate to me. Am I missing something?
The point of this/these thread/threads is to make a bunch of movesets for non-existent characters, right? So why would you write a story about characters that are existent?

Specifically, why would you do that in a thread like this?

I plan to make movesets for all the characters I involve in it.
So you're going to make a moveset for every character that's ever been in Smash Bros.?


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
I truly cannot believe that through ALL those pages, there was not a single new moveset. Or much of anything, really, since that small burst of SSE's.


RELEVANCE TO CHARACTER: From my research, it looks like you covered this category admirably, remaining quite true to the character. I do think you could have encompassed a bit more magical techniques and a few less dagger stabs, but hey, you know more about the character than I do. 8/10

DETAIL: Not too shabby. The attacks all have the basic stats. You don't always mention how quickly they come out, but that's usually because there's nothing to say; they're fast as a rule, and you mention that and the start. Now, since these are mostly dagger swings, I WOULD like a bit more about how they each look individually. And when and why to use them. 6/10

BALANCE: You know, I have to question a Neutral B that heals him by 20%. Could be broken in team situations, where your partner just has to guard you while you heal. Alternately, it could be so underpowered as to make a whole special useless. However, on the whole, nothing jumps out at me, and that's plenty good enough to get you a good mark in this department. 7/10

ORIGINALITY: A playstyle based around daggers is quite interesting, as that's a whole field of gameplay that we haven't had a taste of yet. You did a pretty good job of making the stabs diverse and fun to read, interspersing them with a few magical attacks. Specials are a bit bland, though; you've got a counter, a Marth-ish combo, and a Diddy-like recovery, so you HAVE to lose points. 6/10

PLAYSTYLE: Now, you'd think that most edged-weapon users would have bland playstyle, but I find that dagger are probably the most interesting edged weapon, and wielding two of them makes him a very unique fighter. 7/10

ORGANIZATION: You do use colour, but not really enough of it. It's easy enough to navigate, but doesn't particularly stand out in this department. 7/10

EXTRAS: You've got enough of them, alright, but they're not particularly detailed, I'm afraid. +1

OVERALL: I actually preferred your Sauron to this one, but maybe I'm just biased because of the character. The dagger-user side of this moveset is very strong and interesting. The magic part, though, is somewhat dull and a bit generic. Touch up that and the detail and you've got a solid contender.


*hopes he got his math right this time*

Deleted member

The point of this/these thread/threads is to make a bunch of movesets for non-existent characters, right? So why would you write a story about characters that are existent?

Specifically, why would you do that in a thread like this?

So you're going to make a moveset for every character that's ever been in Smash Bros.?
I get you. I should use only my creations.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I've decided; I'm making an SSE for MYM4. It'll involve all characters from Super Smash Bros. Melee, Brawl and, of course, my own original characters. I'll keep it all video game-based. Oh, but I am too ambiguous - I haven't even finished my first moveset yet [Vivi].
You probably won't get too much attention if you don't include any movesets of other people. . .

Of course I'll be tying up the loose ends (its called an Epilogue....) Admittedly, I did forget all about Falco, but I'll answer that as well.

And its going a bit far to say that it was less detailed than TWILTHERO's. It may not have your famous amount of detail but it wasn't "random."

I don't know if I should be taking offense to that up to snuff part or not.
Detailed /=/ quality. Twilt does his SSE in short parts, just a couple levels, so naturally it looks shorter, but he's more detailed from level to level then you. That said, I'd much rather see you elaborate on what you have then him doing so. . .

No offense to Twilt of course. Your SSE is plenty good for laughs, kudos to you for actually remembering about Cervantes stealing Sagi's soul. Nightmare's dialougue was totally random, breaking the fourth wall, but was good comic value. Feel free to steal my Night Terror boss if you ever have Nighty show up again.

Heh, you and SundanceKid have the same icons, I thought you'd double posted.
It's called the Vader Army, we're campaigning to get custom avatars back by having everybody have a vader avatar. Join our social group.

A nice rivalry between Skurvy and K.Rool would be awesome! He is one of the characters I have planned now that I really want to see in a SSE.
It's already starting to form up in my head. . .There will be another pirate chapter with more pirate movesets, but it'll take root in the Donkey Kong universe, with DK, Diddy, K. Rool, Skurvy, and any other DK movesets that rear their heads in 4.0. I'll be sure to include Cranky, Klump and Krusha in at least NPC status as well, and several other movesets from 3.0 if I could, but that'd be rather off topic, as the SSE is to center on mym 4.

And on the dialogue, I think that if you can handle keeping track of character personalities (by having users submit characters along with their traits and what they would typically do), you should try, although if you just want to concentrate on the storyline without this handicap, you should omit it. It's your choice.
I feel I could do a lot better then my previous SSE at least, although unlike Chris I'm not a fan of stereotypical fantasy swordsmen. I'd best avoid going terribly in-depth with them. . .

