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League of Legends


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
oh? you know what GA ***** at?

Closing down nonsense threads.

Where that Pervatasaurus at?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia

We do close nonsense threads, but this one's just gunna go to social, i'm sure people want to talk about LoL


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
there are a bunch of smashers on LoL actually. I have a FList of like 10 people that are people i know from Smash Boards.

Ill add you guys

Deleted member

my main is taylorhj
but my smurf is mew2king.
you jealous?
i hope he never decides to play or ill have to just give him the account.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
HON is so harsh, every second counts too much, and your whole team's economy can get ***** for your 1 ignorant mistake->slippery slope.

Never got to play LOL. What do you mean by more teamplay?

In reference to HON "not being as much about teamplay" (=more about solo play?) I know in HON carries can get out of control, but it's always a product [punishment] for your teams mistake. It's always preventable by pushing 5v4 as a team before that happens, or ganking as a team.

What happens in LOL if one of your teammates keeps feeding?? I'm guessing no one person can get too out of hand despite them getting fed?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
my little brother plays this, i'll try to hook him up with you guys who are a lot older than him


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
HON is so harsh, every second counts too much, and your whole team's economy can get ***** for your 1 ignorant mistake->slippery slope.

Never got to play LOL. What do you mean by more teamplay?

In reference to HON "not being as much about teamplay" (=more about solo play?) I know in HON carries can get out of control, but it's always a product [punishment] for your teams mistake. It's always preventable by pushing 5v4 as a team before that happens, or ganking as a team.

What happens in LOL if one of your teammates keeps feeding?? I'm guessing no one person can get too out of hand despite them getting fed?
There are no heros who are unstoppable even when fed but that being said with excellent teamwork its pretty much game deciding if one team gets up 10-0 in kills early game. Some heros are hella hard to deal with though (Kog Maw, Ashe, Tristana, pretty much any ranged dps with an escape mechanism because they can get in and get out quickly without dying) Gear can pretty much counter any physical carry but AP hero can be hard to deal with if built correctly and fed early. The biggest problem with feeders is they suck at the game normally and all they do is hurt the team in team fights too. so its pretty much 4v5 with the 5 having a fed hero. But if you played DoTA or HoN or LoL you know how it is. You would rather have them just leave the game then have them on your team.

But I will say its insanely hard to win a game in LoL 4v5. Ive done it maybe 3 times out of 1000 total matches. (probably about 75 or more with leavers)

My old Roommate plays HoN and ive seen him play HoN Sven and wreck entire teams lol. 1v5 was pretty disgusting to watch. He also dropped towers in like 5 swings. Closest thing to that ive seen in LoL was me playing Nunu and i had 900 AP with a lich bane (covers AP in to Melee dmg plus some other stuff) and I hit towers for 1k and my Ultimate fully charged did 3k dmg to everything in it. I finished with two pentakills (cause i caught the whole team in my ult twice) and 37-2-10 record. I was solo mid vs Twitch (a stealth champ) and wrecked him early.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
LoL to HoN is like Brawl to Melee.

HoN has 5-10 game defining aspects that aren't even present in LoL similar to many global melee techs not being in brawl


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
LoL to HoN is like Brawl to Melee.

HoN has 5-10 game defining aspects that aren't even present in LoL similar to many global melee techs not being in brawl
thats def a horrible comparison. LoL has some game defining aspects that HoN doesn't have too. Its like this because LoL actually tries to be different than DoTA where HoN embraces the fact that it is practically a DoTA clone. SC2 will eventually have its own DoTA and will probably kill both games. or just HoN since it is pretty DoTA


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2009
Toronto, Canada
I don't think there will be an SC2 Dota. Imo

HoN is the ****. LoL... never played it but from the vids I've seen and the stuff I've heard it doesn't sound or look as good as HoN :X


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
i play, but not often
trynd was my main, have like 1500 kills on him
but...against smart teams you really don't get to play your character till laning phase is done. and you don't contribute a whole lot to team fights, basically he's bad.

then i was playing udyr, he's pretty fun, but best built as a tank/sturdy champ (as with all melee, sigh)

alistar is pretty faceroll so i can play him too (flash pop push lolz gj tank)

but really liking morde

i don't play often, namely because normal games are full of morons, and nobody knows how to build a team properly (mine and the opponents, so even when we win i take no satisfaction in it)

and ranked games are full of *******, but everyones a tank, and very verbal about their ***********, so neither is fun.

that's solo queue at least.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN (east Pa during summer)
i play, but not often
trynd was my main, have like 1500 kills on him
but...against smart teams you really don't get to play your character till laning phase is done. and you don't contribute a whole lot to team fights, basically he's bad.

then i was playing udyr, he's pretty fun, but best built as a tank/sturdy champ (as with all melee, sigh)

alistar is pretty faceroll so i can play him too (flash pop push lolz gj tank)

but really liking morde

i don't play often, namely because normal games are full of morons, and nobody knows how to build a team properly (mine and the opponents, so even when we win i take no satisfaction in it)

and ranked games are full of *******, but everyones a tank, and very verbal about their ***********, so neither is fun.

that's solo queue at least.
This is KO on Yoshi's account. I really like playing Tryn. He also uses the same rune page as my Gangplank lol. Hes not as bad *** you think and at 6 he can tower dive like a champ. But yeah more often than not Ranked Solo is full of morons and i dont see how people get so highly ranked in that.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
im actually part of a pretty decent Clan. Titans of Gaming. You guys should check it out. Titansofgaming.com

we are all pretty good at the game. Just dont play with me when im drunk. Im awful then and play only sunfire Eve...
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