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[M-1,7,15,18] PikMafia - The End! Scum Wins!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
Chuckie said:
So you're implying that Myself/Riddle/Zensei are ALL scum.
No. I said I thought there were 3 scum. One has already been uncovered as scum, one as town. I think 2 out of you three are scum, but not all three of you. Four scum in this size game would be too broken.

Chuckie said:
Also Kirby, why the change in stance from "some colors are scum and some are town" to all scum being colours?
I stand by both statements. It is my belief that all scum are colors, but (as has been shown), not all colors are scum.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
Swiss, you're right, out of the 3 claimed colors, he's the scummiest imo. When I voted Exnsei, I was thinking inside Tandora's Box, where only he and McCloud existed. My bad.

Vote: Riddle


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
You were on the wagon at one point when Swords was at L-1. Then you unvoted and Swords attempted to hammer himself which only dug his grave deeper with his final comment. If you hadn't jumped off the wagon, then you wouldn't have been in a position to worry about whether to hammer or not.

And what do you mean you might have hammered? If Swords was the best lynch for D2, you shouldn't have had hesitation on the lynch. Even with his claim of bomb, the best lynch is tautologically the best lynch.

It shouldn't be suspicious to think scum don't want to vote for their teammates. Yes, bussing is an option, but it's not the only option. My suggestion to look at the non-voters is a valid method of looking for scum. Considering you left the wagon, we can both have what we want too. I want someone who wasn't voting when Swords was lynched. You want someone who was on the wagon.
If swords had not been mafia, scum would have known there was a good chance he was telling the truth about being a bomb. The fact that people were discerning the fact that killing swords could have been the end of the game gave me suspicion that mafia was on the wagon attempting to kill two town (my greatest suspicion was chuckie) and end the game with a NK. The only reason I unvoted at that point was to give us a bit more time to think it over and I didn't want you to make a rash decision while I was gone (that tends to happen..) that could have ended the game.

You're making it seem as all this happened in a single moment and that I somehow planned it all. When I came back the next day, I skimmed through and saw that Swords self hammered. I didn't want to vote or anything until I had time to fully review everything. The next time I had a chance to do so, Swords was already at L-1. If I was able to be here 24/7 I would be, but unfortunately I can't so I'm sorry about that. Also I say I might have hammered because 1) #572 & 2) Had you not hammered, that would have given us two definite scum. Simple as that.

If you're just going to tunnel me for a reason like this then there's nothing really else I can say.

Also, you should stop just saying that you'll prove you're town or that you'll do this or w/e. Anybody can say that. All you're doing is creating a bunch of WIFOM (As Swiss pointed out). The way you are playing today is starting to make me more and more suspicious of you.

@Zensei: Why do you believe scum are more likely to have voted the now confirmed scum Swords? Especially, consider that if our game mod hadn't been so lenient, we were less than 2 hours away from a No Lynch. Would town players honestly let it go down to the wire like that? Swords' self vote -> unvote is incredibly indicative that scum were trying for a No lynch imo.

Both you and Swiss (and McCloud although he said he was V/LA) danced around the wagon far too much for my liking. Why were you content enough to post (and not vote) with 12 hours before the deadline if you weren't around when the hammer fell?

No townie who wanted to see a Swords lynch should of been ok with relying on someone else to hammer (so close to the deadline), especially if you aren't going to be around to see it go through.

YesterDay, town didn't know whether or not Swords was a bomb, but trying to label people who voted to lynch scum as "more likely to be scum"... it just doesn't make sense.
Swords was a weird player over all to me. It doesn't even seem like he was trying to live. The reason why I think this is because if he knew Tanny was going to hammer him at the end of the last day wouldn't he have unvoted right before hammer time if he was trying to live? He never even tried hard to defend himself, and he just gave in to your (chukie) pressure all randomly...

That makes me think that he wasn't trying to live at all, but was just giving scum a chance to get on his wagon. *Notices Kirbyoshi only decides to join the Swords at that point*

It's true we can't be sure, but the way Sword's was playing makes me think that is the case. And the fact that Tanny is trying to play the "I voted Swords, I'm town" + "Kill me, I'll prove I'm town" game along with Kirbyoshi's responses is all too suspicious. I really think there is a possibility of these two being scumates. The way they started out the day looks all too recited.

