God, the most frustrating thing happened. I was editing videos that I upload to Youtube, for the crew battles we had. I counted over the player roster I was given, and saw that there were 11 players listed. 11 players means 44 stocks. So I started the stock count at 44, cut and spliced two videos apart, edited the vids., updating the stock count when needed, rendered, then uploaded the two vids. to Youtube. As I'm editing the third vid., I realize that the stock count is off by 8 stocks, two players. I spent over 90 mins. trying to figure out what I had done wrong, going over the vids. I'd previously recorded, making sure I hadn't made a math mistake. Turns out the roster I was given was missing 2 players, one from each team. Sooooooo, I had to delete the two vids. I made, AND I have to re-edit, re-render, and re-upload them to Youtube. God my head hurts.