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Lucina Thread [Closing]

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Apr 9, 2014
seems like it would be very intersting

Back on topic, I would be suprised if Lucina is not in the game in any way
Agreed. I would be surprised and ticked. At least the Amiibo trailer hints at her having some role.
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Jocario Zero

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2014
Switch FC
Lucina would make sence. Wasn't she the most popular character at IS where Sakurai went to, to ask what FE character whould be chosen for brawl and they gave him ike?
Thats basically why I expect Lucina in the game.
I think i heard that as well somewhere.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2014
Lucina would make sence. Wasn't she the most popular character at IS where Sakurai went to, to ask what FE character whould be chosen for brawl and they gave him ike?
Thats basically why I expect Lucina in the game.
I don't get it. That timeline doesn't make sense. :/


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Anyone got any good ideas for what Lucina's trailer could be like?
Obviously the main smash bros characters on their merry way and then they see Risen and Masked Marth ascends from a portal from the future to kill the Risen and then takes off her mask and then its something corny like "Lucina chops in" or something idk


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Anyone got any good ideas for what Lucina's trailer could be like?
I would imagine a Fire Emblem newcomer's reveal trailer would be much darker and serious in tone than all the other trailers. I would also imagine it would feature either Marth, Ike, Link, Sheik, Ganondorf, or Lucario; any serious character.

The trailer could start with an epic duel between Marth and Ike in the Colosseum, which could be interrupted by an invasion of Risen or any other enemy from the Fire Emblem series, or maybe Shadow Beasts from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Marth and Ike easily defeat the first wave, but soon become surrounded, standing back to back (similar to the Marth and Meta Knight scene in the Subspace Emissary). Just in the nick of time, Lucina or Chrom (or both) come swooping in via a portal or warp magick and save Marth and Ike. Then it could say, "Chrom/Lucina Awakens!" And then comes the gameplay.

[Shrugs] I don't know; I really just pulled that out of mine backside.

Jocario Zero

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2014
Switch FC
I don't get it. That timeline doesn't make sense. :/
I think what he was triying to say is:
During Brawl development: Sakurai asked Intelligent System (creators of Fire Emblem) which character should be in Smash.
They named (or at least suggested) Ike. Sakurai approved. Ike was in Brawl.
The same thing might happen now during Smash4 development.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2014
Lucina would make sence. Wasn't she the most popular character at IS where Sakurai went to, to ask what FE character whould be chosen for brawl and they gave him ike?
Thats basically why I expect Lucina in the game.
I don't get it. That timeline doesn't make sense. :/
I think what he was triying to say is:
During Brawl development: Sakurai asked Intelligent System (creators of Fire Emblem) which character should be in Smash.
They named (or at least suggested) Ike. Sakurai approved. Ike was in Brawl.
The same thing might happen now during Smash4 development.
Ah, I see.

Well, I'm still pulling for Robin first, but I'll be happy as long as we get some sort of Awakening representation.

Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
Obviously the main smash bros characters on their merry way and then they see Risen and Masked Marth ascends from a portal from the future to kill the Risen and then takes off her mask and then its something corny like "Lucina chops in" or something idk
If they go that route, I'd like to see a fake out newcomers screen before Lucina takes off the mask which uses Marth's name.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
If they go that route, I'd like to see a fake out newcomers screen before Lucina takes off the mask which uses Marth's name.
ooh what if it's like Marth and Luigi and MAsked Marth saves them after jumping out of a portal and then Marth is like "wtf that's not me" and then lucina removes her mask and theyre both shocked that it's a girl and luigi falls in love :)

ugh marth looks so feminine here. if lucina doesn't make it ill just pretend marth is lucina Dx
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I stalk the Lucina thread heavily. Thanks for all my lovely Lucinas who have been keeping this thread alive. I have an awesome moveset in mind that is unique and works for both Lucina and Chrom. I prioritize my mod duties so I haven't gotten around to it, but stay tuned!