While you're here, seeing as you read my Supreme Realm SSE on gamefaqs, did you notice the little bits and pieces I stole from it in my miserable pile of secrets SSE? I Stole the mute city f-zero track level, as well as the Zant boss and palace of twilight levels. I might steal more out of my previous work to actually put it to use, seeing as I've abandoned fixing up the supreme realm.

Skurvy's plans are coming along quite well; as soon as I decide on a good Up B, he is set to start the draft on. And I actually am considering a Klump / Krusha tag team character, but it would be a challenge. Klump would be much easier, considering his general status in the games as well as TV show. He could use generic enemies, as well as a TV show Klaptrap Gun. Krusha would be more of a challenge. If you have any ideas, I would absolutely listen.
Well, here's a special move for if they were both on the screen at the same time in a Ice Climbers fashion:

B down - Krusha Kaboom: Klump burries a bomb into the ground like Snake's dsmash with his military tactics, then gives a remote control to Krusha for him to salute back to Klump. You can then move around with Klump, playing as him alone while Krusha stays at the spot. As Klump alone, you are unable to use other moves that involve Krusha (Or at least not get the added effects of having Krusha by your side, it depends on the move you use.).

When you put this button imput again, Klump says "NOW!" for Krusha to press the button on the remote control, causing a big explsosion at his location, Krusha stepping into the background while it explodes. This explsosion has a hitbox as big as Wario's fully charged fart and does 48% damage with godly knockback. At any time during the move, you can walk into Krusha as Klump to cause the pair to regroup, canceling it.

The thing about this move is that it has enourmous start up lag as Krusha burries the bomb and has Klump has Krusha stay there to set it off, and there's also good lag for the stupid Krusha to press the button.

Krusha can be attacked while he's sitting around, canceling the move (Although he'll take no damage or knockback, staying at the spot.), and even if you do hit with it you'll have to walk back to Krusha as Klump to get him to join back with you.

What's worse, when Krusha is waiting to press the button Klump may sometimes randomly say a sentence involving the sentence "Now" (I. E. Why do we generals have to be doin' all the field work now?), on accident, causing Krusha to stupidly think that's the signal and activate the bomb early. This attack is isanely powerful if you can somehow hit with it, but has a massive amount of down sides. Use very sparingly and very carefully.

Deleted member

Other people's creations is a great idea! As long as you guys don't mind; I'll give credit. :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
@KingK.Rool: your score is correct, there is no need to worry

For any future SSE stories, remember you can use my up-coming Dr. Robotnik moveset, and also the moveset after that, which will be the dreaded Tails Doll!!!

(I'm going on holiday tommorow, and i'm coming back friday, I hope you'll miss me! :))


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Excellent idea Warlord, although I was planning on having them swap via Down B, I could create a moveset with those two side by side (which is usually what they do). It would probably involve Klump doing most of the work, but Krusha's stupidity allowing for a much better move. And instead of a bomb, I might use an EXPLODIN' BARREL (cookie if you get the reference). And I did notice the similarities with the Supreme Realm. They were pretty cool, and although you didn't mention it, I also saw similarities with the pirate level on Gangplank Galleon. Quite inventive. And if you include ideas from MYM3 in MYM4, my Cranky moveset could be put to use.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005

Personally, I think you should go fro the dialogue, Warlord, but use it in moderation. You try to stick it into situations that don't need it, you'll end up with cheesiness. Dialogue - when necessary.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
I just got back and finished going through.....what 5-10 pages!? Anyway... about Christes SSE, I feel you're adding characters for a decent addition to the story but giving no real indacator of why they are their. Why did the fox team just decide to show up their? Why did Zero just step out? Why is Darth Vader even in trophy land!? I think you're epilogue could slightly fix these problems.... their isn't to much damage done though, maybe after the epilogue you could give a short 1-2 Chpt. "SSE Special" on what happened to the new people who just appeared


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Would it be okay if I made a SSE in MYM 4? I would definatley include characters from all the authors that have submitted, provided you actually want one to be in. It would be comprised 95% of MYM4 characters, with a select few from this one that were awesome but didn't get a chance to appear in a SSE, such as Vaul's Shaman move set

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
For any future SSE stories, remember you can use my up-coming Dr. Robotnik moveset, and also the moveset after that, which will be the dreaded Tails Doll!!!
Hasn't that guy been done before? I think in MYM 2.0.

Other people's creations is a great idea! As long as you guys don't mind; I'll give credit. :chuckle:
If you look around, practically everyone used characters from other creators for their SSEs.

do eet!


