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Live2Win Presents: Fight For Your Friends! 2 - Results


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
[...] That was really ****ing gay, I don't know who was in charge of the melee money but next time have someone more responsable handle it <_< [...]
I believe it was Jarc that was taking care of meelee. Although I agree that the loss of the prize cash was extremely gay, I don't think we should blame Jarc (or whoever was in charge of it) for the loss.

With the sheer volume of people present at the venue, and the constant things to be taken care of when being a TO or staff member, it's actually not that hard for stuff like this to happen. I suggest that next time, all prizes should be stored somewhere safe (locked room, locked car, small safe, cash register, etc) in order to reduce the risk of loss or theft.

Aside from this incident, FFYF2 was a GREAT tournament, however.



white walker
Jul 28, 2006
i didn't even know that happened D:
that's pretty ********.

i'll be winning the next brawl tournie though guys. \m/


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2005
Quebec City
I know it's a bit late for me to be posting here, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I had a lot of fun at the tourney; it was great to face some skilled players offline. This was my first tourney, and I definitely don't regret going. If there ever is another Brawl tourney in Montreal, I'll most probably be there unless some sort of unexpected event prevents me from going. Good games to everyone I faced, especially to those who beat me. :p Oh, and I'll work on an IC counter for next time. :D Fun stuff!


white walker
Jul 28, 2006
Too bad, you'll lose to my Game and Watch next time. I found the secret to beating falcos.


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2008
Good tourney.
Joel: Thanks for housing, those videos were epic lolz.
Guard: Good matches, we had a lot of good friendlies. Link dittos were fun too.
Zaf: Those matches were close. I look forward to playing you again.
BentoBox: I need to work on playing against warios... johns... Good matches but if you watch this video you will see why i hate brinstar.... (at the ending) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY83wFYRsi8
kage: Warrior!
Fizzi: You're Dedede on delphino made me cry on the inside. Good games though.
Agora: Good games. I hope to see you next tourney.
Elef: Your Yoshi is awesome. I loved watching you run around the stage cause Yoshi looks really silly.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I know it's a bit late for me to be posting here, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I had a lot of fun at the tourney; it was great to face some skilled players offline. This was my first tourney, and I definitely don't regret going. If there ever is another Brawl tourney in Montreal, I'll most probably be there unless some sort of unexpected event prevents me from going. Good games to everyone I faced, especially to those who beat me. :p Oh, and I'll work on an IC counter for next time. :D Fun stuff!
I can't believe I lost to you.

Thanks to you, I probably won't enter brawl singles ever again.

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
Oh, and why's that? This being my first tourney doesn't mean that I didn't have a lot of experience fighting skilled players, if that's what you're implying.
I think he was being sarcastic. Seems like you need experience with skilled posters on forums instead. :)


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I wasn't being sarcastic.

He wasn't that good and I knew I could've beaten him.



I was hungry too. I need the feel the food inside of me to play to my full potential.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
I wasn't being sarcastic.

He wasn't that good and I knew I could've beaten him.



I was hungry too. I need the feel the food inside of me to play to my full potential.
i'm the same way (food) but, dude. such blatant johns. there's no reason to assume your opponents constantly play at their full potential =P


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
i'm the same way (food) but, dude. such blatant johns. there's no reason to assume your opponents constantly play at their full potential =P
If my opponent sandbags he wont run away and SHDL all day. He would pick Falcon and do some ridiculous **** like running both away and toward you and then knee you out of nowhere.

Of course that's just wishful thinking.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2005
Quebec City
I know that feeling of, after losing to someone, being convinced that you could have done better and that the person you faced wasn't even that good; I get it fairly often and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people do as well. If you want to play me again, then you can always add me on Wi-Fi so that we can have a few games. I know that Wi-Fi has its limits, but that would at least give you a chance to settle the score. It's up to you, really.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I just told you I stopped taking brawl singles seriously. Brawl singles + Wifi is even more ridiculous when you think about it.

He used Falcon against me in low tier and I found him to be a difficult challenger ;)
Just use more fireballs.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
If my opponent sandbags he wont run away and SHDL all day. He would pick Falcon and do some ridiculous **** like running both away and toward you and then knee you out of nowhere.

