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*Location Confirmed, Sending Videos* - R.O.B. Video Thread (Latest update 1/27)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I've got a name for it.


Gyro Cancel.

Back air.

You do three things, ya goof. We didn't have a specific name for Fox's short hop fast fall l-cancel drill kick shine wavedash forward grab up-throw up-air up-air up-air. We just combined words. "Just drillshine to grab, then up air them".

So, why not just say "Do a gyro cancel to face the other direction, then back-air"? O_o


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
You got toasty-popped

edit- that'll NEVER catch on lol
hahahah seee? I didn't think so either :( ****...that really needs a name.

@Ruuku...don't be mad or anything, I was just illustrating a common misconception people have. Some people may live in a seemingly good area, but little do they know that there is a whole community of better smashers in the same state...and sometimes in the same city. I've seen it happen firsthand so it's nothing personal. I know nothing of Floridian smashers, but I was commenting on JCaesar's conclusive remark and how it may not be entirely accurate. It wasn't a reflection on you or your standards.

EDIT@OS: hah, yeah that works(minus the pivot since it isn't one)...JCaesar just kept saying Gyrodashing and I figured if it's going to have a name, it should definitely be something else. I also dislike "wave bounce" but whatever they're just words. I wasn't desperate for a term like a lot of Brawl kids >_>, though it probably sounded like it

Edit#2, it wasn't the turnaround gyro-cancel bair that needed a name. I just meant wavebounce-gyro-cancel...gahhh@me for making this sound like it matters haha *goes back to work*


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
Saying that I play against the best Florida players have nothing to do with what I think. It only has to do with tournament results. Other than Icekid, Lambchops, xYz, and Linguini, I play with all of the best placing Florida players.

@Ruuku...don't be mad or anything, I was just illustrating a common misconception people have. Some people may live in a seemingly good area, but little do they know that there is a whole community of better smashers in the same state...and sometimes in the same city. I've seen it happen firsthand so it's nothing personal. I know nothing of Floridian smashers, but I was commenting on JCaesar's conclusive remark and how it may not be entirely accurate. It wasn't a reflection on you or your standards.
I don't have time to be mad at people I don't even know. I don't remember seeing you post anything significantly irrelevant, so if it's worth anything, you have my respect. But I'm just stating actual facts. I'm also aware of the whole "I'm the best my neighborhood" concept. The thing is that the tournaments I go to are the ones where you can compete with the other statistically best placing tournament players in Florida. They come from Central, West, East and South Florida. With the type of people (those that like to this they are the best in their area) that I've seen on smashboards in that last few years it's not surprising that JCaesar would make such a statement. This is also why I've only been lurking these forums until recently. I'm just not too fond of people communicating with me in a condescending or disrespecting manner.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
The "Florida sucks" thing was a joke ... mostly. I know it doesn't come across well over the internet. Next time I'll use a sarcasm smiley;)

Icekid had some pretty mediocre matches though, casual or not. Again, it's nothing personal. For all I know these might be not at all representative of him. I'd really like to see some Florida ROB tourney matches.

Don't be mad at me if I didn't post your vids. This is a thread for highly competitive ROB matches only. It's not an easy job deciding which ones deserve to be in here. I don't wanna make anyone feel bad, and I've become friends with a lot of the ROB players here and it's hard to tell them that I don't think their vids made the cut. I'm doing my best to be fair and not show favoritism.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
I wish that glide toss to upsmash you did with my bannana in teams was recorded LOL. You suprised the hell out of me.
doesn't matter since my like 46523523454351 glide-toss usmashes with your banana [Read: 1] was most definitely recorded and posted and favorited and immortalized in still frame via oil painting and...wait what was I talking about?

Thumbs...come down with Boss/Chozen [if they can make it] to the SoVa lock-in this weekend!!!


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
doesn't matter since my like 46523523454351 glide-toss usmashes with your banana [Read: 1] was most definitely recorded and posted and favorited and immortalized in still frame via oil painting and...wait what was I talking about?

Thumbs...come down with Boss/Chozen [if they can make it] to the SoVa lock-in this weekend!!!