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Would it be okay if I made a SSE in MYM 4? I would definatley include characters from all the authors that have submitted, provided you actually want one to be in. It would be comprised 95% of MYM4 characters, with a select few from this one that were awesome but didn't get a chance to appear in a SSE, such as Vaul's Shaman move set
I actually managed to include Vaul's Shaman as one of the final ten villians in my SSE working with Zant, even if she wasn't really that much of a villian. She deserves better justice, perhaps you could do something good for her? I also wanted to include Donna in mine, but only villians fit in in that last second role.

I'm not able to get much work done on weekends, but expect the next review, your Shade, to be up before Monday's over.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Ah! Well, I like Tails Doll.

Coming to think of it, when I look at my planned projects, none of these characters are actually funny and all have a rather serious background.
The only one coming close would be Lei-Lei, but even though her attacks are pretty random, she's one bad girl. And just so you guys know, Lei-Lei will have a similarly strange and random moveset as she has in Darkstalkers.
I'm also thinking of doing Morrigan maybe... Though I'm not too sure.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I've gotten 100% on Sonic R, beaten all Grand Pix races with Tails Doll, and have even tagged Super Sonic with him in Gems Collection, and yet I haven't even gotten a passing glance of that darn robot.

@MasterWarlord: Ah, yes, I forgot about Donna. She definitley deserves a chance to be in a SSE.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Here's another idea for Klump & Krusha, Warlord. It would probably be a special.

B: Klaptrap Kraze: Out of his militaristic belt, Krusha extracts a standard Klaptrap Gun (which are used to fire the pesky nippers at foes of the Kremling Krew), as Klump instructs him, "Weapon at the ready..." You control Klump during this move, as Krusha is not smart enough to move and shoot at the same time. Klump can only use attacks that don't involve Krusha in this state. If you keep Klump behind Krusha, the muscle-headed bodyguard will fire the gun across the stage at foes upon pressed B, like a slower R.O.B. laser. Foes hit by this receive poison damage for several seconds and run around crazily if not instructed otherwise, as the Klaptraps (shown only as bright blue dust on the foe) start biting. However, if Klump is instructed to move in front of Krusha, Krusha will obliviously fire the weapon at Klump, who runs forward crazily, yelling, "Not at me, you idiot! At the enemy!" This leaves Krusha highly vulnerable to attacks, while Klump runs back and forth, slamming powerfully into foes, dealing around 15-20% to them, but receiving 3% every second due to poison damage from the Klaptraps. Tapping down on the control stick can cancel both attacks and bring the duo back together. If used in the right situations, this move can be quite effective.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Sounds like you're already coming up with quite the interesting Klump/Krusha moveset. Perhaps we could do a joint moveset on them?

A moveset for the two of them is slowly forming in my mind. . . The b side can be the remote controlled car, Klump using it and Krusha following after it stupidly, wanting the bait set on the back of the car. The car does minimal knockback but goes fast, while Krusha goes slowly but does big knockback. Krusha can defy logic as chasing the car with it and use it to recover. Klump's recovery is good, but doesn't help Krusha, so you have to use both the b side and b up to recover both of them.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
The most awesome thing about this thread is how underdog characters get to recieve the most creative moveset concepts and turn into cooler characters than the popular ones.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Is this the Krusha and Klump from the cartoon? Becasue if so, you NEED a taunt that has K.Rool saying:


edit: I agree Spadefox. Ridley and K.Rool, the two most wanted newcomers of Smash, tend to be somewhat generic, while things like Cortez and Tiny get awesome epic move sets with a lot of creativity.

Deleted member

Their potential for moves hinders them, I think, as well as their popularity, which draws in a lot of newcomer creators. Due to the amount of source material, the creators (usually quite green) feel a need to blanket the character generously, to not accidentally leave out important edicts, but this results in blandness. I suppose it would be quite overwhelming to see all of these large essays and not know where to start, or that a character you choose to represent has been lusted over so, so many times already. This is why I try to cut the new sorts of fellows some slack, with a hope that my kindness will be returned hath I ever be in their shoes. This extends beyond this community, fruitfully.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
I agree, characters which nobody have really thought about doing, or even knew about the character, tends to have the most creativity involve (I'm thinking about how Eggman uses most of his badniks in his moveset[who is not in his mech, which I think nobody has done yet]). Characters who are very popular (Shadow, Ridley etc) are normally the least creative character moveset types as all of the good ideas were most likely going to been used before (how many King K.Rool movesets have you seen with a move that revolves around throwing a crown?), or the move selection is so obvious that you can almost guess what moves the character going to have before its even made!


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I third that notion. I especially agree with DancingFrogman about characters with obvious move selection. That's why I'm proud of my Omega Ridley's final smash, It's true to the character while being completley unique to Ridley move sets.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Curse your misspellings of Cortex!

But yeah, you've got a point. The best moveset makers tend to go obscure.

What do you say we all make GOOD movesets for the truly wanted and deserving characters. Some GOOD movesets for Ridley and K. Rool?

