You can get to the ocean by using the bomb jump trick. Put on the Goron mask, lay a bomb and just as it's about to explode, do a ground pound. You should be high enough that the bomb will knock you over the fence.
To destroy the bolder in front of Romani Ranch you need a Powder Keg, which you can only get by completing a test from the Big Goron after you complete Snowhead Temple.
The ladder on top of the house is to give you better positioning for when you have to fend of the spoilers:
Goron Link is the fastest mode of travel in the game.
Deku Link is useless.
And now for something completely different. I've always sort of wondered about the world of Termina and what it really is. It's obviously NOT Hyrule, but everyone who exists there also simultaneously exists in Hyrule. This leads me to believe that perhaps Termina is an alternate version of Hyrule, a different dimension on a shifted wavelength as it were. There's quite a bit of evidence in the beginning of the game that could support this. When link falls off the cliff he seems to fall much further than the cliff's height would suggest and as you follow Skull Kid down the tunnel to Clock Town there's a warp in reality. And even before that warp there just seems to be something wrong with the area you're in. Why are there tree's surrounded by nothingness sitting precariously there. What is that Deku Scrub tree and why does it look pain?
And it's definitely within Majora's power to shift dimensional planes. The Mask alone has the power to seal the 4 deities of the land and pull the moon out of the heavens, it probably wouldn't even be much to move through dimensions. Perhaps the mask wished to enter Hyrule after pulling the moon down as a way to survive. If Termina really did exist on a shifted plane from Hyrule it would explain why everyone has a double, and why everything seems so similar yet different.
But what of Ganon, Zelda and Link? Surely if Termina has doubles of everyone else they too must have some sort of doubles? I think the absence of the three has something to do with the absence of the Triforce in that land. Note that all over Hyrule you can find the Triforce emblem adorning everything, yet in Termina it doesn't seem to exist at all. It may be that Termina exists as a dimension that did not have the 3 Goddesses and instead came into being through the 4 giants. Because of this, there is no Triforce and because there is no Triforce there is no destined struggle between the Hero, The Princess and The Daemon. And even more, without the Goddesses to ordain who would rule, perhaps the Hylian Royal family would not even become royalty. Perhaps somewhere in Termina, this family does exist, but as simple farmers or merchants. Perhaps you met them IN Termina, but did not recognize them as normal civilians.
And Ganon as well may be a simple merchant(although it's more likely he would be a thief or pirate if the Gerudo's doubles are any indication) It is even very likely that the Ganon of this world died just before you entered Termina, just as his Hylian Double would have had he not had the power of the Triforce. Or even more, perhaps he would have died long ago like the Hylian Ganon would have in his first fateful encounter with Link. As the Ganon of the Hylian world is only reborn due to the power of the Triforce it is entirely possible that the Ganon of Termina was born many years earlier and has already ceased to exist. This is of course only if the lives of the Termina populace really are connected to those of the Hylians. But still, Ganon, the evil King of Thieves from Hyrule would be no worse than Sakon in the world of Termina, and without the omnipotent power of the Triforce of Power he would one day wither and die.
And what of Link? Surely there could not be two links in the same universe at once right? I believe that the Link of Termina, if he ever did exist, is long dead by the time you arrive. Just like Ganon and Zelda, Link is a player in the Triforces tale of struggle, reborn every time the land of Hyrule is threatened. However in Termina, no such threat existed, Ganon did not steal the Sacred Power of the land and as such, did not gain immortality. And because of this, the powers of the land did not see fit to reincarnate the Hero who would stop him every time he would rise. Link was a simple farm boy who lived a simple life and died a simple death.
There are other indicators as well. Note that in Termina, the only Goddesses power you can call upon is that of the Goddess of Time. The three Goddesses of Hyrule represent Courage, Power and Wisdom and created the land of Hyrule itself, but only the Goddess of Time would exist in other worlds, as time is not restricted to a single world. This may be why Link can't call upon the powers of the Goddesses like he did in Hyrule with Nyaru's Love, Farore's Wind and Din's Fire. The only power he can call upon is that of the Goddess of Time's in an attempt to right the wrongs of the Daemon Mask in the small amount of time he was given.
And there was one more piece of evidence, one that struck me particularly. The Happy Mask Salesman himself. Of all the people in the entirety of Termina, he is the only one who does not seem to be a double but rather the same salesman you met in Hyrule. It seems strange but it may be that he too has some sort of power that let's him travel between dimensions like that of Majora's Mask. It would explain how he was capable of simply appearing out of nowhere when you first entered the Clock Tower and how he is subsequently able to disappear as the game ends. And let's not forget, he is the one who taught you the Song of Healing, a song with powers that seem exceptionally great in the land of Termina. The question of how he does this still lingers though. Where did his power come from? It's obvious he had these powers even before Majora's Mask was set free as he himself was the one who broke the seal upon it. Should an item of Majora's Mask omnipotent power ever be sealed, the seal placed upon it would surely not easily be broken. I believe the Mask Salesman does not truly exist. I believe him to be the will of the masks he collects given physical form. It is obvious from Termina alone that the masks he collects have some sort of powers and even retain the mind, body and souls of certain beings. Perhaps his power is that of the Masks' who seek to further find and collect more. This would explain his extreme need to once again attain Majora's Mask, as just by having it his powers would grow without actually having to wear it and give in to it's sinister nature. It would also explain why he does not exist in the world of Termina, as he does not truly exist at all. Not in Termina, not in Hyrule, not in any world out there. He's simply a phantom, a ghost who's only purpose is to collect more masks.