FoS: Tandora & Kirbyoshi

[Chukie, anything I didn't answer was answered in my response to Tanny]

Done a re-read of the last few pages.

Vote Riddle

Didn't like Tanny's play yesterday, Zen doesn't seem to scum hunt.

Tanny -what are your plans for the day? Who do you want to look at? What do you think Sword's flip reveals?

Zen - What scumhunting have you done, what have you learned from this?

Can we lynch Riddle, plz.
I've been scum hunting this whole game... I may not be right all the time, but I've still been contributing. Probably more than you.

As for what I've done:
-D1 highly suspicious of Green + contributed towards his wagon.
-D2 I was mostly suspicious of Chaco... it turns out I was wrong about him though. I was also suspicious of Chuckie and Tandora.

That's basically off the top of my head, but idk where you're getting the idea that I've done nothing when I have been all game. What have you done other than hop from wagon to wagon and tunnel Riddle? And what makes you suspicious of Riddle in the first place? I agree that he has been suspicious to me this whole game but why to you? You keep telling him to go back and read and he will see. Is it that much trouble for you to just explain your case? Or is it that you just don't have one?

And what do you mean search is down? It's been working fine. Looks to me like you're just trying to further hold off on actually making a case against Riddle.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
No. I said I thought there were 3 scum. One has already been uncovered as scum, one as town. I think 2 out of you three are scum, but not all three of you. Four scum in this size game would be too broken.

I stand by both statements. It is my belief that all scum are colors, but (as has been shown), not all colors are scum.
Swiss, you're right, out of the 3 claimed colors, he's the scummiest imo. When I voted Exnsei, I was thinking inside Tandora's Box, where only he and McCloud existed. My bad.

Vote: Riddle
Why are you still clinging onto flavour? You DO realise that you're giving (apart from yourself) Swiss and Tanny a free pass from a lynch? Because they didn't claim a coloured pikmin?

Do you have ANY reasoning as to why these players aren't scum to you? PLEASE stop using flavour as an excuse for someone not being scum. It doesn't make sense.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
Even not "using flavor as an excuse," Tanny hasn't been giving any scum vibes imo. McCloud is only vibes, no concrete evidence, and Swiss I'm inclined to say is dumb over scum. Case on Riddle coming soon, stay tuned for details!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
So, here is an exhaustive summary of Riddle's posts (yes, this is all of them):

7: Confirmation
27: RVS on Tandy
44: Slightly scummy question (“What do I need to stay away from to convince you I’m not scum?”)
57: Preemptively justifies the question in 44 (no one had questioned him on it yet)
112: Says he will reread
136: Says he prefers me over Tandy as an inactive wagon (understandable)
164: Wagons Green with no reasoning
169: Dismisses Kat/Swiss as nothing (even considering how long it lasted? Really?)
171: Apologizes for missing Swiss’ explanation (skimming?)
208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218: Makes a short/weak/hypocritical case on Swiss
234: Argues more with Swiss about it.
237: “Swiss was scumhunting? Wut?”
238: *Sets Vanz straight*
252: Hops on Green wagon VERY late, with no reason other than “OOO, more info!”
294: Votes Jungle with no reasoning
313: Affirms that town=protag and scum=antag. We now know differently. (Swords did this later on to “prove” he was town)
316: Clarification/Fluff
322: Doesn’t understand Whitey
330: Problem from 322 solved
338: Somewhat backtracks
354: More backtracking, trying to justify contradictory NK analysis
395: Unvotes Chuckie and votes Swords, again with very little reasoning other than that he’s embracing his barnacle identity
439: *Sets Swiss straight*
441: “Sure, if you wanna lynch Swords, go for it. I’m already on the wagon, after all”
451: Ignores points against him already laid out by Swiss
454: Lazy, doesn’t wanna look for the case himself
501: Still wants Swords dead
502: Claims blue Pikmin
504: Offers to be the L-1 vote :rolleyes:
511: *Sets Swiss straight again (come on Swiss, get with it :p)
513: Calls an obviously pro-town play questionable
589: More laziness about Swiss’ case on him
591: Stubborn about it again
593: “Make sure that ISO is good!” WTF?
596: Expresses distaste of ISOs
604: Asks for my case (aka this post)

So yeah, voting without reasoning, weak OMGUS case, half-hearted push on Swords (soft-bus?), laziness/stubbornness about Swiss’ case on him, preempting (57), backtracks on who killed Vanz…he should go.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I don't care what I posted this game. How the **** does that ISO help town at all? Build a real case, that I can actually defend myself against.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
*facepalm* @Kirby's case. That is a TERRIBLE case. If you were to say those were your OBSERVATIONS, fair enough. But where is the reasoning/thought? E.g. if you think Riddle OMGUS'd why is this scum and not just dumb? You need to look at what Riddle actually says, his voting patterns, connections etc.