Your review may be up early, as I have some time now and have fully read most of your moveset, it being surprisingly short in comparison to your Bass one. It doesn't feel as good as Bass did, but it's still good, aye?

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
I though think that my Shadow was rather creative. I doubt that he, if he should ever be included into the game, will be more than a clone to Sonic. Same goes for my coop moveset with KoJ for Eggman, who also turned out really good imho, including lots of the classic Sonic bosses.

Fact is that well known characters already have so many moves that you sometimes can't even cover all of them with a simple Smash Moveset. If you have a character who has only shown a little of what they're capable of, you have to think of what he could do, and not what he does. I think that's the challenge and nice thing in making a moveset for an underdog. To think of what they'd be capable of. Someone else would think absolutely different for that character.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Curse your misspellings of Cortex!

But yeah, you've got a point. The best moveset makers tend to go obscure.

What do you say we all make GOOD movesets for the truly wanted and deserving characters. Some GOOD movesets for Ridley and K. Rool?

Your review may be up early, as I have some time now and have fully read most of your moveset, it being surprisingly short in comparison to your Bass one. It doesn't feel as good as Bass did, but it's still good, aye?
Did I really mispell him AGAIN?:embarrass

On K.Rool and Ridley: THe problem is, as has been pointed out, everything's been done for those two characters. Even if we pooled together, K.Rool's still gonna throw his crown, and Ridley's gonna fly and shoot fireballs.

And was Shade really that much shorter? Granted, some of her moves are kind-of generic, but I thought I still gave her a good amount of detail. Of course, she doesn't have a move that requires its own sub-section. :laugh:


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
*Can't stay to listen to answers* I would be open to working on the Klump/Krusha moveset with you, Warlord, just if this is the case, we need to start soon, as I have a very busy schedule, and am already working on three other MYM4 characters. I like the remote control car idea, and a recovery move involving Krusha firing Klump out of a grounded Barrel Cannon, attached to a string, has to be implemented. The standard attacks can also be creative, and not necessarily all physical, although there needs to be a balance between team and individual attacks, for when they are together and separated. GTG, PM me back if you have more ideas.

Deleted member

No offense to Twilt of course. Your SSE is plenty good for laughs, kudos to you for actually remembering about Cervantes stealing Sagi's soul. Nightmare's dialougue was totally random, breaking the fourth wall, but was good comic value. Feel free to steal my Night Terror boss if you ever have Nighty show up again.
Finally a comment after 5 pages, including Chris' comment as well. Oh good, cause if i had to make a Night Terror boss, it would take me forever.

Would it be okay if I made a SSE in MYM 4? I would definatley include characters from all the authors that have submitted, provided you actually want one to be in. It would be comprised 95% of MYM4 characters, with a select few from this one that were awesome but didn't get a chance to appear in a SSE, such as Vaul's Shaman move set
Dude......do it. Just as long as you try to inlude one of MY movesets in the contest of 4.0 of course ;)

Now it gets me thinking if i should make a SSE for 4.0..........i'll think about it, but only when i finish my current SSE lol.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005


RELEVANCE TO CHARACTER: Excellent. It would seem that quite a few attacks are pulled directly from the game, and the playstyle as a whole seems to fit him to a T. 9/10

DETAIL: This is the detail nazi we're talking about here. MasterWarlord literally has every attack oozing with seemingly trivial bits of gameplay, and just abut every single attack is easy to envisage. Probably the only moveset in the thread - excluding, perhaps, his earlier Nightmare and Voldo, and a select few other here and there - that receives a perfect mark here. 10/10

BALANCE: As much as I may wonder at it, Cervantes looks solid. I mean, obviously, he's pretty ridiculous at low %s when he can't lose his stolen soul too easily, but as it has to be actually stolen in the first place - which is a rather laggy attack - it doesn't make him too overpowered. His stats may lean towards overpoweredness, but he's rather inefficient without a soul, and when he needs it most - to finish - it's hard to keep it, most like. All in all, everything cancels each other out excellently. 9/10

ORIGINALITY: This set oozes it. The Soul Steal mechanic somewhat resemble that of Nightmare, admittedly - and my Grim Reaper before it - but it's used here in a fantastically different way, pretty much filling in the glaring weakness of whatever attack happens to use it. I find that Neutral B is a bit bland - if true to the game - but almost all of the slices are quite interesting. Dash A resembles Mario's. That's all I've got. 8/10

PLAYSTYLE: Having such a detailed "Playstyle" section really helps with this. Cervantes looks like his style, racking damage with quick but impressive techniques, it very unique indeed. The Soul is incorporated into enough attacks to be easily called the single focal point of the set. The water attacks thrown in here and there only add to the fun. 9/10

ORGANIZATION: Looks nice. Lots of colour and bolding make it extremely easy to navigate through. Although I WOULD prefer it if only the attack names were coloured in, the colours you chose are very easy on the eyes. 8/10

EXTRAS: The ridiculous amount of them says you get plenty of extra points. That's all I have to say about them. +4

OVERALL: It's hard to make a case against this being one of the best contenders in the contest. There really is no flaw here. Personally, I still prefer MasterWarlord's Voldo (which is probably my favourite moveset in the contest, just for the concepts it presents), but empyrically, this is the better set. Seriously - everyone should read this, and, barring a few other excellent contenders (Dracula foremost among them), this is deserving a 1st place medal. I really sound like a lickspittle, don't I?



