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Left 4 Dead Series (New DLC planned!)


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Agreed Crimson.

Finally got the game a week ago, loving every ounce of it. God the rooftop level is insane on expert... o_0

If anyone wants to play me online my steam name is Werekill.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
The problem with Boomers? No one uses them right. The trick with a boomer is that everyone it hits, it blinds AND marks. Hunters should WAIT for that and attack the blinded ones, while the smoker grabs another. Now you have two horribly incapacitated people and two people fighting off a massive horde. A++!
The biggest mistake I see people making is hugging walls as a Boomer. The skin clips through the wall and gives away your position and since a lot of walls can be shot through the odds are someone will try to shoot when they see it.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Helpful Boomer hint: If you type 'explode' in console, you, well, explode...onto anyone who happens to be near you.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
"Kill" does that also. If you type 'bind x "explode"' [where x is whatever key you want it to be] in the console you can explode by pressing that one button, that way you don't have to open the console and put it in every time you need to explode.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Is this one of those videos where nothing happens and then something pops up screaming? If it is, I don't handle well with those. (Yes, L4D is a weird choice for me, but the more realistic something is, the less afraid I am of it, and Zombies are easily something that can turn real, Besides, there is sometimes a heads up warning, right? )

Gory snake

Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2006
Shadow Moses
Nope, its ok, I laughed at the ending, but only for the music. Left 4 Bed was hilarious though. I tried getting this game but was turned away for not being 18, embarassingly enough. Good thing I suppose, dont have Xbox Live and Fable 2 is amazing.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I thought M rated games requires 17 and older? anyway, after seeing a video, it's not really scary (bloody, yes, but gorey, not really either, Profanities, well, **** is banned from television)

Question: Is there any real story linking the acts together, or is each one like a different version of a zombie movie with the same characters?


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Question: Is there any real story linking the acts together, or is each one like a different version of a zombie movie with the same characters?
Its just the same characters different scenarios i think. No Mercy seems to be the most "canonical" campaign and the rest are just for the Lulz.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Okay... Well, being somewhat of a city person, it might be my favorite (again, I am a city person)


Smash Rookie
Dec 5, 2008
Anyone playing it for 360?

I have to because as a fervent Halo 2 player back in the day, I must stick with the HARDCORE ANALOG STICK OF DIFFICULTY.


I dont care if I get paired up with randoms over live, I mean, you can easily just go to a forum(right here) and get a crew together to play with.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I played it both on the Xbox360 at a friends house, and me and that same friend played it on the PC on saturday last week. I can say the PC is the only version you should play. Dual Anolog sticks don't fit in a place like L4D. the anolog sticks are slow but the Right and Left triggers kinda counter this.


Smash Rookie
Dec 5, 2008
I played it both on the Xbox360 at a friends house, and me and that same friend played it on the PC on saturday last week. I can say the PC is the only version you should play. Dual Anolog sticks don't fit in a place like L4D. the anolog sticks are slow but the Right and Left triggers kinda counter this.
Thanks for the tip.

Although, im gonna have to analog it up on this one.



Smash Rookie
Dec 5, 2008
Get The Game!!!

Yo My Fellow Left 4 Deaders Zombie Killing Is Not Only Cool It Rocks!!! If You Arent Wailing While You"re Killing Them You Know Youre Not Friggin Pumped Enough. So If You Have The Game Start Wailing And If You Dont Have The Game You Should Go And Wet Yourself.

This Is My First Post So I Hope I Havent Insulted Anyone. Btw I Play On The Pc Biatches!


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Welcome to the boards, Painronamic. A few things:

a) Don't post in all caps.
b) If you're going to post in all caps, don't use the shift key.
c) Welcome to the boards. Again.

And I'm of the persuasion that the PC version is the only platform that Valve games should be played on. I mean, they're great developers and the 360/PS3/etc version will be playable...but it was truly tailored for the PC.

Also, 2 patches in 2 days; not a god **** thing about smokers suckin' less. :-(


Also: the 4 movies were originally intended to be one large storyline, with No Mercy being the first one, then Death Toll, etc. During testing, though, they found that people were left feeling unsatisfied if they survived No Mercy only to have the same thing happen 3 more times.

I personally think that's a crock and would have preferred to have one long storyline. Also, and this is just dumb on my part, I would like for a tad more character depth. Even TF2 has depth.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Single player is god awful, though. I had a game where the computer was my partners, and ****, it sucked. First, they will only follow you, and second, they won't really protect themselves, so you have to babysit them.

