Fair enough. It's been awhile since I played an Ike and it worked that time. I should have specified that I had limited Ike fighting experience
I wanted to provide some info on the Wolf matchup, since my roommate mains him.
One of the most important things that I've noticed in close quarters is that if he tries to do an Fsmash in close and you shield or spotdodge, he will end up behind you. This is almost unique to Wolf from what I can see. I usually punish this w/ a Ftilt delivered behind me. It's something to watch out for because it can throw people off (and still catches me off guard even though I fight Wolf a lot).
Another thing I've noticed is that whenever a Wolf sends you out too far to follow up w/ an immediate aerial move (around mid distance) they will sometimes try to laser you. I thought it was just my roommate but I was fighting a Wolf at a tourney a few days ago and he AAA'ed me from the edge (I was at pretty high damage). My "roommate senses" kicked in and I automatically threw up my Psi Magnet. Got healed. This happened in both games of our set about 3 times.
DON'T do this too much or you will get punished for putting it up. It's real easy to get magnet happy. It usually won't if you are smart about spacing. After fighting a Wolf that does this you get a feel for the distance where they will follow up w/ a laser.
To edgeguard him: PK Thunder. This is probably obvious but wasn't explicitly mentioned for the Wolf Matchup. His side B is too quick to attempt bair spikes unless you chase him REAL quick or he is too close to justify using side B. I just throw a thunder out there and twirl it about between him and the edge. If it doesn't knock him toward the level, you can rinse and repeat and maybe kill in this way.
My favorite approach in this matchup is SHnair > Utilt, just because Wolf is heavy enough to make it awesome. In order to kill I go for the stick, or if I'm at high damage and want to stay safe I use Fair to send him away and then try to screw him up w/ PKT.
Don't be afraid of his reflector. I apologize to whoever stated this for the Fox matchup, but wavebouncing well-spaced PK fires means that you don't have to worry about eating your own fire.
I hope this information is useful to you guys.