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Would've replied sooner, was busy making up some more moves for Klump & Krusha for Bkupa. Side Special, Up Special, Dair, Dsmash. Yay.

Tyvm for the review, K. Rool. I was curious to know your exact opinion on it, I'm pleased to here it's so supportive. I had the dashing attack be similiar to Mario's because that's Cervantes' actual dashing attack in Soul Calibur, so yeah. I actually got the basic concept for Nightmare's Soul Charge (Which led to Cervantes' Soul Steal) from your Grim Reaper moveset, the most obvious thing being the layout with the "reapling bonus.", so kudos to you, K. Rool.

Here's to hoping for Make Your Move 4.0: The Dethroning of Cervantes!

Your Shade moveset is much more interesting after reading the play style section, just like with your Bass one. Her play style is pretty unique and interesting, I'll elaborate on it in the full review.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Tyvm for the review, K. Rool. I was curious to know your exact opinion on it, I'm pleased to here it's so supportive. I had the dashing attack be similiar to Mario's because that's Cervantes' actual dashing attack in Soul Calibur, so yeah. I actually got the basic concept for Nightmare's Soul Charge (Which led to Cervantes' Soul Steal) from your Grim Reaper moveset, the most obvious thing being the layout with the "reapling bonus.", so kudos to you, K. Rool.
Well, yeah. Your sets are generally of a really high quality, that's hard to deny. And Cervantes is just such a badass (am I allowed to type that here?) character. It really helps to be doing a character who's interesting. I think that's why Dracula is still considered Mendez's best moveset; it's a character who everyone appreciates.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
Hey, I never played Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, can someone tell me about Roxases 13 blades of light? I'm really running low on ideas of how he grabs an enemy...

Deleted member

Here's my version of a 'preview', for three movesets (plus a finishing off of Vivi) that I'll be doing for MYM4. Just the 'Challenger' art so far, obviously. One of these in particular may be overdone - he's my avatar for Yevon's sake - but I'm going to make sure that I define the movesets enough that it's not a wasted effort. And don't worry, lol, I don't plan to make only Final Fantasy characters. :psycho:


Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Hey, I never played Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, can someone tell me about Roxases 13 blades of light? I'm really running low on ideas of how he grabs an enemy...
If you mean in the battle against him near the start of The World That Never Was...his light "blades" are really just rows of vertical lasers that sweep across the field and attack Sora.

Via a Reaction Command, you can steal that power, and from then on, whenever you knock him away, the "blades" will malfunction and run him through several times in mid-air.

Video for reference (though I can't see how you'd use this to grab things with...): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZadlS0N9V0

KingK.Rool said:
I think that's why Dracula is still considered Mendez's best moveset; it's a character who everyone appreciates.

Oh Gawd. I just finished my inaugural run of Order of Eclessia, and MAN if that statement doesn't make me chuckle in light of that game's good ending. Also enough with the praise already! You cause the capillaries of my zygomatic area to vasodilate!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
I know the two bottom ones by heart but i have no idea who the top one is...... and you can so nerf the bottom left one and i wouldnt mind....

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
Epilogue- Farewells

Part 1- A Miracle

Chris opened his eyes.

Chris: Uh..... Where am I?

Everything was hazy, but he could see several of his friends alongside him, including Ryann, Ike, Mia, Zelos Wilder, and all of his loyal knights.

Zelos: Don't move to much pal..... You might tear your wound open.

Chris: I can't believe I survived that. What happened?

Ryann: Maybe I should elaborate.

Flashback- Uncertainty

Ryann: Chris.... wake up!

At that moment, Ryann realizes that she has to stop the bleeding if he is to have any chance.
She removes his cape and ties it around his wound tightly. It became soaked in blood, but it was helping.

Zelos Wilder runs into the room.

Zelos: What happened here.... Is loverboy dead!?

Ryann: Loverboy?

Zelos runs up to Chris and starts casting First Aid spell.

Ryann: What are you doing?

Zelos: Just trying to heal your friend's wounds....... Alright looks like I've done everything I can right now... Now we'll have to get him a doctor.

Ryann: Thank you.

Zelos: Btw... you're kind of cute.

