I thought I posted here earlier, but it's GONE!?!?
ok i'll bite.
who said it was a utility tool, i was quoting vanguard when he said it was a versatile tool once understood, which i'm not seeing at all. to me its a weaker, less useful, less efficient version of sheiks/luigis f-air. seems you're talking about dashdance grabs and not going for hard finishes which i just dont agree with at all. i've read what you said about your controlled resets but honestly im not trying to reset anything. once my opponent is past 110% i personally want to kill them, nothing more nothing less, good luck with your viper box loops. "and his Grab game is both easy to use and great for punishing, since he gets so much out of it ." thats what you said. whats so magical about his grab game man? i really want to know what youre seeing because ive see everyone jump away before he can get anything. lucario can rack damage up sure, but from the air HE. CANT. KILL. the only legit thing i've seen from his grab is a throw into a aura bomb. his f-air or up- air is just what sticks out to me as insufficient. wolfs f-air is ideal because you can act accordingly to whether you get the sourspot, continuing juggling and keeping up pressure or by killing the opponent. n-air is an ok kill move but it seems too situational and junk. b-air has more uses i think especially with the turnaround.even bowsers f-air is better than lucarios i think. no one wants a braindead kill move like falcos d-air or fox's up smash, i want to be rewarded for controlling the match with precision, hard reads, not being overly reliant on aura charges, racking up damage quickly by taking the aggro route and ending the stock ASAP. the longer you cant kill the more damage YOU take and the more likely you are to die.
do you think lucarios fine as is including the aura charge he starts with and the fact that he keeps them upon respawn? i dont. either way i'll push him as far as i can, i really dont want to quit on this guy
I was agreeing with you there about the utility thing. Was confused how someone would ever say that. haha
It's nothing like Shiek/Luigi F-Airs though... I'd sooner compare it to Lucas with more drag/coverage and less knock-back/range. A Wario's that hits harder, so combos well at low-% and not at all at high-%.
AKA, again, I don't like doing full-combos with Lucario. lol
I'm willing to try him with the Aura-changes. As far as my opinion goes, I've always considered him to be a great character with them, and terrible without, and simply thought the difference between the 2 wasn't skewed enough to work.
If I were to guess if it's enough without trying it yet, I'd say yeah.
If you can't kill in the air, then don't try to. I get more kills with U-Smash (half way) > Up-B off-stage > N-Air > Up-B back, then ANY other Aerial-Kill. Otherwise it's almost always on something grounded, like a D-Throw > D-Smash/U-Smash chase, or combo into charged Side-B (usually on a tech-chase/hard-reset off things like U-Smash > ASC > DD) or N-B (combos into it are easy off U-Smash)
If you want single hair-reads into ToD kills, with no aura-charges, why are you playing Lucario? LOL
Adding Marth-style sweet-spot precision requirements to mix with the OHC system would be crazy complex. Fun though. lol
I heard the U-Throw was different too, but didn't spot it in the link BigHairyFart posted. (there was a lack of Grabs from the Lucario in general in that link)
What exactly is the thing you have an issue with Mr.Pickle? The Charge to start, or free-one on re-spawn, or what?
I like the carry-over, but starting+re-spawning is kind of odd. An increase in charge-rate ever-so-slightly, and carry-over, would've made me happy at that.