I was waiting to discuss what I'm about to post with Kat, but the lack of things happening here is overwhelming. So apart from Kirby, our next biggest suspect for scum is none other than... *drumroll*



Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Warning: Wall-o-text

Swiss Day 2

Big trend I've noted about Swiss on Day 2 is that he is constantly asking questions (some of them good questions in fact!) but he generally doesn't answer them himself (if it's a general question), and doesn't try and use any of the answers he receives. E.g.

@ everyone - who is scum?
Very good point.

What do you say to this Zen?
Who do we lynch?

I want EVERYONE to say whp they wanna lynch - that means you too, Kirb.
How do we know that? Are you assuming?
Chaco - do you agree this 'flavour tracker' gives you the perfect get out clause of accusing players of scum?

Why are you an asset to town, if you cannot discern anything on value?
Chaco, at what point did I state you were wrong? Why jump to conclusions? Are you nervous? If so, of what?
^ These questions are the basis of Swiss' Day 2 play (there are a lot more if you keep reading).

Scum have to create the illusion that they are contributing and scum hunting, and quite often the easiest way to do this is through asking questions. Yet, Swiss doesn't follow up on ANY of the answers he is given. He is happy to sit back and watch the wagons on Jungle/Chaco develop.

Additionally imo some of the questions are border line tunnelling. Now bare with me while I go on a tangent, but the question "do you agree this gives you the perfect get out clause of accusing players of scum?" sounds like something Cello would ask. I know Swiss is familiar with this sort of play as he was in Newbie 7 with Cello (even though Cello was town, but I'm not using meta, rather his playstyle), and frankly I expect better from him.

Basically, Cello (in that game) kept asking scrutinising questions (built from the perspective that his target is already scum) and didn't let go no matter what his target responded with.

While Swiss isn't as harsh, his questions lead to a "****ed if you do, ****ed if you don't" situation. Additionally, the word choice suggests that Swiss is trying to build suspicion, rather than legitimately scum hunt. What motivation does a town player have in mentioning that Chaco might not be tracker, if you're happy enough to lynch his target? It's too easy for mafia to set up situations where "if A flips town then we lynch B."


Next, in post #415 Swiss puts Swords at L-1 quite comfortably. He also makes it clear that if anyone quick hammers Swords, they will get lynched tomorrow REGARLESS of the flip. Firstly, a scum mate would be STUPID to quick lynch there buddy, because Swords could obviously hammer himself at this stage, so if Swords decided that he didn't want town to get more information, he would be the one to do it. So the fact that Swiss said regardless rather than "if Town" is odd.

This might be reaching a bit, but from Sword's perspective, he wanted to use his claim to save him rather than defend his scummy actions, so Swiss putting him in a position where he can say "I'm town bomb, so everyone vote Riddle/Tanny" is actually beneficial for scums cause. Sword's claim was a much better defence for him, so doing so at an earlier stage in the Day gives him a much better chance at avoiding being the days lynch (i.e. the longer it takes him to claim the less people are going to believe it).


Rofl. Thought you were willing to do something townie for a second there.

Also, we now have all five Pikmin colours claimed? No-one else with anything else important to say or claim (NOT roles)?

Tanny - don't hammer 'till we approach the deadline. Like McCloud says, no point in handing time away. Also, if you fail to hammer, you will be lynched tomorrow. Just an FYI.
Wliingness to lynch someone, esp. when you might die doing it - is townie.

What scum would kill themselves?

We have a few hours remaining.

Any issues people? Such as WHAT THE F*CK IS TANNY DOING?