Aurora Jenny

Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2007
Spring. Texas
I have an honest question. Someone brought up a point. Lucina apparently in game was able to pass herself off as Marth to those who knew his swordstyle.. Woudln't that mean she would be playing identical to Marth? Someone enlighten me on this. Especially if she uses the same sword.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
I have an honest question. Someone brought up a point. Lucina apparently in game was able to pass herself off as Marth to those who knew his swordstyle.. Woudln't that mean she would be playing identical to Marth? Someone enlighten me on this. Especially if she uses the same sword.
In the beginning of chapter 2, we get a cutscene where Masked Youth, who later calls himself Marth, uses a style that is shown to be identical to Chrom's.

Before Chapter 5, Arena Ferox, we get another cutscene that shows that Chrom and the Masked Marth's style of swordsmanship is identical, and that Masked Marth has the same weapon that Chrom does. Chrom is astonished ("There's no way ...") and demands to know where Masked Marth a) Got that weapon, and b) who taught him how to fight. The only thing Chrom gets out of Masked Marth is the admission that Masked Marth's father taught him how to fight. In-game, Masked Marth's weapon is called the Parallel Falchion, while Chrom's is the Falchion. Parallel Falchion has better stats.

Later, Masked Marth is revealed to be Lucina, Chrom's daughter from the future. The Parallel Falchion is indeed Chrom's blade, passed down to Lucina when he died. Lucina had led a resistance in the future and attempted to slay Grima, but was forced to go back in time when a certain MacGuffin was lost forever and there was no hope left to slay Grima in her time.

Interestingly, around Chapter 13 or 14, I forget, the party encounters The Voice of Naga, the Divine Dragon Tiki. Tiki knew Marth personally and she mistakes someone in the party for Marth. When she first wakes, saying 'Mar-Mar' she turns to ... ROBIN. a.k.a the Avatar character, a.k.a My Unit, etc.

And yet *Lucina* is the Marth clone, who style of swordsmanship is similar to Marth's. Riiiiiiight.

On Falchion.
Marth's Falchion appears to resemble a rapier or a longsword (my Ring of Steel friends have assured my it's not precisely the right shape for a rapier and resembles a broadsword the most, if it weren't so long and thin.) Chrom and Lucina's sword however is all broadsword, with both using powerful strokes and wide slashing motions in their fighting styles (Lucina is more prone to use stabs than her father, but they both use a more power style than Marth's comparatively graceful and stab-exclusive animations.)

In short, while purported to be the same sword, Marth's Falchion and the Awakening Falchion are very dissimilar. They don't even look the same.

No explanation is ever given.

And yet, the fact that Chrom and Marth have the same sword never seemed to be a snag for Chrom supporters. Or that Chrom and Lucina have the same fighting style, and Lucina is a Marth clone, and therefore - oops, too much logic, gotta stop here.

Finally, I should point out that while both Chrom and Lucina are descended from Marth's lineage, Lucina 'impersonated' Marth in a time millennia (or maybe one millennium) past Marth's death, with a sword that looks very different from his, when no one even remembered or knew what Marth even looked like. (It was a way to give hope to the despondent, the promise of the Hero King come again to slay the dark dragon.)

On Sword Style.

The sword style comment comes from a DLC. The same DLC where you fight a bunch of Einherjar for the Limit Break Scroll and Ike joins the party. Well, Ike's spirit. Einherjar are the 'essence' of a great warrior trapped in a card, or some junk. I never much cared, it was a flimsy excuse for fanservice DLC. A way to pit Roy against Ike and other stuff like that. One of the characters from Marth's FE had special dialogue if fighting with Lucina, mistaking Lucina for Marth at first before realizing that Lucina is a woman. That's where the sword style thing probably comes from.

Considering however how freakishly non-canon this encounter is, it's easily dismissed as IS repeatedly cramming a single character trait/plot point down our throats (They do this a lot in Awakening. The writing is ... less than stellar.) Considering all the other information and yet that Chrom or Robin are never bashed as being Marth clones out of a single statement or fact ... Yeah, whatever, I'm done here.
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
While I've never seriously considered Lucina to be the most likely FE newcomer, I wouldn't mind at all seeing her as a playable character.