Ryann: And thats how it happened..... We got you here as soon as possible, and you've been sleeping for days.

Chris: Thank you Ryann... and thank you Zelos. I owe my life to the two of you.

Zelos: Oh yeah, btw, I scanned some of your blood with my Magitechnology to check for infection, and the results I got were rather odd to say the least. According this scanner, your blood contains a very unique steroid.

Chris: Thats not possible. I've never used those. (In his mind he was thinking.... "So thats what Dracula meant."

Zelos: Relax, buddy, I'm not accusing you of anything. On the contrary, this steroid was probably taken by one of your ancestors. It has some weird properties. Instead of making your muscles increase in mass, it literally increases their power. From what the scanner told me, there are no negative side-effects. In fact, technically speaking, you are one of the strongest humans on this planet. There is one.... concern... however.

Chris: And that is?

Zelos: It has become a permanent part of your genetics. Theoretically, every one of your descendants would also have the gene.

Chris: That is really unbelievable.

Zelos: Trust me, I am a lot smarter than I act.

Part 2- Returning to Trophy Land

Zelos: Well.... We'll have to be heading back to Trophy Land. We don't belong here. Goodbye.

Chris: Wait... I think I have the strength to join you. I'ld like to thank everyone for all their help.

Chris gets up, barely able to stand.

Ryann: You're so stubborn.... I'll have to help you.

The only way back to trophy land was to use Ashencroft's sword, which was still imbued with the power to warp. The heroes used this sword to return.

Part 3- Peach's Party

Upon arrival, the group appears at Princess Peach's castle. It looks as though Blondie would get her party afterall. This time, everyone was invited.

While there, everyone just had a good time. The ordeal they all went through had already become a memory. It was a truly awesome party, complete with dancing, music, and great food.

The musician was a really talented young woman with a harp. Bard

Over at the buffet, Falco was telling his tale.

Falco: And there I was, piloting my arwing bravely against the fleet of battleships. There were atleast 100 of them, but they were all no match for my flying skills. I shot every one of them down.

Fox: Give it a rest, Falco.

Krystal: You're such a braggart.

Fox: Hey, Wolf, how are you holding up.

Wolf: Curse you.... Fox McCloud.

Fox reaches for the bread.

Falco: Hands off my bread!

Peach and Zelda were on the dance floor with their escorts, Sain and Link, respectively. Daisy joined them as well, but later left to go play sports.

Mario and Luigi were at the buffet, enjoying the italian food, though Mario was having much less fun.

Mario: What does Sain have that I don't?

Luigi: Hmm.... He isn't 2 feet tall.

Mario: Shut up Luigi. *smacks Luigi in the head*

Luigi: Ouch, whats that for?

Mario: Thats for being an idiot.

Luigi: Why is everyone so mean to Weegee....

Snake had refused his invitation saying he had a secret mission to attend to. However, some of the guests observed a rather oddly placed cardboard box in the corner.

The Poke'mon turned out to be great dancers, to everyone's surprise. Everyone will remember Squirtle's awesome break dance. Mewtwo was quickly forgiven for his part in Tabuu's plan. He was just as welcome on the dance floor as everyone else. Wes was popular with the ladies, but The PT wasn't so lucky. Stalin tried to pick up chicks, but he didn't get lucky.

Samus was the life of the party. She was asked to dance by many guys, and to this day she still wonders why.

Ness and Paula danced, though it was really much more awkward than you think. Ness turned out to be horrible at dancing. Even Lucas managed to find a date, if his cousin counts. :laugh:

The Chosen One was at the buffet, eating food with his tongue. He caused many to lose their appetites.

Ike and Mia also danced, but it wasn't as romantic as you'ld think. Mia's spirit was far to wild for a slow dance, so it was more comical than anything.

Zelos Wilder hit on every girl at the party (even those with dates), except of course for Erutashi.

If Erutashi wasn't occupied, dancing with her date, a dude named Sora, she would have ripped Zelos's nuts off.

Kirby was at the party, but he wasn't allowed anywhere near the food. Noone wanted him to eat it all, afterall. Instead Kirby partied with his friends (the Kirby Friends) Metaknight had also showed up, but he was really kind of a wet blanket, not really doing or saying much at all. Sir Kibble was being chased by the Nintendogs... apparently when they heard his name, they thought he was dogfood. The Waddle Doo and his Waddle Dees were a welcome addition to the festivities. King Dedede was forgiven for picking up the Soul Edge and attempting to clobbah Kirbeh. Everyone loved his big gay dance.

Pit decided not to come, instead he watched everything (and I do mean everything) through his crystal ball/seeing stone/whatever it is.

Marth danced at the party as well. His wife, Sheeda, made her first appearance in this SSE to be his date. Many thought they were lesbians.

