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LGBT Smashers

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Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
I'm curious about what you guys are talking about... you know... the part that doesn't relate to Smash Bros. O.o; I'm definitely not gonna look it up though, nope nope... I might find pictures. ^^;;;

Also I guess I can just exchange friend codes once the game comes out... if I feel like it. =P Of course I'll be playing Peach. =3
If you'd like more detailed information Momo (or anyone else who has questions of this nature and just doesn't know who or hows to ask someone.), just PM any questions you have and I'll be glad to answer them for you to the best of my ability.

Red Wolf

Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2008
From a non-gay perspective:

I have a question that has bothered me ever since I thought about homosexuality, it may sound like a joke, but I'm trying to be somewhat serious about this..

How did you cope with the fact that being gay means that eventually you're gonna either get ****ed in the a** or be sucking a ****...

Unless you consider gay virgins (or whatever the term is), which is a different story.
I don't think I could live with it, honestly..
Honestly it is the same feeling as being with a woman dude...I myself have feared the thought but now it seems like...I dunno typical I suppose...sex is sex...I like what both sexes have to offer me...


Nov 10, 2001
Dipped in Gold
Hate to pop in and warn you guys, but keep the sex talk to a minimum. I understand completely that LGBT IS primarily about who you are sexually attracted to (Yeah, I know there's a culture and everything), but keep in mind that this forum has a lot of minors as well. I mean is can be useful for said minors if they're feeling awkward and alienated about their orientation, but please, keep the sex talk to a minimum, alright?


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Hate to pop in and warn you guys, but keep the sex talk to a minimum. I understand completely that LGBT IS primarily about who you are sexually attracted to (Yeah, I know there's a culture and everything), but keep in mind that this forum has a lot of minors as well. I mean is can be useful for said minors if they're feeling awkward and alienated about their orientation, but please, keep the sex talk to a minimum, alright?
Will do. That's primarilly why I opened the option for anyone who had questions like that to PM me. I was in a position once where I had several awkward questions, and a good friend of mine helped me out.

I understand how strange it can feel some time, so I'm one of those people that you can ask just about anything without grossing me out or such. Believe me, if my friend hadn't been the same way, I'd have never had the guts to ask him anything.


Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2008
Planet Earth
Hi! I myself am bi, although this is the first time I told anyone about this. When I saw this thread, I was wondering how it became so long. I have gone through the whole thing (after a while), and saw how there are other people like me out there. While I was, though, I realized that I didn't register (because the email didn't come) and waited for a while.

Anyways, I currently main Falco (mainly) but also play with Mr. Game & Watch and occasionally Ness. When I get Brawl on the 18th (I preordered from Gamestop), I hope that I can play against some of you, since all of you seem like nice people.

For the record, I'm hardly a queen (even though I'm probably close to the girliest possible without being perceived as one).


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Nottingham, UK
Surely anyone can put there age as over 18, having an adult sub-forum wouldn't work that well.

And if there was a adult forum it would get filled with



On second thoughts, I want an adult sub-forum!


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
speaking of which, why isn't there a 18+ only subforum by now....? a lot of our members have aged to that point anyway.
Because this is a smashboards forum. If you want to talk about stuff like that, go elsewhere.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2005
Bourbonnais IL||I consider myself competent. AIM:
To all of those who have particiapated in the tourney already, how did you place? :p

Everything about the tourney was random, Single Random, random character, all items.

I think I did fairly well as Dedede being a brawl virgin.

My three friends got characters they aren't so good with, Bowser, DK, and Yoshi...

I managed to win though :) I'm going to try to go to the next tourney level...

Red Wolf

Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2008
To all of those who have particiapated in the tourney already, how did you place? :p

Everything about the tourney was random, Single Random, random character, all items.

I think I did fairly well as Dedede being a brawl virgin.

My three friends got characters they aren't so good with, Bowser, DK, and Yoshi...

