Greetings all! new-ish Lucario main here. I started attending a new college last semester and discovered a group of people that play smash relatively reliably. I used to main Link in Smash64, but hadn't had much smash play since then. I started out playing what I knew, Link, and discovered he actually hadn't changed much since smash64 aside from an extra swing on fsmash and way stronger. My only major threat was a Robin player, but I could tell other players (it was a 5 player smash) were getting bothered by constantly being wrecked by the random new guy and the Robin. Looking at the roster, and having recently played Pokemon Y (my first personally-owned pokemon title) and really liking Lucario as a pkmn, figured i'd give him a go.
I was kinda bad at first. once i got my own copy of smash 3ds i got quite a bit better. I'm still learning, and I've read up on most of what's going on around here. (lol, all lucario mains are furries. preposterous... >.>) I'm nowhere near my Link game, but I'm getting better. I still have a difficult time approaching certain characters, and I see I'm not the only one, so that makes me feel better.
2 weeks ago, two of the guys i play with most found out that the local toys r us nearby was getting a restock of amiibos and got super excited for me that Lucario as one of them (since i had been mianing him a lot). I think they were more excited than i was XD