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Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Transgender Smashers

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Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2002
Wow, it seems like there are quite a few gay smashers 'round these parts. Mind if I join the ranks? :p

My name is Shane (better known as Rabspat on the internet) and I'm still in the closet as far as real-life goes, though, seeing that I don't think some of my friends would take it so well if I were to come out, and I really don't want to be without friends. It's not that they're bad friends or anything, but I question their acceptance of homosexuality. I know that I have one friend I could tell without having him freak out, but I don't consider him to be someone good at keeping secrets, so that's probably not going to happen. On the other side of things, I'm pretty sure my mom and dad would be mostly accepting, although I'm not terribly sure about my step dad.

Also, as I've already established,, I'm totally a homo (not a very flamboyant one, at that) and I've sort of come to find that my gay side is a bit repressed. I think it's kind of awkward to call another guy cute or sexy, or other words of that sort. Weird, huh?

Also, I main Lucas in Brawl, and I main Samus in Melee.

Yeah, I'm not gonna write a huge biography thing like some people have in this thread. :p


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2008
Viernheim, Germany
I'm hot for Tinky Winky. Love the purse.

But on the serious side, I've never had to deal with homophobic "idiots". I'm not flambouyant by any stretch of the imagination, and I doubt many people would know I was gay from a glance. Never done any public displays of affection or been to any gay rights events (bar Toronto's Pride, and that's so big it scares away most visible protestors).
Yeah, but in the internet of course lies the almightly 'courage' of them.
Screw them.

Alright people, since everyones tellin' storys I'll tell one too.

A dialog between me and my mother a few weeks a ago:

Mom: We need to talk.
Me: What's wrong?
Mom: Weeeeell....
Are you gay?
Me: errr.... why in the world do you think that?
Mom: Well, a friend mine saw you and said you only hang around with girls, you go out with them or after school, all the time.
And since I knew a lot of gays I know that they do that.
Besides, you told me about that one time where you defended gays while others offended them. That isn't normally for a teenager, especially when he's a boy.
Me: Aww mom...
Mom: -I don't mind if you're gay, I really don't! I still love you with all my heart and you will always stay my son.
Me: ... *speechless*
Mom: AND if you're Bi I don't mind either you know! I-
Me: *starts laughing for like 1 min*
Mom: :confused:
Me: Listen,
1. I hang around with those 2 girls always since their pretty much the only true friends I have that understand me.

2. I simply defended gays because I'm not like 99,5 % of the "straight manhood" who always hates them for no ****ing reason.

3. I'm NOT normal, simple a that. I follow the path of my heart, and not the path of the "humanity wave"

And after she said like 3 times something like "but you know that I would understand if you where gay or bi", she accepted kinda that I wasn't gay.

But I think thats funny, she accepted me before I actually came out, even though I'm not gay, lol.
My mom is funny.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
That is really funny! Well you know what's really funny, when my mom saw the title on my computer screen "Lsbian ,Gay, and Transgender smashers, she said "are you gaybashing. because if you are, go live with your father". And then i said "Hell no!" So basically, even if I wasn't on this thread, she would go make me support it :)

And guys, do you think I should create a divorced parents thread, where people talk about their life with divorced parents?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2008
Viernheim, Germany
Lol your mom's cool.
And about you "divorced parents thread", I suggest that you maybe do it also for people you have seperated parents, who never married, but got an child, like me for example.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
Lol to the last three posts. You two be hating on us gays? :laugh: We'd have to deal with you Sicilian-style if that were the case.

To blink: Dammit, Xsyven beat me to the vest comment! But don't worry, vests and pinstripes are sexy, especially with guys who wear those fedoras. And thanks for the compliment. *blush*

To Link_in_Park: Welcome man! Yoshi here has enough cookies for everyone! Feel free to join the convo and diss on our whack fashion n stuff. :)


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
.... *grudgingly sighs* I guess you aren't totally hideous probably.
What a lovely compliment.

Anyways, I was wondering if we can switch the thread title to "LGBT Smashers" and not "Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Transgender Smashers". It would look nicer me thinks.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2007
Alexandria, Louisiana
I sincerely do not agree with bisexuality; you are either one or the other.