I managed to win though :) I'm going to try to go to the next tourney level...
Hmm I did not get to enter this one....but hopefully next time :)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
Momo I'm going to be lazy and copy and paste XD but here it is :D

I went to a 17th birthday party and like lots of people I knew were there. I just went there cuz my current roommate wanted me to go.(I'm still in high school guys >.> Just living with her and her parents) So I went there and started playing halo 3 and it got boring cuz the first match and some stupid laser weapon which was stupid. Then I went over to the guitar hero area and saw this guy who I had my first date with. Recently we've been talking with each now. I sat by and and pretty much we got closer and sort of cuddled. I didn't care about what people saw..my facebook says I'm gay so yeah. Well my roommate and friend who was staying with us last night came over and like were disappointed. They hate the guy but eventually we got them to leave and the guy pretty much said "You know this is a date?" and smiled. Then he had to go told his ride,this girl, to meet us outside and tell us when she was leaving. So he and I sat down on this bench near the door to the party. Anybody who walks out can see us. It was cold and I was shivering with like chattering teeth. He thought was cute. Eventually we were like snuggled to each other and holding hands. While doing this we were talking about our gay life and what guys we like and all that. I was telling him how messed up mine is and he said "Roberto..." and kissed me. My first kiss! -screams- I told him lets walk over to his car and we did. We were snuggled up against it until my roommate came out and we had to stop cuz if she would of saw us she would of told the party. That didn't matter cuz someone saw us and already told the party. Drama!!! Someone told the party that we were having sex. Uh no! My date told me that we should go ahead and go in and gave me a goodbye kiss just in case he wouldn't see me. That's the 2nd kiss XD Anyhoo we went in everything seemed normal until my date found the guy who started the rumor and literally struck him multiple times and walked out angry. I was scared and wanted to cry but I don't know why. No one came up to me and asked me what happend but yeah. Everything is cool. It was sorta like Mean Girls! The three of us and like I'm the character Lindsey Lohan played and my two friends was the gay guy and girl. Better thing I forgot to say was we were talking about Brawl while sitting together in the Guitar Hero area. He asked that when I get Brawl to call him and invite him over.

nobody wants to see your story, you give gays a bad name by stereotyping them.
not all gays act like a *******, some gay people are actually mature...not all gay people talk about sex constantly, and not all gay people post their "adventures" online.
go ahead gang up on me, because that is what children do when they have problems


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
nobody wants to see your story, you give gays a bad name by stereotyping them.
not all gays act like a *******, some gay people are actually mature...not all gay people talk about sex constantly, and not all gay people post their "adventures" online.
go ahead gang up on me, because that is what children do when they have problems
HOw does he give gay people a bad name? Maybe thats how he is. Some people fit the stereotype and some don't...

See, I seem to find my self matching the stereotype on rare occassions and if he is like that too then so be it then!

Faora Meridian

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Weeeeellp... it was suggested I come here, and I've not even a single post to my name... and this is a travesty. Why? It means you all lack my wonderful insight, my skillful weaving of words, and my own brand of pure, unadulterated boulderdash. No forum should be without the latter!

So, hello out there to the brave souls who are showing their true colours (every single one of them, heh heh) out here. And hello too, to the quieter ones, wondering if they should speak up for themselves (you should!), and also to those supporters that this thread has. Kudos!

So, who am I? Well, I just go by Fae for the most part. I'm twenty-one, male, currently residing somewhere in the more backwater and quiet parts of the U.S. I'm Australian though, actually (why is it, as an aside, you Americans find my accent so sexy? Heh heh), and I moved all ten thousand of those kilometers to be with my boyfriend, a relationship built steadilly over the course of years.

Unfortunately said relationship disintegrated when some strong incompatibilities were discovered about nine months after I arrived, and I ended it. Proof I guess that even if you bridge the gap in a long-distance relationship and leave your home behind for someone... it's not always a sure thing. Fate works in odd ways like that.

Ah well. That's enough backstory on my current life and such. Although an oddly amusing fact to consider is that while I still live with the ex-boyfriend I moved here for (awkward, much?), I also live with ANOTHER ex-boyfriend, though he and I only had the long-distance relationship thing, never something more 'real'. Buggered up, eh?