Riddle, if you hammer within one hour of the deadline, we won't lynch you tomorrow.
It's a bit odd to me that Swiss would call out Riddle on not wanting to hammer, when he never said he was prepared to pick up the slack either. Apart from putting Swords at L-1 to make him claim then unvoting shortly after, Swiss avoided the wagon quite adamantly, instead opting to push suspicion on others (Riddle/Tanny, coincidentally Sword's "suspects) for not hammering.

That said, I'm quite happy to lynch Swiss toDay, if we don't go for Kirby.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
It's a bit odd to me that Swiss would call out Riddle on not wanting to hammer, when he never said he was prepared to pick up the slack either. Apart from putting Swords at L-1 to make him claim then unvoting shortly after, Swiss avoided the wagon quite adamantly, instead opting to push suspicion on others (Riddle/Tanny, coincidentally Sword's "suspects) for not hammering.
Again, think.

Who did we want to hammer? SCUMMY PEOPLE.


Why would I want Riddle to hammer? I FOUND HIM SCUMMY.

Look, I'm not saying I've been a perfect player - but the things you have outlined just aren't scummy.

As for me asking questions...yeah, I do. I also answer questions asked at me.

As for half of this lack following up, I was watching a dispute between two players, and GOT INVOLVED by asking a few questions, just to get some more out of it - they weren't my cases. (Nor did I interfere in the cases) That just ain't scummy.

You aren't really looking at the whole picture, imo.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss Day 2

Big trend I've noted about Swiss on Day 2 is that he is constantly asking questions (some of them good questions in fact!) but he generally doesn't answer them himself (if it's a general question), and doesn't try and use any of the answers he receives. E.g.

^ These questions are the basis of Swiss' Day 2 play (there are a lot more if you keep reading).

Scum have to create the illusion that they are contributing and scum hunting, and quite often the easiest way to do this is through asking questions. Yet, Swiss doesn't follow up on ANY of the answers he is given. He is happy to sit back and watch the wagons on Jungle/Chaco develop.

Additionally imo some of the questions are border line tunnelling. Now bare with me while I go on a tangent, but the question "do you agree this gives you the perfect get out clause of accusing players of scum?" sounds like something Cello would ask. I know Swiss is familiar with this sort of play as he was in Newbie 7 with Cello (even though Cello was town, but I'm not using meta, rather his playstyle), and frankly I expect better from him.

Basically, Cello (in that game) kept asking scrutinising questions (built from the perspective that his target is already scum) and didn't let go no matter what his target responded with.

While Swiss isn't as harsh, his questions lead to a "****ed if you do, ****ed if you don't" situation. Additionally, the word choice suggests that Swiss is trying to build suspicion, rather than legitimately scum hunt. What motivation does a town player have in mentioning that Chaco might not be tracker, if you're happy enough to lynch his target? It's too easy for mafia to set up situations where "if A flips town then we lynch B."


Next, in post #415 Swiss puts Swords at L-1 quite comfortably. He also makes it clear that if anyone quick hammers Swords, they will get lynched tomorrow REGARLESS of the flip. Firstly, a scum mate would be STUPID to quick lynch there buddy, because Swords could obviously hammer himself at this stage, so if Swords decided that he didn't want town to get more information, he would be the one to do it. So the fact that Swiss said regardless rather than "if Town" is odd.

This might be reaching a bit, but from Sword's perspective, he wanted to use his claim to save him rather than defend his scummy actions, so Swiss putting him in a position where he can say "I'm town bomb, so everyone vote Riddle/Tanny" is actually beneficial for scums cause. Sword's claim was a much better defence for him, so doing so at an earlier stage in the Day gives him a much better chance at avoiding being the days lynch (i.e. the longer it takes him to claim the less people are going to believe it).

K, this is the 3rd time I've had to write this out, and I'm getting pretty f*cked off with this laptop.


Half my questioning was 'extra' questioning, adding to other people's points.

Just 'cuz my play style is still changing..doesn't make me scummy. Why do you 'expect ebtter of me'???

The f*cked if you etc etc question was f*cking EXPLAINED. I wanted to know if he'd ADMIT that he it gave him the perfect excuse. Don't skim.

Kk, I'll be back on later, so pissed off right now.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I am back on and chilled as a chill pill - I haven't been that pissed off with my laptop in a long time.

