I wonder if I'm the only person who feels that the idea of 'on-topic' for a group and topic such as this is an idea doomed to failure... *shrugs* But ah well. We seem to be alright so far, gaying it up quite nicely. But I actually have a question to ask the gathered fellow sexual deviants I enjoy the company of so very very much.
In my experience, a lot of the'sexually diverse' people I hang out with (because we're being so PC with our title now, apparently) are very creative in various ways. I, for example, am a writer of science fiction and fantasy. I just love to create whole worlds and amazing people doing amazing things... or better, ordinary people doing amazing things. I find it liberating. I know people who write, who draw, even a couple photographers.
So, out of curiosity, who here has been molested by their muse?
And so there can be no confusion about the topic, I am a boy whole likes boys, I r teh ***gieness and I luvs it.
So I'm on-topic now. Anyone else enjoy getting creative in one form or another? We've seen recolours, and I love to write... who else here stretches their creative muscles?