Of course that's just wishful thinking.
sandbagging and not playing your best aren't the same thing, though. sandbagging is purposefully playing a lot worse, and not playing your best is generally a lot closer to your best, and can be by accident.

anyway, the point is that you shouldn't take away from someone's win like that. i'm sure he worked very hard for it (although i discourage running away and lasering like that either way <_<). that's why people always say 'no johns'...it's not very nice to the other person. and it's too speculative - if you played differently so would have he.

not trying to get in a fight or anything, by the way. if this were in person you'd be able to tell i'm making a friendly argument =P


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
kk im finally doing shoutouts cuz i found a spare hour.
Thank you so much for everyone who showed me a great time, you guys are soo friendly and so awsome you guys made this experience of the best. Even though i didnt get to finish the tourny i still got to have mad friendlies and a tun of experience. Thanx to the L2W crew, amazing job hosting and everything, most organized tourny that iv been too, good job.Montreal is amazing(despite getting lost as soon as i got there), i walked around downtown for a bit and got to see so much cool ****.I never got to try shwartz but next time im up, im definitely going there. Btw that italian poutine was amazing just like my french.

1. Ally- good **** as always. I never got to have any friendlies with you but you come to ontario for so many tournys il probably play you really soon anyways. LOL u promised me a cake and i nvr got it :( next time u gotta bring one(banana flavoured lol). Good thing i didnt stey for the full tourny i wullda raeped yo G&w.
2. HolyNightmare- 2nd best in canada i guess. good stuff getting 2nd fun friendlies, im slowly getting used to the rob matchup, i still have problems killin ya tho.
3. chesterr01-LOL so sorry i didnt bring the chiken, the bus ride was to long and i was hungry so i had to eat it, next time your in niagara you'll get all the chiken you need. I cant beleive we nvr had friendlies tho O_O. You were to busy ****** ppl anyway. Also i remember your low tier tourny match with ally when u beat him with jiggly puff the second round then switched to falcon,why?
4. swordgard-o man, i told ya you would get good. You arnt as gay as you say. anybody who says your only placed high cuz u were IC are idiots. you used lucas for the first time and raeped EVERYone. i was very impressed, you truelly are a smart player,must be this online thing that you do so much. You gotta show me this DI guide i heard so much about. Also while i was on the bus ride home i finally figured out how to beat your IC's so 5$ mm next time we see eachother.Keep up the gayness.
5. Vwins-very good zss and keep brawlin, you **** and you dont even play that says alot about your skillz.sry i had to go :( and god job gettin fifth. next time we meet u need to train me in melee.
5. Strombert-an unkown online player gettign fifth, we have these in ontario too. To bad we didnt play,sux-next time im in montreal.i love fighting falcos, it would have been rllly close.
7. zaFighter-sux you had to face ally in losers, guaranteed 2-4th place if that didnt happen. Your mk is ridiculously good and youve learn the diddy matchup quite well, i guess il have to learn the mk matchup. Thanx so much for hosting this tourny, great job and it was ran soo smoothly, i just wish brawl brackets started b4 low tier.
7. fornaxx-fun friendlies i wanted to have a diddy vs mk but we ended up doing low tier friendlies LOL, still fun tho.
9. buenoB-Fun friendlies keep up the good ROB, i was so glad you wernt in my pool.good job with 9th
9. Lunsford-AMAZING DK. we had some rlllllly amazing friendlies, soo **** close they culd go either eay almost everytime. the matchup is truely 50-50. diddy may have combos but dk is just to strong. they make a great team, we shuld of done team friendlies. On that note good job with getting 3rd in doubles. ford bros r too hawt. Tell your brother hes extremly good and keep up those other characters. he was 2 stockin me all dai.LOL at calling a stage "court" u guys rlly love badaminton up there dont ya.
9. BentoBox-man we crushed in doubles i dont care wut anyone said. i thin kwe made thatone team quit brawl for life LOL. Yourpeach is rllly amazing despite her having the worst air dodge ahahaha.I wish we got in more frienlies we only had like 1 or 2. also keep up the wario and olimar their good counters for diddy. Also thanks for walkin to the venue and clets place, nicest guy and i had so much fun chillin with ya and i cant wait till we chill again. also solid dreads u gotta show the ontario boys how to grow em like yours.
9. AvariceX- i had an itch lol thats y i SD. good **** in teams. I still havnt faced u in a 1 on 1 yet. i think wen we do it will be too epic.
13. Steb-amazing lucas+30 other characters you play LOL.Rly smart player, i hope you used diddy alot in the tourny, if u didnt thats probobly why u didnt get 5th. thanks for chillin with me i had a **** load of fun and next time i see ya i hope you learned how to speak french or philipino