Vanz/Kat I'll answer anything you didn't think I covered properly, though do take a strong look at what I said - you're not really looking at things in context, it's more as if you think I'm scum, so read scum into my actions i.e. tunnelling.

For a guy who's been asking the right questions - I seem to be bizarrely scummy to you.

BTW - my laptop has broken again, now everything is in pink a lot, so can you say when it's Vanz/Kat typing? I can't tell from the colour as all font and URL bars etc are pink.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Swiss said:
Just 'cuz my play style is still changing..doesn't make me scummy. Why do you 'expect ebtter of me'???
Swiss, you really haven't done much since Day 1 apart from asking questions, and tunnelling Riddle. But you're not actually DOING anything with the answers to those questions you're asking. You're not looking at connections/voting patterns/etc. Heck, we had a SCUM FLIP yesterDay, but to me it looks like you haven't even brought that into consideration AT ALL.

It really bothers me also, that you think the ISO on riddle is worthy of a response. I.e.

"338: Somewhat backtracks"

How is that indicative of him being scum? And if it isn't, why is it posted? All it shows is that Kirby read all of riddle's posts chronologically (and possibly out of context). Do you expect everyone to go search every single one of Riddle's posts to see if he was in fact "backtracking" and if so, how this indicates he's scum? Did you personally do that? Probably not, because to me, you're content to sit back and let Riddle get lynched for not responding.

Every time Riddle posts you seem to just needlessly rage at him and call him scum. How is this helping town? It's bad play regardless.

Also, I'm more interested as to what others think about you. Both Kirby and Tanny have said they don't think you're scum so far toDay, and that bugs me.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Chuckie, let's be honest - Vanz and I have major disagreements all the time, Vanz ALWAYS accuses me of scum. ALWAYS.

The ISO on Riddled showed he hasn't scumhunted..there is no context to ASKING PEOPLE QUESTIONS, he just hasn't done it. Look, I know I call Riddle scum a lot - but the guy is scum. Why was it so bad I used any and all information available? Just because you don't like ISO's - doesn't mean I can't use them to scumhunt? You always do this (Vanz, not Kat...I assume I'm talking to Vanz) you think people are only scumhunting if they do it in the same way as YOU would do it.

I agree I could follow up more questions - but I don't want to end up with BS cases, I want to find scum slips, not a townie playing in a slightly off manner.

It's ironic that you accuse me of not looking in context - as I don't think you are.

My point in case:
How is that indicative of him being scum? And if it isn't, why is it posted?
We can ONLY post things which are indicative of people being scum? Really? You don't post things which aren't directly related to if someone is scum? Really?

Just because Chaco died and made you look good - doesn't mean you're suddenly the perfect scum hunter.

(And I repeat - will you PLEASE say which of you is typing, I can't tell with all my font reverting to pink as my laptop broke)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
FYI, Kat hasn't posted in a fair while, it's been nearly all (me) vanz.

Chuckie, let's be honest - Vanz and I have major disagreements all the time, Vanz ALWAYS accuses me of scum. ALWAYS.
???? You serious?

I didn't think you were scum AT ALL in Newbie 6.

Newbie 7 I had a disagreement with you, but it resulted in me thinking you were (mostly) town.

This game, it was Kat that thought you were scummy. My suspicions (of you) arose mainly from Kat's thoughts/coaching as we were masons.

How is this ALWAYS?

The ISO on Riddled showed he hasn't scumhunted..there is no context to ASKING PEOPLE QUESTIONS, he just hasn't done it. Look, I know I call Riddle scum a lot - but the guy is scum. Why was it so bad I used any and all information available? Just because you don't like ISO's - doesn't mean I can't use them to scumhunt? You always do this (Vanz, not Kat...I assume I'm talking to Vanz) you think people are only scumhunting if they do it in the same way as YOU would do it.
Now just hold on a sec... you say "I" when it was Kirby who posted the ISO on Riddle:

"Why was it so bad I used any and all information available?"

"doesn't mean I can't use them to scumhunt?"

Is this a scum slip? Did you write that ISO for Kirby and have him post it?

Swiss said:
I agree I could follow up more questions - but I don't want to end up with BS cases, I want to find scum slips, not a townie playing in a slightly off manner.
But WHY are you so blindly ignoring everything? It's day 3 and all you have to say is Lynch Riddle, Tanny is suspicous??