I honestly think I'm kinda odd when it comes to how I found out I liek teh bois. It was a long-time thing for me, and I supppose it's a side-effect of exactly how I was raised (or not, as the case may be - a story for another time and an emo thread, heh heh). I've always been open-minded, even as a bloody five year old, heh. When someone told me something was wrong, I would always ask why. And I would always assemble the facts before I decided myself if it was really wrong, or just a society wrong. It forms a core of who I was, growing up.

So knowing that, I became very very tollerant of people, and in particular, gay people. Growing up, I never knew a single gay person... well, I probably did, and I never knew it. I wasn't in highschool... probably because of a severe lack of supporting friends to coax it out of me, nor any cute guys to partake of. That and the fact that even with me honestly believing I wasn't, I was picked on constantly, and words like 'gay' and '***' were constantly thrown around. Probably didn't help me open my mind up further.

I didn't really open said mind until about... mmrrf... a year? Or so after highschool. I had a friend, Matt, a lovely, sweet guy. We grew close very very quickly, surprisingly so for innocent little me (note: Faora Meridian has a dirty, dirty mind. He is, however, completely and blushingly innocent in a lot about life). Anyway, I ended up doing some wondering. It didn't take much... my thought process was pretty much, "This is a nice guy. Wait... being with him would be a bit gay, wouldn't it? Hmm. Does it matter? Nope. Do I care? Nope. Will he care? ... let's see." And I did. And he didn't care, either. And thus, my first disasterous relationship was born!

Anyway, I essentially called myself bi for a considerable amount of time after that. With my view on sexuality, and life in general, it didn't really make sense for me to tag people with 'straight' or 'gay'. I still don't, unless they insist they be tagged as such. Over time however, I found my interest in females waning considerably. It wasn't something I minded very much; essentially I figured that this was the last of society's imprint on me being washed away gradually by my experiences, and showing me for who I am. I'll pretty much call myself gay, but that sliver of my personality would allow for female interactions if the right one came along. Not bloody likely though. *winks* I love boys. Lots. Ah well. That lengthy block of text is me, in a nutshell. At least regarding this particular topic. *chuckles*

One other little aside before I go. I'm not ashamed. Shame is an emotion I simply do not feel, under any circumstances, gay or not. I don't get embarrassed easilly, and when I do, I'm laughing at me too. I'm out to my parents (oohhh-hooo, I'm LUCKY I don't feel shame, heh heh), most of my family knows (refer to above bracketed comment), and everyone around me usually finds out fast. I don't volunteer the information from my bedroom unless it's asked for, and even then, those words are generally restricted to certain people. But I am open about who I am, and I like who I am. Sure, there's intollerant buggers in the world who'd like to do me harm for who I am. Let 'em. This is teh intarwebs, where we can say ad be who we are without fear of serious incident. I don't care what they can say here, and I don't care what they think they can do RL. I am who I am, and nothing they say or do will change that. *smirks* So let 'em try.

Never be ashamed of who you are. Be honest with yourself, and let people know that no matter what they do, you are who you are, and nothing will change it. I think if I can leave one (shorter, heh) message for this thread, and those going through problems with acceptance and the like... that would be it.

Take care guys! *wavies*

- Fae Meridian


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
^ Welcome to the boards. Enjoy your stay!

Sorry to hear about the two break ups. How is it to live with two of your exes? I guess thats good that the three of you are on good messures I guess! And good on you and your parents being acceptant of you.

Faora Meridian

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
How hard is it to live with two exes? Well, it depends on the terms of the breakups, really. *chuckles* The first one, the long-distance only one, he's decent company, and a competent Ike player. The other... well... considering he visits these boards I think, I'll simply hold my tongue, and say he has good moments. Best I remain diplomatic, eh? *laughs* It's a little odd for me, honestly. I want out, to be fair. But that's a whole other kettle of fish. How is it? Has perks to be sure, but honestly, the negatives outweigh the positives a lot of the time, for me.