Claiming bisexuality is stating the obvious; most of the people on here have had confusing thoughts, but that is just the nature of the beast. The reason why that feeling goes on for so long comes from many things, the most popular being:

-A dysfunctional family

-appaling appearance


-two moms/two dads




You can't like both sexes equally. You WILL always favor one over the other, no matter how often you may deny it up and down. Sure you can take it in the rear and still love the kitty cat, but chances are good that you are compensating for a lack of self-esteem to whatever sex you truly desire, and so instead of settling with being lonely, you sleep with the same sex or opposing, depending on where your true intents lie.

My two cents.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2007
Alexandria, Louisiana
So what, my opinion is trash because you do not agree with it?

If anything dear sir (or madam, I have no clue the genders of this interweb,) you are a load of crap for portraying exactly the kind of person I loathe; close minded douchebags who have nothing other to do than to get their panties in a bunch over someone's opinion.

I don't believe in bisexuality, because although you may like both sexes, you naturally will prefer one over the other.

It is just how it is. I am not saying it is impossible, I am just saying that there is gender bias, even for bi-sexuality.

Bite my shiny metal ***.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
So what, my opinion is trash because you do not agree with it?

If anything dear sir (or madam, I have no clue the genders of this interweb,) you are a load of crap for portraying exactly the kind of person I loathe; close minded douchebags who have nothing other to do than to get their panties in a bunch over someone's opinion.

I don't believe in bisexuality, because although you may like both sexes, you naturally will prefer one over the other.

It is just how it is. I am not saying it is impossible, I am just saying that there is gender bias, even for bi-sexuality.

Bite my shiny metal ***.
Your opinion is wrong because it's wrong, but nice job going straight to personal attacks there, bucko.
I've met dozens upon dozens of people who have no particular preference when it comes to sexual attraction. If it's pretty, it's doable. Bisexuality exists, and those who think otherwise are typically very close-minded and uneducated individuals who are mentally uncapable(or simply undesiring) to see in shades of gray as opposed to rigid extremes.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Things said by Lavis
No flaming. Period.
Please, this is the third attempt at this thread and we don't need this so early on. Please stop posting here or change your tone COMPLETELY.

Though I agree with you opinion (bisexuality isn't real), there is no need for this argument here. LGBT Smashers is for support and encouragement, not discussion of what does or does not exist.

EDIT: You too Lobelia. There's no need. >:/


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
One may prefer a sex a little over another, but if they like both sexes than they are bisexual.

It isn't a hard concept to understand. =/


Smash Lord
May 10, 2007
Alexandria, Louisiana
Your opinion is wrong because it's wrong, but nice job going straight to personal attacks there, bucko.
I've met dozens upon dozens of people who have no particular preference when it comes to sexual attraction. If it's pretty, it's doable. Bisexuality exists, and those who think otherwise are typically very close-minded and uneducated individuals who are mentally uncapable(or simply undesiring) to see in shades of gray as opposed to rigid extremes.
See, this is where I have issues with people like YOU.

Instead of acknowledging how others perceive things, you ASSUME they have to share YOUR way of thought for something to be acceptable.

You personally attacked me first bro, Not vice versa. My opinion wasn't inspired by hate, nor was it close-minded thinking. The reasonings I listed ARE REAL REASONS BASED FROM THE FACTS OF "BI-SEXUAL" PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN, AND THE THINGS LISTED BEING THE ACTUAL THING THAT MADE THEM THAT WAY.

Just because you don't want to hear it is irrelavent. Just because it does not fit in with your own BELIEFS is irrelavent. The things I listed WERE, and I emphasize so greatly in dire hopes that even SPARTA can sympathesize, WERE the ACTUAL reasons for their bi-sexuality.

They sort of grew into it by outside powers. I knew 20 guys, and 4 girls who were direct examples of this. That is 24 out of 24 bisexual people I have personally interacted with who openly ADMITTED to this.

It is with this I believe Bi-sexuality is not something you grow into, but are sort of flung into by outside forces.

