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Mafia Sleepover: The Finale [ Town Wins - Pokemon Sight seeing]


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
I really don't know lol. It just happens. Might be because school just started >.>


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Well, if you want to think of it that way I can't really help it.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
I was just wondering how your read changed. Please go into why you feel that way.

Also tell me what your read on Jex is now. I don't remember what your stance on him was.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
I was just wondering how your read changed. Please go into why you feel that way.

Also tell me what your read on Jex is now. I don't remember what your stance on him was.
Your pursuit of me seems genuine. You're asking people to vote with you after wrongly thinking you've caught scum; while this is still bad, it's certainly much townier than your earlier disappearance and expressions of not being able to read anyone strongly.

I'll give you a JeXs read after you give me reads on J, Arcane Inferno, and BarDulL. Additionally, I'll give you reads on 2 other players you ask in return for fairness' sake.

Bunzy, I am saying that I'm going to do everything in my power to get you lynched once this wagon breaks. I don't have much to say about you until then.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Can't do that. You are asking for too much. I've already given three reads. You are asking me for reads on people who are mostly inactive. I'm sure there is plenty of content for you to look at Jex.

So how about this. You give me your thoughts on Jex and Murderbush (MB if you have content to read him, state this if so), then I'll promise to get back to you with those three in time. Don't worry about the other 2 you talked about.

(J won't be here till 15th, bardull JUST dropped in with a vote on you that you have neglected to mention, and Arcane also just dropped in)

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
That I have 'neglected' to mention? Is this a joke? If the vote bothered me in any meaningful way I would've said so. Stop overextending.

JeXs is a slight town lean. His thoughts are transparent and I see nothing to get up in arms about. Murderbush is a town read. I see him reading intently and trying to find scum.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Why say "Well there's always Bunzy" and then vote 'em without any additional reasoning. I actually want to see your thoughts on his recent play here. Or is there some reason you think it's more optimal to leave the reasoning for later?

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
That I have 'neglected' to mention? Is this a joke? If the vote bothered me in any meaningful way I would've said so. Stop overextending.

JeXs is a slight town lean. His thoughts are transparent and I see nothing to get up in arms about. Murderbush is a town read. I see him reading intently and trying to find scum.
Ok, I take that back. I didn't mean that there was reason for it to bother you, I was just wondering why you instantly jump to Dabuz's throat without also talking about BardulL who also voted you.

Ok thanks. Like I promised, I'll get back to you with three reads, give it time.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
I'm not going to lash out at everyone voting me. You don't see me calling you or Murderbush scum, do you?

Anyways, I'm out for now. I may be able to post tonight depending on work. Tomorrow night again at the latest.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
@we thuggin Please, please, please, please don't let this day end without me hearing significant thought processes from you. We've got a game with so many cooks in the kitchen that hasn't imploded yet and I really don't want to end up diving after you for not giving me enough.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
FF head here

i'm still trying to determine the alignment of both levi and murderbush. ryker has me so unbelievably frustrated at him at the moment that i want to just give in and call him scum as i think he's starting to reach hard for reasons to still call me scum and i think he's seriously misinterpreting my posts. thing is, as scum, he'd do that if he knew he could lynch me and he'd just sit on me all day until he just beat me into the ground with repetition; however, i don't see scumryker asking me questions like this:

to me it suggests that he's at least rethinking his read and making sure that he's right rather than simply seeing me go off the deep end on something ******** (lm, fl2). scumryker wouldn't give a **** because i'm fairly certain scumryker thinks he could steamroll me if he wanted to.
no SvS between any of these three confirmed (levi, murder, protean)

this much aggression and emotion in the early game is def not faked. spontaneous and raw as ****

not ruling out a TvS in the mix though

deal with it scrub; go ahead and replace out so we can get someone who doesn't constantly say you're "missing the point" to literally everyone who asks you questions about your play
gova - protean confirm not SvS either, same ****
First off, no it isn't sheepy because I was have been talking to Protean for a bit in the early stuff and how is it sheepy after nearly only Levi and Ryker a little have said so? Grimy? Exaggerated word, but let's talk FF if you seem to dislike me for my Protean dislike. If you think it's Grimy/Sheepy you must have some sort of opinion on Protean so what is that?
dude how can you say with a straight face that this reasoning isn't grimy as ****

J said:
is the slot that can die the most at the moment. He's reading very off to me.
I don't dislike you for your protean dislike at all. dislike him all you want, I think WL is easiest to read when he's being attacked. its the way you did it that was a red flag. also im clearly not alone in this opinion of your play:
i don't mean to detract from the levi push btw but i just want to make a point that jexs need more substance and needs to explain his pushes more efficiently. transparency for new slots is awesome.
wowwwwwww looking at you so hard if either of these slots flip scum (jexs, levi)

this is almost too obvious but damn that's some tip toeing if Ive ever seen it


^probably the most scumhunty post made this game. this makes me like murder as a T slot if there's TvTvS in murder/protean/levi squabble. not quite sold on levi by this though. gotta bounce some thoughts off ghebs about that wagon

as a general note jex seems cool as a ****ing cucumber for such a new player which tells me hes either prodigal scum or townie unfazed by everything being tossed his way. cant really substantiate this too well but def my strongest town read atm

J continues to give me bad vibes. haven't seen anything reassuring from the slot and the whole giving out his vote thing and now "threatening" to take it back just sounds like lame distancing from responsibility to do anything on his own. normally not a big meta guy but does anyone have any insight as to whether or not this type of behavior lines up with typical early game scum play for J?