13. c3po-i dont no if we played eachother. i remember u using rob but there were a tun of rob players there so i cant remember.
13. SAUS-i rly wanted to mm your ike. next time.
13. Agora- lol good matches in pools. i dont mind at all that you had to camp on japes for 6 min. it was close nun the less, and i got to cocky thinking you wernt going to come after me in the end.
17. Garcon Pate (pastaboy)-i shulda missed the bus :(
17. Elef-good stuff man, id say play campyier but i dotn think thats possible. Close friendlies and our matchs always go the 7 minutes. You have rly learnt the mk matchup well. you just need to learn all the other ones as well.
17. Stef- dont listen to wut people say about using bananas. Alot of people say use bananas more. Their right and wrong. when i first started i was always glide tossing, then i started getting raeped when i didnt have a banana. People have learnt to deal with bananas and characters who rush you down will ruin you. You need to use diddys attacks but with the banana as kind of a set up, dont rely on it to much, you wanna learn how to fight without them and with them. Either way good diddy and your rly important for the brawl scene becuz you are going to give montreal alot of diddy experience. the next time im up there i have a feeling i will have a much harder time.
17. Fizzi-your the first guy iv met thats lieks playing with my bananas LOL. You have a incredible snake, very defensive but it werks extremly well.very friendly guy and i wish we had more friendlies.
17. Kage-watching your ganon in melee has inspired me to pick up melee again. Such a smart player and im pissed i nvr got to have friendlies with you, i rly wanted to play your marth, it looeked insane but i hope you didnt quit ike.
17. Testrider- wow i hope you get back into brawl, your amazing. you havnt played in 6 months and our first match you 0-death me with zelda. too ****ing good. Sry i had to play campy in our matches i was rllly rlly nervous cuz i knew if i played my normal way you would have 3 stocked me.
17. Cemo kutcher-did we have friendlies, you played g&w right, it was extremely good and dont bucket brake-it makes it harder for me to kill you and i dont like that.
17. ThatGuy-Such a sexy man. Lol sry for mind-gamin ya wen we first met, too good. Thanks a tun for walkin around montreal to get sumthin to eat, i had tuns of fun chattin and chillin and your the one person i didnt wanna face in the tourny, your mario is toooo ***** good. Close friendlies even tho you say u were playing poorly that day, u still ***** the **** out of me. Your mario is way too good and your cape skills really make me wanna pik up mario.
25. Techiyo-i cant remember if we had friendlies, name sounds fermiliar though.
25. Jay- rly good mario also and bowser, you rly like the mario bro characters lol. i hope i didnt discourage your brawl career. keep at it
25. tchoker- good wolf and just learn now to suicide with wolf, o wait he has **** recovery, nvm. keep up the ****.
25. Guard- i remember playing friendlies but i cant rememebr if you were the fox player. if you were, very good fox.
25. Kr3wman-lollol i said happy-bday and u told me to **** off.LOLOL good cfalcon dotn quit on him
25. Kami-you played fox too right? i cant remember i dotn think we played eachother though. We shuld talked more, megadeth is waaay too good.
25. Jer- nvr got the chance to play ya,i feel like a *******.
25. Linkshot-we didnt get to play either, wtf is going on, i guess i didnt have that many friendlies after all.
mystic- special shout out cuz we chilled for a bit and showed me montreal has a tun of friendly people. Halarious guy and i cant wait to chill next time. lol thong song was too good, too bad they didnt have rick roll in machine, next time you go there you should recomend that it be put on the machine. that would be too epic.
syphra-thanks for comin with me and joel for lebanese food,and fun talkin with ya and sux you couldnt enter the tourny, your lucario wulda ***** all dai.
kev!-keep up the luigi,your glide tosses shroyuken me 2 tiems in a row, keep that **** up. You shuldnt of gave up like that in pools man. warrior spirit that ****. maybe you got to tired cuz of smoking.LOL
clet-thanks a bunch for housing me man, i ow ya one next time your in niagara.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Heheh, it's fine Pasta! Next OBscene, I'll make sure to get friendlies in with you. I can play -a lot- of characters, so just pick one you'd like matchup experience with and I'll see how I fare :p

EDIT: You could probably reserve a ride with PNDMike.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
17. Elef-good stuff man, id say play campyier but i dotn think thats possible. Close friendlies and our matchs always go the 7 minutes. You have rly learnt the mk matchup well. you just need to learn all the other ones as well.

omfg i love you pasta


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
You like cake that when you eat it you feel as if the heaven itself descended upon your taste buds?

That's what I'm bringing.

No cheap banana cake like Ally will get from a random bakery D:
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