What I would really like to see Lucina do is the new screen KO. It would be even more hilarious than watching Chrom or Robin do it. :awesome:


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
While I've never seriously considered Lucina to be the most likely FE newcomer, I wouldn't mind at all seeing her as a playable character.

What I would really like to see Lucina do is the new screen KO. It would be even more hilarious than watching Chrom or Robin do it. :awesome:
See, the thing is, Lucina will never get KO'd, so she'll never end up on the screen. 3-4 stocks (whatever ruleset we go by) all day, everyday :troll:

But really though, I'd agree with you. Lucina > Robin > Chrom
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Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Ah, thank you for explaining this. I've not played Awakening so I was going by what others were telling me.
Well, you came in asking a legitimate question instead of loudly declaring that Lucina should be a Marth costume, so I gave you the appropriate information you wanted instead of going off the rails.

I couldn't yell at you anyway, Brawl Ike mains like us have suffered enough.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
I've been playing Fire Emblem since its debut in the US and I can honestly say Lucina is perfection :')


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I DELIVER! Moveset below.

My concept of Lucina is a character all about mobility, mix-ups, and combos. As a woman from a post apocalyptic future, there is little elegance in her scrappy style of combat, but she still has some finesse none-the-less. Lucina is a fighter with average run speed, above average weight, a high initial jump and a poor double jump. Lucina is a fast-faller.

Before we begin, I should note Lucina has a special feature: "Exalted Right" is a passive quality unique to this fighter. Every successful strike to an enemy empowers her sword, gaining the trademark blue glow. At maximum power, her portrait is bordered with blue flame. While at full power, Lucina gains a small but noticeable increase to both movement and attack speed. Receiving damage or inactivity causes Exalted Right to fade.


Lucina draws a javelin in her other hand, which functions as a unique weapon item and is aesthetically similar of that seen in Awakening. Pressing B again while it's in hand throws the javelin, and you can hold B for extra power/distance. You can also throw it with Z just like any other weapon item, and while it's not as strong this way (just flips around in the air like any other thrown weapon), can be thrown in all directions. Her jab prods the lance, forward tilt brandishes it across, and forward smash results in a strong thrust with so much impact that it shatters the javelin.

If other fighters pick it up, they just swing it around like any other weapon, nowhere near as effective. Lucina can only have three javelins on screen at a given time.

This move causes Lucina to sheathe her sword and dash forward similar to Fox Illusion, but leaving a blue trail. What happens next is where this differs vastly.

Press A at the start will transist the move into a sliding kick. This stops Lucina on impact, pops the enemy upwards, and has little lag on hit.

Press B at the start to expend the Exalted Right effect and cut enemies on her path. Those caught en route don't take much damage, but enemies at the end suffer a blow of immense strength. If Exalted Right is at full power, this attack has vertical launch power akin to other lethal moves, like Luigi's Fire Jump Punch or Jigglypuff's Rest.

Lastly, you can press R to fake out, creating a blue trail but Lucina merely reappears at her point of origin.

Should no action be taken, Lucina will merely pass through enemies. This doesn't have much delay, but the blue trail sticks to Lucina for few seconds, and Rout cannot be used again until it's gone.

The trademark Counter mechanic breathes the spirit of Fire Emblem into Smash Bros! But this one is different. Countering while a Javelin is in hand will cause Lucina to throw it at full charge and at immense speed. If she is empty-handed, she instead tries to grab the attacker, with bonus reach compared to her normal grab.

Exalted Aether
Lucina turns as she throws her sword laterally into the air, and back-flips into the air to catch it, much like in the cutscene. This does not hit enemies immediately in-front of Lucina, like Ike's Aether does, has much more horizontal distance than vertical, and Lucina does not naturally come down with an attack. Instead, at any point after Lucina has caught her sword, you can press B to come down with a sword plant to catch her foes off-guard.


A corkscrew 360° swish of the sword that combos into itself rather well.
:GCA::GCR: (forward)
Readies her sword before delivering a horizontal cut. A bit of wind-up, but a lot of power.
A backward kick followed by a followup horizontal sword slice.
Sheathes her sword and faces downwards before delivering a fast and deadly arcing slash below for a meteor smash.
Swishes her sword above before slashing in an arc. Multi-hit attack that lacks launch power, but has decent damage.