Simon Belmont showed up to tell his vampire hunting tales. Many were intrigued (and horrified) by them.

Donna Letman once again worked as the party photographer. She was glad to capture so many memories in pictures.

Anise tried to hook up with Zelos after hearing of his money, but she was soon turned off by his horrible attitude towards women.

The Third Agers, unfortunately didn't have time to waste. They had to return to Middle Earth immediately. Aragorn would need to be informed of Sauron's final defeat.

Indiana Jones (spoilers)
got married here (this is the wedding at the end of the Crystal Skull).

Ty The Tazmanian Tiger played fetch with the nintendogs using his boomerang (that is after they were done chasing Kibble.)

Donkey Kong played drums and Diddy Kong played guitar alongside The Bard.

Sonic danced with Amy Rose. Apparently, a girl with a mallet can be really convincing. Tails made a really awesome light show for the party.

Shinon prefered not to go to the party. Nobody missed his arrogant and snide remarks.

Captain Falcon showed up to the party in his racecar. He picked up several women.

Chris and Ryann stayed for the festivities, though at first they were only standing at the side.

Chris: Would you like to dance, Ry?

Ryann: You're in no shape to dance....

Chris: I'll manage. We could slow dance.

Ryann: I'ld like that... Please don't overdo it.

And so they danced for the duration of the party.

Part 4- Goodbye

After the party, Chris and Ryann returned home to Earth using Ashencroft's sword.

Zelos: Are you sure you don't want to stay? We'ld be glad to let you live here.

Chris: Thats tempting, but our people need us. If I don't return soon, the legion will learn of my absense and may turn on our people. Goodbye everybody.

Everyone said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways.

Part 5- Their Lives

Ike "The Hero" and Mia "The Graceful Whirlwind"
Ike and Mia were married months after the events of this SSE. True to her word, Mia never quite settled down. They never had children, but nevertheless they were happy. By day they sparred
and you could pretty much guess what they did at night

Zelos Wilder "The Casanova"
Zelos Wilder never changed his womanizing ways. He always had a woman around him, but never found true love.

Marth "The Manly One"
Marth returned home to Althea with his wife, Sheeda. There he lived as happily as a king possibly could for the remainder of his days.

Shinon "The Snide Sniper"
Shinon mastered many things over his life, but never specialized in any one thing. The only thing he could never master was manners.

Link "The Silent Swordsman"
After this adventure, Link tried to learn how to speak from many English teachers. He never learned how to say anything but "Skrahhhh!" It is rumored throughout Hyrule that he and Zelda fell in love.

Zelda "The Bearer of Wisdom"
Zelda continued her life as ruler of Hyrule. It is rumored throughout Hyrule that she and Link have a love interest.

Peach "The Pampered Princess" and Sain "The Ladies Man"
With Bowser gone for good, Peach had much more time to fufill her interests. She finally married Sain years later, causing some political turmoil. Her selfishness managed to win over her people.

Mario and Luigi "The Red and Green Plumbers"
Appear in many many more video games, maintaining world wide fame.

Pit "The Angel"
Pit continued on as commander of Palutena's Army. Just like Peter Pan, he never grew up.

Ness and Paula "The Psy Powered Youths"
Ness and Paula remained close for the remainder of their days, eventually getting married.

Lucas "The Cowardly Boy"
As time went by, he gained a bit more courage. He was never truly brave however.

The Pokemon Trainer "Not Ash Ketchum"
Whenever he wasn't having Poke'mon Battles, he was explaining to people that he wasn't Ash Ketchum.

Wes "The Badass Trainer"
Wes became a legendary Poke'mon trainer, and an eventual member of the Elite Four.

Team Big Shots
The Big Shots would remain a valuable rescue group, eventually becoming legendary for their intelligence and ability to talk.

Mewtwo and Mew "The Legendary Poke'mon"
Mewtwo and Mew once again worked together as king's of the Poke'mon Kingdom.

Lucario "The Ancient Poke'mon"
Lucario returned to the mountains, where he meditated daily.

Pikachu "The Electric Mouse Poke'mon"
Pikachu was one day caught by Proffesor Oak and given to a trainer named Ash, who would become his best friend.

Jigglypuff "The Balloon Poke'mon"
Jigglypuff went around the world singing to people. When they were put to sleep, Jigglypuff would become very angry and marker all over their faces.

Pidgeot "King of the Skies"
Pidgeot continued to fly free for the remainder of its lifetime.

Frosslass "The Ice Pokemon"
Frosslass returned to the mountains, living its life naturally.

Mightyena "The Pack Hunter"
Mightyena returned to its pack, eventually becoming pack leader.

Donna Letman "The Photographer"
Donna remained a photographer for the rest of her life, and eventually got married. She was happy with her job and her life.

Anise "The Doll Master"
Anise gave up on her dream of marrying into money. She eventually married for love.