The Witch

Smash Rookie
Dec 6, 2008
No Mercy
I've got it for xbox live, and I love this game. I enjoy being a Smoker more than any of the other infected classes.

Is there any way to play more than those two campaigns online? No Mercy and the forest one... I'm getting pretty tired of the same two levels.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I LOVE Bloody Harvest, but of all, Death Toll is my favorite level.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
I'm buying the 4 pack from Steam soon, but unfortunately some of my friends' comps aren't powerful enough to run this game...anyone know if this game can run on a Windows emulator on Mac?


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I personally don't know.

Say, what do you guys think of the weapons and how they rate against each other, so I know which gun to reach for.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
@ The Witch: Welcome to the boards. :-D

Yes, there are ways to play the other campaigns in Vs. I'm unsure of how (I lost the link my friend sent me), but it can be done. I think if you Google it it'd come up.

And you LIKE the smoker? Wow. Good for you...I absolutely cannot stand playing the smoker.

@ Black Waltz: It depends on what kind of emulation you're talking about. You might wanna take that over to the computer part of the forums and ask for help there.

@ Charizard92: IMO, the shotty is the best weapon out there at either tier, and the sniper rifle is the worst. Seriously, that rifle is awful.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Colt M1911/Dual M1911: The Pistol never runs out of ammo. With its .45 bullet, its sure to make some melons pop. Get another pistol to double the fire power. Only weapons available during your last stand.

Uzi SMG: The basic automatic weapon in the game. 50 Round clip with 480 extra rounds. Fast and great in short to medium distances.

M16 Assault Rifle: The 2nd auto weapon. It boast a 50 round clip with 350 extra rounds. Accurate and fast enough to almost be a portable mini gun turret.

Yea i kinda only use those 3 weapons. Shotgun and Sniper are horrible with me. I dunno why but the shot gun ins L4D don't feel like shot guns from other games.

smash superstar

Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2005
Taylorville, IL
This game made me so mad just because it says left "4" dead yet there is no "4" player offline coop

I dont care if frame rate would of dropped and what not it would of still be a blast.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I find myself using the M16 and crouch sniping [one direct headshot blows off their heads], so often I run and stop to crouch and fire instead of standing and firing.

As it is now, Sniper rifles are pretty worthless, sure they pierce everything and kill just about every zombie with one shot but when your team is getting mobbed you can't do jack, I usually pick it up if the weapon table is in an area with lots of zombies in an open area but when I'm done I pick up something else.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I find myself using the M16 and crouch sniping [one direct headshot blows off their heads], so often I run and stop to crouch and fire instead of standing and firing.

As it is now, Sniper rifles are pretty worthless, sure they pierce everything and kill just about every zombie with one shot but when your team is getting mobbed you can't do jack, I usually pick it up if the weapon table is in an area with lots of zombies in an open area but when I'm done I pick up something else.
Odd, I would have actually picked up the sniper rifle due to the sniping ability (zombies can't kill you if you hit them that far) and it might help with tanks (which, if you think about it, is always a plus), but if the M16 can do the same thing (at lower range) and is much more effective, maybe I should pick that up.

Then again, with the buddy system rule, you can always team up a sniper and a M16 to take out the front (and two shotguns to take up the rear)

Say, has anyone actually calculated how much damage each gun does to a zombie, and maybe you can put some stats on the reliability on the guns.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Odd, I would have actually picked up the sniper rifle due to the sniping ability (zombies can't kill you if you hit them that far) and it might help with tanks (which, if you think about it, is always a plus), but if the M16 can do the same thing (at lower range) and is much more effective, maybe I should pick that up.

Then again, with the buddy system rule, you can always team up a sniper and a M16 to take out the front (and two shotguns to take up the rear)

Say, has anyone actually calculated how much damage each gun does to a zombie, and maybe you can put some stats on the reliability on the guns.
You don't have time to snipe when there are 20 zombies running at you from all sides.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Oh, ok, that explains that. Lesson of the story: "Unless you can find a way to do so, skip the rifle (unless there's a tank in the room)" It seems that the Rifle goes by the same philosophy as a glass cannon (In Pokemon, it's a Pokemon that has extremely high attack stat and low defense, used to annihilate an opponent before they annihilate you). Left 4 Dead is based on YOUR Survival, not dealing a lot of damage, so unless you need that power and range (in which there are two good occasions, witches and tanks), skip it (unless you want too).


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Interesting thing about the sniper rifle: the bullets go through walls/zombies/etc much more easily than the other bullets.