Delivers rapid horizontal slashes. Like other jab attacks, it automatically leads to an ender. In Lucina's case, it ends with a shoulder check.
:GCA::GCR: (tilt)
Diagonal downward cut followed by an upward slash in quick succession.
Hand planted on the ground, she delivers a low horizontal cut with good reach.
Two quick arcing slashes above.
Leans back before stepping forward and delivering a fierce thrust. Has immense reach.
Does a fierce spin slash. It's not ideal for hitting low or rolling foes that are small in size.
:GCA::GCU: (smash)
Does a short-ranged two-handed sword thrust, turns away from her sword and swings in an arc above, like this. The initial thrust sets them up for the upwards cut.
:GCA: (dash)
Vanishes and re-emerges a short distance ahead, cutting down those in her way.


Hooks her foes with the hilt of her sword.
Kicks them away and follows it up with a slash
Grabs them by the arm, spins them around once before letting loose.
Stomps the enemy into the ground, leaps into the air off-screen before coming down on them with her sword as they try to stand up. The best throw for damage.
Holds them up-high and delivers a sword thrust to send them upwards. Good for vertical kills.

No taunts, victory poses or Final Smash because they are simple enough to figure out! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Just to clarify, it's the blade of falchion that is special. They've gone through a number of hilts.

I would main Lucina in a heartbeat. Popular female character from best selling FE game. This isn't even a hard decision.
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Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
ooh what if it's like Marth and Luigi and MAsked Marth saves them after jumping out of a portal and then Marth is like "wtf that's not me" and then lucina removes her mask and theyre both shocked that it's a girl and luigi falls in love :)

ugh marth looks so feminine here. if lucina doesn't make it ill just pretend marth is lucina Dx
LOL not a bad idea!

Maybe it could also do something with people thinking it's Marth but then we/they get a good look at Masked Marth and realize it's not Marth and then the mask comes off (due to being broken in a fight or she takes it off).

Though something involving her being unmasked would more explicitly spoil Awakening for people.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2011
LOL not a bad idea!

Maybe it could also do something with people thinking it's Marth but then we/they get a good look at Masked Marth and realize it's not Marth and then the mask comes off (due to being broken in a fight or she takes it off).

Though something involving her being unmasked would more explicitly spoil Awakening for people.
Not like people can avoid all the spoils to begin with :p

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Yeah, but in Palutena's trailer, I didn't pay much attention to what they were saying, since I didn't have prior information to it being a very important (?) plot point that could hinder your enjoyment of the story. If I were to play Uprising I would probably have forgotten or not even realized what they were talking about in the trailer (without prior information I wouldn't even which game(s) it was from).

But if they show her mask coming off and both her appearance masked and unmasked, that's a lot more important looking and probably unforgettable, I think.

But, I do agree I don't think he would let that stop him from incorporating that kind of scene in her trailer.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2011
Yeah, but in Palutena's trailer, I didn't pay much attention to what they were saying, since I didn't have prior information to it being a very important (?) plot point that could hinder your enjoyment of the story. If I were to play Uprising I would probably have forgotten or not even realized what they were talking about in the trailer (without prior information I wouldn't even which game(s) it was from).

But if they show her mask coming off and both her appearance masked and unmasked, that's a lot more important looking and probably unforgettable, I think.

But, I do agree I don't think he would let that stop him from incorporating that kind of scene in her trailer.
Your right in this for most part, However I wouldn't forget that dark pit that fast at all. People who Like FE have played Awakening allready and those who don't care probably won't play Awakening at all so the people that get spoiled are those that wouldn't play FE games to begin with.

I mean come on how can FE fans not have played awakening :S


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I really don't think Marth is feminine. Though I suppose people outside of Asia often confuse lack of strong masculine qualities as feminine, when that is rather androgynous. Lucina has actual feminine features, instead of absence of male features.