Indiana Jones "The Explorer"
Indy may be old now, but he could never resist a good adventure.

The Chosen One "The Chosen One"
The Chosen One returned to the Crane School, kung fu fighting for the rest of his days.

Fox and Krystal "The Foxes"
Fox and Krystal returned to Team Star Fox. They are rumored to have a secret love life.

Falco "The Pilot"
Falco would join, then leave, then rejoin Team Star Fox many times.

Wolf "Fox's Eternal Rival"
Wolf would never stop fighting with Fox. Their rivalry eventually become almost friendly.

Ty The Tazmanian Tiger "Boomerang Master"
Ty returned to his home. He hopes that someday they may make a sequel to his game.

Simon Belmont "The Vampire Hunter"
Simon Belmont hunted Dracula for a long time, but never managed to slay him. His fame grew and grew as he vanquished many other monsters.

Dracula "Count Vladislaus Dracula"
He may have escaped from Simon Belmont but he would be slain by Van Helsing centuries later.

Snake "The Secret Agent"
Whenever the Metal Gears threatened humanity, Snake would be there to stop them.

Sagi "The Spiriter"
Sagi became the hero of Baten Kaitos. He would gain a permanent fanboy by the name of TWILTHERO.

Zero "The Red Reploid"
Several millenia in the future, Zero would be unfrozen and become a great hero. (This is a reference to the Megaman: Zero Mission games.)

Kirby "The Super Tough Pink Puff"
Kirby would remain one of Nintendo's greatest series, causing Kirby to be a star for many years to come.

Kirby Friends "The Kirby Friends"
Kirby's friends would appear in more games. Whenever the series needed a revival, they would appear to keep the series popular.

Metaknight "The Masked Mystery"
Metaknight would remain an important character in the kirby series. He would always be a mystery.

King Dedede "The Big Gay Dancer"
King Dedede would continue to be the self-proclaimed king of Dream Land. He never could clobbah dat dere Kirbeh.

Sir Kibble "Not Dog Food"
Sir Kibble became a prominent member of the MYM contests and a respected member of Smash Boards.

Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong
Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong return to Kongo Island to discover all of their monkey friends kidnapped by King K. Rool. This spawns a remake of DK64, the best Donkey Kong game ever.

Nintendogs "The Playful Puppies"
They lived their lives... well.... like dogs.

Captain Falcon "Chuck Norris"
Captain Falcon used some of the vast fortune he earned racing and bounty hunting to buy the Hawaiin Punch company. He has now renamed it Falcon Pawwwnch! Its trademark flavor, Flamin Fisty Red, has become the most popular soda ever.

Nightmare "The Azure Knight"
Nightmare died to Meta Knight and went to hell for his considerable sins. Being living armor, he was immune to the flame, and consumed many souls, having a hell of a time. Due to him having taken over hell, the devil (Who shortly after went down to Georgia) was really pissed off.

Ganondorf "The Wielder of Power"
Though Link killed him once again, he would return time and time again to create havoc.

Bowser/Dry Bowser "King Koopa"
Killed in the Endgame.

Darth Vader "Anakin Skywalker"
Killed in the Endgame.

Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice "Starkiller"
Killed in the Endgame.

Voldo "Servant of Vercii"
Voldo would forever guard Vercii's treasure.

Sauron "The Dark Lord"
Killed in the Endgame.

The Black Knight "Zelgius"
Zelgius was finally slain by Ike. Zelgius felt no hatred, anger, or fear in his death, but rather was overjoyed that he got to fight his Master's son again.

Tabuu "The Subspace King"
Killed in the Endgame.

King K. Rool "The Gator"
King K. Rool escapes from Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong and later captures their friends once again. This spawns a remake of DK64 for the Wii.

Ridley "The Brilliant Beast"
Ridley escapes Samus once again. He will continue to be the main villain of the Metroid Series for as long as it lasts.

Ashencroft "The Blade Demon"
Killed in the Endgame.

Chris Lionheart "The Noble Prince" and Ryann Trueshot "The Beautiful Archer"
Chris Lionheart became king of the new Valious (a unity between the rebels and the legion). He soon asked Ryann to marry him, and she accepted. Their son, Sam Lionheart, would become a great warrior.


Hope you all enjoyed my SSE.

This last chapter focused more on comedy and romance to contrast to the overall serious tone of the rest of the SSE.

All of the characters who only appear in the epilogue are not just here for cameo value. Everyone is playable in any level after the game is beaten.

And yes that is a Fire Emblem style Epilogue.... what of it?

Deleted member

An excellent ending to a good SSE!! And Ike and Mia married?! 0.o

Wait a minute.....i'm not a fanboy of Sagi. He's just a character i really like. If i had to choose a favourite Baten Kaitos character, it would be Kalas. Though Sagi is second though.
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