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LGBT Smashers

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Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
maybe it's you seeing the situation as being one dimensional: who says desu's friend doesn't want to be friends anymore? All I read is that they aren't talking at the moment; if you aren't sure that you can keep your cool when you talk to someone, it's considerate not to talk to them at all.

I'm sorry, its just that if a friend can't handle a simple drunken mistake to the point of going out of his way to delete me from Facebook, I really just don't care to know him.

I don't like those that don't like me. If you get rid of the cancer early on, it'll make your life much more enjoyable.
you can't spend your entire life attempting to avoid all potential conflict.

surrounding yourself with only people with whom you won't have conflict is not a good way to live. you'll never be challenged to think differently or grow personally. As the french say, "vive le difference".

Regardless, we don't all have the same ideals as you. Some of us respect others and, oh, I don't know, feel bad when we hurt them. Obviously that's what happened here and you say the correct response is to abandon the wounded.

now normally I say that this is all just a matter of personal preference and opinion. But Xsyven referring to a friend who might be a little more touchy than normal as a "cancer" provides such a consice image of what a jejune outlook he appears to have on life relationships that I daresay it's not worth even listening to. Then again, it's in my nature to put others first 95% of the time, so my repulsion to Xsyven's mantra may be overstated.

Listen Desu. he's your friend right? and you wanna stay friends? then wait for him. Don't scorn him beause he's not okay with you at the moment. he'll come around eventually and, when he does, go as far as you are willing to to meet him halfway. if he feels wronged enough that you need to go 90% of the way to keep the relationship alive that's okay as long as he's willing to go the other 10%. As long as you think it's a friendship worth having, don't abandon it... but let him come to you when he's ready; he's already informed you that that's what he'll do.

There's nothing left to do but wait. If you feel you need to make amends or change your lifestyle to keep him as a friend, then take stock of what you are and aren't willing to change and make a decision. It's not the end of the world Desu, but things aren't going to just fall into place either. I wish you the best of luck.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
you can't spend your entire life attempting to avoid all potential conflict.
Oh, I don't! But when I try to resolve conflict to no avail, after about six months, I tend to ditch the *****.

Surrounding yourself with only people with whom you won't have conflict is not a good way to live. you'll never be challenged to think differently or grow personally. As the french say, "vive le difference".
I consider myself to be very independent, tolerable, and open to everyone. I only hate those that refuse to talk to me, after I reach out to them, and give them a chance.

Regardless, we don't all have the same ideals as you. Some of us respect others and, oh, I don't know, feel bad when we hurt them. Obviously that's what happened here and you say the correct response is to abandon the wounded.
Once again, he tried to help the wounded. This is the big point that you're not understanding.

now normally I say that this is all just a matter of personal preference and opinion. But Xsyven referring to a friend who might be a little more touchy than normal as a "cancer" provides such a consice image of what a jejune outlook he appears to have on life relationships that I daresay it's not worth even listening to.
It's been over half a year. That's more than a little touchy.

Listen Desu. he's your friend right? and you wanna stay friends? then wait for him. Don't scorn him beause he's not okay with you at the moment. he'll come around eventually and, when he does, go as far as you are willing to to meet him halfway. if he feels wronged enough that you need to go 90% of the way to keep the relationship alive that's okay as long as he's willing to go the other 10%. As long as you think it's a friendship worth having, don't abandon it... but let him come to you when he's ready; he's already informed you that that's what he'll do.

There's nothing left to do but wait. If you feel you need to make amends or change your lifestyle to keep him as a friend, then take stock of what you are and aren't willing to change and make a decision. It's not the end of the world Desu, but things aren't going to just fall into place either. I wish you the best of luck.
I agree with this. But if he never comes back, just be glad that you got rid of him sooner than later.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
I agree with this. But if he never comes back, just be glad that you got rid of him sooner than later.
I wouldn't say that.

I'd say: if he comes back, be glad that he did.

if he doesn't, well, I wouldn't be happy, but I wouldn't beat yourself up too hard. You'll get over it eventually.

I just can't agree with your outlook Xsyven.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I already live in a hard enough environment for a gay person. If I went around being sad about everything that's ever happened because of this, I'd probably end up killing myself.

I honestly consider my theory to be more positive and insightful. >_>

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
I already live in a hard enough environment for a gay person. If I went around being sad about everything that's ever happened because of this, I'd probably end up killing myself.

I honestly consider my theory to be more positive and insightful. >_>
"**** anyone who doesn't see it my way" doesn't seem like a good world outlook to me. it seems sophomoric.

if it works for you that's fine, but I would not live that way myself. I care deeply about those in my life. if I wrong them, I go out of my way to fix it. I don't discard and draw new relationships.

