skler-i approve. i honestly feel that link's rang is the key to him winning. because it can interrupt combos and CG, i feel it create "randomness".
cjugs-yea i just got a sheik main in our crew and she's not that hard to fight, but theres a lot of gay **** about her. i'm really hating how easy it is for people to combo link. like we were playin and i caught her with a fair-jab-grab-dthrow-dsmash-bair-jab and wen i went to grab she ducked so i miss n the dtilt-ftilt-ftilt-dair-fair which didnt kill me but that 40% she added to me. seems to me, like she can CG and tilt combo well, but with the exception of her fair,uair n usmash, most of attacks dont do a lot of dmg. i feel like on Rainbow or Floats, link should always wen this match. her needles are a b****, causes me to not use bombs often (cuz the hylian shield will block on its own)