How are you going to sit there and tell me my opinion is wrong because you don't agree with it? I could honestly care less if you see yourself or someone else as the "exception," because frankly? I acknowledge that some people may be like that. The thing is though, out of EVERY bi-sexual person I have communed with, at least one, sometimes more, of those reasons I listed? WERE the reasons they turned to bi-sexuality.

So don't you sit there and tell me I am close minded for stating my own findings. The only close minded individual I see here bud is the guy who jumped the gun to bite MY head off because you went and assumed things of me.

This conversation is over. I don't want to hear anything you have to say anymore. You pissed me off.

@meno: it's done. Don't worry about it.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Hm. A long, drawn-out flame. How very graceful.
I guess that's what I get for responding to intentionally antagonistic posts. Then again, I'm not well-liked by the people in this thread anyways, so I really should have thought about it before I stated facts in front of a gaggle of people, ninety percent of whom hate me. I wouldn't be met with consensus no matter how true my statements were(and they were).

Faora Meridian

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Brisbane, Australia

Lolo, Lavis. Both of you calm, and cool it. Post to be edited with my full thoughts, cause I don't want to see this escalate before I can put a calm voice in the middle.



Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia

Lolo, Lavis. Both of you calm, and cool it. Post to be edited with my full thoughts, cause I don't want to see this escalate before I can put a calm voice in the middle.

There's no need for you to act as a mediator. I won't be posting in this thread again. Very, very rarely is my blunt, brutally honest diction met with any degree of acceptance. However, it is not my fault that people are incapable of handling the truth.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Sorry guys, but the bisexual is siding with Lavis here.

Just like there will NEVER be a true black and white area with human sexuality, there will never be that perfect shade of gray. I'm a little inclined towards males, but I still like females.

But, I disagree with why he think that happens. I don't think it's because of outside issues, but for the same reason I think homosexuality exists -- to much estrogen or testrogen, depending on your gender.

And Lobelia, if you think he was flaming, why did you flame back? Fighting fire with fire only causes more buildings to burn down.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Dude, you often times wear a vest.
I wear a vest >_>

And @ The argument I believe that Lavis presented why he thought what he thought pretty well originally, and Lobella just attacked it by being close minded.

However take it to PMs or join up for the debate hall, don't flame each other afterwards like 12 year olds.

Faora Meridian

Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Decided to just make a whole new post on the next page to be through the ****storm.

Your opinion is wrong because it's wrong, but nice job going straight to personal attacks there, bucko.
I've met dozens upon dozens of people who have no particular preference when it comes to sexual attraction. If it's pretty, it's doable. Bisexuality exists, and those who think otherwise are typically very close-minded and uneducated individuals who are mentally uncapable(or simply undesiring) to see in shades of gray as opposed to rigid extremes.
Chillz. *offers Lolo a tray of ice cubes* Please. No need to be so hostile. If someone's attacked you, does it make it right for you to attack back? It may be satisfying and feel right, but there are always other avenues to allay further assault. So chillz, please.

EDITED ADDITION: 'Your opinion is wrong because it's wrong." EPIC FAIL, Lolo. You're better than that. You have lowered yourself by sinking to such a stupid phrase, and I feel sorry for you for speaking it.

I sincerely do not agree with bisexuality; you are either one or the other.

Claiming bisexuality is stating the obvious; most of the people on here have had confusing thoughts, but that is just the nature of the beast. The reason why that feeling goes on for so long comes from many things, the most popular being:

-A dysfunctional family

-appaling appearance


-two moms/two dads




You can't like both sexes equally. You WILL always favor one over the other, no matter how often you may deny it up and down. Sure you can take it in the rear and still love the kitty cat, but chances are good that you are compensating for a lack of self-esteem to whatever sex you truly desire, and so instead of settling with being lonely, you sleep with the same sex or opposing, depending on where your true intents lie.

My two cents.
I would like to respectfully disagree. I am gay, though for a long time yes, my claiming bisexuality was a lack of full understanding of myself. However, I can't speak for everyone, and I don't claim to. I do claim to know, however, a group of people who I care about and know intimately. Each and every one of them is bisexual, with no inherent preference between male or female partners.

