Link isn't above spacies though nor is he on par with 2.5 Sonic. I can understand if he was just legitimately stupid, but...
Actually I feel like I shouldn't have even started this discussion because nothing happened yet and it could lead to stupidity. Mostly from me probably.
I honestly don't think Zelda was nerfed that hard, only weakened a little. But I could be wrong.
Idk I would like to appeal to the P:MBR for the decision they have yet to finalize I'm sure that Link is well-designed how he is. There really isn't much broken about him, he's just solid.
And if it's boomerang that's so offensive or whatever, we live in a game that contains frame 1 combo/gimp/OoS option/JCable/reflector/pressure/100% safe moves. Link can't seriously be that bad that he needs to be nerfed.
Sorry I'm trying to not start ******** like I have before on occasion lol. I'm calming down now.