Also... my mother did NOT in any way, shape, or form accept me being into guys. Quite the contrary, actually. While outwardly to me, she supported me being whoever I wanted (which, if you knew her, is an oxymoron, really), behind my back and with family and friends, she instead mocked me, berated me, and in general spoke down about me. There was no support, but then, I never expected any from her. *chuckles* My dad though, was the best I could hope for. He was completely indifferent. He was okay with me to that extent, and in return, I didn't rub his face in it, the way I did with my mother. *smirks* I still remember sneaking a guy into mum's bedroom for some fun one day. She still doesn't know about that. *winks*

Essentially, I'm a strong advocate of the, "don't let others push you around" school of thought. I'm me, and I'm stubbornly me. I firmly believe in being who you are, and not censoring yourself for anyone, and not changing yourself for anyone. Following rules has its place, and it's a necessary thing. But changing who you are, or trying to be what you're not... it's all so futile to me. I don't really see the point to it. Thusly, I'm me, and good luck changing it! *laughs*

Faora Meridian

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
is it messed up to have a crush on three different guys at the same time??? =/
I don't see how that's messed up. Nor do I see how it's messed up to be with three different guys at the same time (unless I don't like you, and you want one of my friends. Then I don't like it much, heh). I honestly believe in happiness through many different avenues, and while personally I prefer the classic one-on-one relationship ideal (even if I'm prone to naughty thoughts outside what I should have from time to time, heh heh), it all depends on the people involved.

Depending on what kinda person you are, Mr. Sword, multiple guys in a relationship could be a godsend or hell. If you're falling for all of them, you may need to make some careful decisions and take your time with some serious thoughts before you actually take any steps. Skating on thin ice there, mate! Good luck!


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
1. Good on you Faora for being true to your self. Sorry about your mom though. Though I laughed when I reaf your comment about your moms bedroom! lol!

2.Mr Sword, nothing wrong with crushing on three guys but I wouldn't go out with all of them at once. I would try to choose one first, fall back on the others! hah! But do waht you want, your life.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
Welcome to the thread Faora Meridian! ^^ I can see you already feel comfy here. =P

Oh yeah... by the way I just told my mom that I'm gay on Tuesday. @_@ I didn't really sit down with her and say it... we were having some sort of argument about school work and she brought up me not telling her anything about my life and one day maybe getting a girl pregnant and blah blah blah... in my head I was thinking "Should I tell her?" but then it just came out in one yell. ^^; I already knew she wouldn't hate me for it since she always told me that and acted supportive so it's not like she punished me or anything, we actually had a nice conversation about it... she even asked some of the same questions my sis asked when I told her. X3 So now 2 people know... well other than you guys and of course myself.

Faora Meridian

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Heya Momo! *wavies* Yeah, I'm already comfy here. What can I say? I'm a comfy guy!

*smiles* Congrats on saying something to your mum, though the eventual drawing of it out of you is a bit of a damper, eh? Still, the fact that she and your sister are cool with it's pretty awesome, as I see it. *chuckles* Supportive families are somewhat an oddity to me, regardless of the sexuality of the children in question. It's a genuine pleasure to see something so important go so right for someone. Good on ya, mate!

Also, can I ask a semi-rhetorical question to the viewers of this thread? Well... even if I can't, i suppose I'm going to, anyway. *activates his Large Shield Booster II and Thermal Hardeners, and makes a reference he hopes SOMEONE gets*

What's the big deal about coming out? I mean... seriously, I honestly want to know. The only reason my mother found out, is because she was making her bi-weekly raid of my bedroom and found a Valentines Day letter from my then-boyfriend. To my eyes (and thus, this bespeaks merely my own personal views on the subject), I really don't see how it's anyone's business, or why you need to make the effort to come out at all.

As with anything sexual (and yes, your choice of who to sleep with does indeed fall under that category), it's a private matter between yourself and your lover(s). It's not information that really needs to be handed out to family, friends, work associates, *******s from highschool... oohh, wait, the freak-out factor of the latter could be worthwhile... *evil grin*

Still, the point remains. A big deal has always been made of coming out, to family and friends in particular, and the fear of rejection from those parties. I understand the fear of rejection (if only on an intellectual level), but I don't see the need to let someone know, unless they really desperately want to, exactly what gender I prefer to have sitting and slurping on my funbits.