I'm sure you don't play that fast and loose either, but I just can't perscribe to a school of thought even reminiscent of that.

anyway, desu probably doesn't want us making such a big deal about it so I'm dropping it now.


Scourge Cheerleader
Dec 8, 2001
Hate Nirvana
If I stopped talking to my female friends because of them hitting on me, I'd have no friends.

Just sayin'.

Depending on the way that Desu came on to him, the guy might have been legitimately weirded out or is just being a total sissy drama queen over it.

However, there's no reason to be all uppity about it for so long. Dude's being a jerk.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
"**** anyone who doesn't see it my way" doesn't seem like a good world outlook to me. it seems sophomoric.

if it works for you that's fine, but I would not live that way myself. I care deeply about those in my life. if I wrong them, I go out of my way to fix it. I don't discard and draw new relationships.
I'm sorry, but you're really not getting the fact that he's been going out of his way for over half of a year. You really aren't. If you can't get over things that happened that long ago, life's gonna get really ****ty after a while.

So while you're dropping in respect of Desu, I'm dropping out of the respect of my own sanity.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Allentown, PA
I'm sorry to hear that :( but try not to beat yourself up over it. it's good to hope for the best, but the longer it goes on, the more it wears on you, trust me.

Something sort of similar happened to me about 2 and a half years ago.

I went on a month long cross country road trip with the person I considered my best friend and his girlfriend, who I was also friends with. We were really close. Everything seemed fine, but after we got back he severed all ties with me without explanation. I saw him and his girlfriend once since then, she came over and talked, but he would not even look at me.

I honestly have no idea what happened. I've thought over the entire trip countless times and tried to remember anything that might have happened, but I can't figure it out. It still bothers me to this day. I figure I must have done something wrong, I just don't know what. I've worried myself sick over it, but I've also realized that he clearly didn't value my friendship as much as I did his, and maybe things are better off.

Either way, hopefully everything works out for the best for you.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
Awww, I'm sorry desu. Some people are just very sensitive to things like this. My advice is to try and not think about it for now. He'll talk when he's ready to talk. That day may never come so there's no sense in waiting around for him. Sorry, I'm not trying to be mean I'm just trying to be realistic. You'll be fine in the end and remember the Proom loves you!

Side notes:
Who wouldn't hit on Azua?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Angry steroid losers?

I would have never guessed that way your type.

Also, i once (In a drunken Mistake) hit on one of my best friends, and we didnt talk for almost 8 months, but eventually we both remebered why we were best friends to begin with. And right now he is one of my best friends again.So Desu, i think you should continue to try to re-befriend this person (But dont put all your energy into it) and hopefully your friendship will begin again.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Columbia, MD
I guess i'll put in my two cents.

If he hasn't come around by now, there is probably a 5% chance he comes around at all honestly. The longest "broken" friendship I had ever had was for maybe a 3-4 months, I basically told my friend that even though I stll considered her a friend, a large portion of my close friends hated her and found her annoying. I had to do it, it was the truth and they were tired of her wanting to always hang out with us.

So the backlash from her, her former husband, and a bunch of others was pretty harsh. Some got over it in a week, it took her maybe 4 months before she spoke to me again. We are facebook friends now, and might hang out sometime, but its just better off if we don't stay as close as we used to.

Even if you reconcile (sp?), it may not be the same as it was before so if I were you I'd be trying to really get passed this and if he comes back, great, but even if he does it could be under different circumstances.

/...that or he was really turned on and realized he had the hots for you to and couldn't admit it.../ (jokes)

good luck to you sir, whatever the outcome.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
If I stopped talking to my female friends because of them hitting on me, I'd have no friends.

Just sayin'.

Depending on the way that Desu came on to him, the guy might have been legitimately weirded out or is just being a total sissy drama queen over it.

However, there's no reason to be all uppity about it for so long. Dude's being a jerk.


Yay, I'm at Lobelia's!


Smooth Criminal


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
the Way Desu Described It, His Friend Sounds Way Too Sensitive. If He's Going To Stop Talking To Him, even Go As Far As Removing Them As A Friend On Facebook, Over Something So Small As Desu Hitting On Him While Inebriated, He's Way Too Sensitive.