I'll definitely come if it's cool with boss and chozen.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Unexpected glidetoss upsmashes are pretty much the greatest way ever to end a match.

thumbs, was it you and Yoster I beat 1v2? I know I did it twice at that tourney. Man that felt amazing.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
hmmm, can't remember. I know that I had to face you and Dman 1v2 and you guys had 3 stocks against my one and I almost won that one lol. Yeah, actually I think the first match it was 1v2 and yoster was at like 130 % so you handily finished him off. Then it was just you and me, JUST like the next match too LOL. Those matches should seriously have been recorded, great stuff.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Yes they were. One of these days we should go to Yoster's house and record some matches or something. I don't live down there but I work down there and usually get off at 4. I neeeeed to smash, I have no crew, I hardly get to play :(


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
The "Florida sucks" thing was a joke ... mostly. I know it doesn't come across well over the internet. Next time I'll use a sarcasm smiley;)

Icekid had some pretty mediocre matches though, casual or not. Again, it's nothing personal. For all I know these might be not at all representative of him. I'd really like to see some Florida ROB tourney matches.

Don't be mad at me if I didn't post your vids. This is a thread for highly competitive ROB matches only. It's not an easy job deciding which ones deserve to be in here. I don't wanna make anyone feel bad, and I've become friends with a lot of the ROB players here and it's hard to tell them that I don't think their vids made the cut. I'm doing my best to be fair and not show favoritism.
As I've already mentioned before, the videos I've posted are old. I think it is pretty obvious that not having videos of myself posted here will not make me feel bad, let alone make me mad. Also, I only posted some videos of Icekid when seeing your statement about being glad to see ROB players in Florida. But I guess I'll start posting in your thread again when it isn't believed that "Florida players somewhat suck". I have no problem with you though. :)


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
so yeah, can't wait to see your new vids :) I remember how drastic of a change it was from when I first started playing ROB and only had a handle on "okay, this move does that and then I can do this to counter ___'s recovery" but when I think about how I played then, I couldn't tell you what the hell my mindset was. I didn't have much of a strategy. I knew spacing, timing, and I had some mindgames but only as a smasher, not as a ROB player if that makes sense. Totally different world of thought now...ohshi, gotta get back to work...

Ruuku, do you ever get to play against AngryLobster? Does he still play Brawl?


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
Oh it definitely makes sense. It took me a while to get used to ROB. I first started playing as G&W and Snake after the Japanese release. Then I picked up Pikachu. ROB definitely is much different than those. He also is much more different than my mains in Melee characters (C. Falcon, Fox, G&W). Watching the videos I posted reminds me of when I used to pretend to know how to play Jiggs in Melee. LOL

I played against AngryLobster in casuals at Seibrik's first Brawl Bash and he plays a real mean Mario. If I remember well, he took out one of my FIU team members (currently the best placing Lucas in FL.). I haven't gone to the Orlando tournaments recently so i don't know if he still plays Mario. If you know them from Melee, Lambchops, Colbol, Linguini, Riot, Doodah, Seibrik, QDVS, and a bunch of other good players play Brawl. It's sad that Dashizwiz doesn't seem to like Brawl much. His brother don't seem to be into it either.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
You mained G&W in melee? Me too <3<3<3 I even used him in tourneys. DireVulcan was my hero. Ahh the good ole days of melee...

Parachutes aren't for slowing your descent, parachutes are for KILLING!


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
You mained G&W in melee? Me too <3<3<3 I even used him in tourneys. DireVulcan was my hero. Ahh the good ole days of melee...

Parachutes aren't for slowing your descent, parachutes are for KILLING!
I mained G&W in Melee as well. For a long time.

Until Dire and I started doing G&W dittoes and made me switch to Mario.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Daaamn the FL smash bros were tooooo good...that's unfortunate :( good to know those other awesome Melee players are playing Brawl

AngryLobster was one of my heroes in Melee since I was a Ness main. [GAW was my 3rd or 4th =D] Pikachu [my other Melee main] doesn't feel as great in Brawl :( :( :( He's a great character, but it just doesn't...feel right, which is really unfortunate.

expect a Marth and some Samus vids...I'll get to some more Toon Link vids later this week...I'll post them here but I don't expect any/all of them to be posted in the first post [don't want to clog **** with TOO many vids >_>...hopefully people will learn at least SOMEthing from them :)]


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
You mained G&W in melee? Me too <3<3<3 I even used him in tourneys. DireVulcan was my hero. Ahh the good ole days of melee...

Parachutes aren't for slowing your descent, parachutes are for KILLING!
G&W was so much fun. I used him against Falco. LOL For me, the only character more fun than G&W in Melee was C. Falcon.