So, what's everyone's take? I'm genuinely curious, and some fresh discussion I guess here couldn't hurt. *smiles and shrugs* And to any who take offense at anything I've said or suggested here, I reiterate that they're merely my personal feelings on the subject, that I wish only healthy discussion, and ask the question out of honest, genuine curiosity.

On that note.. FaeMan, away! *whoosh!*


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
HOw does he give gay people a bad name? Maybe thats how he is. Some people fit the stereotype and some don't...

See, I seem to find my self matching the stereotype on rare occassions and if he is like that too then so be it then!

you may enjoy some things that are "stereotyped" but that is no problem, because i too may enjoy them, BUT to act like all gays behave like giddy horny children with a fetish for bright colors is just offensive and really hurtful to some people, gay is not a personality trait, it is a decision, sometimes made before birth.
that doesnt mean you need to cope with your homosexuality through a facade, that shows discomfort in your life...
but if you normally act like your on will and grace, go ahead.
i wont stop you, ill just acknowledge it.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
Heya Momo! *wavies* Yeah, I'm already comfy here. What can I say? I'm a comfy guy!

*smiles* Congrats on saying something to your mum, though the eventual drawing of it out of you is a bit of a damper, eh? Still, the fact that she and your sister are cool with it's pretty awesome, as I see it. *chuckles* Supportive families are somewhat an oddity to me, regardless of the sexuality of the children in question. It's a genuine pleasure to see something so important go so right for someone. Good on ya, mate!

Also, can I ask a semi-rhetorical question to the viewers of this thread? Well... even if I can't, i suppose I'm going to, anyway. *activates his Large Shield Booster II and Thermal Hardeners, and makes a reference he hopes SOMEONE gets*

What's the big deal about coming out? I mean... seriously, I honestly want to know. The only reason my mother found out, is because she was making her bi-weekly raid of my bedroom and found a Valentines Day letter from my then-boyfriend. To my eyes (and thus, this bespeaks merely my own personal views on the subject), I really don't see how it's anyone's business, or why you need to make the effort to come out at all.

As with anything sexual (and yes, your choice of who to sleep with does indeed fall under that category), it's a private matter between yourself and your lover(s). It's not information that really needs to be handed out to family, friends, work associates, *******s from highschool... oohh, wait, the freak-out factor of the latter could be worthwhile... *evil grin*

Still, the point remains. A big deal has always been made of coming out, to family and friends in particular, and the fear of rejection from those parties. I understand the fear of rejection (if only on an intellectual level), but I don't see the need to let someone know, unless they really desperately want to, exactly what gender I prefer to have sitting and slurping on my funbits.

So, what's everyone's take? I'm genuinely curious, and some fresh discussion I guess here couldn't hurt. *smiles and shrugs* And to any who take offense at anything I've said or suggested here, I reiterate that they're merely my personal feelings on the subject, that I wish only healthy discussion, and ask the question out of honest, genuine curiosity.

On that note.. FaeMan, away! *whoosh!*
Yeah same here, I don't really plan on telling people unless they REALLY wanna know... I'm not going to just come out and go "OMG look at me I am gay!" since it really is none of their business. ^^;

The fear of rejection is the main reason why people don't usually come out of the closet... with me the only reason why I didn't tell my mom was because it was just really uncomfortable for me... but at least she won't go thinking I'm at a girl's house doing unspeakable things with her anymore. ^^; ... though she might be thinking I'm doing unspeakable things if I'm sleeping over a guy's house or something... I really dunno... in fact I don't even know how this came up... what was I talking about? O.o *looks above* Oh yeah! ^^; ... actually I don't know what else to say on this subject. @_@

Faora Meridian

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
*chuckles* Momo, I think you slightly misunderstood the question I was asking. Heh heh, sorry, maybe I should have phrased it better. Good answer, though! I certainly see that fear of rejection as being the primary reason as one not openly admitting their homosexuality (or even bisexuality) to their friends and family. And it truly is a valid worry, unfortunately.

However, when I asked what the big deal about coming out was, I more meant as to why people actually choose to do it. It simply doesn't feel like you're hiding to me, or pretending to be someone you're not, if you don't choose to openly state, "Look at me! I like boys!" More, it seems to me that it's a volunteering of information that, for all intents and purposes, no one else really needs to know. Private bedroom stuffs, and all that.