On day 1 you were constantly saying "Vanz, what have I done that scummy, haven't I cleared everything up for you?" How is this any different. I thought you were scummy then, you think Riddle is scummy now. Tell Riddle exactly why you think he's scum, and let Town judge what they think.

Swiss said:
We can ONLY post things which are indicative of people being scum? Really? You don't post things which aren't directly related to if someone is scum? Really?
If I'm posting a "case" on someone, I'm not going to look at EVERY SINGLE post they make. Only the stuff I think is relevant. Succinctness is key in getting your point across.

Swiss said:
Just because Chaco died and made you look good - doesn't mean you're suddenly the perfect scum hunter.
Really? Don't belittle us Swiss. I made it clear that flavour no longer has any 100% weight on this game.


More importantly, give your thoughts on players OTHER than riddle. I've seen nothing but weak "yeah we should look into them" about all the stuff people have posted.

Tell me your thoughts on Kirby. Does it bother you how easily he's sided with you on Riddle's scumminess, after basically showing no suspicion of him on Day 1 or 2?

Why haven't you bothered to consider any of the connections Swords made? Or if you have, tell us what you think his flip reveals to us.

@All: I (Vanz) am confident in Kirby/Swiss scum team. Lets lynch either of them toDay. I want to hear more from all of you though. Stop being so quiet >.<


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY

I am much happier with a Kirbyo lynch today. Based on Swiss' meta this is a fairly common way for him to play and even though I don't like it, it doesn't make him scum imo.

Kirbyo, on the other hand, quickly switched to me as you stated and wrote a terribly useless ISO to back up his case.



Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
OMGUS, avoiding defending himself, just more points to add to my list. And I still don't have an answer. Are you going to be this stubborn the whole time Riddle?


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Kirbyo I dont think you know what OMGUS is. Its voting someone for the SOLE reason that they voted you. My vote is not OMGUS. Do you want me to defend myself from your ISO? How am I supposed to do that? Its not even a case its just a list of what I did. You don't say why its scummy and you dont even quote the post.

I'm not being stubborn, youre being ridiculous.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Now just hold on a sec... you say "I" when it was Kirby who posted the ISO on Riddle:

"Why was it so bad I used any and all information available?"

"doesn't mean I can't use them to scumhunt?"

Is this a scum slip? Did you write that ISO for Kirby and have him post it?
What, what, WHAT?

I used the ISO. Not him. I.


Thus when I said ""Why was it so bad I used any and all information available?" my point makes perfect sense.

Honestly, this is case in point - you are reading scum into literally ANYTHING I do. WTF.

If I'm posting a "case" on someone, I'm not going to look at EVERY SINGLE post they make. Only the stuff I think is relevant. Succinctness is key in getting your point across.
Irrelevant to the point I made. So why are you quoting me when you say this?

Really? Don't belittle us Swiss. I made it clear that flavour no longer has any 100% weight on this game.
You directly imply I said:

Made you look good = CHUCKIE IS CERTAIN TOWN

I DID NOT say that.

STOP twisting my words and ignoring me, who's playing like Cello now?

Thoughts on other scummy players coming soon.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I don't like Kirb and Tanny.

Kirb gave non colours a free pass, tanny is one of them. I can see a scum indirectly defending a buddy in this was easily.

Tanny made a terribad post (see post 600) AtE is BS. 598 is WIFOM to the max. Hasn't done anything else today - useless to town.

Also after re-reading today I'll admit I actually haven't *** hunted a much as I could have. (That doesn't make my previous points any less valid).

Tanny, Kirb and MCloud (when you get back) - who are you looking at as scum and why?

Riddle, what have you done today other than ask for cases on you?


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY

Not all that much. I've been kind of inactive and useless. What have you done other than tunnel me?


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
&quot;So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
K, I'm done with the vacay and catching up.

Chuckie is not very protown. Swiss is eh...Swiss, Riddle does make a good point with the tunneling. I see the scumminess, but I'm not sure it's enough that you would keep on him so heavily especially toward the latter stages of the game.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
McCloud what about Chuckie makes you think he is not very pro town?