Daaamn the FL smash bros were tooooo good...that's unfortunate :( good to know those other awesome Melee players are playing Brawl

AngryLobster was one of my heroes in Melee since I was a Ness main. [GAW was my 3rd or 4th =D] Pikachu [my other Melee main] doesn't feel as great in Brawl :( :( :( He's a great character, but it just doesn't...feel right, which is really unfortunate.

expect a Marth and some Samus vids...I'll get to some more Toon Link vids later this week...I'll post them here but I don't expect any/all of them to be posted in the first post [don't want to clog **** with TOO many vids >_>...hopefully people will learn at least SOMEthing from them :)]
I'm gonna record some ROB vids as soon as possible. The only problem with that is that I don't even own a Wii.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
omg...Bombsoldier was an inspiration for G&W vs. Falco @_@ I actually like the same matchup in Brawl...if he has to upB, you just jump under his path with an uair...and then keep uairing under him until you get him where you want him to land on the stage and charge that fsmash =D

okay...Samus vids should be up soon...processing on youtube now


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Wow looks like a lot of melee G&Ws gravitated to ROB in brawl ... keepin it old school8)

And yes Rukuu, 0-death combos on the spacies were pretty much the best part of playing G&W:)

I know what you mean toasty, G&W is much better in brawl but something just doesn't feel right ... I just don't like playing him. They f'ed up his best moves in melee (dtilt, nair, utilt) but I think it's mostly the lack of wavedashing. G&W without wavedashing? Ew.

Also, looking forward to some ROB vs samus vids.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
2 matches in one vid......I'm foreseeing some laziness by the time the vid is viewable, so I'll say what I can now:

1st match: shows what to watch out for. PROTECT YA NECK SON! And by that...I mean your recovery. Be very careful about your recovery against Samus. Space Boot > spinning gyro :( :( Z-air and homing missiles are amazing approaches/defenses to watch out for.

2nd match: gahhh laziness already set in hahahaha, time to watch the news :)


OMFG youtube ate my video :(


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
well...this vid that I uploaded wayyy later than the Samus vids are somehow viewable...

toasty vs. MaSHi (Marth) <----he usually beats me but I got it down after a bit :)

First stock takes forever...

ALSO (and this goes for any matchup really)...at about 150 damage [their dmg], if you get a grab near an edge, keep holding or pummeling until you hear them mash the control stick...look at it if you have to, and then throw so they accidentally DI the wrong way (that's what happened to Mashi's 2nd stock since he's usually amazing with DI)

EDIT#2: happy ending =D


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
ALSO (and this goes for any matchup really)...at about 150 damage [their dmg], if you get a grab near an edge, keep holding or pummeling until you hear them mash the control stick...look at it if you have to, and then throw so they accidentally DI the wrong way (that's what happened to Mashi's 2nd stock since he's usually amazing with DI)
...or you can upthrow them and they die anyway. A lot of players don't mash with their DI stick. I try not to unless it's a situation where my DI wouldn't matter. I just twirl the c-stick and mash the shoulder buttons. Bad DI just isn't worth the 3% or so it might save you.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
the uthrow kill depends on the weight of the character...I haven't learned the percents, I just remember trying it on a heavy ***** [a CPU DDD] to see what the damage was WITHOUT DI and it was like...205 or something :( But I only punish someone with a B/F throw if I hear/see them mash with the control stick. I'll continue to do so until people try other ways of getting out of grabs :)

And wow...I uploaded to Youtube AGAIN and it STILL didn't process. wtf.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
so does your ride to SoVa...*****-*** has yet to show his face ;______;

The weird thing is that I uploaded the regular way and it said it was too large a file [but it's under 100MB :(] and I did the multi-video uploader method...completed!...........................and then nothing. So I tried it again. And nothing.

I wish I could just switch to Vimeo and have everything carry over like switching from Internet Explorer to Firefox :( Vimeo is too good except for the 500 MB weekly limit >< Not much of an inconvenience until you record whole tourneys.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I want to go to that tourny so badly. Will Azen be there?

I've had my problems with Youtube before. Try putting the file through Windows Movie Maker so it condenses it to about 50 or so mb. I upload everything onto Adobe Premiere, export it from there for the best quality, then run it through Movie Maker for youtube. **** takes forever, but it gets the job done.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I don't believe c-stick smashing gets you out of grabs faster. It didn't in Melee, I remember testing it for Brawl but I'm not quite sure.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I don't believe c-stick smashing gets you out of grabs faster. It didn't in Melee, I remember testing it for Brawl but I'm not quite sure.
I thought each cardinal direction counted as a button press. Or maybe each full circle or something. Should I just be mashing A/B/X/Y with my right thumb instead? I guess that would be faster if it's 1 full circle per button press anyway.
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