So here's hoping that's clarified it a little bit! *chuckles* And yeah, that whole sleepover thing was something that my mum didn't handle very well. Not that I went out to stay at very many female's houses very much. After mum found out though, there was a particular friend of mine (who I actually was sleeping with at the time... though I regret it terribly, in hindsight) I visited often. She'd always ask me before I went, "Oh, so going out to his house, are you? Going to go get ****ed now, are you?" *smirks* My response was always, "Don't be silly. He prefers being on the bottom." Then I'd flip her the finger, grab my car keys, and leave.

Ahh, good times... *laughs*


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
*chuckles* Momo, I think you slightly misunderstood the question I was asking. Heh heh, sorry, maybe I should have phrased it better. Good answer, though! I certainly see that fear of rejection as being the primary reason as one not openly admitting their homosexuality (or even bisexuality) to their friends and family. And it truly is a valid worry, unfortunately.

However, when I asked what the big deal about coming out was, I more meant as to why people actually choose to do it. It simply doesn't feel like you're hiding to me, or pretending to be someone you're not, if you don't choose to openly state, "Look at me! I like boys!" More, it seems to me that it's a volunteering of information that, for all intents and purposes, no one else really needs to know. Private bedroom stuffs, and all that.

So here's hoping that's clarified it a little bit! *chuckles* And yeah, that whole sleepover thing was something that my mum didn't handle very well. Not that I went out to stay at very many female's houses very much. After mum found out though, there was a particular friend of mine (who I actually was sleeping with at the time... though I regret it terribly, in hindsight) I visited often. She'd always ask me before I went, "Oh, so going out to his house, are you? Going to go get ****ed now, are you?" *smirks* My response was always, "Don't be silly. He prefers being on the bottom." Then I'd flip her the finger, grab my car keys, and leave.

Ahh, good times... *laughs*
Ohhh I get what you're saying now... I think. I guess some people feel like they're hiding something... I know I do sometimes... hmmm...

Haha! If I ever did that to my mom I wouldn't make it out the door. X3


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2008
Dahlonega, GA
Hey everyone! I'm brand new to smashboards and to be honest, this thread is what spurred me to create a profile. Normally I browse around looking for tips for Metaknight, but since Darkfir showed me this thread I decided to voice my support as a fellow gay smasher. I live in a very homophobic town so my friends, straight and otherwise, are basically limited to the internet. I'm hoping to transfer to a more friendly college, like Georiga Tech, becase NGCSU is basically a republican fortress. Anyhoo, its great to meet all of you! If anyone is having trouble or wants someone to talk to, feel free to PM me.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
Nice new sig, Momo.

Lately, I've been using ZSS a whole ton... Guess that isn't helping the stereotype that gays main women. :p

Faora Meridian

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Hey everyone! I'm brand new to smashboards and to be honest, this thread is what spurred me to create a profile. Normally I browse around looking for tips for Metaknight, but since Darkfir showed me this thread I decided to voice my support as a fellow gay smasher. I live in a very homophobic town so my friends, straight and otherwise, are basically limited to the internet. I'm hoping to transfer to a more friendly college, like Georiga Tech, becase NGCSU is basically a republican fortress. Anyhoo, its great to meet all of you! If anyone is having trouble or wants someone to talk to, feel free to PM me.

Hello there, Essix! *wavies and smiles* Welcome to the boards and the thread. Heh heh, Darkfur's a nice guy, isn't he? Sorry to hear about your town being a bit of a bummer; here's hoping you can, like you want, get out of there as soon as possible. Great to meet you, and hope to see you around more!

Yukichu: you know, I just can't use Zero Suit Samus as much as I'd like to. I can't get over the lack of power so many of her moves have, the need to get enemies in the air for me to have a chance of downing them, and her ease of destruction. *chuckles* I'll keep Awesome McSpaceChick in her suit whenever I get the chance... or I'll just play Wolf. *laughs* Yay! Not a female character main here! And... well, my secondary is a chick, but in a big bloody suit of armor! Heh heh.
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