Yea I totally forgot about this topic. But yea, lemme talk about the Metaknight match again.
Metaknight's Up-B to glide attack is really tough to get around unless you react as soon as he does it. His glide attack will clank any attack you throw out and will get you down smashed if you're close to or on the ground when he uses it. Rolling around Up-B is a little more difficult than it sounds. If you roll past his glide attack as he's reaching the ground, Lucas's roll is slow enough that he'll get tornadoed or turn around Up-B'ed. Good Metaknights will probably go into those 2 options if they see you blocked or at low percent. Down smash is the unsafe choice for them.
What you can do is wait for the glide attack and if he's really close upon landing, you can get a full jab combo in. If he spaces his glide attack, your first jab will have knockback and push him out of range for the rest of the jabs. This is going to get you Up-B'ed. A single jab will get a bit of damage and should bait a reset of sorts if he sees he's hit and you haven't whiffed your second jab. If he does Up-B after your single jab, it won't hit you. THIS is where rolling comes in. If a Metaknight EVER Up-B's close to you and it doesn't hit you, you can shamelessly roll behind him the second he leaves the ground. From here, you have an advantage because you can challenge his Up-B from below with an up tilt or up air. 90% of the time you'll hit him clean but if he times his glide attack perfectly, he'll clank and have fall time because you should have challenged him when he was above you. Now you can get a jab combo if he's relatively close to the ground, a grab, or possibly a bat if you got him to glide attack noticeably high.
If a Metaknight Up-B's from far away and is going for you, your goal is to run underneath him. By doing that, you're forcing a reaction because he won't be in a good position. He'll most likely aim his glide down to hit you with a glide attack. This is where your mixup comes in. You can either block and jab as he lands to setup for the situation above or challenge him with an up air or Up Smash. Up Smash (I know this is risky, I rarely ever use this move but here's it valid) will catch him if he was ready to clank with something like an up air or something as you'll slide past the range of his glide attack (behind him), if he chooses to glide past you, or will flat out trade. Playing safe would be challenging with up air.
If a Metaknight is tornado'ing close to you, then unfortunately you're going to have to take it. At close range, you won't have time to PK Fire and it will eat your shield easily. If you run away and try to shield the last few hits whe you reach the edge of the stage, the Metaknight can still safely di away so you have no possibility of punishing him. If the Metaknight is dumb and is tornado'ing to get close, PK Fire his face. But to PUNISH the tornado, yes you're going to have to get hit by it probably. As you're rising in the tornado, mash your A button and attempt to di to either side. What should happen is instead of being launched by the final hit for about 10% damage, you'll come out of the tornado doing a neutral air. If you don't want to do that, then di and hope that the last hit doesn't get you so you can fall with him and up air him back into the air. Your biggest advantage against Metaknight is when he's above you.
EDGEGUARDING!: This is a toughy but you have to do it. The second you get Metaknight off stage, start a PK Thunder. I know you're probably thinking "But Galeon, he can tornado through my PK Thunder cause he's Metaknight and he's broken". Well right before you're about to make contact with him, start making your usual circles. The tornado cannot beat the tail of the PK Thunder. Drive that into his head. Make going low be a scary idea for him by pressuring him with PK Thunder and sending him back out horizontally with it, making it very difficult to recover. From my experiences, after enough time, they usually try to go high. But you have to remember that you have the advantage on Metaknight from below with both PK Thunder and some of your other moves.
NOT Getting Edgeguarded: Your Down Air beats Metaknight's Up-B from below you. But there is a spacing where you will trade or he will win. Practice with a friend so you can see when it's a better idea to beat him or airdodge. Feel free to mix it up. Also remember that its usually safer to come in from high above because its usually harder to get to Lucas when he's high rather than when he's low (they can just fall with you and kill you with a low percent dair).
Other Notes: This has been advice on how to fight a tournament Metaknight that abuses these moves or puts you in bad situations. Against general Metaknights that try to outspace you and don't abuse B-Moves, outspace them with PK Fire. The fear of PK Fire usually lets you approach. Against the tourney-style Metaknight, you will usually be approaching only to get intercepted by Up-B or Tornado. Against the normal kind, it is still a disadvantage but it isn't NEARLY as frustrating. Lucas CAN beat the spammy type of Metaknight but it is just very difficult. You always have to be thinking about their options and react instantly to things like Tornado or Up-B. Basically, it's nowhere near unwinnable but I would suggest counterpicking unless you're just that much better or have gotten used to the timings of beating those moves. And that's coming from a Lucas main.