Firstly, I would put forth that your claims are misinformed at best, and a little narrow-minded at worst. It is simple to 'blame' sexual deviation on different 'problems', such as a desperate virgin, or a dysfunctional family, or whatnot. Many people, as you have been able to see in this thread, have shown you that such claims can draw some serious ire. You may want to be more careful with your words if you continue to post here.

See, this is where I have issues with people like YOU.

Instead of acknowledging how others perceive things, you ASSUME they have to share YOUR way of thought for something to be acceptable.

You personally attacked me first bro, Not vice versa. My opinion wasn't inspired by hate, nor was it close-minded thinking. The reasonings I listed ARE REAL REASONS BASED FROM THE FACTS OF "BI-SEXUAL" PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN, AND THE THINGS LISTED BEING THE ACTUAL THING THAT MADE THEM THAT WAY.

Just because you don't want to hear it is irrelavent. Just because it does not fit in with your own BELIEFS is irrelavent. The things I listed WERE, and I emphasize so greatly in dire hopes that even SPARTA can sympathesize, WERE the ACTUAL reasons for their bi-sexuality.

They sort of grew into it by outside powers. I knew 20 guys, and 4 girls who were direct examples of this. That is 24 out of 24 bisexual people I have personally interacted with who openly ADMITTED to this.

It is with this I believe Bi-sexuality is not something you grow into, but are sort of flung into by outside forces.

How are you going to sit there and tell me my opinion is wrong because you don't agree with it? I could honestly care less if you see yourself or someone else as the "exception," because frankly? I acknowledge that some people may be like that. The thing is though, out of EVERY bi-sexual person I have communed with, at least one, sometimes more, of those reasons I listed? WERE the reasons they turned to bi-sexuality.

So don't you sit there and tell me I am close minded for stating my own findings. The only close minded individual I see here bud is the guy who jumped the gun to bite MY head off because you went and assumed things of me.

This conversation is over. I don't want to hear anything you have to say anymore. You pissed me off.

@meno: it's done. Don't worry about it.
No personal jabs. That lowers you to a common troll, and I believe that from the way you've posted, you're capable of calm, rational debate. You're lowering and insulting nad humiliating yourself with that first line there.

I personally would like to hear more of your thoughts, while I disagree with them. Your thoughts and feelings on the matter are of interest to me, as I believe I may be able to also give you something to think about yourself. But if you're done with the thread, I won't try to pull you back into it.

Hm. A long, drawn-out flame. How very graceful.
I guess that's what I get for responding to intentionally antagonistic posts. Then again, I'm not well-liked by the people in this thread anyways, so I really should have thought about it before I stated facts in front of a gaggle of people, ninety percent of whom hate me. I wouldn't be met with consensus no matter how true my statements were(and they were).
That's what you get to responding to harsh words with harsher words. You're equally guilty here, and you've no right to be upset if you're going to flame back at a flame. It only makes me want to starve both parties of oxygen to snuff the fire.

I don't know anyone in this thread, furthermore, that doesn't like or hates you. I certainly don't, even though my words right now could be perceived as harsh against you. But I'm striving for calm, and if you don't want a mediator, too bad. It's what I do, heh heh. I don't like a fight unless I'm in the middle, striving for logical, rational thought.

I also think, Lobellia, that the thread would be diminished with your absense. I ask you to reconsider leaving as well, but again, I've no expectations.

Sorry guys, but the bisexual is siding with Lavis here.

Just like there will NEVER be a true black and white area with human sexuality, there will never be that perfect shade of gray. I'm a little inclined towards males, but I still like females.

But, I disagree with why he think that happens. I don't think it's because of outside issues, but for the same reason I think homosexuality exists -- to much estrogen or testrogen, depending on your gender.

And Lobelia, if you think he was flaming, why did you flame back? Fighting fire with fire only causes more buildings to burn down.
I would like to actually disagree. I don't believe personally that there is really anything BUT a gray area. Human beings are extreme, certainly, but personality and sexuality very rarely extends to the very ends of the spectrum, the blacks and whites of sexuality.

I do also disagree with the reasons, heh heh, cause I like being an argument foil, heh heh, but I've already explained myself in that regard, and would do so in greater detail if the debate continues, rationally.