As far as differentiation is concerned, Marth's new design alone handles that. Bulkier, like with Masamune Shirow's depiction, with a nice stark yellow on his surcoat and an outfit you would be more expecting of a warrior.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2011
I didn't really feel like Lucina looked like Marth in the first place tbh. At least not brawl or Melee disign

@ Ryuutakeshi Ryuutakeshi I was more like a sarcasm, but I should have known how OP Sarcasm is on the internet. =P

@ Hong Hong in my book feminine is kind of overdone by a lot of people anyway, Poeple judge so fast!
Although I have to say that he will never be as manly in my book as Captain Falcon, not that anybody ever will to begin with:troll:

EDIT: The more I think about it the more I hope she is in, Looking foreward to evolving the Metagame for a character I like! Ready to win tourneys :D
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Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
Your right in this for most part, However I wouldn't forget that dark pit that fast at all. People who Like FE have played Awakening allready and those who don't care probably won't play Awakening at all so the people that get spoiled are those that wouldn't play FE games to begin with.

I mean come on how can FE fans not have played awakening :S
Right. So we could totally have a sexy reverse-trap scene ;)

@ Hong Hong

Agreed :)


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
For what it's worth, we have spoken against spoilers being a concern in the Robin thread:
I think the spoilers are irrelevant, especially the most of the world part, given that Little Mac is the first time a bone has been thrown to international fans, where as someone like Lucas was completely exclusive to a region.

Melee was revealed precisely 3 years after Ocarina of Time, but Sheik and Zelda were revealed together in the summer of 2001. I don't think having Lucina, a character who is unmasked in... chapter 6 was it? is really a big deal, as it will be over 2 years since the game has been out in Japan. What is more is Lucina is one of the first characters conceived for Awakening, back in the days where they had considered having her as the star of the game back when it was going to take place on MARS! Granted, Chrom would have been carrying the Awakening banner around the same time Smash 4 began development.

If I were to partition the chances for the Awakening trio in 3, I would say 20/30/50 for Robin/Lucina/Chrom respectively. I would say if Intelligent Systems asked for their favourite character to show up again, they would ask for Lucina, and Robin would be chosen if Lucina were rejected due to lack of diverse appeal.

Just my feelings on it, anyway.
Hmm, does @ Vinylic. Vinylic. posts in this topic anymore? :p With his permission, I would like if I could hijack the first post to revise it with recent knowledge.
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Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
For what it's worth, we have spoken against spoilers being a concern in the Robin thread:

Hmm, does @ Vinylic. Vinylic. posts in this topic anymore? :p With his permission, I would like if I could hijack the first post to revise it with recent knowledge.
Noo does this mean Lucina ISN'T the star character of Awakening? She is to me :D

Also the quoted says Chrom was/is carrying the Awakening banner, but the Awakening cover art seems to give equal importance to both Chrom and Lucina. Arguably slightly more to Chrom since he is more centered on the cover, but again arguably slightly more to Lucina since she's the only one facing the direction she is, which gives her more emphasis in its own way.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2011
Noo does this mean Lucina ISN'T the star character of Awakening? She is to me :D

Also the quoted says Chrom was/is carrying the Awakening banner, but the Awakening cover art seems to give equal importance to both Chrom and Lucina. Arguably slightly more to Chrom since he is more centered on the cover, but again arguably slightly more to Lucina since she's the only one facing the direction she is, which gives her more emphasis in its own way.
shh people still think thats Marth :troll:

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Before we begin, I should note Lucina has a special feature: "Exalted Right" is a passive quality unique to this fighter. Every successful strike to an enemy empowers her sword, gaining the trademark blue glow. At maximum power, her portrait is bordered with blue flame. While at full power, Lucina gains a small but noticeable increase to both movement and attack speed. Receiving damage or inactivity causes Exalted Right to fade.
Be honest. Was that for me? <3

Edit: Hey Hong/Vinyl, if we're putting movesets in the OP, could mine get a rep? Also maybe a section that addresses the "ZOMG LUZINA IZ MARF" declarations, with appropriate counterpoints.
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Be honest. Was that for me? <3

Edit: Hey Hong/Vinyl, if we're putting movesets in the OP, could mine get a rep? Also maybe a section that addresses the "ZOMG LUZINA IZ MARF" declarations, with appropriate counterpoints.
My love for you guided my every keystroke. <3
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