Without this, caps won't work :<


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
Hey, nothing is official until it's on facebook. I'm apparently not gay because my facebook doesn't say I'm interested in men. Doesn't say I'm interested in women so apparently I'm in the same boat as Maz. Who knew?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
Wow... the 21st century just called, JZ. It said to get off your *** and catch up with the rest of the world. ;P

Side note: Ok, it's on facebook now so it's official; I'm gay. JUST IN CASE ANYONE WAS WONDERING.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Nice! Even my profile doesn't say whether I'm gay or not yet. :p
ditto... but if mine did... oh the phone calls, IMs and wall messages I would get.

well at least it'd be over quickly right?

My weekend plans invilve going to my gay BFF's (Pyrogamer btw) for the extended weekend. I'll let you know if anything interesting goes down when I get back monday.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Wow... the 21st century just called, JZ. It said to get off your *** and catch up with the rest of the world. ;P

Side note: Ok, it's on facebook now so it's official; I'm gay. JUST IN CASE ANYONE WAS WONDERING.
i barely keep up w/ my myspace and now i need facebook too? its just too much lol.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Columbia, MD
i barely keep up w/ my myspace and now i need facebook too? its just too much lol.
Myspace is dead, there is way too much spam. The only point of continuing to have a myspace is to research music artists because they ALL have myspace... other than that facebook really is the best.

my status is also with the mens, I wish I could put...

Interested in

that'd be awesome XD


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2006
this film will be playing in the campus lounge on wed and i'll roll in to see it if the car thaws out (NE cold spell froze the internals), anyone here seen it already or have something to say on it?


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area

In regards to Desu's friend, I think he had had the reason to be uneasy around Desu, but everything after that is way ridiculous. Maybe I don't see the glamour of these social networks (never had a myspace/facebook/whatever) but it seems unnecessary and rather silly to remove someone from a friendlist without at least giving a proper explanation as to how he felt about the situation. Leaving loose ends untied for 6 months and refusing to even add some closure to the situation is immature I think, and then finally says that he has to think about what he wants to do with their friendship after all this time. I mean, you leave your friend hanging for 6 months before you even talk to them, and it's just another loose end that adds no closure to the situation.

I think he had every right to be upset about it (depending on how he viewed your friendship/his outlook on homosexuality) but the way he dealt with it was rather selfish and immature.

That's just assuming that all that happened was he got hit on. If Desu was like trying to tear his clothes off or somethin', then my opinion on this would be changed.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
I had netflix send me that movie. I'll let you guys know what I think probably some time next week. Or maybe I won't because of the subject matter and I'd rather not spark another religion discussion. Here's what I'll do: if anyone wants to know PM me and I'll send you my opinion on the film and may or may not recommend it.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm noticing that the men I'm attracted to are pretty much my polar opposite in terms of style. I think I'm going through a bad boy phase where I find piercings and tattoos attractive. Not a gratuitous amount of piercings or tattoos, but I'm becoming attracted to "alternative" men. And here I am with my A&F jeans and button up shirts wearing my psuedo-nerdy glasses... *sigh*


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I had netflix send me that movie. I'll let you guys know what I think probably some time next week. Or maybe I won't because of the subject matter and I'd rather not spark another religion discussion. Here's what I'll do: if anyone wants to know PM me and I'll send you my opinion on the film and may or may not recommend it.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm noticing that the men I'm attracted to are pretty much my polar opposite in terms of style. I think I'm going through a bad boy phase where I find piercings and tattoos attractive. Not a gratuitous amount of piercings or tattoos, but I'm becoming attracted to "alternative" men. And here I am with my A&F jeans and button up shirts wearing my psuedo-nerdy glasses... *sigh*
i'll be wanting the full review lol. also im attracted to lots of men.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2007
Austin, TX
On a completely unrelated note, I'm noticing that the men I'm attracted to are pretty much my polar opposite in terms of style. I think I'm going through a bad boy phase where I find piercings and tattoos attractive. Not a gratuitous amount of piercings or tattoos, but I'm becoming attracted to "alternative" men. And here I am with my A&F jeans and button up shirts wearing my psuedo-nerdy glasses... *sigh*
Dude! I go crazy for guys with the whole alternative look. A small amount of tattoos is pretty hot. Also, I find guys with small gauges on their ears to be really attractive.

However, I also like preppyish guys as well :3

I actually have a 2nd date with this guy who likes to wear his shirts from Aeropostale and other very preppish stores. I think my style is a bit more in the alternative side but it goes to show that people with opposite styles can go on a date. There are people that look beyond what you wear so don't get discouraged.

I encourage you to date a boy with some tattoos and piercings =P


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
Interesting article. I agree with the general idea and it's actually given me a few things to think about. Thanks for sharing. :)
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