Right now though, I wonder if this will continue. I think it can, as long as all parties are polite and treat each other with respect.

This is the internet.
This is a forum.
The other person on the other side of the screen IS a human being.

Addendum: Skylar, kudos for not rising to anger as well. Good mate.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2008
Viernheim, Germany
I sincerely do not agree with bisexuality; you are either one or the other.

Claiming bisexuality is stating the obvious; most of the people on here have had confusing thoughts, but that is just the nature of the beast. The reason why that feeling goes on for so long comes from many things, the most popular being:

-A dysfunctional family

-appaling appearance


-two moms/two dads




You can't like both sexes equally. You WILL always favor one over the other, no matter how often you may deny it up and down. Sure you can take it in the rear and still love the kitty cat, but chances are good that you are compensating for a lack of self-esteem to whatever sex you truly desire, and so instead of settling with being lonely, you sleep with the same sex or opposing, depending on where your true intents lie.

My two cents.

I completly disagree.
Simple reason: We have a complet different sight.
Theme is: Being Bi.
And to me you're only talking about the sex stuff of being Bi.
Quote: "Sure you can take it in the rear and still love the kitty cat, but..."

When I think about "Bi". I think about LOVE.
And when it comes to love, gender doen't matter. And I think a true Bi will not care if the sex might feel better with the one or other.
Doesn't it feel the best with the person you love after all?
So it simpely doesn't matter.

Maybe you think Sex has nothing with love to do, I don't know.
To me, it does. I lot. I would only have that with someone that I love.
So it can be so, ifthe person is open hearted and searches for the right HEART and not for the right 'rear end' or 'kitty cat'.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
I think Faora pretty much summed up everything, so congrats to that. If someone can be exactly half and half, probably not. But close enough that in reality, preferance is equal.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2008
Viernheim, Germany
Hm. A long, drawn-out flame. How very graceful.
I guess that's what I get for responding to intentionally antagonistic posts. Then again, I'm not well-liked by the people in this thread anyways, so I really should have thought about it before I stated facts in front of a gaggle of people, ninety percent of whom hate me. I wouldn't be met with consensus no matter how true my statements were(and they were).
Don't let stuff like this get you down.
I can only speak for myself, but I think your a very nice person.
Also it takes courage to talk open about such things.
Be proud of yourself, and proud of the great person you are.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
Okay, okay. Enough of this discussion. There's a little place called "The Debate Hall" and a thread you can make called "Does bisexuality exist" if you want to continue.

Anyways, after approval from a few of you (and thanks for previewing it guys), I present now for all to enjoy...

The Top Ten Reasons Why Yoshi Is the Gayest Videogame Character Ever

10. The girls love him. We all have our girl friends that will deign a few rounds of Mario Party with us. Who do they always pick? Yoshi. We can draw a similar parallel between universal female acclaim for the green dinosaur and gays in general. Girls think that both are adorable.

9. He’s fashionable. Seriously, who else would be able to pull off those awesome brown boots he wears? And also have nothing else on at the same time? Dude’s got style.

8. He keeps in shape. How does the little dino keep so thin, even after eating so much? Simple. Like most gays, Yoshi is a gym addict. This also explains how he is also able to lug a certain overweight plumber around so often.

7. He’s upbeat. Like most gays, Yoshi is also very friendly and optimistic. There are few things that could dispirit the dude. The only possible thing is taking away his food.

6. Great interior designer. Remember his house from Super Mario World. It was a freakin’ apple tree. Not too many straights could pull that one off. It even had a blue mailbox and a chimney for crying out loud. More posh than Peach’s castle, for sure.

5. Androgyny. Yoshi is the videogame equivalent of David Bowie. As Solid Snake and Otacon so nicely pointed out, he lays eggs. He is also not a seahorse. Which brings me to...

4. Birdo. As we all know from the Super Mario Bros. 2 manual, Birdo is in fact a male. This makes Birdo, in essence, a transvestite. Yoshi has previously been linked to Birdo in what could be seen in some kind of romance (see Mario Tennis 64 title screen). Note: I’m not saying only gays are attracted to transvestites, they are just more open to the idea in general.