Just throwing that out there as one of the (extraordinarily) few pluses to the rifle.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Thing about the Sniper rifle. If your going to use it, be sure that your proficient with the dual pistols. CPU Zoey is a main example. She only uses the dual pistol and Sniper.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Let's see, here is an apparent Pros and cons list of the sniper rifle:

+fast reload
+High power
+can pierce zombies (allowing to destroy a line)

-low rate of fire
-low amount of ammo

The low rate of fire might actually be it's biggest flaw, namely because this raises problems when a horde comes at you/your buddy/AI. I've seen videos of people using the rifle, and they typically tell people to wait so they can fire, and also they have to throw in a melee attack before shooting.
What this means is that it requires you to have someone with a machine gun or shot gun on hand nearby in case of a horde, and as Darkslash says, you have to be good with the dual pistol.

Please add to this.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
@ Charizard92:

The zoom isn't that big of a plus, really. Or at least, I've never seen it as a 'this is useful' thing...just more of an 'alright, I may use this one per movie or so' type deal.

'Fast reload...' I don't get what you mean. It reloads quickly, sure, but so do all the other weapons (and the shotty can fire without reloading a full clip, meaning if you're smart about it, you NEVER have to reload a full clip).

High power, accurate and piercing zombies are all valid points, definitely.

I'm not sure that the rate of fire is slower than most, either. I mean, compared to the automatic, sure it is, but I think it's about the same rate as the auto-shotty.

It's not that the sniper rifle's a bad weapon, it's just that it's a 'meh' weapon; the shotty is a shot of pure destruction in whatever general direction you're shooting and the assault rifle fires quickly and accurately. The sniper just looks to be the middle ground...that not good middle ground. :-(


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
OK, when you need to reload ammo, it goes by clip, so it happens rather quickly (changing clip [most guns have this positive, except the shot guns, which you have to load each shot one by one]).

It has a slow rate of fire compared to the other two guns found on the same table.

Oh, and deciding to look around on GameFAQ and such, I found this:
You might want to read up on the Sniper rifle section (of course, the assault rifle is the best weapon, duh)

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I just had the most awesome match in versus. It was the No Mercy finale and I was on the team with Survivors, we did pretty well and killed one Tank and only had the other one to kill in order to win so we stood on the roof and looked around for him and saw him coming from the left side. I had a trap for him, it was a propane canister wedged inbetween the two pipes that lead the to small roof on the right side and I waited there. The tank came up and punched on guy towards me turned around, punched another guy clear off the roof and kill him and the last guy ran away so the tank came for me. Just as he comes up I realize I can't shoot it unless I stand really close but it was too late so I shot it just as the tank took a swing at me. I flew off that part of the roof and landed on the lowest part, the part to the right lower than the ramp and the Helipad and the punch, explosion and the fall incapped me. The one of the two remaining guys ran up to me and picked me up and just before he picked me up the tank knocked the other guy off the roof [killed him] and a boomer vomited on us. He tried to pick me up before the tank and the mob came and as soon as I got up the tank punched him off the roof and I backpedaled into a mob and the tank finished me off.

When it was our turn to be the Infected my whole team went to the roof [the part where they come out of the ladder], I was a Boomer and we had two hunters. One survivor came out, got pounced, another came out, got pounced and when the third came up I ran out and vomited on three of them, one guy managed to get free from a hunter and the other got incapped. Just when the forth guy came out someone shot me and I blew up, pushing two of them off the building and incapping them. I'm not sure what happened after that but I think a smoker pulled the last man standing off the roof and I respawned as a hunter and killed the 2 guys hanging off the roof.

There was another one like that on the 4th map of No Mercy after the elevator where I pulled someone off the roof as a Smoker [that only counts as an incap and they just dangle] and when two other survivors came to help him up a Hunter Pounced one of them and pushed him off the roof [incap]. The last guy got killed by our tank but I have to say, that was pretty awesome.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
@ Charizard92: No no, I understood what you meant by it in the literal sense, I'm just not sure why it's considered faster than the others, since the assault rifle loads just as quickly (IIRC) and the shotty doesn't have to load the whole way through (which I guess could be seen as a bad thing, but I view it as more of a plus).


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
^ I Didn't mean faster, I mean it just reloads fast. Also,when you load one by ****ing one, horde can keep you at 0 until you can get the time to reload.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

Also, unless you're horribly inaccurate or have ****ed yourself into an incredibly bad position, one shotgun shell should buy you enough time to fill up at LEAST one more.
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