I agree with chuckie that Swiss has done virtually nothing but tunnel Riddle. And Swiss you haven't answered my questions.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I think Kirby/Swords team is possible. I'm more sold on Kirby though. That ISO was USELESS. He hasn't formed his own opinion once this entire game, and has simply been riding on what everyone else says.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Tanny, Kirb and MCloud (when you get back) - who are you looking at as scum and why?

I've given my opinion on who to go after and why.

Also, it's hard to jump into the conversation when there are tons of text between two players. Honestly, your little rant about your computer left me with nothing to talk about.

To give some useful information, let's look at this way guys.

Chuckie - Major successful scum hunt yesterday.
Kirbyoshi - Was part of bandwagon and active poster during final hours of Swords scum lynch. Don't scum get really quiet and don't prompt people to post?
Swiss - Also very vocal. Heck, I gave the guy a free pass with saying I thought he was town and he's tunneled me since then. If he's scum, he's really stupid for going after a townie who advocated him.

That leaves Zensei, Riddle, McCloud, and myself.

Apparently for some players, being the hammer, role claiming when asked, and doing scum hunt is good enough to be proven town. That's cool though, because we've got a few extra townies to survive with. I say if we cannot agree on who's the scummiest of this list, then we go for the weakest player.

If I had to pick weakest player, it would be Riddle. Scummiest is still Zensei and McCloud to me so either if a good pick for today. I'll go ahead and vote.



caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Is that really all you have to say?

I say we lynch Kirbyo

Vote: Kirbyoshi

Once he flips scum, Tanny or Swiss.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Also McFox has seriously been under the radar this whole game. It would be nice if you gave us some more than little comments here and there...


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
1st Vote Count!

Zensei- Tandora

Riddle- Swiss, Kirbyoshi

Kirbyoshi- Chuckie, Riddle, Zensei

Not Voting- McCloud

With 7 Alive, it Takes 4 to Lynch!

The Pikmin Will Finish Harvesting the Emperor's Corpse on:

The Last Moments of July 17th, 2010.



Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
McCloud I really want to hide your toys and then destroy them in an incinerator!

And here's sped-up theme tune to accompany this post :chuckle:

Also now you've reminded me... yesterDay I had a heart attack but I'm alright now =D Tanny finally came in to hammer. @Tanny:- why were you so late?! Can anyone confirm if Tanny's hammer would have taken effect if the Day extension wasn't allowed? I find it a little odd you'd promise to hammer and then show up extremely late despite the reasoning you've given.

I do think Swiss, YoshiKirby and McDonald's need to be looked into more.

Swords very specifically wanted Green over Swiss D1, AND THIS! - which is actual incriminating evidence imo! My case on Swords was semi-based on this question - I questioned the motive behind this as to whether or not Swords was gathering town info to be utilised from a scummy POV. Swords is now scum, which only confirms that. So why on earth would Scum-Scum-Swords care about my read on Swiss based on Green's flip? Why did it matter to him at this time? All this + Vanz' case = a double whammy on SwissCHEESE!

@Yoshikirby:- I don't think we're in a position to assume Mafia will be all colours, simply because there are 5 pikmin colours and not 5 scum to reflect that. What evidence do you have to suggest that 3 of the 5 pikmin are scumscums? There's a possibility that scum are mixed in with both pikmin and other creatures. The possibilities imply that we can only use "who's playing the scummiest?" to find our play toDay; we shouldn't limit our play based on flavour we have yet to suss out imo!

Also that ISO doesn't tell us why you think Riddle is scummy, it only tells us what he's done this game. At the end of each point you should ask yourself "so what?", and then tell us why you think Riddle is potential scummy.

@McCloud:- how much more evidence did you need yesterDay? I think partly the reason why we left the hammer so late was because of your incessant demands to wait until the very last minute of the Day... what discussion could you see taking place that would have have resulted in anything but swords' lynch at that time?

Also I think you owe us a lengthy rundown on who you think is scummy, why they are scummy, and what you intend to do about them =D


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Also I'm going to bed so the other half of Chuckie will possibly be on patrol overnight!


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
&quot;So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
I mean, regardless of whether or not more information came up, it's always preferable to wait until closer to the deadline. That, and it sets a precedent for a slow and patient town, which is good. Mafia always wants quicklynches, we have to deny them that.
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