3. His favorite food? Fruit. ‘Nuff said.

2. So many colors. Yoshi’s family comes in all the colors of the rainbow. The gays also use a rainbow flag as their international sign. If all the Yoshis gather you won’t be able to tell if you’re in the middle of a stampede or a pride parade.


Come on, he’s just sooooo flamboyant and cute not to be gay. :)


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
I actually laughed at six. I'm glad that list was in very good taste.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
4. Birdo. As we all know from the Super Mario Bros. 2 manual, Birdo is in fact a male. This makes Birdo, in essence, a transvestite. Yoshi has previously been linked to Birdo in what could be seen in some kind of romance (see Mario Tennis 64 title screen). Note: I’m not saying only gays are attracted to transvestites, they are just more open to the idea in general.
Doesn't the Super Mario Bros. 2 manual say Birdo is a transsexual? There is a difference.

I know you were trying to lighten up the topic, but I just have to point that out.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've know each other for so long
Your heart's been aching
But you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Repeat Chorus)
Give you up, give you up
Give you up, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
(Last four lines repeat)
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
(Chorus times three)

Look! I can do it to.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2008
Viernheim, Germany
Doesn't the Super Mario Bros. 2 manual say Birdo is a transsexual? There is a difference.

I know you were trying to lighten up the topic, but I just have to point that out.
He's male, pink and has a freaking ribbon on the head.

I would say that it is kinda obvious.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
one of us missed an important anatomy lesson... was it me? or is this just wrong... funny wrong... but wrong.

And Lobelia, if you think he was flaming, why did you flame back? Fighting fire with fire only causes more buildings to burn down.
And killer barbacues.

But seriously as for the whole bisexual issue. If gays can get angry when the average straight person doesn't understand them (since they AREN'T homosexuals themselves). Well then... doesn;t it stand to reason that being gay doesn't qualify anyone any more to judge bisexuals? (After all, they aren't BISEXUAL themselves, they're gay)

That having been said, some "Bi's" I know are honestly just gay but they might just not have admitted it to themselves yet. In which case... why aren't you being supporting them instead of judging them? <_<

but, from all I've ever been told about homosexuality from anyone bi or gay is that it's more a continuum than anything else... you might be straight (i.e. like... 5% gay or less... 5-10 is pushing it) you might be gay (90% gay or more) anything else is bisexual really isn't it? I mean... granted that 45%-55% area is the sweetpot you want to aim for to be TOTALLY bisexual... but really it's just a matter of what you define as "Bisexual" at this point
score one for shy guys of the world everywhere.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 28, 2007
Rock Island
Oh bisexuality...it really does throw people for a loop sometimes. I've yet to meet a bisexual that wasn't pretty much dead split in terms of attractions and have a generally healthy life up to that point, but hey, I love ambiguity in sex and gender. That's why I think Queer Theory freakin' rocks.

It really makes my day when people can't decide whether I'm a male or a female. That actually happened at work today. Got called a ma'am a few times. Hehe.

I don't think my boss knows how to deal with me. I'm all about a camp sense of humor.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Lol I have really long hair and get called a girl both on purpose and by accident every day in school.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 28, 2007
Rock Island
I actually have short hair now, which is the funny part. I think overall I give off very androgynous vibes in a variety of ways. My face can go either way but can't play the extremes. My mannerisms are extreme in both ends of the spectrum. I like to walk around as an enigma. Yay!


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I work with a trans-something.

His name is Matt, but he dresses like a manly girl-- if that makes any sense. (Jeans, and a girl's t-shirt. Nothing too girly, like skirts, halters, tube tops, etc.) He talks in a very high voice, wears lady's jewelry, and I sometimes catch him wearing curlers in his shoulder length hair if I'm early to work. Its really funny hearing him talk in his girly voice, and then hearing him laugh in his man voice.

Apparently he doesn't like men, but he's trying to be (just dressing like?) a woman, yet he's offended if you call him a her... I honestly don't talk to him in fear of not getting my facts straight. I'm also pretty sure he's not getting a sex change. I should just ask him one day.
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