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
as a general note jex seems cool as a ****ing cucumber for such a new player which tells me hes either prodigal scum or townie unfazed by everything being tossed his way. cant really substantiate this too well but def my strongest town read atm

J continues to give me bad vibes. haven't seen anything reassuring from the slot and the whole giving out his vote thing and now "threatening" to take it back just sounds like lame distancing from responsibility to do anything on his own. normally not a big meta guy but does anyone have any insight as to whether or not this type of behavior lines up with typical early game scum play for J?
Why look at how he reacts? I think we established that Jex is a robot, who would respond the same way as both town or scum. I think you should look at his actions instead. You know. Those looking for scum. (That which I see none of)

Yes, lame. But he has been away, I'll give him that. I would think waiting for more of his contributions to the thread would give us a better bead on him. I have no idea if this is similar to early J scumplay.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
(2) Bunzy - Jexs, Leviathan,

(4) Leviathan - Bunzy, Murderbush, Admidamaru, Bardull

(1) Protean - Werekill

(1) Bardull - Arcane Inferno

Not voting - , J, We Thuggin, Gova, Protean

with 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynche
Deadline is July 19, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST

MOD: I appologize for my cruddy Modding. From now on, I'll step up my game and pay more closely attention so I can give out voting list in a more timely matter.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
Why look at how he reacts? I think we established that Jex is a robot, who would respond the same way as both town or scum. I think you should look at his actions instead. You know. Those looking for scum. (That which I see none of)
How was the bolded established? Is this a meta thing?
Read on me, Arcane Magickz?

Are we thinking 3 scum for 12p or 2 scum?
my read on you is typical day 1 Ran, "asks more questions than any other form of dialogue." thus you're pretty null to me atm

this of course assumes that Im correct in assuming that ran has been doing most of the posting.

as for the numbers question I don't think i've ever played in a 12 man game with less than 3 anti-town roles

4 is probably too much unless town has stacked PRs (not impossible for a sleepover game). I can see rockin doing a 3 man mafia or stacked 2 man mafia + stacked solo indy

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Yes, meta. It was established by me and Laundry in this thread. Even in the social thread. So instead of looking how cool he looks, look at what he is doing instead.

Yeah this is Ran.

And ok thanks on the numbers. Was just wondering.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
And now....proper introduction


Rosalina and the attendents were having a lovely conversation. Each of them holding a donut they picked out from the box, which is located on a large table not far from them. On the table were some beverages. From carbonated drinks, to the more healthy Cranberry and orange drinks. Syrup sat near the table, looking bored while she consumes her glazed donut. She looked pretty bored, and she wasn't the only one...

One of the people began to stand up and stretched her arms out. "Man...this slumber party is...boring." She said. "My time is better spent practicing magic or something."

Rosalina looked at the individual with a frowned. "Oh, please don't say that." She gave a small smile. "The fun is just starting."

The individual shook her head. "Sorry Rosalina, but I must go....take care."

Alakaslam leaves out of the party.

Just ad Alakaslam reached the door, it suddenly swung open. Two newcomers stood around, looking at this 'party' that's going on.

"Ay yo, is sum party goin on here?"swag No. 1 spoke out

"Nah man, looks like there be doin something wack." swag no. 2 said in response.

Uno swag looked at Rosalina "Hey shorti, this is Rosalina's swag party, right?"

Rosalina was...very confused about this. "Uh...yes...?"

"Well..." Swag1 smirked as he magically pulled out a huge boombox from behind her back. "We're about to TURN IT UP!" It was then she pressed the play button.

"I'm...not sure that is ne-"

The music blasted all over the room. The guests that were relaxing were suddenly dancing to the beat. Captain Syrup herself watched in amusement as the individuals danced. Syrup was already liking these guys.

We Thuggin is now in the game. This thread just got more swag.

Meanwhile, Rosalina was at a lost. "What's a shorti...?"

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
@ Rockin Rockin

dude i appreciate the swaggin flavor but yu shuld hit up potato n nabe if yu can. i wont be able to play til the end of next week n its kinda unfair for me to come in first. anyways i havnt looked at my role pm (yu can verify this by looking at it n seein i never viewed) so i can replace after that time frame jus holla at me first


/fukks outta hear
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